
Benefits and harms of rapeseed oil. What makes rapeseed oil - composition. The use of rapeseed oil

Benefits and harms of rapeseed oil. What makes rapeseed oil - composition. The use of rapeseed oil
What makes canola oil? About the dangers and benefits, indications and contraindications. Scope. How to choose and store rapeseed oil

As a crop, rape began to grow a few centuries ago. Rape has been used only for the production of lubricant in the industry, and only at the end of the last century was launched new varieties of this crop, especially for the food industry. From year to year the popularity of rapeseed oil increased and now we are all more common fields sown with this crop.

What the properties of this product, what is its benefit and harm, from what makes this oil. We will try to answer all the questions.

Rapeseed oil. Composition

Not many of us know what rapeseed oil is made. Get the food product from the culture of the cabbage family. This is an agricultural culture that is not found in wildlife. Rapesea predecessors - surepitsa and garden cabbage.

Oil is obtained from rapeseed seeds. If we consider the content of the oily part in the seeds, it is safe to say that only 50% is given to oil.

Why is this product becoming more and more popular? The whole secret is in the low cost of the finished product. Raps - culture non-addictive. After pressing the collected raw materials, the cake goes on animal feed, and a high-quality food product can be made from the resulting raw materials. Remains and all that was not used to produce the main product are sent to secondary processing (for use in textile industry, soap, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, etc.).

What is part of:

  • monounsaturated fats and acids (omega 3,6,9) - in 1 tbsp. more than 8 g;
  • vitamin E and A, as well as useful trace elements;
  • erupic acid;
  • tioglikoside.

High-quality product is useful, so you always need to carefully study the composition. If everything is clear with the first two components, the following components are alarming. These substances our body is not able to perceive and recycle, so when using a poor-quality product, they are collected in the body and can negatively affect human health.

Suitable for use only oil with minimal acid content. According to GOST, oil with such marking "8988-2002" is allowed. The sale presents unrefined rapeseed oil and refined, where the acid content does not exceed 5%, and thiogllucoside - no more than 3%. This is the optimal ratio, plus vitamins and other useful substances that will not harm the body, but will benefit.

What is useful rapeseed oil?

Most of us only look after this new product, because until the end, the properties of rapeseed oil are not studied. Although the benefits are obvious.

Rapeseed oil, benefit:

  • in the finished purified product contains many fat unsaturated acids. These substances help the body cope with diseases of the vessels and hearts, intestines and stomach. There is even a special diet on rapeseed oil, recommended to reduce blood clots and vessel purification;
  • it is also used in cosmetology, part of home masks. It perfectly moisturizes dry skin, restore the damaged top layer, softens and nourishes the skin. Used as one of the components in injection medicine;
  • if you regularly use a small amount of product inside, you can improve the metabolism, to derive accumulated slags and toxins from the body, and not useful cholesterol, speed up the process of updating cells;
  • the oil is widely used to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. It is not a calorie and as it turned out, it is easier to digest and much more useful, richer in composition than olive. The price of purified rapeseed oil is much lower than a bottle of quality olive;
  • it is known that our body does not independently produce linoleic acids, in rapeseed oil they are present and have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle and vessels. And this is an excellent prevention of heart attacks and strokes;
  • the composition of the oil includes such vitamins as A and E, these are actividants, renewable cells;
  • for women, rapeseed oil is an indispensable product that will help prevent the formation of neoplasms in the chest, the composition of this vegetable product has an analogue of estradiol. The hormone plays a very important role in the life of each woman, affects the conception and duration of feeding.

Rapeseed oil. Harm

The oil will not harm health if they take it correctly and know, in which case cannot be used.

Rapeseed oil. Contraindications:

  • the enzymatic system of each person does not always work 100%, and since the oil contains eruplic acid, there is a chance that it can accumulate in the tissues. This leads to late sexual ripers. Therefore, children rapeseed oil is undesirable to give in large quantities;
  • even in small quantities, the oil can cause allergies and provoke a strong headache. Therefore, people prone to allergies need to be very careful to take this oil. That is, harm from it will be in the event that an allergy will be detected on the RAPS;
  • has a negative effect on the thyroid;
  • it is prohibited to take oil to people suffering from diseases of biliary tract and liver.

Until now, many hostesses believe that the rapeseed oil is technical and not suitable for nutrition. So it was about 30-50 years ago. Then the oil obtained from the rape is really impossible to use in cooking, because in it the increase in the content of acid (erukuka), was overestimated. The production of rapeseed oil is currently changed and as a result the buyer has the opportunity to buy a high degree of cleaning oil.

Rapeseed oil in baby food

Now on the shelves of shops, you can still meet products for baby food, with a rapeseed oil. Many believe that this product is better not to use in children's nutrition, because some substances are not completely digested. But despite this, nutritionists are convinced that no harm for children does not give the minimum amount of rapese. On the contrary, there are many vitamins and fatty acids. Without these substances, neither children nor an adult organism are unable to function normally. Oil is necessary, it will provide the body with valuable substances, such oil is especially useful for children of the first year of life who are in artificial feeding.

Another question - you need to carefully study the information indicated on packages with baby food, if the percentage of oil does not exceed 31 units, then it is not able to harm the little man, but on the contrary, according to scientists from Germany, will be absolutely safe.

Rapeseed oil. Application

Currently, rapeseed oil is widely used in the food industry. Margarine and mayonnaise do out of it, because according to the properties it is practically the same as olive. It is only stored longer, does not deteriorate outdoors, as a result of long-term storage does not appear bitter taste, it is transparent and inexpensive.

Used in other industries: in cosmetology, in the production of lubricants, rubber, metal, etc.

This product is widely used in cooking. The use of rapeseed oil is identical to any vegetable. The only thing to pay attention to when buying is: Since the oil is not taking such treatment as ordinary sunflower oil or olives, then in order to eliminate the harmful components, it is necessary to buy oil for cooking and adding to salads without heat treatment, only a cold spin. The maximum acid content in the product is 5%, but not more!

The oil is more suitable for refueling ready-made dishes, it is better not to fry on it, because when heated to 160 degrees, it can highlight harmful substances. The taste and aroma is neutral, so it can enrich any dish.

How to choose the right rapeseed oil

What is useful rapeseed oil, we found out, now learn how to choose a quality product.

What you need to study before buying oil in the store:

  1. Take a bottle and direct it into the light. Carefully examine the contents of the bottle - if you see the sediment, then the oil is low-quality.
  2. We study information on the package: Erukic acid must be no more than 1%, and even better - from 0.3 to 0.6%. If above - such oil is better to put back to the shelf. Although, according to nutritionists, up to 5% acid is considered within the normal range.
  3. We choose only refined oil, it is safe for health. But to fry on it is undesirable.
  4. If you have found such an inscription on the label: "Hydrogenated", then the oil is recommended not to take. This product has an unstable molecular structure. The oil will be suitable for use, but not useful.
  5. We pay attention to the color - the product must be transparent, have amber-yellow color.
  6. If you can - check how oil smells. The fragrance should be unobtrusive, not sharp, with light notes of walnut.

Rapseed oil storage rules

The purchased product must be pouring into a container made of glass. Even if bought in plastic. Pour the oil into a glass container with a tightly spinning lid.

Store the product is necessary at a temperature not higher than +23 degrees, not allowing direct sunlight. An ideal place for storing an oil obtained from rapeseed - in the locker, so you can preserve the maximum amount of vitamin E and other beneficial substances.

After a few months, the oil can change a little color and blur, and a thin nut fragrance will be lost - it is not scary. But it is best not to store for so long product, but to use it fresh to get the maximum benefit to the body.

Now you know from what makes rapeseed oil and how to use it. We advise you to watch this short video to learn about the product more:


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