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How to develop attention

How to develop attention
We develop memory, attention, thinking

Attention is very important for a person in various kinds of activities. If it is not well developed enough, then this should be fixed as soon as possible. We will tell you about how to properly develop attention in adults and children.

What is attention?


In order to develop attention, first you need to understand what is hidden under this concept. Attention is, in fact, the orientation and concentration of consciousness on one particular subject, stimulus or action. In general, the human brain constantly perceives many different signals from the surrounding world, and in order to distinguish the most important from them and then focus on this, attention will be required. Thus, this property is key.

Why should the concentration of attention should be developed?


Attention can be called a special process of all that occur in the human psyche. Because it cannot be found in its pure form. Thanks to him, the human consciousness of all sensations and impressions distinguishes the most significant. In addition, attention plays a decisive role in thinking and memorization.

So, if a person is inattentive, then he can destroy all successful undertakings in a particular business. Developing attention, we undoubtedly also train memory and thinking. The influence of attention on thinking and memory is especially noticeable among those who undergo training. It is no secret that students who have reduced attention have low performance.

Problems with attention can also lead to failures in adults. So, this can be very disturbed, even if a person has a fairly high level of intelligence. Of course, in conditions of stress and a small amount of time, anyone can be confused, but it depends on how much time it will take to gather and concentrate on solving the problem. That is why it is important to periodically conduct developmental classes for attention.

Types of attention

How to erect, enthusiasm-consideration

Attention can be different. There are three main types:

  • arbitrary,
  • involuntary,
  • after -producing.


  1. Arbitrary attention depends mainly on human will. An example of this is the situation when the student forces himself to learn lessons, while music plays behind the wall.
  2. Involuntary attention arises without any intention of a person in response to external stimuli, differing from the general background by force and special contrast.
  3. As for after -production attention, it consists of two stages. On the first of them, a person has no interest in something, so arbitrary attention is used. At the second stage, enthusiasm for an object arises, and attention is already becoming involuntary.

In general, in life, people constantly face all types of attention. In study, it depends on both students and the teacher. Suppose, if the lesson is aimed too much at involuntary attention, then it can turn into simple entertainment, which often does not give good results.


There are also internal and external attention. The first is directed inside itself, and the second - at external objects. Moreover, attention cannot be both external and internal. Therefore, it is difficult for a person to concentrate on something when someone constantly asks him about something.

Nevertheless, you can learn to successfully combine all types of attention, which will significantly increase the efficiency of work. For this, there are special developmental tasks for attention. So, for example, if you need a student to solve the problem, then you should first attract his involuntary external attention, and then arbitrary internal. In order for the child to rest, you need to distract his attention to some other activity.

The main parameters that affect the level of attention are concentration and stability. But this separation during the process of mental work can be considered conditional. In general, the power of attention, as well as its stability, cannot be considered without taking into account the initial, strong -willed qualities of each person. Attentive people are always disciplined and bring to the end, what they started. If a person wants to concentrate, then for a start, he should have a will to do this.

The development of memory, attention and thinking: is there a relationship between them?


Memory is very closely related to attention. Therefore, when a person develops attention, he also trains his memory. Indeed, in fact, you can only remember if you pay attention to it. Probably, everyone at least once in his life forgot something. This is quite normal for a person. But in order for this to happen as little as possible, you need to develop your memory together with attention. In general, today we must remember quite a lot of information: travel routes, passwords, birthdays of loved ones, holiday date, recipes and much more.

Before developing attention and memory, let's figure out how they are arranged in general. Our attention and memory are similar to something to puzzles and mosaics that we collected in childhood. It was previously believed that specific parts of the brain store certain types of memories. But later it turned out that none of these parts was responsible for any specific part of attention and memory. The overall picture is added like a puzzle in pieces from all over the brain. This picture is a memory.

Memory, as well as attention, can be of several types:

  • visual,
  • motor,
  • auditory.


