
Orthodox posts and holidays calendar 2017

Orthodox posts and holidays calendar 2017
The church calendar of holidays and posts helps Orthodox Christians to prepare the soul and body and adopt the Lord.

Orthodox holidays, posts are meaningful events in the life of a believer person. Therefore, it is very important to know their dates in advance to be able to prepare properly.

Orthodox dates for a year a lot, therefore there is a church calendar 2017, which contains all Orthodox holidays in 2017. The calendar also marked memorable dates, the beginning and end of the posts, the date of the name. Many future parents seek to call their kids in honor of the saint or holy, which is patronized on the birthday of the baby.

Orthodox holiday calendar 2017

Church holidays are divided into non-transmitting and passing. The first are the events, the celebration of which occurs in the same date from year to year. The dates of passing holidays are calculated from the Easter Day. By importance, holidays are divided into several categories:

  • Easter is the main event of the liturgical year.
  • The two-month days are 12 important holidays. Among them, there is both a Virginous - the days of serving the Blessed Virgin (God's Mother) and the Lord - are devoted to memories and glorify the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ.
  • Medium and great holidays.

There are also days of reverence of saints, miraculous icons. In each month of 2017 there are Orthodox holidays. There are among them both the two-month and great holidays. If you consider the Calendar of 2017, the Orthodox holidays were distributed by months as follows:


Orthodox calendar posts 2017

What is the post? This is the period on the eve of the Orthodox holidays, during which a person seeks to cleanse both spiritually and physically to discover the heart to the Lord God. That is why the post includes the limitations of an emotional and carnal nature - entertainment, pleasure, strong impressions. Preference is given to solitude, humility, prayers. Physical cleansing (body preparation) implies a refusal to use a number of food. These 2 components - the soul and body - cannot exist separately, therefore, the refusal of food without spiritual humility, harboring anger, the language does not make sense. However, it is not worth it to be hungry if it has a threat to health or even life. Women "in the position", nursing mothers, little kids and people with weakened health, it is enough to show spiritual humility. Depending on the duration and strictness (volume of restrictions), there are several posts of restrictions for the year:

  • Great.
  • Apostolic (Petrov post).
  • Assumption.
  • Christmas.

Orthodox posts were distributed by month as follows:

These are multi-day posts. Their dates were also reflected in the Orthodox calendar. There are one-day church posts except for this - the Epiphany Christmas Eve (01/18/2017), the contest of John the Forerunner (September 11, 2017), the elimination of the Cross of the Lord (09/27/2017). On the eve of the long-lasting abstinence (both physical and spiritual), as well as for a softer "outlet" after the post, solid weeks are installed the church. These are periods in which 2 days a week - Wednesday and Friday - no post.

  • Sky - from January 6 to January 19, 2017
  • Mytar and Farisay - from 5 to 12 February 2017 (14 days before the Great Post).
  • Maslenitsa (cheese) - from 20 to 26 February 2017 (week before the great post). The meat must be excluded, but it is not necessary to refuse fish, dairy products and eggs.
  • Bright (Easter) - from April 17 to 23, 2017 (7 days after Easter).
  • Troitskaya - from 5 to 11 June 2017 (7 days after the Trinity).


Orthodox calendar of posts and holidays 2017. Great post 2017 year

Restrictions and abstinence in order to purify before Easter are the most strict. The dates of the Great Post are changing every year, but its duration is always 40 days, and the total period of purification is 48 days.

Dates of the post

  • The first 40 days - the third.
  • Next is Lazareva Saturday (before Verbo Sunday).
  • Palm Sunday - Lord's entrance to Jerusalem.
  • 6 days of passionate week.

In 2017, preparations for the bright holiday of Easter takes place from February 27 to April 15.


Nutrition rules

Especially many questions arise regarding nutrition during this period.

  • Refuse the animal origin of food - milk, fats, meat, eggs, butter. Especially strictly, the power mode should be observed in the first saddime and the last one.
  • 3 days a week - on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Eat 1 time per day (in the evening). At the same time, food should not be processed, even vegetable oil is eliminated.
  • 2 days a week - on Tuesday and Thursday - allowed hot food, although her reception is still carried out in the evening 1 time per day. Oil is also excluded.
  • More "free" diet on weekends - eating in twice a day, you can add oil.
  • It is necessary to refrain about Good Friday.
  • In Palm Sunday and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (if it does not coincide with the Good Friday), fish is allowed.


It may impress that there is practically nothing to eat. This is not quite so.

  • All sorts of vegetables are allowed - cabbage (broccoli, colored, peking, white, brussels), potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes, carrots, beans, sweet pepper. Do not forget about the greenery - spinach, parsley, dill, sorrel, basil, green onions, kinza will become an excellent addition to any dish.
  • Include in the diet of porridge both from the already familiar and new croup.
  • In the absence of meat, legumes are an alternative source of protein. Beans, peas, beans can act as independent dishes and ingredients in stew or puree.
  • The source of vitamins will be fruit. They can be consumed in any form and quantity.
  • You can eat bakery products (cooked without the use of frozen products), sauces, nuts, seeds, Korean salads, mushrooms, honey, dried fruits.

If during the post in the period in feeling the deterioration of the state - be sure to inform your spiritual mentor. Restrictions in the use of a number of products are designed to stimulate body cleansing, but not oppression of its natural functions.


Orthodox calendar of posts and holidays 2017. Apostolic post 2017 year

The start date of this post is also not fixed. The period of purification begins on the 50th day after Easter (7 days after the Trinity), and the days of the Orthodox post are completed, in 2017, including July 12. Therefore, its duration changes. The post is devoted to the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul, therefore, it also has another name - Petrov post. In 2017, he passes from June 12 to July 11. This is a unrest abstinence, during which the use of fish (except Wednesday and Friday) is allowed.

  • 2 times a week - on Tuesdays and Thursdays - it is allowed to use boiled food without adding oil. You can eat twice a day.
  • On the other weekdays, products can be eaten both raw and exposure to thermal processing. Meal - after 15:00 times a day.
  • On weekends, dishes are served both cold and hot, with the addition of oil and without. If desired, you can enjoy fish. You can make a trapes twice a day.


Orthodox calendar of posts and holidays 2017. Assumption post 2017 year

Refers to the number of multi-day posts that are held in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God - the Blessed Virgin Mary. Becoming after Petrov. He began his honey (amber) saved on August 14, and ending - August 27. These 2 weeks are already considered autumn and are the gates of the new season. By rigor, it is comparable to the Great Post - the fish is allowed only for Apple Savior (Transfiguration of the Lord) on August 19. Vegetable nutrition prevails.

  • On Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Drying.
  • On Tuesday and Thursday, boiled food is allowed.
  • On weekends, vegetable oil can be added to the dishes.

Traditionally, at this time, you are born honey. Use it in food only at the end of the rescue. Other gifts of nature are also brought to the church, including apples, grapes.


Orthodox calendar of posts and holidays 2017. Christmas post 2017 year

Winter abstinence begins 40 days before the onset of Christmas - November 28, 2017 and will last until January 6, 2018. Phillips post is a gratitude to the Lord for the harvest and gifts that land awarded. In the days preceding the Day of St. Nicholas, the diet is fully consistent with the Assumption post. After - unacceptable use of fish and oil on weekends. The basis of nutrition is - cereals, fruits, vegetables, nuts and dried fruits. At the end of the post on January 6, 2018, when the Christmas Eve comes, Orthodox Christians do not begin to eat before the appearance in the sky of the first star. A traditional dish on this day is rice with raisins.



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