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How to wash the stain from red wine at home. Than you can remove a stain from red wine

How to wash the stain from red wine at home. Than you can remove a stain from red wine
The article is told how to remove stains from red wine on clothes and some interior items. Ways to bring old spots from red wine at home.

Often after holidays or any important events on clothes and some interior items remain spots from red wine. At the same time, many hostesses are trying to drain them in the usual way, thereby clothing (especially if it comes to delicate tissue), can completely spoil. But you should not despair! After all, the emergence of such troubles will not signal that you should forever part with your favorite things, because such pollution can be completely removed at home. At the same time, cleansing compositions can be purchased in business stores and supermarkets, and prepare independently from the funds that everyone has in the house. Next, consider it more, how to display stains from red wine.

How to remove a stain from red wine: the fastest ways

Sometimes spots from wine appear at the most unexpected moment, for example, in the midst of the celebration, when you are visiting. In this case, do not spoil your mood and do not overstate the celebration of the event, you can use several quick ways that allow you to quickly eliminate stains from wine. Consider these methods:

  • First of all, we will need several dry and clean napkins, which are a mandatory attribute at each event. These napkins should be thickened to smear the stain from clothes or tablecloths until they absorb all moisture. In this way, you can remove only fresh stains that appeared within 5-10 minutes.

  • The second method is the use of salt and a small amount of water. This method is perfect in the event that the stain is very large, and the napkins will be completely impossible. So, for this, take 1 tsp. Pure boiled water, add 1 tsp. Salt, mix. The resulting mass must have a cascidious consistency. This mixture is applied directly to the stain with wine. Then immediately wipe polluted with a clean napkin. A few minutes later the second dry napkin removes the salts.

How to remove a stain from red wine on clothes

Next, we will consider in more detail how to wash and remove a stain from red wine on clothes:

  • To obtain the cleansing agent, boiled water should be mixed and 1 tsp. vinegar. Then in this solution should be moistened with a contaminated place until the stain from the red wine is heated. Next, clothing can be caught in the usual way.
  • Boiled water and citric acid (or lemon juice). It is taken in the proportion of 3 to 1. In this case, the polluted place is treated with the resulting solution, and then littered.
  • There is another way to clean the clothes from wine spots. This requires a pinch of salt. She sprinkled a polluted place. Then after 5 minutes it should be removed from the clothes with a wet napkin. If there are no napkins at hand, you can lay the contaminated place in conventional boiled water.

  • To remove the stain from wine from clothing, you can still with ethyl alcohol. It is divorced 1 to 1 with boiled water and applied to a polluted place. Then the clothes should be sent to the washing machine.
  • Another means is glycerin and chicken egg. These ingredients are stirred, and then applied to polluted part of clothing. On the surface of the clothing, the mixture should be left for 1 hour, then it was washed with warm water.
  • The contaminated part of the clothing can still be treated with a solution of yoke, mixed with warm water 1 to 1. This remedy should be kept on the surface of clothing for 10 minutes. Then the linen is sent to the washing machine.

How to get rid of the stain of red wine with factory facilities

Spots from red wine are not the reason for the emission of polluted clothes. If you wish and minimal knowledge, this pollution can be deleted. To do this, you can use both folk methods and factory tools to remove stains.

The latter "work" with a better result, and no time to make time for the preparation of a folk agent. However, when working with stains, it is necessary to remember that they contain very aggressive additives that can damage fabrics. For this, it is mandatory to read the instructions. Each of them should be described:

  • List of fabrics that can be processed by this means.
  • Temperature laundry fabric selected means.
  • The time that needs to withstand fabric with a stain remover.

It must be remembered that chlorine-based stainings in no case cannot be used for colored tissues. It can discolor a piece of fabric, where there was a stain that the thing will finally spoil. That is why before start using the stain remover, it is worth carefully reading his instructions.

How to remove stains from red wine with folk remedies

If you use factory tools to remove stains there is no possibility for some reason, you can use what is at hand. There are several simple recipes that have proven their effectiveness.

