
How to make a fortuneteller from paper with your own hands. Forting fortuneteller for children from paper in stages with a photo

How to make a fortuneteller from paper with your own hands. Forting fortuneteller for children from paper in stages with a photo
How to make a fortuneteller of Origami from paper with your own hands in stages with a photo. How to make a fortuneteller of paper - a scheme. How to use a paper fortuneteller. What to write on a fortuneteller of paper.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to return all the forgotten and such favorite games that were popular about 20 years ago. In those days, it was not necessary to spend a lot of money on toys for children, everyone coped with the help of improvised material. There were orgam toys in special honor, among which a paper fortuneteller was especially stood out, with the help of which older girls and older girls in just a few minutes could predict the future. Today, this simple, but at the same time interesting toy is gaining popularity more and more. Using the original design of the origami, a paper fortuneteller will be a great pastime in the company of friends or at a birthday celebration. Such a toy will give joy and fun even at a festival of adults, for example, on a bachelorette party.

In this article, we consider what a toy is a fortuneteller of paper, as well as give detailed schemes and instructions for its manufacture. We describe the phased process of creating an original fortuneteller for children.

How to make a fortuneteller. Origami fortuneteller from paper - an unusual game from the past

In our childhood or in childhood, parents, grandparents did not have modern computer games, gadgets and other newfangled entertainments. In those years, children independently invented and fantasized, creating new board games and various fortune -telling, with which it was possible to have fun. Now you can observe the trend in the return of the popularity of those simple games that we loved in the school years. Many still with tenderness recall the fortuneteller’s paper toys, using which the girls recognized their future, fantasized and dreamed.

Gadalka - a paper craft made in the technique of origami, with the manufacture of which even a child will cope. Interestingly, initially this toy was used as a small vase or stand for sweets, berries or eggs. And already later, someone came up with the use of a toy of origami as a simple soothsayer.

To play the fortuneteller’s game is very fun, since you can come up with the design of the toy yourself and no one can ever predict what meaning the fortuneteller’s hand will dwell on. This is even more of interest among modern children and adults, who are not averse to remembering childhood and having fun with a fortune -tierity of Origami from paper.

Features of Origami fortunetellers from paper:

  • For the manufacture of such a simple toy you need a minimum of materials: ordinary paper, pen or pencil.
  • Today on the Internet you can find a large number of various finished templates for this fortuneteller, which can be selected for any age and preferences.
  • Do -it -yourself fortune teller can be made for any event, creating unique inscriptions or predictions. Many replace this game with a well -known game of phantas.
  • The creation of such a craft by the child contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the development of imagination and creative skills.
  • In addition, using the manufacture of fortunetellers, you can relax and relax a bit.
  • Any mother can take on the role of a fortuneteller and draw a variety of games with children with a fortuneteller. It can be drawn animals, when falling out of which it is necessary to show how they move or pronounce the sounds that they make.

How to make a fortuneteller out of paper

The process of manufacturing a fortune -teller of origami from paper is not at all complicated. It is enough to do everything once according to the scheme and in the future the manufacture of such toys will take you a couple of minutes. In addition, you can quickly teach your child to independently make such an original paper toy for your games. Once having seen the process of creating a fortuneteller, the child will continue to make it no worse than an adult.

How to make a fortuneteller from paper: the necessary materials

As already noted above, a minimum of materials will be required for the manufacture of all your beloved fortuneteller:

  • First of all, a clean sheet of A4 paper should be at hand. You can use decorative paper or paper with drawings on one side. So you will get an origami toy brighter and more interesting. If you are not going to paint the fortuneteller on your own in the future, you can find a lot of paper fortunetellers on the Internet and just download them on your computer and print them on a printer. You only have to cut the right part and fold the desired lines.
  • You will also need a variety of felt -tip pens, pencils, pens, markers. To decorate the fortuneteller, you can also use stickers, translates, rhinestones. Sometimes cards with decoding colors and other characters are used.
  • To create Origami, a fortune teller from paper will also need scissors and glue.

