
Where did the mokritsa come from in the bathroom, how they look - a photo. How to get rid of mokrits in the bathroom. Mokrits in the bathroom

Where did the mokritsa come from in the bathroom, how they look - a photo. How to get rid of mokrits in the bathroom. Mokrits in the bathroom
What mokritsa looks like - a photo. How to quickly get rid of mokrits in the bathroom - methods of struggle, means in Domeshan conditions. How to withdraw mokrits from the bathroom if they appear.

In our homes and apartments you can often see uninvited guests: ants, midges, cockroaches, spiders and mokrits. The list can be continued, because illegal residents are introduced into our homes without permission and are confused by the hosts. Frequent uninvited guests in the bathroom, toilet and in the kitchen are mokrits.

Mokritsy are small insects that appear in places of high humidity. In nature, they live in wood and in those places where it is always wet. These are reservoirs, swamps, stones located in water. If the mokritsa appeared in a living room, this is not a very pleasant neighborhood, often people are concerned about the appearance of “guests” and want to get rid of them faster.

Where does the mokritsa come from?

Mokritsy - belong to the class of crustaceans, the detachment is equivalent. It turns out that small inhabitants of the bathroom are relatives of crabs and crayfish. They are small, they have a convex scaly body, on the sides of which the eyes are located. The external antennae in the insect is the same length as the body.

There are many types of mokrits: in the rooms you can see white, gray and brown insects. Some on the back can be discerned with patterns similar to hieroglyphs. Each shell segment has paws. Mokritsy - creatures at first glance are harmless, but insidious. As soon as they feel the slightest danger, they turn into a ball, pretending to be dead.

They cannot exist without water, because they have gills. The female lays up to 70 eggs, in numerous folds the abdomen bears the kids for 25 days.   As soon as the time comes, living individuals hatch from the eggs, which are immediately able to move and study the surroundings.

The average life expectancy of insects is within a year. They adapt well to different living conditions, choose wet and poorly ventilated areas. In nature, mokritsy live in moist places, hide in the daytime, and go in search of food when it becomes dark. In nature, there are about 4,500 species of wet and all of them are able to adapt to different living conditions.

If the apartment appeared in the apartment, this suggests that in the house the raw cellars and attics, since these crustaceans can easily move through the ventilation duct in search of wet corners, where they will be comfortable. In the increased risk zone - apartments located on the first and last floors. If you saw an insect in the bathroom, you live on the ground floor, then this means that the house has a raw basement. If they settled on the top floor in the bathroom, the roof flows in the house. Therefore, first of all, if wet in the bathroom appears, it is necessary to examine the technical rooms.

Favorable conditions for reproduction:

  1. Raw basements.
  2. Wet attic premises if the roof flows in the house.
  3. The owners of apartments and houses themselves can bring unwanted guests into the house with indoor plants and vegetables.   If in the summer, pots with plants were exhibited on the street or taken to a summer cottage, it is likely that mokritsa settled in the ground.
  4. Insects love to settle in sewer tunnels, as well as places where wet and damp.
  5. Equetes are chosen wet and warm rooms, so they are often justified in bathrooms and toilets. In addition, they can exist in pallets of flower pots, in skirting boards and walls of the walls.

Mokrin in the bathroom. Photo

Was it in the bathroom that is dangerous - is it dangerous?

In addition to the unpleasant fact that mokritsa crawl in the bathroom and toilet room for people and pets, they do not carry any threat. Some people believe that crustaceans are able to transfer infection on thin paws, but this fact is not proven by scientists.

Mokrits for indoor plants are of great danger, as they destroy the root system of home flowers. Insects for orchids are particularly dangerous, in 2 weeks they are able to eat roots, thereby destroying the plant!

It is simply necessary to destroy the mokritz in residential premises, even despite the fact that they do not bite. But, according to some scientists, crustaceans, moving through sewer channels and apartments, can carry the fungus and lichen. But these diseases pose a great danger to pets and people. In addition, the appearance of insects causes hostility and disgust. And if each time, as soon as the light turns on, a person meets with mokits, who become active from bright light and try to hide in a secluded corner, a person can even get a nervous breakdown! Therefore, from the mokritz in the bathroom and toilet you need to get rid of as soon as possible.

