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How to clean the tile at home - means and methods. How to clean the tile in the bathroom. How to clean the tile in the kitchen

How to clean the tile at home - means and methods. How to clean the tile in the bathroom. How to clean the tile in the kitchen
How to clean the tile at home with the help of household chemicals and folk remedies. Ways to clean the tile in the bathroom, in the kitchen from plaque, fat, glue, sealant, mold, rust, cement, silicone, primer.

Over time, even the most expensive tile loses its appearance and needs cleaning. Especially often cleaning the tile is required in rooms with elevated humidity, such as in the bathroom and bathroom, as well as in the kitchen. Next, consider the most convenient and simple ways, how to clean the tile at home with the help of household chemicals and folk remedies.

How to clean a black tile in the bathroom

The tile in the bathroom is constantly prone to pollution. Contact with water and detergent, permanent humidity causes the contamination of the tile with a lime column, the mold appears in the seams between the tile, shine is lost. In order to prevent this, a permanent care is needed behind the tile in the bathroom.

What means to clean the tile in the bathroom

In modern supermarkets, dozens of various detergents are available, which differ not only by manufacturers, but also composition. To make the right choice, you need to know the rules for cleaning the tile:

  • If you make a choice between dry and liquid detergents, it is better to give preference to the last. Liquid and creamy funds do not spoil the top layer of glaze, which betrays the shine. Dry mixes contain abrasive particles, which leave scratches on the surface of the tile.
  • Good results show detergents that contain chlorine. Despite the not quite pleasant smell, chlorine-containing solutions not only clean the surface of the tile, but also disinfect it, warning the appearance of fungus or mold.
  • If you need to clean the bathroom in the bathroom urgently, and the cafeterial care products did not turn out, you can use means for washing windows. It contains in its composition the ammonious alcohol, which perfectly cleans the tile from pollution and relieve mold.

How to Clean the tile in the bath folk remedies

Some hosts do not use industrial tile care. The main reason for this is the presence of an allergic reaction to some of their components, as well as the fear of applying household chemicals in the apartment. There are several methods for cleaning the tile without the use of industrial funds:

  • Vinegar table. Vinegar is guaranteed to eat every mistress. It can perfectly clean the tile from a limescale. It is poured into the sprayer without adding water. Important: You can use only a 6% vinegar solution. If there is a acetic essence with a substance content of 80%, then it is necessary to breed it with water in proportion 1:11. Vinegar sprinkles on the surface of the tile and cleans the brush. It is better not to use brushes with color bristles. They can paint the surface into another color. If there are strong contaminants, after spraying the vinegar, it is necessary to give the cafél to stand for 30-40 minutes so that acetic acid can dissolve pollution, and then cleaned the brush. After the end of processing the tile is washed off with water and wipes dry. Ragged for wiping the tile is better to buy from microfiber. They absorb moisture very well and do not leave divorces. In addition to the removal of dirt spots, vinegar has both bactericidal properties, which allows you to clean the tile from mold.
  • Consider how to clean the tile from rust by folk methods. This requires citric acid. Unlike vinegar, citric acid does not have a sharp smell, which for some owners is preferable. It is necessary to take a pinch of citric acid, pour it into a wet sponge and graze the surface of the tile, after which it was washed off with water and wipe dry with a rag.

How to clean the tile in the bathroom after repair

The strongest contaminants of the tile occur during repair work. The remnants of glue on the tile, sealant, grouting, primer, silicone for sealing pipe connections or slots between the bathroom and the wall, cement and other building materials can spoil the appearance of the tile. Timely cleaning of the surface from them will retain the surface for a long time.

The rules and methods of cleaning are as follows:

  1. How to clean the tile from tile glue. Spots from the tile glue appear on the surface of the tile with an inaccier styling of the tile. Clean them tediously after laying, without giving glue to dry. This can be done with a rag moistened in water or soap solution. To eliminate old spots, you can use a solvent, vinegar or other means. It is not recommended to rub tile with hard brushes. Adhesive although it will be cleaned, but the surface of the tile will be spoiled. The same applies to the process of cleaning the tile from cement. True, it is worth noting that the dried cement can be carefully removed with a spatula, and its residues moisten with water and wipe.
  2. How to clean the tile from the grout. The seam rubble is used to seal the gap between the tiles and in decorative purposes. The residues of the grouts need to be simply wiped with a damp cloth without adding any chemicals. Do it need it immediately after applying.
  3. What to clean the tile from the primer. The stains from the primer are smelted by the same primer, after which they are washed off with a wet rag.
  4. How to clean the tel seams. Over time, mushroom can appear on the seam seams. This occurs due to the stagnation of moisture, especially this applies to the flooring. The seams are treated with a solution of vinegar and gently remove the upper layer of grouts with knife or sandpaper. After that, you can fasten the seams again.
  5. How to clean the tile from the sealant. The method of removing silicone sealant depends on the operation time. Freckled sealant can be simply washed with a rag with a soap solution. If the defect was noticed when he is already frozen, the process will be a little more difficult. Remove the frozen sealant can be in two ways:

  • mechanical. For this, it is gently scraped with a sharp knife or spatula. It is necessary to do it very carefully so as not to damage the glaze;
  • chemical. This uses a conventional solvent. It is gently applied only for sealant. After a few minutes it will soften and it can be washed with soapy.

How to clean the tile in the kitchen. How to clean the tile from fat folk methods

As you know, oily drops can fall as a result of cooking on the tile. Clear the old tile from the fatty five can be in various ways, among which the following recipes are considered to be the most effective:

  • One of the proven tools for cleaning the tile is soda. Soda, in fact, is weak alkali. Consequently, with her, it is possible not only to clean the tile, but also neutralize unpleasant odors. For cleaning with soda, there are two basic methods. For example, you can simply sprinkle the tile of soda and to remove the resulting flare with a slightly wetted cotton cloth after about 15-20 minutes. In addition, you can pour a cooked soda solution into a sprayer and spray on the tile. Next, the food soda is washed off with a damp kitchen sponge.

  • Consider another way how to clean the tile from a fatty salt. So, to clean the tile salt, you need to take a large table salt, thickly pour it onto a kitchen sponge, moistened in hot soapy water, then gently wipe the contaminated areas on the tile. A fatty flare can accumulate on the sponge in the process of cleaning, so it should be rinsed periodically in water.
  • Ceramic tile can be cleaned with another means. This requires ½ part of lemon. Solo citrus wipe the surface of the tile. Lemon acid will contribute to the splitting of a fatty fly, which later in a few minutes can easily be removed by the usual kitchen sponge, moistened in soapy water.

How to clean the tile from fat using household chemicals

In the modern market of household chemicals, there are many funds intended for effective removal of oily spots from the surface of the tile. Each of them varies with its chemical composition. In addition, there are very strong and aggressive chemicals that are capable of fighting even with the most complex and solar stains. It is worth saying that before purchasing this or that means should be familiar with its composition. If your tile is not too big on your tile, then you should not use high-intensity tools, because they can damage the surface of the tile.

Some of the most popular household chemicals for cleaning tiles are the following brands:

  • "Mister Muscle".
  • "Silit Beng".
  • "Shumanit".
  • Santri.

How to clean the tile on the floor

Clear tiles on the floor can be used using the following recipes:

  • Soap solution. This agent is perfect for permanent care of the tile. However, it does not suit if on the surface of the tile, rust stains, lime plates or mold were formed. In other cases, the soap solution is able to return the original glitter ceramics. Prepare a soap solution is very simple. You can take 100 ml of liquid soap and breed it with water in proportion 1: 2. After that, apply it to the surface of the tanks and rub a cloth.
  • As for the vinegar, That he can also help withdraw the flax of fat from the tile. To do this, prepare a cleansing solution. So, you need to dilute 1 st. Supply of vinegar per liter of water. With this solution, we smell the brush and in the direction of the bottom up to clean the tile.
  • Uncomplicated spots can be cleaned with acidic cabbage. In addition, this agent will add gloss on the surface of the tile. To prepare the tool, you will need to take a conventional sauer cabbage, squeeze the brine from it and scatter it on the surface of the kitchen sponge. After that, with the help of a sponge you need to clean the tile.

How to Clean Tiles: General Tips

In order for the surface of the tile always had a beautiful appearance, we should use some uncomplicated advice on its cleaning and care:

  • First of all, during the cleaning of the tile, in no case can you use hard brushes and rude sponges, because it can damage the surface of the tile.
  • In order to prevent the appearance of solar and complex stains, try after each cooking. Slightly wipe its surface with a damp cotton cloth.
  • After using the intensive means of household chemicals to clean the surface of the tile, the room should be aircraft, because the composition of such solutions may contain harmful chemical elements.
  • Use special scrapers to clean the surface of the tile, which do not spoil the tile coating, but at the same time it is efficiently removed by flare and contamination.

How to Clean Tile: Video


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