
How to develop flexibility at home. Exercises Educational Flexibility

How to develop flexibility at home. Exercises Educational Flexibility
It is possible to achieve good body flexibility and independently, regularly performing a simple set of exercises.

Harmonious physical development is a pledge of not only an attractive, but also a healthy body.

Smooth elegant movements, graceful posture - the dream is hardly every fair sex. Also about the tone of the muscular frame should not forget the men. Exercises for the development of flexibility and plasticity are relevant at any age. Do not despair and put a cross on yourself, even if you stepped up with a 30, 40 or more years. At the same time, you care about the question, is it possible to develop flexibility and plastic yourself at home?

What needs to develop flexibility

The word "flexibility" is familiar to everyone, but what does it mean? This term characterizes the degree of mobility of the organism's joints, which is not only possible, but also need to train. Special exercise complexes will help develop flexibility regardless of the level of your preparation. Some people mistakenly think that stretching exercises and the development of plasticity are needed only in some cases, such as athletes or dancers. This is not true. A set of exercises for stretching has a beneficial effect on the entire human body, in whatever age has not been carried out. So classes:

  • The muscular framework is strengthened and tone.
  • Make more movable articular compounds.
  • The blood supply to the joints and ligaments is improved.
  • Reduce pain and spasms in the muscles.
  • Form a beautiful smooth posture.
  • Enhance the endurance of the body.
  • Improve the sleep and general condition of the body.

If you do not plan to go to a big sport, then how gymnasts develop flexibility to you hardly come in handy. In the event of the latter, the high sports result is coming to the detriment of health. But we want to be beautiful, tightened and, of course, healthy.

How to safely develop flexibility: useful recommendations before starting training

Compliance with simple, but important rules will allow not only to achieve the desired results, but also to avoid injuries and other troubles. Of course, after 1-2 training, the result will not be noticeable, but after a month of regular work your body will pleasantly surprise you.

  • For training sessions, select loose clothes made from natural materials. It must be comfortable and not to argue your movements. Legs also should not be bare - put on socks or comfortable sneakers.
  • In order to avoid injuries during training, it is better to conduct classes on a special mat or mate.
  • Before working with any group of muscles, the latter should be prepared - warm up. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, you can limit the pre-aerobic warm-up or connect the warming ointment or the belt (if it comes to the development of the flexibility of the spine).
  • Preparatory training should last at least 5 minutes - running on the spot, jumping with a rope, mahu hands and legs.
  • Do not forget about breathing. Control it at each stage of exercise on the development of flexibility.
  • Secure training key - smooth movements. When performing exercises, developing flexibility, you should not have discomfort, but only the voltage.
  • Overload the body is also not worth it. Exercises should be alternate with rest.
  • Each exercise should be repeated 5-10 times. The optimal frequency of classes is 2-3 times a week.
  • And of course regularity - only a systematic approach to performing exercises will give the desired effect.

Many described exercises are suitable not only for children, but also for adults. However, before developing the flexibility in a child, it is advisable to obtain a consultation of a doctor or a competent trainer. Age and individual features will be taken into account and training will be exceptionally positive effect.

Error conclusions about stretching

The plasticity and flexibility of the case, which gives stretching, often seek the opinion that it is not for everyone and a number of other myths. So, in order:

  • Error 1. The flexibility is given to a person from nature, so without congenital deposits you have nowhere. The statement is true in part. Of course, without natural data, a professional athlete, you can hardly become possible. But basic technicians aimed at maintaining the tone of the body, the muscles of any person are able to master.
  • Error 2. Exercises for stretching makes sense only from an early age, after 30 their execution is almost impossible. How to develop flexibility, for example, a back to an adult person if her peak occurs at the age of 13-14 years? It is indisputable that children's joints are more mobile and muscles faster respond to exercises. One of the main advantages of stretching is its availability to each, regardless of age. Yes, you will have to spend more time. But everything is in your hands.
  • Error 3. Stretching training inevitably accompanies pain. This is not true. Moreover, if you really hurt, then something goes wrong. When performing exercises, you are experiencing a tension, a feeling of cutting, pressure, but not pain.
  • Error 4. This type of training does not lead to weight loss. When compared to cardio, then, of course, the difference will be present. But do not forget that exercise (any) - is the load for the body, which means an additional expenditure of calories will be inevitable.

Contraindications to perform flexibility exercises

  • Trauma or surgical intervention in any part of the spine.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Heart disease and blood vessels.
  • Diseases of the joints and ligaments.

