
How to make an icing for Easter Easter cake. Sugar, protein icing for cakes - recipes

How to make an icing for Easter Easter cake. Sugar, protein icing for cakes - recipes
How to make an icing for a cake. Types of glaze for the cake. How to make protein, sugar, glaze with gelatin, as well as white icing.

Easter is the brightest, joyful and long -awaited holiday. It is customary to prepare for this day in advance: the housewives put things in order in their dwellings for a month, clean, wash, remove everything to shine, purchase products, look for interesting recipes for cooking cakes. As a rule, they remember the decoration of finished baking later when they get the cakes from the stove. This time everything will be different, because we specifically selected an interesting selection for you, how to make an icing for a cake.

How to make a glaze for a cake

Preparing a real lipstick is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If you compare with the preparation of the dough and the baking process, then of course, not so much time is spent on cooking mass. But still, you will have to prepare the necessary ingredients in advance and try to make the lipstick succeed.

Each housewife has its own recipes for making glaze, and our task is to teach you how to make an ideal glaze.

And here are useful recommendations:

  • the consistency of protein glaze should be certain: the mass should not be thick, and also quite liquid. Just the most suitable option is a jewelry that resembles a thick sour cream in consistency. This density is ideal for finished baking: lies evenly, grasps quickly, also holds perfectly;
  • if everything was done correctly, but the glaze turned out to be a liquid, then it should not be thrown away: you need to add a tablespoon of powdered sugar to the mass, mix well. If it turned out the other way around, the mass is thick and dense, then it can be diluted with boiled water or warm milk (quantity - a tablespoon);
  • if you want to quickly prepare the desired product, then use sugar instead of sugar;
  • add dyes? If you want to diversify the tops of Easter cakes, it is allowed to mix into the finished mass of food dyes. But still it is better to use natural dyes: these are turmeric, jam, juices;
  • if you make a protein mass, then drying it is easier in a warm oven;
  • if you want the icing evenly to lay down, then first you need to lubricate the cake with a thin layer of jam or jam, and then apply the icing. It will be perfectly even and brilliant;
  • if you want to make chocolate icing, then use ordinary chocolate, you should not take porous, as the mass will turn out to be heterogeneous;
  • by adding a cocoa powder to the glaze, you can get a beautiful rich shade;
  • if the glaze turned out to be liquid and there is nothing to add as a thickener, then you need to apply such a mass with a brush with a thin layer. We'll have to wait until the first layer dries, then you can apply the next and so on.

Glazes for Easter cakes. Photo:

Types of glaze for Easter cake

There are many interesting and various recipes in cooking, including the preparation of glaze for Easter pastries.


  • protein is the most popular and beloved by many hostesses. Since the composition of the egg protein is present, it turns out to be plastic and viscous, and when it freezes, a solid crust forms on the surface. If you add food dyes to the finished mass, you can make a royal lipstick (the composition includes protein, sugar powder, lemon juice). The mass must be placed in a confectionery bag, and then draw patterns right on the Easter cakes. Such a prayer does not crumble;
  • sugar: Sugar, water (not always), as well as lemon juice. If you prepare such a glaze according to the recipe, then the mass will turn out to be thick, hardens well, the surface is matte;
  • glaze with milk or milk: the recipe is based on milk, sugar powder and butter. Options, cocoa are added if desired. The glaze is soft. To get a dense mass, you will have to add sugar and boil the mass over low heat;
  • chocolate glaze is prepared from chocolate tiles, butter, cream and powdered sugar. Cream can be replaced with sour cream or milk.

Glaze for Easter Easter cake. The best recipes

Let's start with the most common recipe and learn how to make protein icing for Easter cake together.

What will be needed:

  • sugar powder - 120 g;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg protein - 1 pc.

