
How to wash the pillow at home. Is it possible to erase the pillow in the washing machine. How to Email Pillow Pillow, Down, Bamboo, Hallofayber

How to wash the pillow at home. Is it possible to erase the pillow in the washing machine. How to Email Pillow Pillow, Down, Bamboo, Hallofayber
In this article we will analyze how to protect the pillows with different composition. Can I wash pillows in a washing machine?

The topic of cleaning pillows is very relevant lately, because, how neatly do not contact them, and dust and garbage with time they accumulate. Yes, if you look inside the pillow, still presented with your grandmother, you can find foreign objects (for example, needles). As well as sweat and particles of your skin after a while will fall to all content. Therefore, the pillows are not only possible, but also need to be cleaned regularly. But how to do it right, we are with you and consider it.

Is it possible to wash pillows in a washing machine?

The easiest and most reliable way to clean the pillow is to pass it in a special studio for chemical cleaning. But there are reasons (high price or personal beliefs), when there is no desire to give a pillow into a dry cleaning. We have a pleasant news - washing pillows (but not their cleaning) can be held at home. And a natural question arises - is it possible to wash the pillows in the machine? Immediately give a positive answer, but consider in detail a little later.

Immediately it is worth noting that the pillows are divided into several species according to their filler.

  1. Pillows with natural filler. These are all our famous and favorite pillows:
    • feather;
    • dying;
    • as well as bamboo;
    • and, of course, woolen products (as a rule, these are sheep or camel wool);
    • these include pillows from wool;
    • and silk.
  2. Popular recently pillows with artificial filler. According to them, by the way, a wide variety. It:
    • flizelin and Fireballlon;
    • silicone and syntheps;
    • camphor and holofiber;
    • and many beloved - antistress pillow.
  3. Pillows with organic fillers. More often use:
    • buckwheat;
    • berry bones;
    • flax seeds;
    • solol and similar.
  4. And, of course, it is impossible not to note orthopedic pillows. Especially it is necessary to allocate:
    • rigid orthopedic pillows;
    • and "with the effect of memory."

Now, in the era, machine machines, the task is greatly simplified. Therefore, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to wash the pillows in the machine, only one - yes. But in this matter there are minor exceptions - not all pillows can be subject to machine or even manual washing.

What pillows can not be erased in a washing machine?

  • Of course, this applies to all orthopedic bedding. Regardless of whether they have a "memory effect" or simply rigid products.
  • Some natural fillers also do not like Machine washing - it's cotton and cotton.
  • All pillows with organic fillers (buckwheat husk, seeds, seeds or bones) are not erased at all! Nor in a washing machine, nor hands!

Important! These pillows are simply emitted by expiration. If you decide to clean them, then this can be realized only with a neurove. That is, they were extended, took out, for example, a buckwheat husk and stretched their hands (well, or with a gentle mode). The filler is dried only with solar rays or calcination.

How to wash pillows in a washing machine?

There are two types of kneading bedding. And it does not depend on the filler.

  • The pillow is erased whole. That is, in the ninente. But do not forget that you need to remove the pillowcase, and the pillow itself needs to be carefully knocked out of dust.
  • Or disassembled. Yes, this is a more laborious process, but also better. We need to spread the seam, remove all the contents, distribute it with small portions on special bags (or make them yourself from very dense tissue). After washing and drying everything is stitched back.

Important! With big pillows you need to do only on the second method. They are then filled with high quality, they will be better distributed on the most washing machine and dry faster. And the nipper can be erased in more hard mode and bleach or stains can be applied to it.

  • You can wash the pillows themselves only with delicate mode, the temperature of which does not exceed 30-40 ° C. An important requirement is a spin. It must be no more than 600 revolutions. Otherwise, any filler can be knocked out or deformed.

Important! Do not use drying for washing pillows. The hot couple will ruin it completely, and it will only be designed for the garbage bucket.

  • It is preferable to erase with liquid powders, because they are better folded. By the way, the additional rinse does not hurt. Do not use bleach - they adversely affect any filler (natural or synthetic). From air conditioners should also be refused. It is not completely broken to the end, maybe some cause allergies, and too much fragrance is not desirable for sleep.
  • You can put several tennis balls in the washing machine, they will create the effect of "breaking" the filler and will not let him get rid.

