
How to remove rust from clothes at home. How to derive rust spots from clothes

How to remove rust from clothes at home. How to derive rust spots from clothes
An article on how to remove rust from clothes at home.

Rust on clothes may appear due to contact of fabric with metal objects. Such spots can easily be determined by an unnatural bright orange color. This type of pollution is quite difficult to remove, because iron oxide penetrates deeply into the fiber of the tissue, impregnating them from the inside. There are still several proven ways. Read about how to get rust from clothes at home in the article.

Rust on clothes: how spots appear

The spots on clothes left by rusty objects belong to one of the most difficult pollution. They can only appear from a slight contact of the fabric to a rusty thing. The rust itself on iron objects appears due to the oxidation of the metal.

Most often, rust on clothes appears under the following circumstances:

  • due to drying of things on metal batteries and old dryers with exfolved paint;
  • if metal objects were not seized from pockets when washing things;
  • due to poor-quality metallic decor on clothes (buttons, lightning and jewelry);
  • after contact of the fabric with rusty surfaces: while riding on a swing, after rest on an oxidized metal shop, etc.

As you can see, it is very simple to purchase pollution in the form of a rust spot, but getting rid of it is much more difficult.

How to get rust from clothes at home: Industrial remedies

To date, there are a lot of industrial production products to remove spots of various complexity from clothing. Unfortunately, in the presence of a rusty spot on the fabric, the iron oxide acts, destroying the structure of the fibers. That is why to remove such a spot should be extremely careful so as not to spoil the clothes completely. For example, among the washing products for the removal of spots, a special place is occupied by chlorine -containing drugs, which are considered one of the most effective in the fight against serious pollution. Unfortunately, chlorine will not help if there is rust on clothes, on the contrary, it will destroy the thing and irrevocably “send” to the country. If you use a bleach to eliminate a rusty spot on a white thing, then a previously contaminated place will acquire a yellow color, and fibers of the tissue will be destroyed and unusable. On colored fabrics, as you know, it is strictly prohibited to use chlorine -containing bleach.

How can you get a rust from clothes? When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to its composition. The washing tool should not contain chlorine, but is made on the basis of acetic or oxalic acid. It is they who are able to remove rust from the fabric without much trouble.

For cotton coarse tissue, plumbing agents based on hydrochloric acid for removing rust are also suitable. However, be vigilant, some of them act very aggressively and can remove a rusty spot along with the dye. Therefore, before using a plumbing agent for removing rust on clothes, it is recommended to make a mini-test.

  1. Choose the most inconspicuous area on clothes from the back (for example, sewing bend).
  2. Apply a small drop of plumbing to the selected site.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, stretch the thing in a processed place using manual washing.
  4. Evaluate the result: if the paints remained as bright as they were, it is allowed to use the product if the paints are faded or completely washed off - the product does not look like.

To date, various stain carriers are very expensive. If you want to save, try the following tool:

  1. Mix the detergent for dishes and glycerin in a ratio of 3: 1, respectively.
  2. Rub the resulting remedy in the fabric.
  3. Leave the thing for the night.
  4. In the morning, stretch your clothes with manual washing.

If the above -mentioned funds did not help you get rid of the spots of rust, then the thing will most likely save only dry cleaning. As an option, you can also try folk methods of breeding rust from clothing. Read about them below.

How to remove rust from clothes: folk methods

Folk methods in some matters are even more effective than the means of the industrial industry. For example, in the fight against complex spots. No exception spots of rust on clothes.

How to remove rust from white clothes

Rust spots on clothes are especially visible on white things. In addition, it is on them that such pollution is most difficult. How to remove the rust from white clothes?

Lemonic acid:

  1. In an enameled container, mix 20 g of citric acid and a glass of water.
  2. Stir the product until it is completely dissolved by citric acid.
  3. Put the resulting solution on fire, bring to a temperature of 85-90 degrees.
  4. Place clothes with a stain from rust in the solution.
  5. After 5-10 minutes, get a thing from the solution.
  6. Rinse clothes in cool water.

Wine acid:

  1. Mix wine acid and salt in a 1: 1 proportion.
  2. Add a little water to the grunt in the resulting gruel.
  3. Pour the mass abundantly on pollution.
  4. Place clothes in a glass container and put in the sun.
  5. After the disappearance of pollution, rinse the thing in cool water.

Chloroenine acid:

  1. Place a thing with a stain from rust in a two percent solution of chloroenine acid.
  2. Wait for the complete disappearance of the spot.
  3. In a separate container, mix 3 tbsp. l of ammonia with a liter of water.
  4. In the resulting liquid, rinse the previously processed thing.

Stain from rust on colored clothes: how to remove

Rust on colored clothing can be a serious problem. Indeed, when choosing a means to remove such a spot, it is important to take into account the preservation of the coloring pigment.

Glycerin and chalk:

  1. In a separate container, mix chalk and glycerin in a proportion of 1: 1.
  2. Add a little water to the mass to make a consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. The resulting remedy is applied to a section of clothing, affected by rust.
  4. Leave the thing to “delay” for one day.
  5. After processing, wash the thing without the use of high water temperatures.

Acetic acid:

  1. Combine 5 tablespoons of acetic acid with 7 liters of warm water.
  2. Place the thing in the resulting liquid.
  3. Leave the clothes in the solution for 12-15 hours.
  4. After time, wash the thing in the usual way.

How to remove rust from clothes: products suitable for different types of fabric

There are several more ways to remove rust from clothing.


  1. Turn the pulp of lemon in gauze.
  2. Apply lemon, wrapped in gauze to the contaminated area so that a little lemon juice falls on it.
  3. Moving the processed area with an iron.
  4. Repeat the procedure until the spot is completely eliminated.

Salt vinegar:

  1. Mix salt and vinegar until the shallow gruel is formed.
  2. Apply the mass to pollution.
  3. After a few hours, rinse the thing in cool water.

This remedy is perfect for removing stains from rust on jeans.

A mixture of acids:

  1. In the non -metallic container, mix 5 grams of acetic acid, 5 grams of oxalic acid and a glass of water.
  2. Heat the liquid to a temperature of 60-70 degrees.
  3. Subtract a thing with a stain from rust into a solution.
  4. After three hours, rinse the thing in cold water.

Rust removal from clothing: General recommendations

A spot from rust is very serious pollution. It not only looks ugly, but every second also destroys the fibers of the tissue. To successfully remove this pollution, several rules should be followed:

  • do not flush the rust, crumbling on the fabric, so you drive it inside the fibers. In order to remove the crumbling rust, use the vacuum cleaner;
  • do not use chlorine -containing remedies for removing a rust stain;
  • take the spots immediately after their acquisition, otherwise they will go deep into the fabric;
  • remove the spots from rust to washing, water can aggravate the situation;
  • when using acid to remove a rusty spot, put on gloves and work in a well -ventilated room.

If you could not remove the stain from rust described above, then only dry cleaning can help.

How to remove the rust from clothes. Video



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