How to develop back flexibility

Flexible back - is not only beautiful posture, harmonious silhouette, but also a healthy spine. Train muscular frame body improves the coordination of movements, allows to achieve better results when dancing or exercise session. Before you develop the flexibility of the spine, make sure there are no contraindications to training, and best of all, consult a doctor.

Technique "Wave" for flexibility

  • Sit down on the floor. The buttocks are on their heels, back straight, shoulders are straight, hands are lowered.
  • On the inhale stretch up the crown as possible, as if pulling the head from the shoulders.
  • On the exhale relaxed gently rounded back (gradually, starting with the lumbar). At the end you drop your head.
  • Further back, breathe in and straightened - the first is rectified by the waist, then the back, shoulder blades, and after the neck and head.
  • Again exhalation (as indicated above the diagram). Alternating breaths, your spine will describe a kind of wave. With each breath possible increase range of motion, bending as low as possible.

The technique of "The Great Wave" for flexibility

  • From a position on all fours, lower the body so that the buttocks are located on the heels, abdomen on the thighs and rested his forehead on the floor. Hands lie ahead. Relax.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale slightly lift the pelvis. The back with the rounded. Submit your body a little forward, gradually putting the body on the floor, vertebra by vertebra. Hand bend, the palms are at chest level.
  • Next, inhale and return slowly to the starting position - gradually rises at first the head, then chest, rounded back and buttocks are placed on the heel.

Exercise "Deflection" for flexibility

  • Starting position - sitting on the floor, butt in the feet.
  • Take your hands back a little and lean palms on the floor.
  • On the inhale pull forward the chest and a little bit up, trying not to throw back his head at the same time. Fix this position.
  • On the exhalation smoothly raise the pelvis, increasing the deflection. Chin is directed to the chest. To avoid overvoltage in the neck area, it is recommended to look at your knees.
  • Next, do inhale and fall on the heels.

Exercise "Boat" for the development of flexibility

  • Go to the floor. The hands bent in the elbows, the forearms lie on the floor.
  • In the breath slowly straighten your hands. The blades stretch to the heels, the crown - up. Head do not throw back. Hold at the maximum point.
  • During a calm exit, return to the basic position.

Women's exercise for the development of flexibility

  • Become on all fours, the back is soft, relaxed.
  • At inhalation, rounded the back, you exhale make the most deep deflection.

Exercise "Bridge" for the development of flexibility

At the end of the exercise cycle, your spin is prepared for a more serious load - try to get up on the p-bridge. To do this, in the position of lying, install hands near the head (Palms lie on the floor), the legs are bent in the knees (the feet also on the floor). Make focus on arms and legs and raise as far as possible the body up.

How to develop body flexibility

Body flexibility - youth and vigor of your body. Exercises aimed at working out not only muscles, but also joints have a comprehensive effect on the body. Proper breathing during the implementation of the technician normalizes the heart rhythm, the general strengthening of the immune system occurs. Before developing flexibility at home, swipe.

  • Next, sit so that your buttocks are located in the footsteps. Make a deep breath, bringing hands to the sides. In the back, light deflection, the chest "comes out" forward. Return to the original position.
  • Sit on the floor. Feet straight, diluted as much as possible on the sides. Keeping your back straight, try slowly and smoothly lean your right foot. Return your fingers to the right foot. If this stage has been mastered successfully, try to put the entire body on your foot. Start with the abdomen, which is stacked on the thigh, then it follows the chest and only last the face. Similar actions repeat for left legs.

  • Source position, as in the previous exercise. Bend the right leg in the knee, stop tighten as close as possible to the groin area. Slowly perform the slope to the straightened leg. First, try to grab your hands with your hands, and then smoothly attract the body to the leg. Go away as much as flexibility allows. Movements should be soft, slice slightly. Hold in this position for a few seconds. Repeat similar actions for another foot.

  • Stand up. Make a calm deep breath. At this time, lift the right hand up. Left limb is lowered down. Next, make a tilt to the left. At the same time, the left hand slides on the thigh, and the right leafs together with the case. Take the original position and repeat similar steps to the other side.
  • In position standing lift both hands up. On the exhale the upper part of the case and the head will reject back. Buttock muscles are tense and tightened. In the breath, go back to its original position.
  • Next, without a pause after the previous exercise, perform the slope of the body forward. Lower the torso until the tailbone and the back form a single line. Continue to lean. Now your task is to reach your hands to the ankle. At the same time, the housing is pulled as close as possible (as far as possible) to the legs. Secure this position several respiratory cycles. Next return to the initial position.

