
What form of the face what glasses are suitable? How to choose glasses to a woman and a man in the shape of a face

What form of the face what glasses are suitable? How to choose glasses to a woman and a man in the shape of a face
What form of the face what glasses are suitable: factors for the selection of frames, design and forms of glasses, rules and features.

Today there are many different types of glasses, but not all models are suitable for every person. In order for such an accessory to become a suitable addition to the image, you need to take into account some points, the most important of which is the shape of the face, the location of the eyes and the width of the cheekbones.

How to choose glasses in the shape of a face: selection parameters

  1. Of all the variety of optics models, today is highlighted:
  • oval;
  • rounded;
  • square type;
  • in the form of a rhombus;
  • rectangular;
  • triangular;
  • heart -shaped;
  • elongated;
  • angular face shape.
  1. The first three of the above are most often found.
  2. Various frames are suitable for each form that can favorably emphasize the necessary lines of individuality.
  3. The main rule, the current, when you select glasses in the shape of a face, is the leveling of sharp features. This means that they must visually expand or lengthen proportions and in no case vice versa.

What glasses are suitable for a round shape

The length and width of the face are almost the same size, the chin is characterized by roundness, as well as the hair growth circuit. The cheekbones are usually a part with the largest width value, for people of this type it is recommended to select sizes that contribute to visual narrowing and visually give the profile the outlines of the oval. Consider what the shape of the glasses for a round face is necessary and how to choose it correctly.

  1. People with this type are recommended to pay attention to large models and in no case do not stop on small glasses.
  2. The optimal height for lenses of this type of face is a low landing. This approach will allow you to draw invisible features of the boundaries on the face, dividing the oval into parts, and making the forehead visually slightly higher.
  3. Round types are not justified, since they will give the face a greater fullness.
  4. If the nose is short or does not differ in large size, then it is better to choose points with design from the upper part of the frame, then the model will be located under the very eyebrows.
  5. If a person with a round face has a large nose, then the top of the frame should be below, respectively.
  6. It is better for people with larger faces of faces to abandon accessories with an emphasis on the cheeks.
  7. If the eyes are quite nearby to the bridge of the nose, then the shape of the product is selected extremely wide.
  8. If the features are not too clear, then experts recommend dwelling at elegant accessories and easy design.
  9. Wide stuff is often the most suitable option for this type.
  10. The best type of decoration in shape is rectangular. Square products are also well suited.
  11. Perfectly fit into the image and glasses with sharp corners, which will provide oval with the visual effect of elongation.

Form of glasses for a square face: Features of selection

Often, stylists recommend wearing elegant and neat products to people with such facial features. Consider how to choose glasses in the shape of a face to such people.

  1. The contours of the product should be characterized by smoothness in order to correct the form to more natural. It is recommended to choose oval frames, but not too clear and strictly geometric models so that the face does not seem more rude.
  2. No need to select accessories that advocate the contour of the face. The oval will look much more elegant if visually it does not weed bulky external elements. In this situation, almost all models are suitable except round and form of direct rectangles.
  3. It is desirable that the product has a light decor, smoothing facial features.
  4. The “cat's eye” will become one of the win -win solutions when selecting glasses for this type of face. If you need to add a little piquancy, select a model with a little lifted up corners.
  5. Large and rounded products, which have a low jumper on the nose, are also perfect for a square type of face.

What is the shape of glasses for an oval face

For people with oval features, as it turns out, it is the easiest to select glasses. They can wear almost all models and look differently simply and piquant. But still, the best shape of the glasses for the oval face will be selected according to the following parameters.

  1. Droplets: In this case, pay attention to the fact that the eyebrows must be left open, and for this you just need to choose the right size.
  2. Aviators: Try to wear models with a highly planted jumper.
  3. Rounded: this form will give more smooth features to the image.
  4. Trapezoid accessories will also look pretty good, but their width should correspond to the face in the same parameter.
  5. The “cat's eye” will become an ideal addition, if you correctly choose the color of the lenses.
  6. Some models of square glasses can look a little massive, but if they are well -chosen, they usually look extremely interesting for this type.
  7. Round accessories are best chosen with colored glass lenses.

How to choose glasses for vision in the shape of a face: Features

The selection of the necessary daily accessories for vision occurs according to almost the same principles as models for the Sun. In this case, if we understand the features of creating the basis and balance of the style of the image, the rules for choosing forms will be based on the following criteria.

  1. Cool -faced people are more suitable for products with corners and clearly visible lines.
  2. Round glasses are well combined to images with oval features and pronounced pointed corners.
  3. Square products are also suitable owners of round persons.
  4. Rectangular models go full -faced.
  5. It is better to combine oval or rounded models with persons like a square, but this type is not characterized by a harmonious combination with an ideal geometric form. Correct, strict forms only give stiffness and instead of smoothing the lines, you can easily get their selection.
  6. Almost all thin frames are suitable for people with massive cheekbones. The width of the models for such facial shapes should be slightly wider than the oval itself. With this combination, they noticeably balance the features and smoothing out the contours.
  7. With heart -shaped faces, try to combine glasses that have a different width, while at the top it should be smaller. The main thing is that the forehead is already the width of the accessory. In this case, glasses with decor elements below will look very good.
  8. If the shape of the face is triangular, then the frames that create emphasis at the top are needed, for example, “cat eyes” are suitable. You can dwell on a two -tone model with a light bottom and a dark top. If the jaw is wide, then the model should necessarily exceed its length in width.
  9. With an oval -type face, you can safely combine any model, the main thing is not to hide the eyepower behind the frame.
  10. Glasses in the shape of a face need to choose, based on the same principles as when choosing an accessory with beautiful ladies.