How is the glaze made:

  1. The protein must be taken chilled, it must be separated from the yolk very carefully so that the yolk does not get into the protein.
  2. If the egg is not cooled, then the separated protein must be put in the refrigerator.
  3. We will beat the protein with a mixer, only first the shoulder blades must be washed well so that they are dry and clean.
  4. Beat the mass at small speeds, as whisking, the speed is gradually increasing.
  5. You need to beat until a white stable foam is obtained.
  6. Next, without stopping, add a little sugar powder (be sure to sift through a sieve!), We continue to whip.
  7. Then, almost at the very end, we attach lemon juice, beat for 10 seconds and smoothly reducing the revolutions of the mixer, we finish the work.

White glaze recipe for kulich

White lipstick or glaze is prepared very simply, you need to purchase a bag of white glaze in the store and dilute according to the instructions. It turns out such a glaze of pure white color, the consistency is thick, but not always such a fondant freezes. If you apply the glaze with a thick layer immediately, then it will dry and stick for a long time.

Another way to cook glaze to cover the tops of Easter Easter cakes:

  • prepare sugar - 4 tbsp.;
  • boiled chilled water - 3 tbsp.;
  • vinegar 3% - half a teaspoon.

How to make a white glaze:

  1. First you need to make 3% vinegar, you just need to dilute the usual table vinegar with water.
  2. Further, the principle of preparation is as follows: from sugar and water it is necessary to cook thick syrup. Cook to such a state that a drop holds the shape and does not spread on a saucer.
  3. You need to introduce vinegar into the syrup (by the way, it can be replaced with citric acid), mix, cool the mass in a bowl with cold water.
  4. When the syrup has cooled, you need to beat it for 10 minutes until it thickens and brightens.

How to make a sugar icing for a cake

Sugar mass can be made from ordinary white sugar and sugar powder. Consider both options.

Recipe for sugar glaze for the cake:

  • take 1 glass of sugar;
  • you will need half a glass of water;
  • chilled protein - 1 pc.

How to make a lipstick:

  1. Pour sugar with water, put the container on the slow fire, warm. We wait until it boils, then boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Beat the protein (cooled) separately to the state of stable peaks.
  3. Continuing to whip the protein, introduce a little slightly cooled sugar syrup. It turns out that we brew the protein. The result is a beautiful sugar glaze.

The second recipe for making glaze:

  • you will need 1 cup of powdered sugar;
  • warm water - 4 tbsp.;
  • fragrance and food dye - optional.

Method of preparation:

  1. Mix sugar powder with water, warm up to 40 degrees over low heat, stir continuously.
  2. If you see that the mass is thickening, you can dilute it with water, if on the contrary, thicken with powdered sugar.
  3. As soon as the glaze was welded - you need to apply it right away until it grabbed.

How to cook glaze with a gelatin for a cake

Try such a recipe for cooking with gelatin, is prepared simply from such ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • water - 6 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp

Preparation of feces for cakes:

  1. We recommend buying a rapidly discriminate gelatin to save time. The gelatin needs to be poured into the bowl, add 2 tablespoons of water (cold), leave for 5 minutes.
  2. When gelatin blossoms, it needs to be mixed, add water (4 more tbsp), put on a slow fire.
  3. When it heats up a little, add a glass of sugar, mix constantly so that the glaze does not grab with lumps.
  4. As soon as the gelatin dissolves, the mixture must be removed from the heat and quickly beat with a mixer. Beat only 2 or 3 minutes.
  5. Then the glaze must be left on the table to cool, after which you can decorate Easter cakes.

Easter glaze recipe so that it does not sprinkle

The glaze that does not dry out does not crumble. So you just need to prepare a "wet" lipstick. She will not crumble.

If this option suits you, then you need to prepare the following:

  • egg protein - 1 pc .;
  • small grinding sugar - 250 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp.

How to make a lipstick:

  1. Separate the protein from the yolk, mix the protein with a fork without whipping!
  2. In small portions, sugar powder should be added to the protein. It is advisable to use a store product (there is starch).
  3. We add literally a drip of lemon juice, continue to knead the mass, adjusting with acid, a density of the glaze.
  4. The mass can immediately be applied to the top of the Easter cakes, if it is applied with a thin layer, then it will dry out and will not stick, as well as crumble.

Now you know several ways to make glaze to decorate Easter Easter cakes.



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