
How to remove plasticine from clothes at home. How and how to remove plasticine spots from clothes

How to remove plasticine from clothes at home. How and how to remove plasticine spots from clothes
Using this article, you can easily clean the plasticine stain at home.

If there are children in the house, then there will be a couple of plasticine boxes. It is he who becomes the cause of spots not only on children's clothing, but also on his mother’s favorite dress. It is not difficult to remove sticking lumps of multi -colored mass. But it becomes problematic to clean the spot from it. In such a situation, it is necessary to act immediately and use only verified methods.

Plasticine spots - features and useful tips

  • The basis of plasticine is polyethylene, as well as various types of rubber. Such a mixture easily melts even from touching the fingers. Heat contributes to the spread of pollution over the fabric. But the main problem is dyes in the mixture. If fat can be quickly removed, then it is difficult to cope with paints. Therefore, cleaning the plasticine spots on clothes should be carefully.
  • For effective cleaning of things from pollution, you should act as soon as you find plasticine on the tissue. The old spot is much more difficult to get out than fresh.
  • First, remove the mass from clothes as much as possible. Then attach a napkin or paper towel on the remaining plasticine and pressed hard. So you will remove fat. After that, proceed to clean the chosen way.
  • After all these procedures, be sure to completely wash your clothes. Choose the wash mode depending on the type of material from which the clothes are sewn.
  • Before using one or another means to remove the spot, test it at an inconspicuous place of clothing. When choosing an incorrect method, you will spoil the thing completely, and then even dry cleaning can save it.
  • During the removal of plasticine, try not to rub the contaminated place. Otherwise, the mass is even more absorbed into the material. Then you will need more time and effort to get a stain from clothes.
  • Carefully study the label for things. She will tell you how to act and what should not be done during cleaning.
  • Do not try to just remove the spot. Warm water will melt plasticine, and it will be all over the clothes. Then you certainly have to throw it away.

How to remove plasticine from clothing freezing

  • One of the simplest ways to combat pollution from plastic mass. When exposed to cold, the mixture hardens. It will be much easier for you to remove it from the fabric.
  • If the spot is small, then use ice cubes. First, remove the plasticine from the clothes with a wooden skewer, while moving from the bottom up the mass, and do not smear it to the sides.
  • Fill the metal container with ice and put it on the spot. Leave the bowl for half an hour. Then remove and scrap the remnants of plasticine with a knife. After that, wash the thing in the usual way.
  • If large pollution, then use the freezer. Fold the clothes several times and pack it in a plastic bag. Tie it tightly or use a heap with a ZIP-start.
  • Leave the thing in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, depending on the type of fabric and the degree of penetration of mass into the fabric. During this time, the plasticine hardens, it will be easy to remove it.

Important! This method of combating pollution is suitable for denim and natural fabric. You will ruin clothes from synthetic material. You can also categorically freeze silk.

How to remove plasticine from clothes with heat

When the cold did not help to cope with contamination, try applying the opposite action - heat the plasticine. But in this case, it is necessary to act very quickly so that the stain does not disperse on the fabric.

  • Prepare a large number of napkins or other material with a high degree of absorption. Even toilet paper is suitable. Put the clothes on a flat surface. It is best to use the ironing board on which you can spread the thing into one layer.
  • Put the paper under the dirty section of the fabric, as well as on top of it. The iron is heated in the minimum mode or select the silk function. Moving the material. Now it is important to change napkins often so that plasticine is quickly absorbed into the paper.
  • Continue to iron the fabric until the mass completely disappears. Then get the stain, and send the thing to the washing machine.

Important! Do not use a hairdryer to remove stains. Since the hot flow of air will melt the plasticine, which will spread in different directions.

How to remove plasticine with clothes with soap with soda

The unique properties of laundry soap are known to many. It will also help to cope with pollution. But it is necessary to use it along with food soda.

  • Remove the plasticine with a knife. Then make a concentrated soap solution. To do this, grate the soap, transfer into a small cup and pour boiling water. When the water cools down, immerse the thing into the water and leave for 2 hours.
  • Take a brush with hard bristles and rub the stain. Peel the villi with a napkin after each movement. So the mass will not spread to other places. After that, make a slurry from your soda and rub it in a stain. Continue to do this until it disappears. Be sure to rinse the thing in clean water to wash the powder and then wash the clothes as usual.

How to remove plasticine from clothing with vegetable oil

If the two previous methods have not helped, try another strange cleaning of clothes. Ordinary vegetable oil will be able to soften the remnants of plasticine. But only it is necessary to use it carefully, otherwise you will stain the thing even more.

  • Apply sunflower oil to the contaminated part of the clothing. To avoid the spread of the product, collect the material so that you get a recess in place of the spot. Leave the oil to act for 2 hours.
  • After the indicated time, remove the mass with clean napkins while trying to remove oil from the tissue as well. A gel for washing dishes will help to wash the oil spot. Use it immediately after oil. Rub the pollution well, rinse in warm water and wash your clothes.

How to wipe plasticine from clothes with kerosene

Kerosene clothing was actively used by our grandmothers by kerosene. Today this tool can also be used, only now kerosene is sold in a purified form and without a pungent odor.

