
How to make an A4 paper envelope with your own hands. How to make an envelope from paper Origami without glue, photo. How to make a paper envelope for money in stages. How to make an envelope for writing

How to make an A4 paper envelope with your own hands. How to make an envelope from paper Origami without glue, photo. How to make a paper envelope for money in stages. How to make an envelope for writing
How to make an A4 paper envelope with your own hands. How to make an envelope from craft paper. How to make beautiful envelopes for money for writing. How to make origami envelope in stages.

The envelope is called made from paper or paper-like materials shell for letters, documents, other not too voluminous items. Envelopes, in addition to sending mail, can also be used in everyday life, in creativity, you can hand out beautiful invitation users, give postcards, cash gifts and small presentants.

Below, we will focus on how to make different types of envelopes from the paper step by step. For greater clarity, the instructions will be provided with photos of the process and remove the video master classes.

How to make a paper envelope for letter

This product is made in a matter of minutes. But even such a simple design can be interesting to look at the cost of bright or colored material.


  • paper;
  • glue or double-sided tape;
  • ruler, pencil;
  • scissors.

How to make a basic envelope, the envelope diagram of the paper:

  • Paper attached to form a square.
  • By diagonal folds or use the line defined by the center of the figure.
  • Two diagonally opposite corners are bent towards the center.

  • The lower part of the figure is bent so that the angle covered center of the square.

  • Places overlapping curved top parts are held together with glue or double-sided tape.

  • The upper part of the diamond is also bent so that the angle covered is the center of a square base. Envelope ready.

How to make an envelope of paper without glue


  • paper square or rectangular shape;
  • scissors.

Manufacture of paper envelope with his hands:

  • The basis of the envelope is a square sheet of paper. To impart the desired shape takes a rectangular sheet of the lower left corner and formed so that a narrow side located in line with the broader side of the rectangle.

The resulting right of the figures obtained over carefully cut with scissors. Square billets, simply fold diagonally.

  • The workpiece is disclosed. Bottom corner lying diagonally opposite, is bent toward the center.

  • Harvesting again formed by the diagonal fold.

  • Further planned visual center of the base of the resulting triangle. The angles lying at the bottom of the figure, are wrapped so as to have angled triangles, the lower sharp corners which lie 0.5 1 centimeter on the center of a large base of an isosceles triangle.
  • For fixing the lower envelope an acute angle of a received-angled triangles is laid inside the lower second acute angle of a rectangular triangle.

  • A plain envelope with top closing valve ready.

How to make a simple rectangular envelopes Kraft

Another option simple in design envelopes. Convenient for the creation of products of large dimensions. Flavor and a touch of vintage data envelopes attached kraft paper.


  • a rectangular sheet of kraft paper. You can replace the other paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • quality glue.

How to make a large envelope from the paper:

  • The lower edge of the vertically disposed sheet of kraft paper is curled upward, short of a few centimeters to the upper edge. Worked fold.

Detail unfolding, fold line divides the sheet into two rectangles.

  • The lateral edges of the lower of the obtained figures shortened centimeter.
  • Lying at the corners of the fold line of the rectangle larger cut.

  • Detail folded along the fold line, after which the closing valve is made: the future side edges of the shortened valve centimeter symmetrically truncated corners.

  • The side flaps are made: they are folded up, cut off the remaining corners.

  • The workpiece is disclosed, the side flaps carefully lubricated with glue and the item again folded along the fold line.

  • Bent closing valve. The fold line can coincide with the upper side of the paper "pocket" and be 5 millimeters above it. Envelope ready.

How to make the envelope of design paper

With manufacturing data envelopes have some tricky, but the result is worth it. Cute, elegant - ideal envelopes of paper for a birthday or other celebration.


  • a square sheet of paper for the base of the envelope;
  • designer paper and colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil or pen;
  • glue;
  • narrow strip of brocade or satin.

How to make an envelope out of colored paper:

  • The first is made the basis of the future envelope. For this first paper folded in half, and then - on the diagonal.

  • Further detail is revealed. The angles are bent to the intended center of the square the previous fold.

  • The resulting small square folded into halves flat side inside of the previously scheduled fold. As a result, it formed the foundation for future bilateral envelope.

  • Side of the base are held together with glue.

  • On the underside of the design paper or board is transferred in duplicate on an equal basis for the dimensions of the envelope rectangle. One item immediately cut with scissors, the second - after prior division into three triangles segments through the center of the bottom side of the rectangle to the corners on the opposite side.

  • A ribbon of about half a meter is folded in half. The tape center is located on the top valve on the right side of the envelope.

  • The rear side of the foundation with a ribbon passing through it around the perimeter is lubricated with glue, a rectangle from the design paper is pasted on it.

  • The billet turns over. The top valve with ribbon passing through it is also lubricated with glue. From above paste the appropriate size triangle from designer paper.

  • The side of the envelope is also decorated with designer paper. Before sticking, it is recommended to protect the envelope from random gluing parts by placing inside the amount of paper suitable.

  • After drying, an elegant envelope is ready.

How to make triangular paper envelopes

During the Second World War, the paper was in short supply, it was irrational to spend it on envelopes. The output was found: the sheet on which the message was written was written in the way that the additional packaging was not required.

Would need:

  • rectangular sheet of paper.

How to make a triangle envelope from paper:

  • The sheet is located vertically, takes over the right upper angle and bends inside so that the upper narrow side lay on the left wide side of the rectangle and formed a two-layer rectangular triangle and a single-layer rectangular residue.