And such an important aspect - drying the pillow.

  1. It is possible to dry it only in a horizontal position! Preferably in the fresh air so that air circulation is. After all, in the premises the pillow even after washing will have an unpleasant smell.
  2. Ideally, it can be done on a dryer or on clothes ropes (just follow the pillow to fall). On the table it is undesirable on the table, because there will be stagnation, and water will just run down, than just extends the drying period.
  3. Be sure to turn over and periodically whip the pillow. It is necessary so that the filler does not turn into one com and did not squeeze. By the way, he succumbes then faster and evenly.

How to wash feathers and down pillows?

Feather pillows have not been losing their popularity for many years. Yes, they are comfortable, elastic (precisely because of the presence of a pen), lungs and, at the same time, volumetric. The most important thing is their dignity - this is the ability to keep the form (and this is the merit of the fluff). They are perfectly adjusted under the shape of a man's head, but do not fit. By the way, the sweat is perfectly absorbed, and the air is wonderful.

Important! More often pillows made from the composition of the fluff and pen. They have about the same abilities and quality. And in the departure issues, the feathers or the fluff pillows are no different. Make most often from ducks and geese, less often - from Gag and swans. The greater the fluff, the pillow is softer, but its price is higher.

To wrap a feathers or a down pillow.

  • If she is small dimensions, then you can feel free to send it entirely in the machine. But medium and large pillows should be washed only in disassembled form. First, she may not fit into the drum. And secondly, the pen will be betrayed in whom and hesitated poorly (and as a result, it is a rotten smell of feathers).
  • Yes, a bit of painstaking work, since it is necessary first to spread the seams (and they, as a rule, are very carefully invented). Feathers need to pour out in a dry pelvis.

By the way! Be sure to note that the fluff and feathers have a property to rise in the air and fly apart. Therefore, you need to do this procedure in a closed room, in which there will be no techniques, pets and children. And furniture will be the minimum quantity, because after the entire room it will be necessary to wash thoroughly.

  • Divide the fluff over the bags. You choose their number. The main thing, remember, the fewer feathers in the bag, the better it extends, it will be worked out and, naturally, dries. But it is not necessary to put on the jem.

Small advice! Washing bags can be made independently. But very dense fabric is required, for example, tick or something like that. And, it is desirable, all the seams make a machine line! No matter how tidy, and you can't lift your hands so tightly. Everyone knows that feathers love to squeeze even into tiny holes.

  • Some take old pillowcases for these purposes. It is not right! Pillowcases make a completely different fabric, even two or three layers will not save the situation. And the Pooh can easily score the washing machine, the pen itself can be stuck in the drum. And all this will lead both to not postponed pillows and breakdown cars.
  • After the whole down is placed in its bags, the work of the seam. If you do it manually, then go through several times and make the stitches themselves small. In special bags for such purposes, a snake is intended. Alternatively, you can still tie to the node (this is only if the bag itself is large). But it is necessary to do it very tight.
  • Spasched all the bags with the pen evenly on the drum of the washing machine, poured a favorite tool. Chose the delicate washing mode (each washing machine). The temperature in it is not above 40 ° C (you can choose less).
  • For such pillows, be sure to use a double rinse! In some machines there is a "Pooh" washing mode. That is, it is for the washing of the down products - that's what it will fit perfectly.

And another recommendation! If you decide to wash the filler in one bag, then throw a few more towels into the drum. Thus, the drum will receive a uniform load.

  • And we recall that for pillows (especially, with such a filler) you need to choose the minimum number of revolutions. Also, the Pooh does not come down in a com, you can use tennis balls (we mentioned above).

But a fluff-feathery filler is placed in a washing machine - this is only a floor of the case. Proper drying also plays an important role.

  • A feathers or a fluff cushion will dry only in the fresh air and in the sun!
  • Moreover, the bags are hanging in one edge. Do not put on the surface. And necessarily every few hours of feathers need to be stirred and mixed. So that there is no stagnation of moisture and air. This can lead to the appearance of unpleasant smell, mold and even the formation of the feathers themselves.
  • The drying itself takes 2-3 days. Of course, now we are talking about solar and warm weather. After the feathers dried well, the cheerful process begins again - to fold the fluff back into the nail. By the way, with a great desire, it can be replaced with a new one. And in conclusion, it remains only to dew well.

