
How to grow wheat at home. Growing wheat sprouts at home

How to grow wheat at home. Growing wheat sprouts at home
What is useful to germinated wheat. How to choose grains and germinate them at home. How and with what to use germinated wheat

In recent years, a healthy lifestyle has become a real trend. And such a product, as a germinated wheat, is considered one of the most important components in a human diet who is fond of healthy food. You can buy wheat sprouts in the finished form, but it is cheaper to engage them to germinate themselves, especially since there is no difficulty in this. How to raise wheat at home, we will tell in this article.

How to grow wheat. What you need to start

Before growing wheat at home, you need to prepare everything you need for such a process. So, that's what you need:

  1. Wheat grains. They must be high-quality and unprocessed any chemicals. The grains of winter culture are best suited for the extension.
  2. Tray for germination. It must be plastic or glass, but not metallic. If you choose a plastic tray, check that it has been made of food raw materials. Is it possible to grow wheat in something else other than the tray? It is possible for such a goal and simple glass jars will be fit. Banks for germination is best to cover gauze.
  3. The humidifier - it will be needed if you decided to seriously engage the wheat germination at home and are going to do it all the time. For household purposes, some inexpensive model is suitable.
  4. Fresh clean water room temperature.

How to grow wheat. Choose grains for wheat germination

Before growing wheat springs, you need to choose the raw material itself. Here we would like to give you some tips:

  1. In stores or in healthy food departments you can find a wheat specially designed for germination. It has an appropriate label, and you can be sure that when complying with all the rules, get a quality result. However, if you want to save, wheat can be bought from farmers when there is such an opportunity.
  2. It is very desirable that the raw materials were not processed by any chemicals. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to check it with the naked eye. If you buy special environmentally friendly grains, you can be calm - they will surely meet all the stated requirements. Check wheat purchased on the market, so simply will not succeed. But you can estimate at least its appearance. So, pay attention to the size and integrity of the grains. If possible, they should be the same, do not be crushing, not writhing, dry, smooth, without mold. If the appearance is alarming you, immediately ask if it is possible to grow such wheat, and will there be any benefit from it? Choose only that product that does not cause suspicion and looks healthy and high-quality.
  3. It happens that even beautiful with the appearance of grains do not germinate and begin to chant even when they swell in water. If you notice the mold, do not exhaust such wheat, but simply throw away.
  4. Swelt and germinate different varieties of culture in different ways. It may also require different temperatures or humidity. But there is one rule that should be observed in the germination of wheat at home: the grain in water is better to underminate than to reap.

How to grow wheat

  1. By choosing and binding wheat grains, the first thing they should be soaked in water. Moreover, it is important to first measure the desired amount of raw materials. For a large tray or tray of 40x40 cm, it will be necessary to approximately a couple of glasses. The grains should be so much that they are covered with a bottom thin layer.
  2. Measuring the seeds, pour them into a colander or sieve and rinse with clean cool water. Then fold them in a bowl and soak. It is necessary to pump wheat in pure, if possible, filtered water temperature water. Its volume should be 3 times the volume of seeds.
  3. Bay of grain, cover them with a film or lid and leave on the table at the clock 10. After this time, drain the water and type fresh, slightly cooler, and also filtered. Its number should also be 3 times the number of seeds. Leave the wheat again for 10 hours. Then the third time you do the same procedure.
  4. The result of such soaking should be the appearance on the seeds of small roots.
  5. Rinse wheat and prepare a tray for it. If there are holes in the bottom of the tray, beds on the bottom of paper towels - so the roots will not sprout through the container. Then take the organic compost or soil and pour it with a layer of 5 cm. Please note that you need to grow wheat at home without fertilizers, otherwise it can only bring harm instead of use. By the way, paper towels that you are bed in the tray should also be clean, without paint and fragrances. You can grow wheat without land. To do this, take a tray without holes and a cut of gauze. Gauze, folded in several layers, it is necessary to sash at the bottom, to distribute seeds from above and cover the march with several more layers.
  6. At the prepared compost, pour the grains and distribute the smooth layer. Then plump slightly to the ground, but do not get the whole.
  7. Pour the wheat with clean water, trying to moisten all the plots. If you grow grain on Marle, it should also be carefully moistened, but not to pour completely, so that it does not appear mold.
  8. Then cover the tray with seed with wet newspapers or cloth.
  9. Every day, check wheat and watch it, so that it does not dry. Orcher compost regularly for several days. Again, do not pour the tray with water over the measure. Newspapers, lying on top, and sprinkle of the sprayer.
  10. After 4 days, remove the paper and water the sprouts every day.
  11. The question where to grow wheat is also important. Do it better in a place where it is not exposed to direct rays of the sun, but not too dark. There should be heat and light scattered must be present.

How to grow wheat. Useful recommendations

To know how to properly grow wheat at home, it is worth listening to some tips:

  1. Where you put a wheat tray, the air temperature should be 22-24 ° C. In such a place you need to maintain high humidity, and if the air in the room is too dry, it is better to use the moisturizer.
  2. You can not pour too much water into the container. In such conditions, the seeds will not sprout, but only fall and moldy.
  3. If not to maintain a constant humidity, wheat, on the contrary, dried and does not germinate. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly make the soil, and newspapers or gauze that lie on top.
  4. It is not necessary to pour the grains too thick layer, because the bottom seeds will simply suffocate, and they will not benefit from them.
  5. As a rule, when compliance with technology, high-quality raw materials germinates per day. And almost all seeds should germinate. It is necessary to eat wheat into food at once, and its sprouts should not be longer than 3 mm - in this case they will be very harmful to the body. Those grains that do not sprout are desirable to throw out because they can be amazed by some disease.
  6. If wheat does not sprout for 2 days, it must be just thrown out, because either the raw material turned out to be poorly, or you made some errors in germination.

