
Cleaning face masks at home

Cleaning face masks at home
What is the useful purifying masks. Features of the preparation and use of masks with the effect of cleansing for different types of skin.

The skin of the face is daily exposed to the harmful effects of the environment and the wrong lifestyle. Pores are clogged with dust, exhaust gases, sand, small garbage. Even if this is imperceptible, the dermis suffers strongly. This problem is especially relevant for residents of industrial cities, where there are large metallurgical or chemical enterprises.

A great solution in this situation is the cleansing masks for the face. They are prepared from natural components and have excellent nutritional properties. After a month of regular use, changes are noticeable for the better. The main advantage is that such cleansing masks are used at home. All the necessary ingredients are easy to find in the market or in the nearest supermarket.

Beneficial properties of face masks with the effect of purification

Cosmetic procedures have a beneficial effect not only on the epidermis, but also on the psychological state of a woman. The process of preparing and applying the mask cleansing the skin is pleasant and joyful. Caring for the youth and the beauty of his body does not burden. Such troubles inspire, increase the level of femininity, charge with energy and fill with vitality.

The result of a cleansing mask

The benefits of the health of the dermis from homemade purifying masks are colossal. Recipes include natural components that feed, protect and restore damaged areas of epithelium. Masks that cleanse the skin of the face have such positive properties:

  1. Reveal the pores. Thanks to this, small particles of dirt, dust, old sweat and accumulated traffic jams come out. The result is a feeling of freshness and noticeable external face purity.
  2. Deleted dead cells. The upper layer of the epithelium protects against the influence of the external environment, but sometimes it is recommended to update it. This will enable oxygen to penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis and increase the elasticity of the skin.
  3. Enhanced blood circulation. Active blood circulation contributes to rapid regeneration and an increase in a healthy protective layer. Thus, the dermis receives an additional barrier against negative environmental factors.
  4. The epidermal fabrics are saturated with minerals, vitamins and trace elements. Thanks to this, the skin becomes more elastic and fit.

Cleansing masks are used at any age. They will help young girls cope with rashes and prevent premature aging. With regular use, the skin of more mature women will acquire a shining shade, and small wrinkles will be angry.

Tips for the use of cleansing Muscs for Face

When the skin cleansing the skin is performed in a professional beauty salon, there is no need to think about the rules for performing the procedure. The cosmetologist knows what and how to do. Before using cleaning products, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the following rules at home:

  1. Before applying the mixture, an allergy test is made to the face. To do this, a small amount of finished mask is lubricated by the wrist. If side effects are not noted within 40 minutes, then there are no allergies. In case of redness or rash, it is better to refuse to use these components.
  2. The first stage of the cosmetic procedure is the steaming of the skin. This is done in order to reveal the pores as much as possible so that the beneficial components of the mixture are absorbed into the deep layers of the epithelium.
  3. You can not at the same time do peeling and cleansing masks. The break between these procedures ideally is a week. Otherwise, excessive release of subcutaneous fat is activated.
  4. The procedure is taken no more than 1 time per week. The mixture acts positively if you keep it on the skin for at least 30 minutes.
  5. It is recommended to wash your face after the procedure with warm water. In addition, you should refrain from applying decorative cosmetics for 3 hours so that the pores narrow. Otherwise, they are again clogged with tonal cream, powder.

Girl with a mask applied

This cosmetic procedure is not suitable for everyone and not always. In order not to harm health, it is recommended to carefully study the list of contraindications:

  • the presence of seborrhea or lichen;
  • open wounds on the dermis;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • sitting on strict diets;
  • allergies to one of the ingredients;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If for any reason there is no way to use the mask, you can clean the pores using an ordinary ice cube. As a tonic and cleansing agent, a frozen decoction of chamomile or sage is used. It also helps to narrow the pores and reduces the risk of dust traffic jams.

What products are suitable for the manufacture of cleaning masks?

Orange masks

Natural components are a source of youth, strength, femininity and beauty. It is they who become the basis for the preparation of purifying and moisturizing masks. Dermatologists and professional cosmetologists have compiled a list of useful and effective products that are part of a variety of cleansing mixtures:

  1. The first place is gelatin. It makes a great cleansing film mask. She removes keratinized cells and promotes the growth of a new protective layer.
  2. Cosmetic clay. There are many varieties of this component: red, yellow, black, pink. This ingredient removes toxins and toxins from the deep layers of the epithelium.
  3. Rural products. This includes chicken eggs, cottage cheese, milk, honey, kefir. The components nourish and restore the skin. Egg protein contributes to cleansing.
  4. Vegetables and fruits. Beneficial influence is exerted by cucumbers, bananas, strawberries, orange, tomatoes. They saturate the epidermis with useful acids and at the same time clean.
  5. Oatmeal flakes. This is a universal ingredient containing all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. The skin becomes cleaner and acquires a shining natural shade.