How to develop foot flexibility

Age changes and reducing motor activity inevitably leads to mitigation. If we are talking about the legs, then the ankle joints, the muscles of the leg, the arms of the stop "pass" here first. Only a few exercises, the execution of which should be on a regular basis will give your legs with the necessary stretching.

  • Sit down, placing butterous muscles on the heels. The body is located vertically. Relax and feel how the ankle joints stretch, the muscles of the thighs. Paint the right foot from under priests and install the right foot next to the left knee. Right knee is at the level of the axillary depression. Return the right heel from the floor and pull the Achilles tendon. Repeat similar actions for another limb.
  • From the position sitting on the knees, output the left foot back. The case at the same time is slightly tilted forward, the hands rest in the floor. You perform the tilt of the body forward, trying to put the chest on the right knee. You must feel how the left thigh stretches. Repeat the exercises and for the second leg.
  • Left leg is reserved back, the knee does not touch the floor. The right foot lies on the floor, the shin forms a straight angle with the thigh. We crave your arms around, try to hold up vertically. Slightly spring moves lowered the pelvis as low as possible. Exercise helps to improve the flexibility in the pelvis and hips. This technique will help those who do not know how to develop the flexibility of the joints.
  • This exercise is similar to the previous one, but the knee of the left legs should lie on the floor.

  • "Pull" the inner surface of the hips will help the exercise of the boat. Sit on the buttocks, the legs are bent in the knees, the right and left feet come into contact with each other. Hands place in the ankle area, elbows are a little bent. Slowly perform a tilt forward before the stress in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin. Hold in this position.
  • In position, bend the right leg in the knee. Helping a hand, tighten the right foot to the buttocks so that the knee of the right leg is directed down. Hold in this position, feeling tension in the quadriceps. Next should be repeated for the left leg.

  • Go to your back. The right foot is straightened (or bent in the knee). The left limb wrapped his hands and, without bending in the knee, pull up to the chest.

How to develop hand flexibility

Stretching hands can unfair to be pushed to the background or at all forgotten. This can not be allowed. Training of muscles and the joints of the upper limbs is also necessary, as well as the study of any other body.

  • Exercise on the audit of the shortness - the basic technique for stretching hands. Stand straight. The left hand goes down, and the right - rises up. Bend both hands in the elbow and try to hide them behind your back in the "Castle". If not managed, try to reach your fingers to each other. If you even do not touch your fingers, take the towel and pull up one hand to another with it (grabbed the ends).
  • Stand straight, spread your arms to the sides. Ask relatives or friends is rustling, but tangible to pull you in the opposite sides.
  • In the standing position, make your hands behind your back and connect them to the "Castle". Without squeezing hands, make the sloping of the hull forward.
  • In position standing smoothly move the right elbow to the left shoulder. Hold in this position 10 seconds and repeat the exercise for the second hand.

How to develop finance fingers

We are accustomed that the term "flexibility" is most often associated with hands, legs or back. But even fingers can be flexible.

  • The easiest way to workout is the use of simulator balls. Take 3 smooth balls (diameter of about 3 cm) and move them via the palm, using all your fingers.
  • A good effect also gives regular finger massages - to work every finger from the pad to the base.
  • Strongly compress and squeeze your fingers, trying to dissolve them as wide as possible. The number of repetitions is 10-15 times.
  • On the edge of the table, place all your fingers in addition to the brush. Spring movements ick the palm. The fingers remain stationary. Repeat the exercise for the right, and after and for the left hand.
  • Place your palms on the table and alternately leave each finger from its surface, trying to raise the phalanx as above as possible, and then again lower your finger on the table. The number of repetitions for each hand is 4-5 times.
  • Place your palm towards each other (focusing with your fingers). Next, make the "Castle" dramatically return the palms in the original position. Repeat the exercise 15 times.
  • Place your hand in front of yourself. Take the thumb to the side, separately from the rest. The brush and 4 fingers remain not moving, and the thumb performs rotational movements. Then rotates the brush itself. Moves first spend in one direction, then to another. This exercise contributes to the development of wrist flexibility.

After exercises, rinse the hands of cool water.

Do not be discouraged if the result you will not feel immediately, as the development of plastics and flexibility takes time and perseverance. Regular execution of the exercise complex will definitely lead to a positive effect.


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