It is impossible not to note one important negative side - the appearance of dust mites and fungi in feather pillows, which provoke allergic reactions.

  1. The main criterion of feather pillows is regular cleaning. To wash the filler (and the pillow itself) you must at least once a year. And even better - 2 times.
  2. To avoid the appearance of ticks, and, in general, to achieve a disinfecting effect, add a few drops of essential oil when washed. Excellent options will be orange, cypress and lavender. Only no more than 5 drops. After all, a sharp smell can worsen sleep and cause a headache.
  3. If there is a sapar (or iron with a vertical ferry), then even after washing it will not hurt to go. To do this, hang the pillow in a vertical position and pass the steamer of all sides.

Is it possible to erase the pillows from the bamboo?

Bamboo filler refers to natural materials. Moreover, the bamboo pillow is hypoallergenne, so even asthmatics can use it. Such a pillow is perfectly holding a form, and in terms of wear, she has no equal rivals. Do bamboo pillows erase? Undoubtedly! Moreover, it is not afraid of even washing machines. And in comparison with its competitor in popularity - a feat (or a fluffy) pillow, it dries very quickly.

Important! They have one "secret ingredient" - Bamboo Kun. It not only does not make it possible to multiply microbes and fungi, but also acts as an antiseptic against bacteria and remarkably absorbs odors!

How to erase a pillow of bamboo?

In principle, it is no more difficult to wash such pillows. To some extent, even easier. Technology is very similar, but there are some differences.

  • The first thing you need to highlight is the ability to wash the pillow entirely. No, if you have a dimensional pillow, and it is badly placed in the drum of the machine, then you need to decompose the filler separately into the bags.
  • The procedure itself is similar, so I can not repeat. Another difference is the material of the bag is not so demanding to density, as for feat pillows.
  • If the alignment is intimate, and the pillow is perfectly placed in the washing machine, then boldly begin to wash. If we talk about the mode, then it comes up again "delicate" mode and "manual wash".

  • The temperature should also not be above 40 ° C. The powder you need to take only gel-shaped, since bulk substances may not be pulled out with bamboo wolves. Bleaches and other aggressive substances under the strictest prohibition. They will spoil the pillow.
  • You can press in a washing machine, but with the number of revolutions 400-500. And it will be better if you break it without squeezing. This pillow herself will quickly dry, but in the fresh air, and even in the sun. In a wet room, it can also even moldy.

By the way! In a wet or wet state, a bamboo pillow is very gentle and sensitive. It can easily break or deform. Therefore, it is better to dry it on the dryer.

Important! It is dried only in a horizontal position. If you come to mind to hang her for clothespins on the clothesline, then the fibers in these places simply break.

  • It takes it at least once every six months (and even better two). Yes, it is necessary to wash the bamboo pillow more often than the feathers. But she, repeat, tolerates washing well. It is believed that the bamboo pillow can withstand about 500 washes. And if you do everything right, I will serve even longer.

How to wash a pillow down?

We above gave all the recommendations, how to wash pillows from the fluff. Therefore, we will not repeat, because the algorithm of all the actions is absolutely identical to the feathers. We will only give a few recommendations so that your favorite fluff cushion will serve many more years.

  1. The pillow from time to time you need to beat. Yes, most of us are used to do, but solely in order to make it more comfortable. In fact, such manipulations are useful for the pillow itself, then the filler is saturated with air.
  2. Take a rule - periodically air the pillows. Yes, leave in the summer to lie down a few hours in a shady or in winter in the cold. The main condition is a good air flow, but not in the period of strong wind. Do it need it once a month.
  3. The usual dust knocker is suitable for pillows. Every time you change the bedding, enter the pillow from dust. The main thing is to do it outdoors!
  4. If the pillows are not used for a long time, we used to get tightly tightly into a plastic bag so that the dirt does not appear and do not dare dust. It is impossible to do this! Pillow from the fluff should breathe! Therefore, leave it just in a pure nail.
  5. So that the alternate itself is not so much contaminated, wear an extra pillowcase (you can from a thin sither).