How to choose sunglasses in the shape of a face: Rules

When creating an image, you need to take into account several points that will help to purchase the most suitable products. Sunny glasses in the shape of the face are selected according to the following principles.

  1. It is strictly not recommended to wear a frame that is very similar to the type of face, the exception of this rule are the owners of oval persons, and in all other cases, such combinations will look extremely ridiculous.
  2. The lower part of the frame of the model should be made in the form of the same line as the eye socket - this allows you to give the image of integrity and not focus on the accessory.
  3. Glasses with a high variety of planting visually stretch their nose, but those who sit in its middle make it smaller.
  4. Glasses must be combined in a shade with color not only of the iris of the eye, but also the hair, as well as the skin.
  5. The selection of glasses in the shape of a face must be carried out by an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat type the flaws can correct and emphasize the advantages. Each case has its own characteristics. Consider which face shape which glasses are suitable.
  6. Oval: with this form, any types of excuses are worn, from the simplest to the most original ones, it is important that the natural proportions are correctly emphasized, so you should not make a choice in favor of too massive models, because they will not decorate the image at all.
  7. If the chin is pointed, and the forehead has a large width, then glasses need to visually slightly reduce the middle and upper part, as well as make a sharp chin smoothed. Rounds will best cope with such a task, in some cases oval frames, while you can’t wear “butterflies” glasses at all, since they make accents in completely not those places.
  8. When the chin is wider than the forehead, it is necessary to choose frames with roundings, since the emphasis is required only at the top, and the rim is better to be brightly executed and put the emphasis on the decor in this case. It is not necessary to select a wide product, options with rhinestones are also suitable.
  9. Triangle.
  • to the face of this type, it is necessary to select rectangular glasses of the classical design, with smoothed and rounded corners, the lens in color in this case is suitable;
  • do not stop your choice on very large models to the face in the form of a circle, darkened lenses will hide most of it, which does not need at all in such an image;
  • especially careful need to be with rifles of round design, experts advise wearing oval models or cat eyes;
  • you can experiment and choose the frames of the glasses in the shape of the face, shape of a triangle or other type, having asymmetric shapes;
  • square accessories with increasing darling of glasses look extremely good for such types, but if the neck is thin, it is better to avoid this option so as not to spoil the image;
  • sunglasses of bright dark tones are completely unsuitable in this case;
  • pay attention to the fact that any models with such an oval should not hide the cheekbones, otherwise the outlines of the face will seem even rounder;
  • products with well -expressed corners look extremely original on such people, but the Tishas and small accessories, on the contrary, are strictly prohibited by stylists;
  • the square type of face involves smoothing the contour, since the sun glasses often have dark or slightly darkened lenses, then when they are selected, you need to be more attentive;
  • also select neat and non -fingered round frames, they must correspond to the face in width;
  • when selecting a wide or narrow product, the emphasis will be placed precisely on the square lines, so in this case there is no need to select rectangular and square frames;
  • it is better to give preference to aviators and models with color design, the shade of glasses can also be chosen more original.
  1. Oblong type of face:
  • such an oval assumes that it can be expanded with glasses, it will best cope with the glasses of square, oval and triangular shapes;
  • the frame in this case must be wide, it is better not to consider the models without a frame at all, since they are completely unable to such a type;
  • try to choose medium and large glasses, but avoid small forms;
  • lenses with colored frames painted with various patterns will look best;
  • you can also make a choice in favor of the "aviators", because the brighter the frame is decorated, the better in this case.
  1. The heart -shaped oval:
  • such a type of face needs glasses that can narrow the forehead, not taking an emphasis in front of our eyes, so we need target frames with not too darkened lenses;
  • another good option will be models that do not have frames at all, but their glasses also cannot be dark;
  • the main emphasis should be on the bottom of the face, so choose narrow products of a round shape;
  • it is best to avoid large sizes and clear geometric lines, let the glasses be slightly curved or even asymmetric.
  1. Rommboid oval:
  • people with persons like "rhombus" need to strive to ensure that the glasses are narrowed, so oval models will be the best choice;
  • you can consider the options just with soft and nonsense bends;
  • products without frames will also be appropriate, as with a vertical orientation;
  • try to choose dark shades or, conversely, bright, but not bright, so as not to make extra accents to the eyes;
  • the more elegant, the accessory you have chosen, the better;
  • the shape of the eyebrows must be emphasized, thin narrow products with darkened glasses are not suitable at all, because they narrow the eyes.
  1. Grushevid oval:
  • sunglasses in the shape of a face with such a shape better to select large, oval or type of “cat eye”;
  • the frames at the top should have a bright decoration to transfer the emphasis from the chin to the eyes;
  • do not choose small glasses and models with very low -placed arcs;
  • glasses with gradients from dark to light tone look very good, such models can be without a frame.
  1. Rectangle:
  • if a person of this type, then it is impossible to combine narrow models of glasses that have thin frames, give preference to “aviators” and massive rectangular models;
  • the nasal jumper must be low, and the frame should be brightly designed;
  • this will allow you to slightly expand your face and make its lines smooth;
  • sunglasses in this form can have both lighter and completely darkened glass.

It is quite easy to choose glasses from the sun in the shape of a face, the main thing is to remember all the nuances.

Options for selecting glasses in the shape of a face: photo

  1. Before the direct selection of a particular model of sunscreen or glasses for vision, you can see in the photographs how it looks on different types of face.
  2. Photos in magazines and networks will certainly be able to help in solving the issue of how to choose the shape of glasses by type of face.
  3. Of course, each person with a particular form has his own characteristics, so some of the models may not come.
  4. Choosing glasses for the shape of a face is quite simple. It is only necessary to know the features of your type of oval and methods of adjusting them through different accessories.



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