
How to make a portfolio for a schoolboy. How to make a portfolio to school - sample. Baby portfolio free online how to make

How to make a portfolio for a schoolboy. How to make a portfolio to school - sample. Baby portfolio free online how to make
How to make a children's portfolio for a schoolboy - templates, samples. How to make a portfolio for a class. How to make a portfolio with your own hands, online programs.

Portfolio is a collection of documents, samples of work, photographs that gives an idea of \u200b\u200ba schoolchild and its immediate surroundings, basic abilities, hobbies and achievements. In the stationery market there are already ready-to-fill school portfolio, but in educational institutions this option is not welcomed. After all, the creation of a student portfolio, in fact, is creative work, designed to bring parents and the child even more. Next will be discussed on how to make a portfolio for a schoolboy, from which sections it should consist of the embodiments of the portfolio.

Portfolio to school - varieties

  1. The student's portfolio is a personal portfolio of the child's school achievements. Divided into several subspecies:
    • portfolio of documents containing copies of certificates, premiums, awards, certificates. Keeps data on schoolchildhood achievements;
    • portfolio of work containing creative, design, educational student;
    • portfolio of reviews, which displays a schoolchild ratio to various activities;
    • comprehensive portfolio is the most common, informative option, including the elements of all the above portfolio varieties.
  2. Class portfolio is a portfolio of achievements of the entire class team.

Which sections should enter a schoolboy's children's portfolio

  1. Title sheet - "face" portfolio. It must contain a student name, the name of the educational institution, the class in which the schoolboy is learning, the start date and end of the portfolio filling, portrait photo. Also on the title page you can specify the date and place of the birth of a child, contact details.
  2. Autobiography. Laconic description of the most important events in the life of the child.
  3. My name. In this section, you can specify the history of the child's adoption by a specific name, name of the name, list the outstanding diseases.
  4. My friends.
  5. My pedigree. It is convenient to place a section in the form of a family tree with a brief statement of the most significant and interesting facts from the life of relatives.
  6. My hobbies. This section indicates mugs and sections that the child visits, how he likes to spend leisure.
  7. My small homeland. Attractions and interesting facts from the life of the village, in which the child was born and / or grew. Route from home to school.
  8. My goals for the school year.
  9. My participation in class, schools.
  10. My achievements. Here are commendable sheets, diplomas, diplomas.
  11. My art.
  12. Reviews and wishes. Positive feedback and teaching of the teacher have a beneficial effect, motivate the child.
  13. Content. On this page, all portfolio sections are listed and the page numbers are specified on which these partitions are located.

Clear rules regarding the content of the portfolio is not, the work can be complemented by new sections.

How to make a class portfolio

  1. The title page indicates the number and letter of class, the name of the educational institution, the area and the city, the beginning and end of the portfolio. Sometimes the name of the class teacher is indicated.
  2. The following page shows the name and date of the birth of all children class. You can add a photo report from the day of knowledge.
  3. The next section is dedicated to the class teacher: it is indicated by the FIO of the teacher, work experience, qualifying category and other regalia.
  4. After the business card of the class: the total number of students, the number of boys and girls, pre-school education, age composition and out-of-school students' activity are filled.
  5. The next section can be devoted to the laws of life class: the rules of behavior in society, good manners.
  6. Class creativity. This section publishes photos of interesting crafts performed by class students. You can accompany photos with thematic joking poems.
  7. The following sections are a photo report and a brief description of excursions and festive events that visited the class team.
  8. Class achievements. Here are the letters, medals, diplomas that received a class during the school year.
  9. The next page summarizes the year, the photo report from the last call is published.
  10. The content where the names of all portfolio sections and pages are specified on which these sections are located.

What will need to make a portfolio for school with their own hands

  • Folder-recorder. The portfolio is constantly updated with new pages, so the most convenient to use stationery folders with ring mechanisms of the sensor type.
  • Stationery files. The amount is determined by the number of pages in the future portfolio.
  • Computer, laptop or tablet with a program to create a portfolio or access to the Internet.
  • Color printer and paper for it.
  • Digitized photos, diplomas, diplomas. For the portfolio, visuality is important. The more the photographic materials will be - the better.
  • Accessories for writing and drawing.

How to make a portfolio to a child

After preparing all the necessary work, it is necessary to determine the subject of design. The portfolio is traditionally manufactured in one style. The most popular topic in the design of the portfolio for first grader is your favorite cartoon characters, nature. You can also decorate the portfolio for the boy using vehicle images. If you need to make a portfolio for a girl, then flowers are flower, cute and funny animals, shades of pink and tender pastel colors.

To create a portfolio for grade 2, the same patterns are usually used as for first grades. More adult boys are interested in comics and popular computer games, so portfolio in grade 3 decorate Spiderman, Flash, Batman, Avengers, Characters from the game Minecraft. Using images of popular dolls L.O.L. In the design of the portfolio for grade 4 will have to do most of the girls.

The student's student's portfolio must be concise. School motives or elements of state symbolism in design are appropriate for all ages.

How to make a portfolio of schoolchildren, samples for filling

Below are pages templates to create a portfolio with a spiderman. This personal portfolio is designed for an elementary school student, but with a small processing it can be accommodated for a middle-level student.

Make a portfolio program

Production of pages for a portfolio is carried out in various programs: Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Foxit Phantompdf, PaintNet, etc.

  • Video, how to make a portfolio in Photoshop.
  • Video, how to make a portfolio in the Word.

In the absence of skills in working with graphics programs, you can make a portfolio online, on this request the search engine will give a lot of sites. Their share of their share offers paid services, but there are also those on which you can make a portfolio online for free. The functionality in this case is usually somewhat limited, but in order to make the portfolio in grade 1 and this is quite enough.

  • Video how to make a portfolio online.


Creating a student's portfolio is a creative work carried out jointly by parents and a child. Clear instructions, how to make a portfolio to do not correctly, there are only general recommendations, so a schoolboy at its discretion can add new sections in the portfolio.


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