
How to wash the down jacket correctly so that the fluff does not get down. How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine - instruction

How to wash the down jacket correctly so that the fluff does not get down. How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine - instruction
How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine so that it does not spoil it and the process occupies a minimum of costs and energy.

The down jacket is an integral part of the wardrobe, regardless of gender or age. The fluff warms even in severe frosts, and financial availability makes such jackets perhaps the most popular outerwear in the autumn-winter season. Color gamms and design can be very diverse, and this allows you to combine down jackets with absolutely any clothes, including jeans, skirts and even dresses.

However, sooner or later, a logical question arises during operation - whether the down jackets erase in the washing machine? Of course, there are dry cleaners that will perfectly clear all kinds of pollution and return the jacket pristine appearance. But what if, for example, a down jacket? Take into dry cleaning every 1-2 weeks? But these are significant costs of both finance and time! Therefore, of course, every housewife should be able to bypass on their own and know how to wash the down jacket so that the fluff does not get down. We will analyze this simple question together.

Is it possible to wash a down jacket

So, good news for the hostesses - you can wash the down jacket in the washing machine if there are no appropriate contraindications on the label. Moreover, if this is done correctly, then the result will be as after a high -quality dry cleaning. Yes, it will take some time and patience, but believe me, it’s worth it!

How to wash a down jacket: stage of preparation

First of all, be sure to check your pockets for the presence or absence of some forgotten little thing in them. Fasten all the zippers and buttons, turn the jacket inside out, remove the belt from the metal plaque, the fur removable edges are unfastened.

If there are particularly stained spots, you can process them with additional household soap or a special tool. Only in this way nothing will deteriorate when washing, because this stage is extremely important for the preservation of the product and preserving its original appearance.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine

For the result to really please, a good mistress should be puzzled by the following questions:

  1. What mode to wash the down jacket.
  2. At what temperature to wash the down jacket.
  3. What is the means to wash the down jacket.
  4. Wash a down jacket with tennis balls.
  5. How to dry a down jacket.
  6. When to beat the fluff.

It is in the answers to these questions that the whole secret of washing down jackets in washing machines lies.

What mode to wash the down jacket

The regime of delicate washing, which is erased by woolen or silk things, is best suited. This is a fairly gentle regime that provides for the lack of aggressive washing at high speeds and too hot water. At the same time, this mode is stronger than the manual washing mode, so that it can be called a certain golden mean between the same manual washing and the usual regime in which you are used to making daily washing.

If possible, increase the number of rinses in your chosen mode - it is very difficult to wash out of the fluff, whatever the detergents may be there.

At what temperature to wash the down jacket

You can find the answer to this question on the label that is equipped with all wardrobe items. As a rule, fluff does not like high temperatures, and down jackets are erased at a temperature of 30 degrees. It is also not recommended to choose the maximum, but it is better not to wash it without it at all-then the down jacket can dry for a very, very long time, and constant humidity also negatively affects the property of the fluff. It will be optimal to wash the down jacket in delicate washing mode with maximum speeds-400-600 and slightly warm water.

What means to wash a down jacket

Do not save on a tool for washing down jackets. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a regular washing powder or some expensive gel for washing delicate things-both that and the other are completely not suitable for down products and can adversely affect the property of the fluff, make it dumping and deprive it of unique heating properties.

In stores, special tools for washing down products are sold, for example, in sports centers like a sportsmaster or product and economic hypermarkets, such as Auchan. As a rule, their price is higher than the prices of ordinary means for washing, but it is not necessary to save and do not - in any case, the cost of one bottle, albeit small, will be less than the cost of 1 session of dry cleaning.

Wash a down jacket with tennis balls

So, the down jacket was prepared, chose the optimal mode with the corresponding temperature and spin, they flooded the washing tool, it would seem, what else is needed? It turns out that the whole secret of the question "How to wash the down jacket?" It also consists in the fact that it must be washed with special balls. They are sold in any household, or in extreme cases, the most ordinary tennis balls are suitable. What are they needed for?

While the drum of the washing machine is spinning, these balls are spinning with it, constantly knocking on different places of the down jacket and, as it were, breaking its fluff, preventing him from falling and curtain in one corner.

This does not mean that when you get your down jacket from the car, all the fluff will be evenly broken, as it was before washing, and only it remains to dry it. On the contrary, be morally ready to see a rather deplorable picture with a fluff dumped in the corners of the compartment of the down jacket. This is fine! When it dries, you can see that there is nothing terrible,

How to dry a down jacket

Having taken out a down jacket from the machine, evaluate how efficiently you have selected the pressing mode correctly. If the water flows, put carefully on the bathroom and let it drain to the end. After this manipulation, place a painted down jacket in a well -ventilated room, you can hang on wide shoulders, lightning and buttons to unfasten, turn out your pockets. It is impossible to rush events with a hairdryer and heating electrical appliances in any case: this will adversely affect the quality of a down filler, and indelible stains can remain on the jacket itself.

Touching the jacket and whipping the fluff until it is raw is not recommended - there will be no sense from this action, and a whole mass will spend efforts.

We wash the down jacket in the machine automato: when and how to whip the fluff

Beat the fluff and only when the jacket is completely dry. Dry fluff is very easy to distribute, especially if washing was performed competently. In the drying process, try to whip the fluff several times, but in any case, in dry form it will be more supple.

The easiest and most popular way is to beat with your hands. Someone recommends taking off the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner and carefully walk at the minimum speed throughout the product, but not everyone works out in this way evenly break the fluff.

What washing machines are the down jackets

By and large, all machines equipped with a temperature selection of 30 degrees and the number of revolutions of 400-600 are erased. The modern industry offers washing machines for every taste and color, their cost varies depending on the size, brand, design solution, capacity, noise level and much more. But the filling, as a rule, is one, functions and opportunities similar. Some washing rooms are equipped with a separate “down jacket” mode, but this is an optional condition for high -quality washing of down jackets. After all, you already know how to wash the down jackets in the machine, and therefore is suitable for this simple business, absolutely any machine, to your taste and color.

We will summarize

Now you know how to wash the down jacket in the machine. It is obvious that there is absolutely nothing complicated: it is enough to have any washing machine, washing balls (they are inexpensive, and remember about the alternative - tennis balls) and special for washing the down products - they should not save on them, they cost their money and bring a guaranteed way High result!

Video "On which program to wash the down jacket"


Inna 16.04.2018 Answer

And I tried to wash with the balls, only I spoiled the down jacket. Now I have found a good remedy for myself. I wash only with him, the spots removes well and the fluff does not come true. It turns out a down jacket is no more complicated than a regular thing to wash
