
Black face mask at home

Black face mask at home
The article tells about the manifold of black masks for the person available to independent preparation.

A black face mask is simply a real hit lately in the area of \u200b\u200bcare. The mask has coal-black color due to its composition. The effectiveness of this funds confirm hundreds of thousands of admiring reviews. If you have not tried this mask yet, then 100% heard about it many times. So, this article will be useful for those who are tired of constantly fighting annoying black dots, acne and acne on the face. But keep in mind that even the most miraculous cosmetics will not cope with the problem, if its reason lies deep in the body. It is better to consult a doctor and find out the cause of the shortcomings of your skin. In this article, let's talk about whether it is necessary to buy expensive finished black masks or there is a recipe for their cooking at home.

Efficiency of black face mask

Cooking options for black mask at home there is a huge amount. But the principle of operation and the main goal of their one - the reinforced cleansing of the skin, the fight against acne, acne and inflammatory manifestations on the skin. Any black mask is aimed at clearing the pores of the persons who are not always in the best condition. The contaminated air, in time is not washed with makeup, poorly washed makeup, sweat, skin fat is a completely ordinary "cocktail", which scores our pores. As a result, pimples, inflammation, acne, gumons and other unpleasant things appear. Depending on the components that are added to such masks, the spectrum of their impact is expanding. For example, a black mask with gelatin in addition to the cleansing action, has a strengthening, nutrient and moisturizing. This effect mask gives precisely gelatin. A black mask with the addition of sea salt has a wonderful anti-inflammatory effect. Thus, preparing such masks at home, in different ways, combining their components in different ways, it is possible to purposefully act on the problems of your skin and achieve stunning results. Another important plus in a home-made black mask efficiency cycle is its inexpensive cost. And if we take into account that teenagers suffer from skin problems, who do not have large money to acquire expensive corporate black masks, then this plus is very important. You can make such a mask from the components that are practically in any house, you do not need to chase the wonderful extracts and wonderful oils. The permanent component of almost all domestic black masks is activated carbon that is in any home first aid kit and is very cheap. So, based on numerous reviews about the miraculous properties of a black mask for a person, the following results can be noted, which can be achieved with it:

  • positive effect on the metabolism in the skin;
  • "Pulling" black points;
  • reduction of seminal seabling;
  • reducing acne rash and other skin rashes;
  • removal of wretchedness;
  • the skin becomes tightened and fresh;
  • removal of the upper damage;
  • removal of toxins and slags, etc.

How to prepare the skin to apply a black mask

You can not just take and apply on an unprepared skin mask. Its efficiency will decrease at times or it will be reduced to zero. First, it is necessary to remove all cosmetics if it is on the face. Use your usual makeup removal tools. Then you need to roam well with the help of a foam or gel for washing. It is better not to use a face scrub! The skin will be intensively cleaned during the impact of the mask itself and additional cleansing procedures in front of it can only injure the skin. The next stage is a steam bath for the face. In a suitable container, pour a bit of very hot water. If you wish, you can add various herbs. Then, in addition to spilling action, the effect of aromatherapy will also be. Hair is preferably removed back so that they do not interfere with you. Bend over the water at a comfortable distance for you and cover your head on top of a towel. It is enough to 8-10 minutes in this position and the result will be obvious. You will see how the pores revealed and prepared to apply mask. Now "get" all the unnecessary of your pores the mask will be much easier. Now you can proceed to apply a black mask. Check again, whether all the hair is carefully removed. Unpleasant sensations when removing the mask and dirty hair you do not need. Next, consider the options for making masks yourself.

Black Activated Coal Facial Masks

Activated coal and gelatin

The most popular black face mask at home consists of activated carbon and gelatin. These components are always at hand, and the cooking process of the mask itself takes no more than 3 minutes.

  1. We mix gelatin and water in equal proportions (for example, 1 tbsp.). The recipe allows for water to replace the milk, then the effectiveness of the mask for your skin can increase. We leave this mixture in a couple of minutes.
  2. One tablet of activated carbon crowed into fine dust.
  3. Mix all components and put into the microwave for 10 seconds to dissolving gelatin.
  4. Enjoy the mixture and apply to your face. It is most convenient to do this with a special tassel for applying masks.
  5. After the mask is completely dried (approximately 20 minutes), carefully remove it from the bottom up.

Activated coal and water

This mask has only 2 simplest components in its composition - water and coal. This is exactly what is the main plus of this black mask, so it can be prepared even on hiking conditions when you are not at home. Mask is not film. It has excellent adsorbing properties, which is suitable for fatty and combined skin.

  1. Three tablets of activated coal crowded into fine powder.
  2. Add about 1 tbsp. Cold water to make a consistency of Cashitz.
  3. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and wait for it to complete drying, after which it was washed away.


Activated coal, two types of clay, essential oils and rose petals

Essential oils are known not only to their healing effect on the skin, but also enough allergic. Be sure to check the compatibility of your skin with essential oils, or, otherwise, you expect a direct opposite result from the mask.

  1. Mix 0.5 tbsp. White clay, 0.5 tbsp. Green clay 1 tbsp. extrapped activated carbon.
  2. Add to this powder 1 tbsp. Grinding rose petals and 3 lavender oil drops.
  3. We add so much water so that it turns out a thick consistency of sour cream. We apply a mixture on the face and after 15 minutes we wash carefully.

Activated coal, Sea salt, tea tree oil and aloe juice

Sea salt in this mask is one of the main components. It has just a wonderful effect on the problematic skin with numerous pimples and rashes. It is better to take the food seaside salt of fine grinding without adding various extracts and perfumes. Tea tree oil also has a good anti-inflammatory and healing effect on the skin of the face.

