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Laser liposuction - features of the procedure, reviews, photos before and after. The technique of laser liposuction of the face, chin, neck, abdomen, hips, buttocks, legs

Laser liposuction - features of the procedure, reviews, photos before and after. The technique of laser liposuction of the face, chin, neck, abdomen, hips, buttocks, legs
The article considers how laser liposuction of the face and body is carried out. All stages of the procedure are presented.

A beautiful body has always been "in fashion." The proverb in which they “meet on clothes ..” and today remains relevant. In modern life, it is quite difficult to maintain an active rhythm. People spend more and more working hours in offices without getting up from the workplace. If at a young age this is compensated by accelerated metabolism, then over the years all the calories eaten begin to be deposited in the form of fat. It is not always possible to burn extra calories with the help of exhausting classes in the gym. Some do not have enough time for this, and some do not allow the state of health.

In this case, cosmetology comes to the rescue. Mechanical fat removal, or liposuction, is one of the most popular cosmetological procedures that are carried out all over the world. One of the directions of the fight overweight is to conduct liposuction with the help of a laser. The popularity of this procedure lies in its relatively painless implementation without violating the integrity of blood vessels, as well as with a minimum recovery period, which is very important in the general absence of free time in the modern world.

Advantages and readings of laser liposuction

In comparison with other types of liposuction, the impact using a laser has several advantages:

  • Lack of traces of the operation. In comparison with surgical liposuction, traces of intervention (scars, bruises, etc.) do not remain at the site of exposure. There is only a small injection site.
  • The use of local anesthesia. This anesthesia in comparison with general anesthesia brings less harm to the body.
  • There is no need to "suck" fat. When breaking adipose tissue, it is excreted by the liver by exposure to the laser after time.
  • Lack of need for long -term rehabilitation.
  • The presence of the effect of skin lifting, which makes it more elastic and young. This is achieved by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin when exposed to laser.
  • Laser liposuction is indicated for patients in whom adipose tissue does not exceed 500 ml. Otherwise, several procedures are carried out with a rehabilitation break, or resort to other types of liposuction.

Where to do laser liposuction

At first glance, laser liposuction is nothing complicated. However, even such a simple procedure as piercing the ears must be done under the supervision of the doctor and in a specialized clinic. What can we say about a small operation that provides for the invasion of the cannula into the fabrics.

It is necessary to do laser liposuction only in a specialized clinic, which has certified equipment and specially trained personnel. In addition to the operating room, in which the procedure is directly carried out, the clinic should have a ward for rehabilitation. It is better to trust institutions that, in addition to licenses, have extensive experience in such operations. Since this service in 99% of cases is provided on a paid basis, an agreement must be concluded with the patient or an offer agreement must be in the free domain. It is advisable to carefully study it. It is worth clarifying the actions of personnel in case of possible complications. Is there a resuscitator or an ambulance in the clinic to take the patient to take the patient to the hospital. If employees offer to start the operation without proper inspection, it is better to disagree with it. It will not be superfluous to study the documents of the clinic. It is advisable to go to the procedure with the accompanying person. Prices for laser liposuction depend on the level of the establishment and volume of work. Do not trust offers with extremely low prices.

How they make laser liposuction

The principle of laser liposuction of the abdomen and other parts of the body is the effect of adipose tissue with a painless laser for its further splitting.

The procedure for conducting the procedure:

  1. The procedure is carried out under the influence of local anesthesia, so that the patient does not feel absolutely any discomfort, although liposuction itself is not very painful. After the start of the patient’s skin, a special cannula is introduced into the fatty tissue. She passes the laser bundle from the apparatus.
  2. By acting on fat cells, the laser makes them break up and be removed from the body naturally. If there is a lot of adipose tissue and it is not only able to remove the body, then during the procedure of laser liposuction, there is an opportunity to pump it forcibly.
  3. The duration of exposure depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe body that should be subjected to, as well as the thickness of adipose tissue. On average, the laser removal of fat takes no more than 45 minutes - 1 hour. However, in some cases, it can be spent up to two hours.
  4. In the human body, adipose tissue is located in two places. Under the skin (subcutaneous or surface fat layer), around the intestines (deep fat layer). Using laser liposuction, only the first type of adipose tissue can be adjusted. A good point is that in a vast majority, it is he who occurs.

