
How to make ripped jeans at home. How do it yourself make torn jeans step-by-step, photo. How beautiful and fashionably make torn jeans

How to make ripped jeans at home. How do it yourself make torn jeans step-by-step, photo. How beautiful and fashionably make torn jeans
How to make torn jeans, photo, video. How to make ripped jeans at home with your own hands step by step. As from ordinary jeans to make torn men's, female, children's.

The fashion on the "dirty" jeans with holes and scuffs introduced hippies in the past century. So they showed their Bunctar Spirit, protesting against world orders. Over time, courageous fashionists have adapted such a style of jeans to a daily sock by making this robe a real expensive trend. Now ripped jeans are worn with sneakers, and even with high heels. But their high cost makes them think: it is possible to make ripped jeans at home. The answer to this question is positive and we will prove the proposed master classes.

How to make ripped jeans yourself

Make fashion - the pleasure is not cheap, but in the case of ripped jeans, you can significantly save and give a new life with your old jeans.

Surely in each wardrobe will be depicted jeans that have already lost a presentable look, but they feel sorry to throw them, because they were the most loved ones. But thanks to fashion trends, you can make a stylish new thing from this old thing. If you are dreaming of such trendy jeans for a long time, prepare the necessary tools, your jeans and decide with the "hole" style.

Note that you need medium density jeans: too hard or soft material will not be able to keep the required texture.

Required tools for creating torn jeans

If you are going from ordinary jeans to make torn, you will need certain tools for work. Create a really stylish thing only with the help of hands and stationery scissors you will not work.

What you need to work:

  • Stationery knife. The tool is needed for cuts. If possible, you can use a special tissue cutter knife. As a spare option, you can take an endless blade with a solid basis.
  • Chalk, disappearing marker for fabric or soap to create marking. Before making holes, you need to mark. It is not worth using a felt-tip or pencil, the first is not detached, the second will be bad noticeable that it will complicate the work.
  • Pumice, sandpaper. These devices are needed to give jeans for scuffs.
  • Bleach or chlorine solution, ordinary sponge. To give jeans, a finished look, there will be no place to pay places with scuffs and holes.
  • Close or chopping board. It will need to protect the back of the pant from the cuts. For this, the usual piece of plywood or durable plastic with a thickness is 1-2 cm.
  • Pinzet and dust needle. These tools stretch the longitudinal strings and create a fringe.
  • Lace or beautiful loskutka. If you decorate jeans, pick up suitable fabrics, skin pieces, ribbons, bows.

How beautiful to make ripped jeans: options for torn decoration

The techniques of performing holes and scuffs on jeans are diverse and they have no strict rules. You can independently come up with and execute the decor or choose one of the popular options:

  • Grunge stained holes or jeans-noodles style. The essence of the technology is to break the tissue in the form of parallel strips of various lengths, which are located at a distance of 5-7 mm from each other. After that, the transverse strings are pulling out. Special charm jeans give involuntarly torn equity strings.

  • Torn jeans in the style of minimalism. To properly make such torn jeans, choose a skate several zones under hole. But in this embodiment, the transverse threads are left by integers, and the equity is partially pulled out. The optimal size of the holes is 2-4 cm. The best place for holes is the area along the side seams.

  • Stretched Street Style. Large disheveled holes and deep scuffs are perfectly combined with a street style. Make this technique simply: you need jeans to lose grater or pimples badly, without disturbing the dolly threads so that the fringe does not lose the form after washing.

Advice! Making cuts on jeans, do not forget that the holes will gradually "crawl" in the process of socks. Therefore, calculate the length of holes in advance.

Ripped jeans look natural if they are a bit shabby. To do this, they need to pre-form them:

  1. Spread jeans on a flat surface.
  2. In the staff, put the board or plate.
  3. Pumice or sandpaper unevenly spend jeans.
  4. Crankski try not to rub not to make unplanned holes.

How jeans make torn step by step

Before making torn jeans, it will not hurt to stretch. Take a piece of any jeans and experiment with cuts, fringe, different inserts. And when decide on the style and technique of execution, take up for real jeans.

To make a needlework easily, use a step-by-step master class.

  1. Before making torn jeans at home, decide on the size, shape and texture of holes.
  2. Make marking on jeans with chalk.
  3. In the staff, put the board or Phaneur so as not to damage jeans.
  4. A stationery knife make cuts at a distance of 5-15 mm.
  5. Tweezers remove the vertical threads between the cuts. The equity threads can be left or removed if a lace insert or watch is supposed.
  6. At the end of the edge of the hole, sweete the pumice to create the appearance of natural scuff.

Advice! Jeans with seamy holes are very bright and stylish. For this place under holes are treated with a chlorine with a sponge, leave for 10-20 minutes, and then erased.

Interesting ways how to make ripped jeans in the photo:

How to make ripped jeans on your knees

Each woman has its own style. Therefore, someone is content with little neat holes on pockets or on a seam, and someone prefers careless denim with torn in the shreds of the knees.

Important! The holes on the knees look elegant on narrow and very dark jeans.

Certify such a task for everyone:

  • Put jeans and chalk draw the knee line.

  • Then remove jeans, put the board in the strap.
  • Make some non-accurant cuts along the planted line.

  • You can pull out only the transverse strings, leaving the grid of the dollars. Or completely remove the thread by making full-fledged disheveled holes from which the knees look.
  • In the end, pull the jeans around the holes with pembia.

Important! What the holes are increasing, the more effectively will be jeans.

How to make ripped jeans below

The fringe is again in the trend, so it's time to get jeans out of the cabinet of a wardrobe from the cabinet or effectively shorten too long pants.

Instructions for the manufacture of torn down jeans at the bottom:

  • Jeans turn inside out, write off or trim the imposed edges.

  • Choose the length of the fringe and make a note on jeans.
  • From the planted line, spend the stripes down at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other.
  • Through the vertical lines, make cuts with a knife or blade.
  • The threads running horizontally, one pull the stall needle.

  • To limit the further increase in the fringe, on the marked line, make a thread into the tone of jeans.

Optionally on jeans to do a flat fringe, it is quite acceptable to do:

  • type of encouraged Ginov, who were cold;
  • cut the triangle at the bottom of the front side of the pant and sobly it;
  • lower the bottom of the pumile trouser to the holes.

Advice! To jeans looked nice, do abrasions and other places - on your pocket, belt, knee.

How to make a fashionable ripped jeans to the pope

Holey jeans in the buttocks - a very provocative and vulgar outfit. Go these jeans are not for everyone. And if you are not the owner of the slender form, it is better to abandon the idea.

Run ragged jeans can be any technique - make a modest mesh under the buttocks and the back pocket or pretty fabric to tear, exposing part of the body.

How to make ripped jeans from jeans

Jeans with a combination of holes and scuffs look very gorgeous. But here you need to stay on time: excessiveness of the wicked places, fringe and holes will spoil the style and make jeans tasteless.

So, how to make ripped jeans with scuffs:

  1. To begin with, make holes in the right places.
  2. Then take a simple kitchenware - grater.
  3. Along the edge of the opening, thoroughly spend the grater so that the fabric is glad and fell off.
  4. Movement you need to do jerks so that the threads felt well.
  5. Additionally, you can lose the fabric from the wrong side.
  6. You can complete your creation with a latch. To do this, we have a piece of jeans with a hole with a hovering up with a secret seam.

So that the loss is the most natural possible, it must be chopped:

  1. Pour a little liquid bleach into the container.
  2. Take the kitchen sponge, wrap it in the liquid.
  3. Treat the edges of the holes and the thread bleach.
  4. After 20 minutes, jeans post.

How to make torn jeans do it yourself for children

Children are always in motion. Their mobility and energy often ends with the fact that the favorite jeans are covered with holes and scuffs. To reanimate unsuccessfully torn jeans, you can complement them with new ribbon elements.

Rate the scale of the "catastrophe": if the hole is small, you can increase it and decorate with scuffs. How old baby jeans make torn? The principle of operation is the same as with adult jeans:

  1. Increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe hole with the blade.
  2. Then tweezers remove threads.
  3. On another knee, also make a hole, but not symmetrically, but slightly lower or higher, so that jeans look at ease.
  4. You can also make a few holes along the thigh.
  5. Then let every hole sweep the sandpaper so that it does not look foreign.
  6. If jeans for a boy, you can make a hole on a piece of fabric and sew on the place of damage.
  7. Jeans for the girl can be reeded by beads, rhinestones, bows of ribbons.
  8. The image of a little fashion is ready!

How to make torn jeans men's

Ripped men's jeans should look stylish, provocatively, and at the same time carelessly. Cuts can be performed in any way, there are also no restrictions on their localization.

Men's ripped jeans - how to make holes in the photo:

Jeans torn women: how to do with lace

Gentle lace smoothes the test and the inaccurability of ripped jeans.

It can be sewn with an invalion in the form of a margin:

Or put on top of ripped jeans:

You can add lace beads, appliqués, colors:

And also sew the lace most of the jeans:

How to make ripped jeans, video

How to care for ripped jeans

Make ripped jeans - only half of work. We still need to learn to care for them, so as not to spoil the "torn" beauty.

If the holes on jeans are securely stitched, the thing can be washed in a typewriter. True, before washing, jeans need to be turned out, and also not to lay down with them into the drum other clothes, which has buttons, metal parts, they can damage jeans.

If the holes on the pants are large, loose, easily burst, the thing is subject to manual washing. In the drum, such jeans will ruin. Alternatively, you can put jeans in a tissue bag, tie it tight and wash it with a machine with a gentle wash program.

Fashionable styles of ribbon jeans in the photo

Ripped jeans are a stylish thing in every wardrobe. If you do not want to overpay, try to break jeans my own. So you will not just save the budget, but also get a completely exclusive style!


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