  1. Mix 1 tsp. crushed activated carbon and 1/3 tsp sea \u200b\u200bsalt.
  2. Then add the resulting mixture to 1 tsp Aloe juice and a pair of tea tree oil drops.
  3. Divide water to the state of the casher, apply to the prepared skin of the face (of course, avoiding the area around the eyes).
  4. Mask exposure time - 15 minutes.


Activated coal and cosmetic clay

The clay has long been known for its thorough impact on the pores of the face, and in combination with activated carbon, its deep cleaning effect is only enhanced. For this mask is suitable completely any cosmetic clay, which you used to enjoy.

  1. Grind 2 tablets of activated charcoal and mixing the resulting powder with 1 tablespoon clay.
  2. Dilute the resulting mixture to a thick cream. Apply to face, avoiding the eye area.

Black Masks for Homemade Cosmetic Clay Masks

Traditional black black clay mask

On the shelves of shops you can find a large range of various clays. The clay of each color has one or another effect on the skin. Black clay is most popular for deep cleaning, removing extra toxins and slags. Such a mask is prepared very easily. Black clay powder is mixed with water in such a proportion so that the consistency of thick sour cream is. If you add too much water, then the mask just will flock from the face. And if you add too little water, you will not be able to distribute a thick mass in the face. And in that, and in another case, it is corrected: you can either add a little more water, or add a little more clay.

Black clay and apple vinegar

This mask perfectly opens and cleans the clouded pores, has a beneficial effect on the skin color, treats acne. Ideal for problem fatty or combined skin. To prepare this mask, mix 1 tbsp. clays with 1 tsp. Apple vinegar. To enhance the beneficial effects on the skin, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Black clay and calendula tincture

The calendula tincture is an old and proven tool in the fight against acne and acne. Many fair sex representatives suffering from such skin problems always keep this inexpensive means in their first-aid kit. Starting in the evening, put the tincture on the recently emerged acne, as in the morning it will become almost imperceptible. Calendula has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating action, perfectly matches the skin and narrows the pores. Well, in combination with black clay, calendula acquires even more useful properties. To prepare such a mask you will need 1 tbsp. black clay, 1 tsp. Any vegetable oil and calendula tincture. Mixing clay and butter, add so many tinctures to make a consistency, convenient for applying to face.

Healing black clay mask, aloe and honey

Honey is a famous skin care assistant. And not only in care, but also in the treatment of acne. Natural honey, as the real storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. It is able to "pull out" from deep layers of leather all toxins and slags. Cooking a face mask with honey in combination with aloe and black clay, you will get a stunning healing result for your skin. To prepare a mask you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. black clay;
  • 1 tbsp. aloe juice;
  • 3 tbsp.l. liquid natural honey;
  • 1 tsp Apple puree.

Black Masks for Homemade Facial Mud

Dirt is suitable for cooking a home black mask. Of course, not collected from the puddles on the street, and special, therapeutic dirt, which can be found in the pharmacy or cosmetic stores. It is most often for sale in the form of a powder. Depending on its deposit, the face mask will have one way or another. Therapeutic dirt is capable of transferring such valuables into skin cells such as iron, magnesium, aluminum, amino acids, nitrogen, cobalt and much more. Let's look at some recipes for cooking homemade black masks using cosmetic mud.


Classic black mud mask

Mix 2 tbsp. Dirt in powder with water to the desired consistency. Better if the water is filtered or cooled boiled. Such a mask is although it is easy to prepare, but has a stunning effect on the skin. You will get an excellent rejuvenating effect, your skin will tighten, shine, will become moistened and filled with various nutritional elements.

Nutritional mask made of milk and dirt

Milk, as a storehouse of animal fats, has a unique impact on the skin. Making a face mask with the addition of milk, you will increase the protective forces of your skin, rejuvenate it, give tenderness and velvety. Add a slightly heated milk in 2 tbsp. Mud powder, bringing to creamy consistency. You will be surprised by the result when we wash the mask.

Black mud and sea buckthorn mask

Sea buckthorn is a powerful tool in the fight against wrinkles. If you only appear first wrinkles, or they have appeared for a long time, and you want to improve the appearance and condition of your skin, then definitely take the recipe for this mask for a note. You will need sea buckthorn oil, chopped chamomile and mud powder. Each ingredient is needed 1 tsp. Such a black mask cooked with your own hands will have an excellent result that will be no worse than salon procedures.

Ready options for black face masks

So, if you do not want to bother the cooking of a black mask personally, you can simply purchase a ready-made version of such a mask. At the moment there is just a huge range of such masks. They are distinguished by manufacturers, appearance of jars and bottles and, of course, price. Choosing such a tool, do not think that the higher the price, the more effective there will be a mask. Always read the composition on the label and compare. Absolutely inexpensive black masks of manufacturers you have proven can have exactly the same composition with "luxury" and advertised means. On the store shelves you can find the following options for black masks:

  • Black Mask Purifying Peel. One of the most advertised products of the Chinese brand Shills;


  • Pilaten Hydra from Missha Group - Korean version of the black mask;


  • Black Mask from Boscia Luminizing is an American black mask version.


On the Internet, you can find a lot of other versions of a black face mask in completely different price ranges. If you do not suit the price or excessive "chemical" composition of the product, then try to prepare a black mask according to one of the above recipes from activated carbon, cosmetic mud or clay. The effect of such a mask will be no worse than from the finished option from the store of a shop for mad money.


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