
How to remove katovka from clothes at home. Means for removing rollers from clothes. Prevention of coils on clothes

How to remove katovka from clothes at home. Means for removing rollers from clothes. Prevention of coils on clothes
How to remove splashing from clothes to return to her the primordial look.

Even very expensive brand clothing with time can stretch out, stretch out or covered with an unpleasant view of katips. It's a shame if the thing is loved and the road is doubly insulting if a substantial amount was posted for it. But in the hands, not even a particularly skilled hostess, any item of a wardrobe with rollers on clothes has a good chance to the second, third, even tenth life.

There are quite a few devices present in each house and intended for other household needs, in addition to removing the rollers from clothing, there are devices created only for this single target. The most attractive thing is that they are worthwhile kopecks, therefore it is possible to get clothes without rollers quickly and simple, the main thing is time and desire!

Coils on clothes: Causes

Before you begin to study the question of how to bring clothes to the original divine species, you need to understand why spokes appear on clothes:

  1. The first thing to pay attention is not so much the brand and cost of the product as its quality. Cheap items can be made to conscience, while expensive may well be almost disposable - anything happens. So, if there are long thits on the fabric, the threads themselves are loose, insufficiently twisted, then the chance on the occurrence of katips is very large!
  2. The leading role in the appearance of katips plays the composition of the fabric - artificial synthetic things are less prone to such a misfortune than their natural competitors. At the same time, the body loves when it concerns natural wool, cotton or luna, because under them the skin breathes, which cannot be said about artificial fabrics.
  3. Wrong care. The Russian man opens the instructions only when the product is broken. I would like this sticking to do not apply to wardrobe objects: each of the bottom is supplied with a tag from the manufacturer with detailed care instructions: washing, drying, ironing and dry cleaning. It is advisable to get acquainted with them immediately after purchasing the product and to clearly follow the instructions described in it - so the thing will significantly retain its primary look.
  4. Incorrect means for washing the product. No wonder on the shelves of stores there is a large selection of washing gels and powders, different from each other for purpose - for white, black or colored linen, classic or for delicate washing. This is not just a marketing stroke to make the surrender of our respectable citizens. Each piece of wardrobe is really better to erase the means specifically selected for him - so it will last much longer.
  5. If the piece of clothing, such as a jacket or a jacket, is subjected to local constant friction, say, on the shoulder from the bag of the bag or portfolio, then on this section of the fiber fabric wipes, weaken and the rollers appear much faster.
  6. Operating time. Even with careful care, any thing has its own time, and if it has already come out - the loss of the pristine species is natural. In this case, nothing will help, and the it is time to send to disposal. In any case, if you carefully treat things and carefully care for it, the service life can be significantly extended!

Dry cleaning for removing rollers from clothes

The most expensive but at the same time and the effective way to clean the coils on clothes. The thing will look like it just bought it in the store, because the staff will not only be removed from her coils, but also plunge, and will be cleaned and dismissed!

Machine for removing coils from clothes

The easiest way is to go to any economic store and purchase this miracle. There is such a machine from the coils on clothes within 100-500 rubles, and compared to the same dry cleaning it is a dear penny!

Depending on the cost and manufacturer, such a machine for hairstyle from clothing can even be equipped with a cutting height adjustment function so as not to damage the product texture.

A similar device for removing rollers from clothing is also good because it is equipped with a special container for collecting cut-off garbage, therefore work will be clean, fast and not a vigorous. Probably, a person who invented such a typewriter can be called a genius!

If the wonderful machines did not turn at hand, time to leave to the nearest business is catastrophically lacking, and the thing is needed in primeval form here and now, a natural question arises: "How to remove katos from clothes without a type?". And there are ways to eat, because not so long ago this miracle device appeared on the market!

Razor - faithful remedy for rollers on clothes

The least time consuming method of getting rid of rollers with the help of sweater. However, any careless movement can damage the tissue, because for products from cashmere or mohair, for example, you will have to choose a more delicate way to care. Rather, he will come up with woolen pantyles (you can wear and shake them), hats, scarves, gloves or mittens: they have a small surface, and risks to harm are minimal, respectively.

The razor is better to take the already used, since too sharp blades can harm fabrics with a high probability. In addition, before you begin to shave the product, it should be strongly stretched, again, in order to avoid harming, and this should also take into account the hostess: some things do not like such an appeal and remain stretched, and the return to the primordial appearance is no longer shines.

And the technique of removing rollers with a razor machine is extremely simple: a stretched thing is simply shaving from the bottom up, thus cutting off the coils and returning the product for the previous look.

How to remove splashing from clothes: Scotch or roller with adhesive tape

Another option is used by primary means - scotch or roller for cleaning clothes from pet wool. Not the most effective way, but it will come in if the katovka is not very large and they just started appearing. The principle is extremely simple: the most sticky tape is taken, it is glued onto a smooth section of clothing and it takes off sharply - something like this process resembles depilation with wax strips.

Rollers have the same principle - ride on the surface of the clothes they stick to themselves. But due to the weak stickiness, the tapes can be passed on some sites repeatedly, pressed with some force.

How to remove splashing from clothes: scissors

It is best to use manicure scissors, they will allow all risks to damage the product to a minimum. Obviously, such a way although it is highly efficient, it is very laborious, painstaking and selecting a bunch of time. And do not forget that any careless movement can lead to tissue cuts.

Before you start, place the product on the table, straighten it and set the maximum lighting. Hurry should not be hurried, no matter how much to speed up the process, it is better to do slowly, but right!

How to remove splashing from clothes: Toothbrush

A delicate and very effective way to get rid of rollers on clothes from Mochhar or Angora. Explore the product and a soft toothbrush to adopt it along the fibers. After such a procedure, the processed clothing will not be so fluffy, as before, but it does not matter - soak it in a basin with water and vinegar, and it will again be like new!

How to remove splashing from clothes: sandpaper paper

This method is suitable exclusively for products without a pile. Entround paper should be used fine-grained, not rough. Separated clothing should be rubbed to completely get rid of the boring rollers.

How to remove splashing from clothes: Sponge for dishes

The sponge must be used new, and it is necessary to rub the product with a more rigid side. For delicate fabrics, this method is not very suitable, and for all others it will be a great way out!

How to remove splashing from clothes: calculation

The product can be simply neatly combed with the most ordinary scallop with frequent cloths, and the rollers will remain on it.

How to remove katovka from clothes at home: crust bread

Here it is better to use his own cooked Sukharik in the oven - than it will be thicker and land, the less likelihood that crumbs will fall off during the cleaning process. Our great-grandmothers were used by this method, but still the modern industry offers the use of more efficient submitted items. And the principle of action is extremely simple - a dried piece of bread, the product is rubbed as sandpaper, and the kousets are gradually falling off.

How to get rid of rollers on clothes: summarize

Now you know how to remove the kat from clothes with a typewriter or without it. Obviously, breeding means are more than enough. In order to preserve the pristine type of clothing, prone to the formation of katips, it is best to use the device specially created for this purpose - a typewriter from rollers on clothes. And sometimes, if such an opportunity is there, take a thing in a proven dry cleaning. Only careful operation will extend the service life of any thing, because the prevention is always better than getting rid of the trouble that has already happened!

Video "How to remove katovka from clothes"


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