And also a few tips when the pillow is time to replace the new:

  • The filler rolled, and formed inside the lumps that are hard to smash.
  • Or, on the contrary, the pillow lost the form and became too soft.
  • After sleep, the neck or even head hurt.

By the way! Recall that the height of the pillow must be equal to the width of the shoulder. That is, the head should have 90 ° with the neck.

  • An unpleasant smell from the pillow is an important signal.
  • And one more bell is dandruff. Yes, the development of pathogenic microbes can provoke such a notch.

How to erase holofayber pillows?

Synthetic products erase a pleasure. Even hands. They are perfectly abandoned, and dry incredibly quickly. No, in the washing machine, they can also be washed. Moreover, in the drum, they are perfectly placed and you can still wash the 2-3 pillows in one cycle. Naturally, depending on the size.

Important! The filler is of different quality. To check whether it is possible to erase holofiber pillows, make a small test. Put a heavy item in the center (not only a ten-mlarogram weight), and after a few minutes you remove it. If the dent disappeared immediately, then boldly swell. If the dent remained, then this pillow is not intended for washing. Otherwise, it simply loses the form and structure.

  • It can be washed in the assembled state. Again, if you have a small volume machine or a big pillow, then the filler must be removed and decomposed evenly on the bags.
  • The washing mode is suitable only "delicate" and "synthetic". Temperature, naturally, not higher than 40 ° C. Otherwise, fibers may be damaged.
  • In no case cannot use bulk powders or bleaching. They very adversely affect the structure of holofayber. Only gel powders are allowed.

  • Such a pillow can not be pressed! After pressing in a washing machine, you can just get porridge lobby. And the pillow will cease to be suitable for sleep. It is impossible to unscrew the pillow with your hands. Any coarse manipulations can lead to the chances and seal of the filler itself.
  • To dry such a pillow, you just need to be in a horizontal position, with the possibility of water drain. Therefore, pride the opportunity to put the pelvis. The drying conditions are the same as for other pillows - this is the sun and fresh air. In general, Hollofiber does not absorb moisture, so it will dry in a very short time.

Important! But you can wash such pillows no more than 1 time per year. In principle, they do not need it in this, because they do not absorb sweat or moisture, dust pliers do not become in them and dust do not accumulate.

  • And let's give one small advice - do not try to wash the pillows with tennis balls, as in the case of feathery pillows. In this situation, the balls will play the opposite role. They will not prevent the formation of lumps, but simply damage the structure of holofayber.

Is it possible to wash the pillow an antistress?

The answer will be immediately positive. But there are some nuances that depend on the filler. Most often use polystyrene balls. These pillows can be erased with hands, and in a washing machine. If in the pillow as a filler used buckwheat husk or flax seeds, then you can wash only the case. Yes, in this case, the filler is simply removed, sucked, and then falls asleep into place.

  • Wash the antistress pillow only in the assembled form. And even additionally dressed a dense bag or case. If there is a tiny hole, then the balls will score the filter of the machine and the cause of its breakdowns.

Important! If you decide to remove the filler from the case, then you can only wash it with your hands!

  • The mode, as always, can only take "delicate" and with a temperature not higher than 40 ° C. They are usually done with such a material that is very easily dispersed. But if there are stains, then you must be pre-caught.
  • Press the antistress pillow cannot be pressed! Balls can be damaged (and worse will be if the cover breaks). Yes, and, in principle, the filler does not absorb moisture, therefore does not need annealing.
  • From the powders can also be used only liquid, and from bleaching at all should be abandoned (even if there are spots).

  • You need to dry, too, a little peculiar. Yes, they dry in a horizontal position, but are wrapped in a terry towel (so that the moisture absorbed). And do not forget to periodically turn over and move the filler so that water goes uniformly.
  • The room must be well ventilated, but it is better to avoid sunlight. By the way, dried on the battery is not the best option for such pillows.
  • It is necessary to wash them very often - every 3-6 months. And children's pillows of such a plan and at all times in 30 days.
  • And a small advice - you can safely add a few drops of your beloved essential oil, both when washing and even after it.

Wash the pillow separately from other items! Even if there is still a lot of space in the washing machine.

Video: How to wipe the pillow at home?


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