  • The triangle consists so that its upper sharp angle will lay on the lower sharp angle. It turns out an equifiable triangle.

  • By bending a rectangular residue, a fold is being worked out at the base of an equally sized triangle.

  • The angles of the rectangular residue are bend inside to the base of an inaccessible triangle.

  • The trapezium is embedded in the upper anceder triangle.

  • Envelope is ready.

Beautiful envelope of paper in the shape of a square

These uncomplicated and unusually looking envelopes can be used for cards and to give money. It is especially nice that small envelopes of the paper of such a plan look, they can be presented with a gifted little jewelry.

It will take:

  • paper. For this envelope, you can use up to 4 different colors;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • tassel for glue;
  • circular or something round for template.

How to make a square envelope from paper:

  • On paper with a circulation or template, 4 circles are diagnosed with the same size.
  • Envelope elements are neatly cut.
  • Each circle is folded in half, the resulting bends are well worked out.

  • The semicircles are inserted into each other so that their chords formed a square, and each subsequent semicircle imposed on the right side of the previous semicircle.

  • The resulting figure on one side is labeled with glue in the places of the adhesion of semicircles.

  • After drying, the envelope is ready.

To simplify creating envelopes from paper, templates are used. The converter of this plan is obtained by transferring on paper, cutting, elapping the folds of the template published below.

How to make origami envelope paper

When creating products in the Origami technique, accuracy and careful study of the lines of bend are never important.

Would need:

  • square sheet of paper.

How to fold an origami envelope from paper:

  • A sheet of paper is folded in half the back of the inside, after unfolding and is located back up.

The fold line should separate the square into two horizontally oriented rectangles.

  • The lower rectangle is folded in half the back of the inside, after the figure unfigrays.

It turns out two even smaller rectangles.

  • The resulting lower rectangle is also folded in half the back side. You do not need to deploy the figure.

  • Further, the rectangle with the bottom side obtained in the previous step and the upper side in the form of a separating square into two equal parts of the fold line is folded in half the back of the inside.

  • The resulting figure is formed to study the next fold line with the back side inside almost half: the residue must be equal to about 1 centimeter wide.

  • Next, you need to work with a color rectangle: its lower edges bend down to the top so that it is possible to be an equifiable trapezium.

  • Side parties details should be beatened inside. The fold line should be held by custom-free triangles, which are located on the sides of the trapezium.

  • The upper corners of the part are bended to the center so that it turns out an equifiable triangle. It will perform the role of the closing valve.

  • The product is ready, it remains only to fill the tip of the valve inside the envelope.

For details on how to make origami envelope from paper in a video, which is published below.

How to make an envelope for paper or cardboard

A classic view of an envelope for money is easy to make using a template.


  • paper or cardboard;
  • printed pattern;
  • scissors / stationery knife and mat for cutting.

Manufacturing a paper envelope from paper:

  • Print the template, carefully cut and move the item to the paper or cardboard. If in range no printer, the pattern is transferred to the paper "by eye".

  • Elaborate folds, forming a rectangle in the figure of the dotted lines. Arc drawn by a dotted line to cut office knife.
  • Collect the envelope by folding inwardly side flaps, the bottom of the figure and fixing them together.

How to make money from the envelope of A4 paper


  • paper;
  • glue for sealing closure of the valve.

Making money out of the envelope paper guide, photo:

  • A sheet of paper folded in half horizontally, unfolding, folded in half and is set upright again.
  • Orientation sheet - landscape. The upper corners are formed so as to have rectangular isosceles triangles, the legs of which lie on a straight line with a central horizontal fold line.

  • The sides of the pieces are wrapped to the central vertical fold line.

  • The top of sharp corners obtained trapezoids joined imaginary segment. This will be the fold line along which the upper part of the blank is folded inside.

  • Next fold inward carried out in a straight line, which divides the trapezoid to a triangle and a rectangle.

  • Projecting edge larger rectangle wrapped in a smaller rectangle size.

  • Figure unfolds to described in step 3 the type and formed inside the rear side.
  • A small rectangle shaped fold line at the bottom parts of the envelope is threaded inwardly.

  • Shut-off valve is bent. The product is ready.

How to make an unusual envelope of money, of paper or paperboard

Present funds can be in any of the above types of envelopes. But the envelope-case designed specifically for non-trivial donation money bills.


  • heavy paper or cardboard;
  • tape width of 2-2,5 cm, preferably Satin;
  • stationery and table knives;
  • mat for cutting;
  • a pencil;
  • ruler, better metal;
  • scissors.

How to make the envelope made of paper / cardboard:

  • On the inner side of a horizontally oriented sheet of cardboard or A5-size paper is performed counting. Using equidistant from the side edges parallel lines marked two centimeters wide portion (future "spine" canister envelope).

  • For better flexing means "root" line worked out by the butt line of table knife.
  • In the center of the right side of the workpiece at an equidistant distance, 4 vertical lines of 3 centimeters are cut down. At a distance of several millimeters near the second and third cuts, two more slits are made of the same length.

  • The ribbon is tape. Decoration begins with the nearest hole to the edge. Ribbon direction: From the front side to the inner.
  • The looped products formed on the inside of the product are inserted into the ventilation tube.

  • The envelope penalty closes, the ends of the ribbon are tied in a beautiful bow. The product is ready.


A striking, what interesting envelopes are created from a sheet of paper. But in this article describes only a part of the varieties of envelopes. This subject can take the most bizarre forms, it is worth only to show fantasy.


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