The struggle of mokritsy in the bathroom

Mokritsy appeared in the bathroom? This means that the room has favorable conditions for the development of these creatures. It is time to act immediately, without delaying for later, since every day they can become more and more.

How to get a mokritz from the bathroom:

  1. It is necessary to dry the room: put the fan in the room or heater. Make sure that the door to the bathroom is not constantly closed, especially immediately after water procedures.
  2. Processing of a dry room with a remedy for mokrits in the bathroom: take 2 parts of bread kvass (dry) and 1 part of the boiled water just boiled. The resulting solution must be poured into a container with a spray gun and sprayed abundantly to those places where you saw the mokritz most.
  3. After 8 hours pass, the entire room needs to be treated with chlorine solution. Prepare this: we take 40 g of chlorine, dissolve in 1 liter of water, we work in gloves, the door to the bathroom when you process the room, do not close.
  4. In addition to the above methods, this tool also helps in the fight against mokritsa in the bathroom: add 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. Burning pepper, process the bathroom with this solution.
  5. In the kitchen, in the toilet and bathrooms, it is necessary to lay out table salt, and in places of mass accumulation of crustaceans - spray boric acid dissolved in water (10 g of acid per 500 ml of water).
  6. To arrange a place of mass accumulation of white wet in the bathroom, deliberately placing wet brooms in the corners. In the morning, it remains only to collect individuals, shake them off the brooms in a bucket with a chlorine solution or boric acid.
  7. If indoor plants are damaged: remove infected earth, rinse the roots of the plants thoroughly under running warm water, dry.

These methods will allow you to get rid of arthropods in residential premises only if you first eliminate the moisture source.

How else can you get rid of mokrits in the bath

Folk methods of struggle may not cope with the invasion of Mokrits, so it is necessary to use special drugs. But first you need to isolate children and pets for a while to treat the premises with chemicals.

Effective drugs in the fight against mokritsa - insects in the bathroom:

  • sCHABENGEL gel-Primanka-after destruction, immobilized individuals need to be collected and thrown away. A means of universal action, suitable for the destruction of other types of arthropods living in residential premises;
  • universal dichlophos "Varan";
  • soil treatment should be purchased “thunder” or “thunder-2”, “ideal”.

To process the premises and soil from mokrits, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, not exceed the dosage, ventilate the room, use protective equipment (mask, gloves).

Complex approach from mokrits in the bathroom

If, after several processing, the mokrits does not become less, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem comprehensively:

  1. Drive completely from humidity in the bathroom and toilet room. Throw away garbage accumulated under the bathroom.
  2. Repair the ventilation hole: clean and put a new lattice, seal the seams.
  3. If the bathroom is weak ventilation, install the forced one, put the fan and turn it on after water procedures in order to dry the room faster.
  4. Check the pipes, if flow, replace these areas. It is advisable to change metal pipes to plastic ones, since condensate does not accumulate on them.
  5. Replace faulty plumbing.
  6. All the cracks in the kitchen, the corridor and in the bathroom need to be stacked, through them small insects can climb into the home.

There is no 100% guarantee that even when maintaining ideal cleanliness and ventilation of the room, mokritsa will not appear. Since in an apartment building it is difficult to fight them alone. Therefore, upon the first detection of uninvited guests, it is necessary to connect neighbors so that measures are taken in each apartment. And in order to clean the basement and attic premises from arthropods, you will have to seek help in special organizations.

Prevention of the appearance of mokrits in the bathroom

We already know why and from where insects come to the dwellings, we know how to deal with them. Information will not be superfluous for those who have already gone all the way and got rid of insects. Now it is important to prevent their appearance.

What you need to know:

  • we observe the cleanliness in the bathroom/toilet room, as soon as moisture appears - we eliminate by any means: we turn on forced ventilation, open the doors, turn on air drainers or heater;
  • when growing indoor plants, we make sure that water does not stagnate in the pallet;
  • dirty dishes must be washed on time, and garbage should be taken as often as possible;
  • rinse and wet towels immediately take it to the balcony, do not dry in the bathroom;
  • the floor in the bathroom should always be dry, pay attention to inaccessible places, clean the plinth so that dust does not accumulate in a humid environment, creating a nutrient medium for the propagation of uninvited guests.

Remember that it is easier not to fight wet in residential premises, but to prevent their appearance.



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