  • Vinegar. It is unlikely that there is a household in which there is no liquid with a sharp smell. For the preparation of a cleansing solution from wine spots, a small amount of vinegar is mixed with warm water (about a glass of water will require a roughly tablespoon of vinegar). Watering the spot must be abundant, do not regret the means. Acid solutions cope very well with wine spots. If the vinegar was not found, a solution of citric acid can be used.

  • Alcohol and glycerin. This solution, cooked from mixed in equal proportions of components, can help perfectly cope with stains from red wine. The cooked solution is applied to the stain and wipe a slightly. Then leave a thing for several hours and erased in warm water.
  • Ethyl, ammonia alcohols and soaps. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and bring the solution to a homogeneous mass. To improve the action of this mixture, it is better to apply it to the resulting stain and get well with a cotton swab. After the stain disappears, the thing needs to be dried by attaching a towel to it.

If one of the funds did not help, you can try industrial stains.

How to bring a stain on the carpet from red wine

Spots on the carpet from red wine appear quite often. It is possible to shed it, for example, pouring into a glass, or dropping the last to the floor. With large feasts, the appearance of spots on the carpet is a practically permanent event, so if you do not remove them in the shortest possible time, the coating will have to be given in dry cleaning. That is why it is impossible to lose precious time, and it is necessary to quickly eliminate the problem. It is possible to do this, both with the help of cleaning products that should be kept at home and with folk methods.

  • The most successfully manifested itself in the field of combating wine stains a mixture of dishes and vinegar washing products. These components need to be mixed in equal proportions before receiving a homogeneous mass. Then you should apply it on a stain and rub a rag. The wine stain must disappear. If the result after the first time did not meet the expectations, the procedure should be repeated.
  • You can also try to get rid of the stains of red wine with a mixture of detergent and hydrogen peroxide. For its preparation it is necessary to mix ingredients in equal shares and mix thoroughly, since the density of the detergent is greater than alcohol, the latter can rise up, and the mixture will be inhomogeneous. In this case, its properties can be much worse than expected. As with the vinegar, the means with the addition of hydrogen peroxide should be applied to the stain and lose well.

Improve the properties of such funds of several citric acid crystals.

How to remove a stain from red wine on the sofa

Often, soft furniture suffers from red wine from the stains. Tissue upholstery quickly absorbs red wine, forming on the surface not quite pleasant pollution. The situation is aggravated if the furniture fabric is monophonic and light color.

As in the case of carpets and clothing, the stain is better to remove immediately, without waiting until it penetrates deeply. Clear furniture can be cleared with several means:

  • The most relevant and cheap is salt. You just need to pour it onto the surface of the stain and wait a bit, then just consider it from the furniture.
  • You can use a mixture of yolk and glycerin. The mixture must be applied to the spot and wait a few hours. After that, the mixture was washed off with warm water, and the surface was dried with paper towels.

How to remove solar stains from red wine

Old spots from the red wine are very difficult. That is why it needs to be removed immediately after contamination.

  • It has proven itself when removing old spots from red wine citric acid. Its in small quantities must be poured onto cotton swab and thoroughly wipe it the old stain. Helps this means is not in all cases. If the first time failed, you can try to carry out the procedure again.
  • You can try to remove an old stain from clothes with a mixture of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and salt. It is necessary to treat the spot, and then rinse the tissue with water.

Unfortunately, no one can guarantee success in the fight against old spots, so you should not wait until it is deeply absorbed into the structure of the tissue, and immediately delete it.

How to remove stains from red wine on white

White fabrics are the most vulnerable. Even if the stain succeeds to bring out, the place where pollution has already lost its whiteness and will stand out against the background of other sites. That is why the delay in removing the stain can put the cross on things and turn it into a simple sex rag.

  • So that this does not happen, the fresh spot from the red wine must be sprinkled with salt. She will absorb wine in a few minutes, then you can just consider it.
  • You can use a mixture of juice or citric acid with water. Only juice should be applied neutral. A few drops of juice and several grams of acids need to be dissolved in a glass with water and apply on a stain. After 10 minutes, the place of pollution must be carried away with warm water.
  • Instead of the juice, remove a stain from red wine can be white wine. In this case, the wine should be mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 1, and then apply it to a contaminated place. The residues of moisture should be filled with a clean cloth, and then clothing needed in a washing machine.

How to display stains from red wine: video


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