The recovery period after laser liposuction lasts from 1 to 2 days, depending on the characteristics of the body. If necessary, several procedures are carried out with a certain interval. For one session, it is impossible to pump out more than 500 ml of fat, therefore, with large volumes, repeated liposuction is carried out.

Laser liposuction zones

Depending on the place of the procedure, they distinguish:

  • Laser liposuction of the chin.
  • Laser liposuction of the buttocks, abdomen.
  • Facial zones - cheeks and laser liposuction of the neck.
  • Laser liposuction of the legs.
  • Laser liposuction of hands.

The most common operations are carried out to remove fat on the stomach, buttocks, hips. Operations on the face are extremely rare. Firstly, the fat on the cheeks accumulates quite in small quantities, and, secondly, most customers are very afraid of punctures on the face. In the head area, the chin zone is the most popular.

In hand, the largest percentage of liposuction is carried out in the shoulder area.

Contraindications to laser liposuction

With the apparent lightness and harmlessness of this manipulation, if the patient has some acute or chronic diseases, its conduct can bring more troubles than positive effects. That is why laser liposuction is contraindicated:

  • People who have HIV or viral hepatitis B and S.
  • In chronic hypertension, the presence of a pacemaker, heart diseases.
  • With a red lupus.
  • In autoimmune diseases.
  • In case of diseases associated with impaired blood coagulation.
  • In acute respiratory diseases.
  • In the presence of allergies to local anesthesia.
  • Patients with diabetes of any type.
  • In the presence of malignant neoplasms.
  • Patients with impaired liver function.

That is why before you turn to the surgeon for help, you need to undergo a full examination and consult a specialist. The forces of diagnoses for the sake of surgery can cause greater harm than the expected effect. Any, even weak malaise, is the reason, at least, transfer the procedure to a later date.

The result of laser ultrasonic liposuction

In the absence of health problems, laser liposuction gives quite good results in the correction of the figure and weight loss. In addition to the aesthetic side of the issue, an improvement in the indicator of the body mass index is achieved, which positively affects the work of the heart, blood system and general well -being. Although many patients in the reviews of laser liposuction immediately note the onset of improvements, the maximum effect occurs only 2-3 weeks after the procedure. The fact is that the body requires this time in order for split fat to fall into the bloodstream and be removed through the liver. That is why people with a violation of lipid metabolism and liver activity do not carry out such a procedure, as you can worsen the condition.

The result of the correction depends on the patient's execution of further recommendations of the doctor.

One of the main conditions for preserving the resulting result is the correction of lifestyle. Unfortunately, the deposition of fat, in the so -called fat traps, is very difficult to remove with physical exertion, so it is better not to accumulate them. In a daily schedule, it is necessary to allocate time for daily walks, from the diet to exclude products that contain a large amount of fats and carbohydrates. It is better to reduce sugar, sweet drinks, beer. Light charging in the morning and before bedtime will also reduce the likelihood of a new increase in adipose tissue.

Rehabilitation period after laser liposuction

After the procedure that has passed without complications, the patient leaves the clinic a few hours later. And to everyday life you can return the next day. After liposuction in the field of exposure, small swelling and swelling may appear. However, they usually go in a day or two. For some time a small tingling in the field of invasion may be felt. As a rule, after one week it leaves, but can periodically appear for two months. It all depends on the sensitivity of the patient's skin.

Cosmetic surgeons after laser liposuction of the face and body during the recovery period recommend:

  • Refuse to drink alcohol, coffee and smoking.
  • Follow a diet with restriction of the use of fats, carbohydrates, sugar. The fact is that the removal of fats from the body is a factor aggravating the liver, and the use of harmful products will increase this load.
  • Avoid excessive insolation. Naturally, the sun cannot be completely avoided, but you should not sunbathe on the beach or in the solarium. It is better to carry out this operation in mid -spring or autumn.
  • Refuse massage in the procedure.
  • Do not visit saunas, pools.
  • Wearing compression linen for some time.
  • Some surgeons are prescribed to patients after laser liposuction of the hips of physiotherapeutic procedures. This will accelerate the recovery process and fix the result.

Laser liposuction "before" and "after": photo

Laser liposuction: video



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