  1. In visual memory, the information that a person receives through the organs of vision is stored, i.e. eyes. We remember what we saw.
  2. The auditory memory is the information that a person received through the hearing organs, i.e. ears.
  3. A special type of memory is motor. It implies the memorization of the actions that a person performs. It is thanks to her that we learned to walk, eat food, read and much more that we do not think about how it is done now.

How to develop memory and attention: General recommendations

  • How to develop attention? Do more often various dynamic sports, solution of crosswords and puzzles, mobile games. The game of chess is especially useful. After all, a person during it should think about both his moves and follow the thoughts of the opponent. Nevertheless, it must be borne in mind that the benefits of classes for the development of attention will be only if there is a desire, interest and, of course, abilities. In addition to everything, a positive attitude is important. This will make it easier to concentrate. The task should be fully interested in a person.


  • It is useful to read for the development of attention and memory, and as much as possible. But read not everything in a row, but selectively. The most useful will be sources that give both new information and emotions. In particular, technical and popular science literature, as well as travel books, develops attention well. They will make your brain work better.
  • Many people form a “porridge” in their heads due to constant routine. In this situation, it is very difficult to concentrate attention on something. Therefore, it will be useful to change anything in your life. Make new impressions and experiences in it.
  • For a large concentration, it is also advisable to remove things around you that can irritate or distract from the main business. It is not at all necessary that there is complete silence. The moderate noise of the city and the quiet calm music does not interfere with the effectively perform work.


  • Please note that the brain, like the whole body, must be provided with enough oxygen. The organs receive it from the blood. Therefore, in order to ensure high performance and brain activity, oxygen reserves should be constantly replenished. To do this, you need to take walks in the fresh air at least once a week. In addition, it is advisable to take small breaks during mental work in order to breathe fresh air. In general, you can not do mental work if the room is not ventilated. In addition, it is advisable to move more physically. After all, this improves blood circulation, including the brain.
  • In addition, you need to get rid of addictions, for example, smoking. After all, it was proved that tobacco worsens attention and memory. Therefore, if you want to develop attention, then quit smoking.
  • To develop attention, alcohol must be avoided. It is known that its use weakens concentration and memory. Moreover, the more a person drinks alcohol, the less fixation. Many people know firsthand that it is very difficult to recall the events that were intoxicated. Even a glass of wine during lunch will weaken the memory for several hours.
  • In order for attention and memory to work well, you need to sleep enough. Good sleep provides normal brain function. The fact is that the transmission of a nerve impulse from neurons occurs using a substance such as a neurotransmitter. During sleep, its active production is performed. If a person does not sleep enough, then he will not be able to concentrate attention. And do not forget about such a thing as biological rhythms that our brain is tuned for. Therefore, you need to sleep at night, when brain cells can completely recover. The number of hours of sleep is also important. So, adolescents need to sleep at least 9 hours, and adults-about 7-8 hours.


  • How to develop attention? Eat correctly. Studies have shown that when the brain works, substances such as calcium salts and phosphoric acid are consumed. Therefore, for normal operation, these substances must be replenished. This can be done with the help of products such as solid varieties of cheese, eggs, grain sprouts, nuts and almonds. If you need to work a lot with your head, then there should be food in the diet rich in protein, for example, boiled vegetables and chicken meat. At the same time, exclude all flour, fat and sweet. Eat food in small portions without overeating. It is known that a crowded stomach weakens the brain. Observing these simple rules, you can maintain your attention and memory for many years.

How to develop attention and logical thinking at work


In the life of every person, it was necessary to engage in a tedious occupation, which does not bring any interest. Any similar activity requires much more effort, energy and time. At the same time, the most efforts are spent precisely on maintaining attention. Therefore, the work that is carried out with a controlled level of attention is ineffective. The fact is that to fully concentrate and deeply concentrate, it is possible only if controlled attention is turned on after arbitrary attention. In order to move to this level, you can use techniques and exercises that allow you to train attention, which we will talk about below.