Products for masks

Some representatives of the weaker sex are extremely difficult to choose an effective home remedy. Sometimes you have to try a lot of components before there is a tool that really helps. According to numerous reviews, cleansing masks have high efficiency only if they are used systematically.

Recipes of cleansing masks for all skin types

The mixtures that are suitable for any epidermis are universal. They have nutritional properties and penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. A high degree of cleansing efficiency is achieved due to natural components that are part of a home cosmetic product.

Recipe for masks from milk, eggs and honey

Mask of eggs, milk and honey

It is advisable to purchase ingredients in the market. The probability of finding environmentally friendly products on the shelves of the supermarket is very low. To prepare the mixture, you will need:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid honey;
  • 1 tablespoon of milk (can be replaced with kefir).

All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the dermis. An important point is that holding such a mask is recommended for no more than 15 minutes. This is due to the fact that it tightens the skin.

The recipe for such a cleaning mask can be slightly changed by excluding an egg from its composition and increasing the amount of milk to 2 tablespoons. This is done in order to soften a tightening and drying property.

Cleaning mask with the addition of banana

Banana mask

This overseas fruit is not only a delicious treat, but also perfectly cleans the epidermis. In addition, after the use of a banana mask, the skin acquires smoothness and velvety.

For the preparation of a cosmetic product, exclusively banana is necessary. The fruit is kneaded with a fork to a porridge. Then the resulting mixture is applied to the face. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with warm water. In order for the open pores to narrow, it is necessary to wash with cold water in 5 minutes.

What masks are suitable for cleansing dry skin?

Increased dryness contributes to the premature withering of the skin and the appearance of facial wrinkles at a fairly young age. That is why this type of skin requires special care. You need to clean the epithelium extremely carefully and carefully, using not aggressive components with moisturizing properties.

Recipe for a cucumber mask

Mask from cucumbers

The method of preparing vegetable cosmetic agents is widely known. This will not need any components except cucumber. Thin circles are cut, which are then laid out on the entire surface of the face. It is recommended to lie with a cucumber on the face for at least 20 minutes. During this time, the dermis will be filled with pleasant coolness and sufficient amount of moisture.

Such a cleansing mask penetrates deep into the pores and removes the remains of cosmetics, fat, dust and dirt. It is allowed to do every 2 days. The cucumber will not harm with frequent use, but on the contrary, will have a beneficial effect. In addition, this vegetable whitens the skin.

Preparation of masks from oatmeal

Oatmeal and kefir mask

Dry Derma needs constant moisture. Oatmeal is suitable for this purpose as well as possible. When warm water is added, the flakes emit mucus, which gently nourishes and carefully cares for a thin epidermis. In addition, such a cleansing mask saves acne.

According to the classic recipe, the mixture is prepared from 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and fresh kefir. The mask ideally has a porridge, a porridge. The components are mixed and applied to the face. Then it is recommended to relax and lie down with a mask for 20 minutes. The oatmeal mixture is washed off with warm running water.

Masks with the effect of cleansing for oily skin

The problematic derma distinguishes an excessive amount of subcutaneous fat. Due to this, it becomes oily and glossy. This type of skin needs frequent and deep cleansing. Today there is a lot of a recipe for cosmetics that will help get rid of this problem.

Black Cleaning Mask Recipe


Now this mixture is at the peak of popularity. Many domestic and foreign manufacturers of cosmetics produce a variety of black cleansing facial masks. However, with the same success, they can be prepared at home. To do this, you need the following components:

  • 1 tablespoon of black clay in the form of powder;
  • 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar;
  • a few drops of any essential oil (it is preferable to use tea tree oil).

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin. After 20 minutes, the cleansing mask with black clay is washed with cool water. The result of a regular conduct of such a procedure is the disappearance of acne and black dots.

Mask from gelatin

Divinian mask

To cleanse oily skin, it is necessary to use more aggressive components. Gelatin is one of them. A cleansing mask for oily skin is prepared in the form of a film. It includes the following components:

  • gelatin bag;
  • 1 tablespoon of goat milk (cow is undesirable, since it is too fat).

The ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath until the gelatin swells. The skin is pre -recommended to lubricate with a nourishing cream. This is done so that the mask is easier to remove. Then a gelatin mixture is applied. She envelops the dermis like a film, and when it is removed, all accumulated dirt and black dots come out of the pore.



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