How to make a fortuneteller from paper: Scheme

If you decide to make an origami fortuneteller of paper, then on the Internet you can find a large number of schemes to create this original toy. Thanks to such a schematic image of all stages, each can quickly and easily master the main techniques of origami. It is also useful for the child to carefully monitor the stages described in the diagram in order to logically build the entire creation process. Below are examples of the simplest and most understandable schemes for the manufacture of an origami fortuneteller.

How to make a fortuneteller from paper: phased instruction

  • Take a sheet of A4 white paper, you can also use colored paper. Put the paper on a flat hard surface. Next, you need to make an even square from a sheet of paper. For this, opposite faces bend each other, gently cut all the protruding parts.
  • After that, the square must be divided into 4 equal parts. This can be done using a ruler or a sheet of paper can be folded in opposite directions, and then expanded. You must get such a square as in the figure.

  • At the next stage of the manufacture of the fortune -taulters from the paper, it is necessary to bend all the corners inside the crafts so that they come together at the marked central point. After you warm up all 4 corners, you should get a square, only smaller. An example of actions is shown in the drawings.


  • Next, take the resulting square in your hands and expand it with the back. Put again in front of you on the table and bend all the corners in the center in the same way as described above.


  • As a result, you should get a very small square. Gently bend it vertically.


  • After that, fold it again, but only horizontally. As a result, you should get fingers from the inside. With their help, you can carry out fortune telling by putting your fingers there.


  • The crafts of the Origami fortuneteller is ready.

What to write on a fortuneteller from paper: examples of design

To begin to fully use this unique fortuneteller, it is necessary to apply inscriptions on all its facets. In this matter, you can include your fantasy, since all inscriptions, tasks can be invented depending on the purpose of the fortune -teller fortune -tierity. First of all, it is necessary to remember that such a fortuneteller consists of 8 faces in which you can write numbers or other characters. Let us give an example of designing a fortune -teller of origami from paper.

  • First of all, pockets should be noted. Typically, 4 basic colors are used for this: red, blue, yellow and green. You can draw flowers of these flowers or hearts, as an option, you can completely paint over all the pockets selected by the chosen colors.

  • Next, turn the square with the back and write on each part of the numbers from 1 to 8.

  • At the last stage, expand all the triangles and under each digit write all possible answers and predictions.

In addition, you can use other design options:

  • For example, on 8 parts of pockets you can write simple and same type of answers: “Yes”, “No”, “Perhaps”, “impossible”, “in no case”, “make it later”, “this will not happen soon”, “” Very soon "and others. On individual leaves you can write questions: “Will I go on a date today?”, “Will my desire come true?”, “Do I like this boy?” Such questions can be written for older girls, for smaller children you can come up with simpler questions.

  • In the option with numbers, you can use various predictions: “Today you will find a surprise”, “You will find a very interesting thing”, “The boy you like will speak with you”, “Today you will have an adventure” and others.
  • There is another very interesting option for designing a fortuneteller. Origami can be used to play phantas, which is very popular in children of different ages and adults. In this case, instead of predictions and answers to questions, you can write various tasks that need to be completed: “Picture an animal”, “Stir”, “Sing your favorite song”, “Tell a poem”, “Hug a neighbor” and others.
  • You can not leave any inscriptions on the cells. It is enough just coloring each triangle in different flowers. At the same time, on a separate leaflet, you need to write the meaning of each color in order to further inform the players about the fallen version. Lilac color-you will find a long trip and a fascinating trip, red-you will get a good rating, green-some want to meet with you, orange-you will be given a very interesting gift, pink-do not be afraid, black-you will find a bad assessment if you are waiting for you You won’t do your homework, blue - tomorrow you are very lucky, yellow - other meanings will soon fall in love with you.

  • If the fortune tanks from paper are made for girlish gatherings, then you can make a design with the names of the boys. All the girls dream of a prince, believe in love and romance, so at such events young dreamers will never refuse to guess the boys they like. To do this, on each cell you need to write the name of a friend’s friend, while all names are encrypted in a separate color and numbers. It is recommended to write the names of only familiar boys to make it more interesting to play. Additionally, the leaves are written on the questions that you want to get answers: who loves you, who wants to be friends with you, with whom you will go on a date, who does not want to be friends with you.
  • If it comes to the manufacture of paper fortunetellers for children, you can come up with a slightly different design and connect it with the educational process. For example, write numbers on each cell, which will allow the baby to learn them. Next, draw a separate wild or pet under each number. And separately on the leaflet to write a list of questions: what this animal eats, how this animal walks, what sounds this animal and others make.
  • You can arrange an origami fortuneteller from paper for educational purposes. To do this, under each digit you can write a home duty and write questions: what I will do today and others. In each cell, you can write a variety of house responsibilities: remove toys, put up books, set the floor, help set the table.