Do not forget that thoughts that are in no way related to her can be distracted from the work of a person. In order to not have such problems, you need a certain environment around. In general, it all depends on the person himself. There are people who can not do anything at all when it is noisy around, and someone can do almost any work with loud music. Therefore, each of us needs personal space and our own atmosphere. So, for someone it is silence, a comfortable chair or the perfect order on the table. But the silence and the ability to be alone is not so important, as a comfort zone in which it is always more convenient to reflect and work. This can not always be the quietest and secluded place.


Some types of distraction cannot harm the effectiveness of the work performed. The problem is that with a long deep concentration, certain parts of the brain are used, which, with support for a long time, lead to a decrease in the performance of mental activity. Therefore, no matter what business is done, it is recommended to take at least a short break every 50 minutes. During it, perform simple physical exercises aimed at strengthening the back or simply open the muscles and joints. In addition, it is useful to cook green tea that will help to relax and concentrate on achieving the goal.

It is necessary to consider what a psychological mood for work you had was initially. So, if you inspire yourself before the work that you have not got enough sleep today or that the day promises to be difficult, then it is unlikely that it will go well.

Exercises that develop attention


Below are correctional and developmental classes for attention:

If you want to change your life for the better, then you need to learn how to train and develop attention. To do this, you can use the following ways:

  • Look at the picture unfamiliar to you for 3-4 seconds. Then try, despite her, list the items that you remember. An excellent result is considered if you remember at least 10 or more details. If you remember from 5 to 9 elements, then this is a good result, and if less than 5, then you should work on your attention further.
  • When there is some interesting program, put the alarm in front of the TV. Within 3 minutes, keep attention only on the second arrow and at the same time, not being distracted from the program going on TV.


  • Take two felt -tip pens in both hands. Now try to draw them at the same time with both hands. With one hand, for example, draw a triangle, and the second circle. In this case, the circle should turn out to be even, and the triangle has sharp corners. If this is not problematic for you, then try to draw as many triangles and circles as possible in one minute. If you were able to draw more than 10 figures, then this is an excellent result, if from 8 to 10-good, 5-7 figures-medium, if less than 5 is bad.
  • Imagine that instead of the brain in your head there is a large closet. It contains boxes, which are deeds that you do during your life. Mentally find a cell in which what you need at the moment is stored. Push the rest of the boxes and read to work. They say that Napoleon himself used in this way. Such a method will help increase concentration before future work, perform it efficiently and quickly.

We develop memory and attention in the child


We provide some recommendations that allow the child to develop attention and memory:

  1. For the development of attention and memory, it is useful to consider the child in the mind. For example, you can remember the multiplication table and calculate how much you spent on a purchase in the store. A useful method of memorization is the use of associations.
  2. In addition, it is useful for children to learn foreign languages \u200b\u200btoday. This accustoms them to systematic work. If desired, you can simply expand the vocabulary of the Russian language.
  3. In order to remember well, it is useful to record information. The fact is that memory has a close connection with fine motor skills, for example, when writing something on paper. After receiving such information, it is in a short -term memory of a person, and then in a long -term one.
  4. To remember children, it is useful to repeat the information received several times. After all, from school we know that repetition is the mother of teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to repeatedly return to the studied, and after some time repeat the assimilated material. This will help to refresh the information in memory. It is also useful to periodically tell the content of the book, the film, events, trying to recall the smallest details.
  5. Do not forget that a person has several types of memory. Therefore, use all reserves if possible. For example, you can simultaneously watch, write and say. In this case, at the same time, visual, auditory and motor views of memory are involved. If the child needs to learn the formula, then it will be useful to disassemble the example of its application.
  6. You can develop imagination and attention even in the form of a game. For example, you can try to find differences between two identical pictures. Even if the child does not find differences, but during such a game he will certainly practice his attention.

Pictures that develop attention

Allow the development of memory attention and speech.

Play with your child memorizing numbers:


Who caught the fish?


Go through the labyrinth:


Find 10 differences between the pictures:



How to develop attention: video



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