
How to make chips at home. How to make chips in the oven, microwave, in a pan - recipes step by step

How to make chips at home. How to make chips in the oven, microwave, in a pan - recipes step by step
How to make chips at home in a microwave, in the oven, in a pan. How to make chips at home with your own hands: from potatoes, lavash, banana, apple, meat, fruit.

If you list the most famous snacks to beer, then you can not help but mention chips. Chips appeared not so long ago - in 1853. The history of their appearance is pleased. Millionaire Wanderbilt from America was indignant several times in the restaurant about the too large thickness of potato slices. The chef of this restaurant, in order to surely please the meticulous client, cut the potatoes with the thinnest slices and fry them in oil. The millionaire was delighted with such a dish, and since then, chips began to appear in the menu of many restaurants. It is no secret that modern chips from the store are not very natural. Often manufacturers add a lot of flavorings, dyes and additives to them. But you can well cook your favorite snack on your own at home. Home chips will have a much more natural composition than their “brothers” on store shelves. In this article, we will consider options for preparing chips not only from potatoes, but also from meat, fruits.

How to make chips at home

How to make chips from potatoes

Chips can be prepared from fruits, different vegetables and even meat. But the most traditional product for the preparation of all your favorite chips is potatoes. To prepare home potato chips, choose large root crops that will be easiest to cut into the finest slices. Consider one of the options for preparing potatoes at home:

  • in order to make potato chips, rinse the potatoes thoroughly under running water, peel and cut them into thin circles. In principle, you can make chips of any shape, for example, in the form of straws;
  • place the chopped potatoes in a deep bowl and add your favorite spices. If you like sharp chips, add red pepper, if you like chips with a piquant garlic note, then add chopped garlic or garlic salt. Traditionally, salt and a little vegetable oil are also added to chips. Mix all the ingredients and let the potatoes stand a little at room temperature;
  • heat the oven to 120 degrees;
  • prepare a baking sheet where potato slices will be baked. Cover the parchment and grease it with a small amount of oil;
  • place potato slices on a baking sheet and send them to the oven for 30-40 minutes. Then turn over the chips and cook them for another 10-15 minutes. After potato chips are cooled, they can be served as a snack.

It is also worth mentioning that the success of the preparation of home potato chips largely depends not so much on the preparation technique, but on the variety of potatoes. Culinary culinary specialists note that there are varieties of potatoes more suitable for cooking or frying. For independent preparation of chips, you need to choose a variety of potatoes with a high dry mass content - from 20%. You can give preference to such varieties as a Pushkin, bullfinch, a fairy tale, fantasy, Rosetta, Saturn.

How to make chips with your own hands from carrots

If you prefer to eat extremely useful food, follow the figure, then try to prepare carrot chips at home. To prepare them, you will need a minimum set of products: 3 medium carrots, salt and pepper to taste, 2 tsp olive oil.

  • To prepare delicious chips from carrots, you need to choose delicious carrots. It should be juicy and fresh. Clean it from the peel and cut into thin slices of the desired shape. Someone prefers to cut carrots with traditional circles, and someone likes to rub it on a large grater. You can also use special graters for vegetables that can cut them in any form.
  • Place the chopped carrots in a deep plate, pour salt and pepper to taste, add olive oil, mix thoroughly and give carrots a little stand.
  • Heat the oven to a temperature of 100-120 degrees.
  • Place carrot slices on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Thin slices will dry in the oven in about 1 hour, thicker pieces will need a little more time.

  • Look after the chips during cooking, turn it on to the other side as prepared. Chips are ready to use after cooled.

Recipe - how to make chips from carrots, celery and beets

  • Wash 2 small beets thoroughly, 1 celery root and 2 average carrots. Also, to give a pleasant taste to vegetable chips, prepare a small amount of sunflower or olive oil, as well as a set of favorite spicy herbs and spices.

  • Clean the vegetables and cut the most thin slices of arbitrary shape. The beetle can easily be cut into thin circles with a sharp knife.

  • In order to cut thin carrots, you can use a special vegetable cleaner.

  • Celery root can also be cut with a knife or vegetable cleaning.

  • Prepare a baking sheet where chips will be baked. Cover it with parchment paper, which must be slightly lubricated with vegetable oil.

  • While the oven will warm up to 160 degrees, place the chopped thin slices of vegetables on a baking sheet.

  • In order to give vegetable chips a piquant taste and aroma, you can add spicy herbs (basil, oregano), salt, pepper to taste, and you can also add a few drops of vegetable oil.

  • Carrots, celery and beets are cooked for about 20 minutes, then they are turned on the other side and dried for another 5-10 minutes. Make sure that the snack does not dry.

How to make chips from lavash

Is it possible to make chips in 5 minutes? If you are too lazy to clean something and cut for the preparation of chips, then pay your attention to the recipe for cooking fast lavash chips. The advantage of this recipe is that chips can be prepared absolutely any shape. Consider a step -by -step recipe:

  • several sheets of lavash need to be cut into arbitrary pieces;

  • prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper or foil;
  • part of the pieces of the lavash can be smeared with ketchup, part - mayonnaise. To give an even greater taste, sprinkle lavash with spicy grass and grated with cheese on fine grater;

  • send a baking sheet with a lavash to the oven before blackmail. Lavash is dried very quickly, so you need to monitor such chips.

How to make meat chips

You can make delicious chips not only from vegetables and fruits. Home meat chips are a great option for a delicious snack for beer. For their preparation, the following products will be needed:

  • beef or pork clipping;
  • 5 tbsp of brown sugar;
  • 2 st.l vinegar;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp of soy sauce;
  • crushed coriander, parsley, curry;
  • 1 lime.

Now consider a step -by -step recipe by which you can make home chips from meat:

  • if you purchased chilled meat for the preparation of chips, then it must be slightly frozen in the freezer. This is necessary so that the meat is easier to cut into thin slides. The thickness of each slice should not exceed a pair of millimeters. If the meat did not work subtly, then you can slightly beat it off until the desired thickness is obtained;
  • after the meat is cut, we proceed to the preparation of the marinade. Mix the juice 1 lime, brown sugar, chopped garlic cloves, chopped parsley, coriander, carry, vinegar and soy sauce. You can add any other spices and spices to taste. Pour meat slices with the resulting marinade and send them to the refrigerator for 4-12 hours. The longer the meat sprinkles in such a piquant marinade, the more it it will taste later;

  • heat the oven to 100-120 degrees. Place the meat on a baking sheet with parchment or foil;
  • meat chips are dried for about 40-50 minutes, depending on the power of your oven. All the liquid should evaporate from them, but make sure that the chips do not burn. Bon appetit!

How to make fruit chips

How to make apple chips

For the preparation of delicious and healthy apple chips, which even children can be offered, you will need the following ingredients: 200 gr. apples, 80 gr. sugar, 250 gr. water or apple ale.

  1. First you need to clean the apples from the peel and cut the most thin slices. The thicker you cut apples, the longer they will prepare.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water or apple ale.
  3. Place apple slices in a deep plate and pour them with sweet syrup. Let the apples be saturated for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Heat the oven to a temperature of 110 degrees.
  5. Put apple slices on a large baking sheet with parchment.
  6. If the apples were cut as thin as possible, then it will take about 60 minutes to prepare chips. For thicker slices, 70-80 minutes may need, depending on the power of your oven.
  7. During the preparation of chips, do not forget to turn them over.

How to make banana chips

Banana lovers can prepare a delicious and simple snack from these fruits. Depending on the method of preparing such chips, they can be of different degrees of calorie content.

  • Clean the bananas from the peel and cut them into thin circles.

  • In order for the bananas in the oven do not darken, they need to be slightly sprinkled with lemon juice.
  • Place the bananas on a baking sheet with parchment paper and send it to dry until cooked at a temperature of 100-120 degrees.
  • Fried banana chips need to be prepared in a red -hot pan with vegetable oil. Cut the peeled bananas into circles, place them for a couple of minutes in ice water. Then send banana slices in small batches to hot oil. After taxing, the chips must be removed from the oil with a slotted spoon and placed on a paper towel to remove excess fat.
  • After banana chips are completely cooled, they can be served to the table. Bon appetit!

How to make chips in the microwave

It is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen without such a household electrical appliance as a microwave oven. The microwave greatly simplifies and accelerates the preparation of many dishes, including chips. Delicious and crispy chips from potatoes, carrots, beets, apples, banana, meat are cooked in a microwave for a few minutes. Of course, the final time of cooking will depend on the capabilities of your microwave. Consider the option of preparing appetizing potato chips:

  • rinse potatoes under running water and clean it from the peel;
  • cut the potatoes with the most thin slices. You can use a figured knife that will make our chips with corrugated ones;
  • add salt to potatoes, as well as a little of your favorite seasoning. If you like chips with the taste of chicken, mushrooms, then add the appropriate seasoning;
  • lubricate a flat plate, which is suitable for use in a microwave oven, with vegetable oil using silicone brush. You can also use oiled baking paper;
  • place the slices of potatoes on a plate in one layer so that they do not apply on each other;
  • dry potato chips at 700 watts for 5-10 minutes. Open the door of the microwave oven periodically to check if the potatoes are overdried, whether it is burned.

In addition, specially for the preparation of chips in the microwave, there is a form that allows you to make more chips at a time. In the kit, such forms often also have special graters for cutting very thin slices of potatoes. Making chips at home with a microwave will not be difficult.

How to make chips in the oven

If you follow the figure, adhere to proper nutrition, then the best way to prepare any home chips will be their drying in the oven. The oven allows you to make vegetable, fruit or meat chips with a minimum number of additives or fats. Most recipes for the preparation of chips use a baking sheet with oiled parchment. But you can use the silicone rug and do not use vegetable oil at all. So chips will be a truly low-calorie and delicious snack or a full-fledged snack. To prepare crispy chips in the oven at home, you can give some tips:

  • before laying potato slices on a baking sheet, let them dry completely. For this purpose, you can use a paper towel;
  • do not lay out the slices of vegetables, fruits or meat too close to each other and in no case put them overwhelmed;
  • to give a piquant taste and aroma to chips, do not be afraid to experiment with various spices, spicy herbs;
  • in order for the chips in the oven to turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, try to cut them with the same pieces. It is ideal for this purpose to use special vegetables that will cut vegetables or fruits with the thinnest slices, make chips with corrugated ones.

How to make chips in a pan

Home chips in a pan are in no way inferior to their “brothers” on store shelves. In addition, you yourself adjust the amount of oil when frying. Consider one of the most popular recipes for potato chips in a pan:

  • rinse large potatoes under running water and peel from the peel;
  • cut the potatoes with the finest slices, which should be almost translucent;
  • in a plastic package, pour a small amount of flour, salt, favorite spices;
  • place potato slices in a bag of flour and shake it well. It is important that each slice of potatoes is completely wounded in flour. If the slices are sticking together, you have to disconnect them and shake them in the bag again;
  • pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan. This recipe does not imply frying in fruit chips. There should be exactly as much oil as it will be enough so that the potatoes do not stick to the pan. If you have a good pan with anti -stick coating, then only a few drops will be required;
  • lay potato slices in flour in the pan and fry them until golden, then turn over the chips to the other side;
  • ready -made chips are placed on a plate with a paper towel and give time so that the chips are cooled, and excess fat is absorbed into the napkin. Simple and incredibly tasty potato chips in a pan are ready. Bon appetit!

In order for the chips to disappear from the plate at doubled speed, you can cook a simple and quick sauce. For this you will need the next minimum set of products:

  • 3 tbsp, sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • chopped parsley and dill;
  • 1 clove of garlic.

Garlics need to be chopped or rubbed on a fine grater, mix with other products. Serve the finished sauce in a beautiful sauce.

Video - how to make chips

What can be done from chips

Crispy home chips can be eaten just like that, or you can use them as an interesting ingredient for other dishes. On the Internet, you can find a lot of salad recipes, snacks from chips. We list the options for the most popular dishes, which include home chips:

  • snack with tomatoes, garlic and cheese on chips;

  • chicken baked in the oven on chips;

  • salad with a salmon, shrimp and squid on chips;

  • fried onion rings in batter of chips.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for how to use home chips. You can offer them to friends as a snack, in an original serve salad with seafood on chips, etc. Do -it -yourself chips can be offered even to children without fear.



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