In addition to drawings and inscriptions with felt -tip pens, you can use various stickers and pictures that are glued to cells.

How to use a paper fortuneteller - instruction

15-20 years ago, all the girls and boys were able to use paper from paper. Now gradually this fashion begins to return, new rules and new options for using this paper toy appear. Let us give instructions for the game with a fortuneteller.

  • First of all, the host of the game or fortuneteller needs to learn how to open Origami cells. To do this, the index and thumbs are inserted into the pockets, after which the fingers are moved under the expense first up and down, and then left and right.
  • Further, in turn, each participant in the game calls one of 4 colors or numbers (in this case, you need to choose according to the upper cells depending on the available inscriptions and pictures).
  • At the next stage, the rules may vary slightly. In one case, the player calls any number, just as many times the fortuneteller must open and close the fortuneteller.
  • In another case, after the player calls the color, for example, blue, the presenter must open the fortuneteller 6 times, so many letters with this word. On the last account, the fortuneteller is in an open state in which you can see 4 digits. The player must choose one - so many times the host will open and close the fortuneteller.
  • Therefore, each player chooses the color of the cell and after that the figure, behind which is a prediction or answer to the question that was asked.

Forting fortuneteller for children from paper in stages with a photo

It is especially interesting to play with a fortuneteller for children who will like the very idea of \u200b\u200bmaking it with their own hands, and the opportunity to participate in an exciting game with surprises. Today you can quickly and easily print any you like a fortuneteller from the Internet. If desired, you can print a stinge and then let the child paint it. Consider how to create a fortuneteller for children with your own hands.

  • First of all, print the template for fortunetellers, in this case it is a template with berries and numbers. Cut along the contour and remove all the excess.
  • Put the resulting square in front of you and bend it diagonally, press the bending place well. At the next step, bend the square diagonally, only in the other direction.

  • Next, turn the sheet with pictures down and begin to bend the corners of the square to the center. Each corner must be carefully bend to the received central point. Each bend must be ironed very well so that the structure is flat.

  • At the next stage, again turn the resulting square down with pictures. Again it is necessary to bent all 4 corners to the center. When all the corners are bent, you will have a square only with numbers.

  • Next, bend in turn all the corners with numbers and at revolutions write 8 answers to any questions or predictions.

  • Continue to collect the fortuneteller. To do this, bend the workpiece in half as vertically, and then again horizontally. Press the bends well.

  • After all the folds are ironed, you will see that the corners themselves begin to bulge - this is pockets for the fingers. The fortuneteller is ready for children, it remains only to explain to the child how to play it.

How to make a fortuneteller from paper for girls

Girls most often strive for various fortune -telling and romantic gatherings with questions and answers. Therefore, it is they who most often make fortunetellers. Usually girls prefer to decorate such paper toys with a variety of pictures and drawings, decorate the cells with stickers.

  • Print a finished template from the Internet, you can use a template with patterns of coloring.

  • Divide the square into 4 equal parts, after which we bend the corners to the center and iron well.
  • After that, turn the square and bend the corners again.
  • Next, we turn off the square half a vertical and horizontally.
  • We straighten the resulting pockets and are engaged in the design of the cells.
  • Typically, girls prefer to guess in the name of the boy or to fulfill desires, so the questions can be made up.

Forting fortunetaker - video

All modern and new is well forgotten old. The same can be said about the fortune -telling origami of paper, which will be an excellent pastime for any child and adult.


Alexander 09.08.2019 Answer

Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

If you ask such a question, this means that you have already acquired a wonderful set for creativity - Rainbow Loom or Loom Bands. Usually, such a standard set includes: a special machine and a slingshot for weaving, a hook, clips for connecting bracelets and a certain number of small rubber bands of several colors - from standard to bright neon:
