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How to diversify sexual family life - ways to diversify an intimate life with her husband, with his wife in marriage

How to diversify sexual family life - ways to diversify an intimate life with her husband, with his wife in marriage
Critical periods of family relations. What are the reasons for reducing libido in spouses and how to resume an intimate life in marriage.

Fastening the relationship with the ties of Himenae, the young do not even suspect how many obstacles they will have to overcome in order to maintain this marriage. Ahead of the grinding of characters, joint life, the birth of a child and ... routine in bed. Yes, all this is an integral part of even the happiest family life. Only some couples successfully solve such problems, while others part, without withstanding pressure. Today we’ll talk about how to diversify and save family life with sex.

If you are in love with your soul mate three times, a family is primarily a tremendous work and only then love. The same can be said about the intimate life of the spouses. If at first sex brings exceptional pleasure, then over time you have to make more and more efforts to maintain the flame of passion. Only you decide - to give up or fight for your happiness.

How to diversify sexual family life. Natural crises in family life

The relations of spouses can be safely compared with the American slides - the same ups and falls. According to psychologists, absolutely all couples are subject to such metamorphoses, the nature of people living under one roof is so arranged. You certainly love your chosen one, but one day you understand that the desire to rush home from work, share impressions of the day and fulfill marital duty has disappeared.

There are several such crisis points in family life:

  • After 1 year of marriage

The period of love ends. The performance is over, the masks are reset: the spouses first examine each other from a critical point of view.  Daily relations in the non-stop mode against the backdrop of everyday life and prose family problems are slowly replacing passion and lust from the married box. Although in the same period it is most pleasant to diversify your life with stormy conciliatory sex after a quarrel.

  • After 2 to 3 years of marriage

At this stage, in most families, as a rule, a child appears. The usual way of life of the spouses changes in the root: now everything is subordinated to the new family member. A woman dissolves in her baby and lives his interests. At this time, it is difficult for her husband to perceive her beloved as an object of sexual lust, because she is more like a hen. The wife has also changed the priorities: her libido is reduced, and the second half, as it were, shifts over the horizon of consciousness. Now it’s not the best time to think about how to diversify sexual life.

  • After 7-9 years of marriage

All sharp corners are smoothed out, intimate relationships and children have long been inscribed in a clear schedule of family life.  And everything seems to be good if it weren’t so fresh and boring. The soul asks for experiments, the desire to change something in all areas of life is strongly the day by day, but the fear of getting out of the usual comfort zone is still stronger.

  • After 14 - 16 years of marriage

To both spouses or one of them, the idea came to mind that all plans and dreams regarding the family have already been realized, all the peaks are subdued. This situation is popularly called “gray hair in a beard, a demon into a rib”, and this expression can be attributed not only to men. The couple can get confused in a series of mutual reproaches. Most spouses in this period are basically episodic in this period.

  • After 20-25 years of marriage

Children are already adults and they most likely have their own families. Life has been established a long time ago, money for an comfortable old age is earned, but there is no desire to “die in one day”. Many are much more interesting to build a family than reaping the fruits of joint work.

How to diversify an intimate life. Why is sex in family life disappear

Even if your family boat skillfully circumvents all worldly obstacles, and you have overcame the next crisis of family relations with dignity, this does not mean that nothing threatens your intimate life. There are many reasons why sex between spouses happens less and less.

As a result of prolonged research, sexologists came to the conclusion that if the sexual relations in the married couple cracked due to a decrease in potency, then in 90 % of cases the pathology and physiological disease are based on this problem. But if the refusal of sex is explained by the lack of sexual desire, then in the vast majority of cases the reason lies in the problems of psychological nature.

Obviously, in the moments when in your intimate life a suspicious lull, one cannot immediately blame the second half of the fact that he/she has cooled to you. First you need to analyze everything and understand what lies behind the lack of sexual desire - a real physiological disease that requires medical treatment, or psychological “irritants” such as a decrease in the financial well -being of the family.

We list the main potentially dangerous factors under the influence of which the sexual interest of partners can come to naught:

  • stress. Modern life gains unthinkable pace and is completely incomprehensible how our brain can perceive and process these tons of information that collapse on us daily. A person can maintain high performance even in conditions of severe stress, but his sexual potential, of course, will begin to decrease. To resist stress, you need to clearly divide your day into working hours and hours to relax, abandon bad habits, eat right and regularly go in the fresh air and play sports;
  • alcohol abuse. There is a misunderstanding that alcohol helps to diversify sex: add courage, drive away shyness, make sensations brighter. In fact, this is not so. The state of intoxication changes consciousness, dulls feelings and prevents the climax of sexual intercourse;

  • night rest shortage. Systematic lack of sleep irrevocably reduces libido, increases irritability and discontent, and gives rise to chronic fatigue syndrome. If sex began in sex on the basis of insufficient sleep, you need to restore night's rest immediately. The maximum benefit brings sleep if you fall asleep at 22.00;
  • children. Children's diseases can be seriously and for a long time to knock parents out of balance. Another reason for the lack of a full -fledged sexual life is a lack of additional space when a family of 3 to 4 people is forced to divide one room into all. In order not to infringe on the child in anything and maintain an ardent relationship, parents would not hurt to show imagination. For example, the baby can be sent to visit a grandmother, for a teenager to purchase a weekend ticket or with benefit for the soul and body to spend time when the children are in kindergarten, school or interest circles;

  • appearance. Prose family life is a huge test for the appearance of the spouses. He remembers her trembling lanye before the wedding, and she recalls with a bitter sigh of the courageous knight, which she once fell in love with.  But in reality - overweight, sweatpants with elongated "knees" and curlers. It is good when the sexual attraction of a man and a woman is based on family relationships, even better, when spiritual unity is added to this. Joint walks, a massage course, visiting the gym and oatmeal for breakfast - classes that will not only provide a beautiful appearance, but also bring the spouses as much as possible, will help them diversify the marriage;
  • misunderstanding and conflicts in the family. When family relationships every day undergoes a test of strength with screams, quarrels, distrust and ridicule, there can be no talk of a full -fledged intimate life. To solve problems in peaceful ways, it is important for spouses to compromise and be sure to listen to each other's opinions;

  • medication. A decrease in sexual desire can be caused by drug treatment. Among the drugs whose action suppresses potency, we note in the first place:
  • antihypertensive agents;
  • antidepressants, especially those that release the recipe;
  • oral contraceptives;
  • anti -allergic drugs;
  • hormonal drugs.

A way out of the situation is a consultation with the attending physician: the drug can be replaced by others or adjust the treatment regimen or dosage.

How to diversify an intimate life

Above, we examined the serious reasons that can destroy the intimate life of the spouses, if you ignore them and do nothing. But these are far from all obstacles that pose a danger to a marriage union. In fact, there are much more such external “irritants”, and calculating them in a timely manner is not so simple.

For example, not everyone can immediately guess that in the absence of sex or its freshness lies a banal habit and boredom in family relationships. All married couples pass through this. Psychologists assure: when the time comes to diversify the sex life, you can’t sit back!

We offer you several universal and very simple recipes that will survive the severity of feelings between you and your soulmate.

How to diversify sexual family life - travel

This is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to look at your chosen one with different eyes. Its only drawback is that employment and financial situation in the family often do not always allow traveling. Nevertheless, it is often quite simple to change the situation by renting a hotel room or breaking a tent in the forest.

What do spouses get in the end? The fact that you can’t buy for any money: common emotions, vivid impressions, new experience and awakened interest in each other. Going on a trip, the spouses to some extent plunge themselves into a state of stress. The ability to respond to stress is individual in each pair. Someone needs to climb the mountain, and someone needs to arrange an unscheduled sortie to the country together.

Experiments with a change in the situation are usually very effective when you need to diversify sex with their wife - women more emotionally react to the opportunity to leave their comfort zone in order to spend time with a loved one and get new sensations.

How to diversify sexual family life - planning and conscious training

The principle is the same - to go not along the beaten path, but to make some adjustments in order to be in a state of pleasant excitement and a certain share of stress. Plan for intimacy and exert this topic during the day: in the morning, secretly put your lace panties in your husband’s pocket, exchange playful SMS messages during the day, in the evening, meeting him from work, give him ambiguous compliments and hint in every possible way that the coming night will become unforgettable. You will see, the spouse will be happy to join this game.

Such preparation - compiling a scenario of seduction, planning a romantic dinner, trying on erotic linen - acts better than any prelude. In addition, such pleasant little things as a new hairstyle, a new perfume, mutual small gifts will help each other again to warm up their interest. This is the easiest way out of the situation when you do not know how to diversify sex with your husband.

How to diversify sexual family life - role -playing games

Due to the features of education or conservative views on life, not all couples can appreciate this venture. However, even a discussion of the idea of \u200b\u200brole -playing games can excite blood and imagination. If there is a desire to participate in such a game, but there is not enough courage to voice it, intimate phantles will help you. They are offered by all specialized stores.

So, you take turns pulling a card from the deck that describes any sexual fantasy: scene or action.   Ideally, players should fulfill what they got. The whole salt is that such spouses can create such phantles themselves. Each of them transfers his innermost desires to separate sheets, and then, following a certain game plan, passes them to a partner. Thus, husband and wife can see each other from a new side. In this case, it is the written presentation of their thoughts and desires that can bring a much greater result than verbal communication.

How to diversify sexual family life - technical innovations

New poses and techniques of caresses, bold accessories and toys are another way to diversify relationships in bed.   To “wake up” hormones, it is enough to have sex differently than usual. No matter how great the sexual experience of the spouses is, there will always be something that they have not yet tried. A new approach to time -tested relations will sharpen sensations and make emotions brighter. The more to work in this direction, the less time it remains for constraint, the more interesting the intimate communication of the spouses will become.

How to diversify sexual family life - joint hobbies

Oddly enough, the general hobby of spouses helps diversify family sex. It is important that one creative impulse for two arises in the process of joint occupation. Most often, psychologists recommend a couple of problems in intimate life to do paired dancing. Movement and touch give birth to a completely new and clean aura of intimacy, under the influence of which you can not only bring a special emotional climate to the family, but also build a strong relationship in bed.

The fullness of sexual life in the family is ensured by a constant and painstaking work of a man and a woman on their relationship. Life, quarrels and everyday problems should remain behind the threshold of the married bedroom. This space belongs only to lovers and only they can decide how to fill this small separate world.



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