What is useful to germinated wheat

Wheat itself, even in an indisputable form, is a rich source of useful components. In dry grains, such components are in the inactive phase, but at the time when the sprout is sprout from the seed, the grain tries to give it all that is needed for active development. Thus, wheat seed mobilizes all the beneficial substances that are hidden in it.

The germinated wheat is useful not only by its contents, but also because the contents are balanced, it is absorbed by the body almost completely. That is why culture sprouts are considered a valuable biologically active food additive, which, moreover, has absolutely natural origin.

If we talk about the composition of germinated wheat, it contains the following components:

  • fatty acid;
  • maltose;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • 20 different amino acids;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins: C, E, RR, Vitamins of Group V.

The highest concentration of these substances is present in the product when its sprouts reaches 1-2 mm in length. It is believed that germinated wheat contains components that are involved in the construction of nucleic acids, and those in turn underlie our genes. This leads to the fact that in the human body after the use of the product, reserves appear to restore and treat many, including serious diseases.

If we talk about how the action has a germinated wheat on the body, then you need to highlight the following:

  1. The product settles the work of many organs and body systems. Tits the body, increases immunity and allows a person to easily cope with infections. Wheat normalizes metabolism, gives vigor and energy.
  2. It is especially useful to use after diseases when the body is exhausted and does not have enough forces for recovery. People with reduced immunity, this product is also important in the diet. You can use sprouts and as a prophylactic agent, for example, in the ARVI season and with flu epidemic.
  3. A positive way has such food and the work of the nervous system, eliminating depressions and stresses.
  4. It is useful to germinated wheat and for men. It is believed that its continuous use helps to cope with sexual dysfunction.
  5. Magnesium, which is contained in the sprouts of culture, greatly reduces the pressure, and also derives cholesterol out of blood.
  6. Insoluble fibers are useful for the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. The gentle wheat helps to fight constipation, displays slags, toxins and radionuclides. The soluble fibers also have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, absorbing bile acids and adjusting the intestinal microflora.
  7. Normalization of metabolism, which contributes to the use of germinated wheat, helps with obesity. The product itself is very small, but it satisfies well, quickly and long eliminates hunger. Those who suffer from excess weight and decided to eat germinated wheat, it is advisable to exclude bread from the diet.
  8. Wheat sprouts are considered to be an excellent means of preventing cancer. In some cases, such a product helped to cope with already existing neoplasms: cysts, myomas, fibromes, polyps.
  9. Gestroinated grains are recommended to use with a worsening of vision, the presence of various inflammation in the body, diabetes. Wheat sprouts help restore even very bad eyesight, if there are them regularly and for a long time. As for diabetes, such food significantly facilitates the course of the disease and has a beneficial effect on the work of the thyroid gland.
  10. The gentle wheat has a rejuvenating effect on the body, improves the complexion, the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth. It charges the body with energy, gives strength and activity.

How to grow wheat. Contraindications to the use of wheat sprouts

Despite all the naturalness and benefits of wheat, it also has a series of contraindications:

  1. She is not worth it for those who have problems with kidneys or serious violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Those who are inclined to frequent intestinal disorders, too, with special care to introduce such a product into their diet.
  3. In a gentle wheat, as in any other, there is gluten. For most people, he does not represent anything bad, but there are those who do not tolerate such a component.

The reaction to the use of germinated wheat can be a disorder of digestion, but, as a rule, after some time, the body gets used to this symptom in itself.

How to use germinated wheat

Wheat sprout juice

Wheat for the preparation of juice germinate sufficiently long until the sprouts reach a length of 10-12 cm. Then they can be cut off and squeeze juice. This includes as follows:

  1. First, the sprouts are washed with cool water
  2. Then they put into a special juicer designed specifically for such purposes. A simple juicer in this case will not be divided, because blasting can score it, and it will fail. The special devices for the preparation of juice from wheat sprouts are made in such a way that the maximum amount of fluid can be obtained.
  3. If you don't have such a juicer, then grind a bleach with a blender, and then strain through a very fine sieve or gauze.

Slip-apple breakfast with wheat sprouts

This dish is very useful for breakfast, and it is prepared from the following components:

  • prunes - 8 pcs.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • water is 1 cup;
  • gestroinated wheat - 1 tbsp.

Mashed potatoes are made in this way:

  1. The prunes are poured with a glass of water, leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, the water is transfused into the bowl, rub the apple on a shallow grater, stirred with water.
  3. The prunes are crushed in a blender and also add to the puree. Wheat sprouts there, stirred.

Wheat Sprout Salad

Salad with wheat sprouts is prepared from such products:

  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • pomegranate grains - 3 tbsp.;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • brynza - 100 g;
  • sunflower seeds - 3 tbsp.;
  • germinated wheat - 2 tbsp.;
  • honey - to taste.

Sunflower seeds and germinated wheat grind, mix with honey, cropped with cheese and chopped into fruit pieces. Sprinkle all with pomegranate grains from above.

Puree from apples and wheat sprouts for weight loss

Those who wish to lose weight, such a puree is recommended to use instead of breakfast. To prepare, clean 2 large apples and grind in a blender to a homogeneous state. Mix with 2 tbsp. Wheat sprouts and eat in food. The next meal must be no earlier than after 4 hours.

You can eat germinated wheat with honey. For this, approximately 3 tbsp. Product need to be twisted on the meat grinder and add 2 tsp. Honey. It is not necessary to drink this tool, and there is only after 3 hours after it.

How to grow wheat at home. Video


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