  • It is necessary to work with him very carefully so as not to spoil the fabric. Kerosene is also used only on dry material. Put the thing on the table. Wet a cotton pad with a remedy, squeeze well and attach to the spot. Leave it for 5-10 minutes.
  • After that, it is necessary to get the remains of kerosene with napkins. Before washing, rub the wet fabric with a piece of lemon. But instead of washing powder, use a dishes for washing gel and turn on the additional rinse.

How to clean plasticine with clothing ammonia

If you do not have special products for cleaning the fabric, then look at the home medicine cabinet. Such a drug as ammonia will help you cope with slight pollution from plasticine.

  • This liquid cannot be used in its pure form. Therefore, it must be diluted, but only with cold water. So on a half cup of liquid, you will have enough 5 drops of the product.
  • You can remove traces from plasticine in two ways. At the first, it is necessary to wipe a place with contamination with a solution of ammonia until it disappears completely. In this case, you will soak the fabric around the spot, and you will need more effort.
  • In the second version of cleaning, it is necessary to apply a cotton pad with diluted ammonia and leave it for 30-40 minutes. Then thoroughly rinse clothes in cold water to eliminate the ammonia smell. After that, wash with the addition of air conditioning.

How to remove a stain of plasticine with a stain

  • Home remedies can be ineffective in the fight against color spots from plasticine. In this case, resort to chemicals for cleaning, such as stained vehicles. Since there are a lot of them, carefully study the instructions before using the product.
  • Although most powders and gels are added during washing, use them for soaking. Wipe the place with the spot with warm water. Dilute the stain according to the instructions and pour in the place of pollution. After 15-20 minutes, wash the fabric with the addition of the product, but do not wash it off the fabric, but put it immediately in the drum.

How to clean plasticine from white clothes

Things from light and white fabric need careful care. Therefore, it is necessary to act carefully, since this material is very easy to spoil.

  • When cleaning clothes from plasticine, remember the main rule: it is categorically impossible to use whiteness and any other chlorine -containing products. It is mistaken to believe that the solution will whiten the fabric. He will remove the colored spot, but the material will turn yellow.
  • Use more gentle drugs, such as hydrogen peroxide. It will carefully bleach the spot, but only it will take you much more time than in previous cleaning options. Remove the remaining plasticine, soak clean tissue in the solution and rub the spot. Repeat the procedure until, until it begins to get pollution. Then wash the thing in the usual way for you.
  • If you are afraid to use a pharmacy, then use special oxygen bleach. They will certainly get a spot, and will not spoil the material.

How to remove stains from colored fabric

  • For delicate fabrics with a color pattern, it is necessary to carefully remove the spot so as not to spoil the clothes. Effectively cope with plasticine will help soda and a dishwasher.
  • In a small container, mix the powder with gel to the porridge consistency. Apply it to the spot and leave to act for up to half an hour. Then rub the place with a brush with a soft bristle or toothbrush. If necessary, apply gruel again. When the stain was cleaned, rinse clothes in warm water and wash.

How to remove plasticine from clothing from woolen fabric

Special difficulties can occur when processing woolen products. They have a porous structure into which plasticine penetrates very deeply. In this case, only the dissolution of the mass will help.

  • Buy a turpentine and gasoline in a purified form. Mix them in equal proportions and apply a cotton wool on the spot. After 30 minutes, remove the remaining plasticine with a clean cloth and soak the contaminated area of \u200b\u200bthe fabric again. This must be done again, since plasticine can be inside.
  • After such processing, rinse the stain with a gel for washing dishes and wash your clothes with the addition of liquid powder for woolen things.

Important! It is impossible to use gasoline and turpentine for woolen clothing, as the threads can turn yellow. You will have to trust professionals in dry cleaning.

How to clean silk tissue of plasticine

  • Clothing from silk material belongs to a delicate form. You can remove plasticine residues only with purified alcohol. Do not use stain coils and home cleaning products.
  • Lay the thing on a ironing board, put a clean cloth or paper towel under the spot. Wet the cotton pad with alcohol and rub dry tissue. Only movements should be from the edge of the spot to the middle. So you do not stretch the mass to a clean section of clothing. Wash clothes at a water temperature of 40 degrees.

How to clean plastic accessories on plasticine clothes

  • If the mass fell on buttons, rivets or lightning, then you need to act right away. With a damp cloth, remove the plasticine from the surface as much as possible. If the accessories are flat, then attach an ice cube to the pollution and then push the frozen mass with a knife. Rinse the remaining plasticine with warm water.
  • For lightning, a different approach is needed, since plasticine gets between the teeth, and it is difficult to remove it. Use a brush with a rough bristle. In the PIAL, mix food soda and liquid powder. The mixture should be like a gruel. Dip the brush into it and rub the zipper. Rinse the rest and then wash the thing completely.

How to remove plasticine with a folk remedy

A very unusual, but quite effective way to combat a plastic mass will be a woolen sock. Fold it several times and rub it with a stain. The villi will remove the plasticine from the tissue as much as possible. You will only have to wash a thing with a stain -coir.

Do not throw a thing if a spot from plasticine appeared on it. You can clean it from clothes at home and thereby save money on dry cleaning. Choose any of the presented methods or use several, but only after unsuccessful washing.


About how else you can remove plasticine from clothes, watch the video:



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