
How to calculate the cycle of menstruation

How to calculate the cycle of menstruation
Methods of calculating the monthly cycle

The menstrual cycle is a concept that “pursues” women
Almost all of life. It was previously believed that menstruation came to us
Once a month, but this is not entirely true. Ideally, the cycle of menstruation lasts
28 days - that is, speaking of menstruation, this refers not to calendar
month, and lunar. In this case, each woman has a schedule of menstruation
Individual: someone is considered the norm for 24 days, for someone 35. Namely
Therefore, it is important to know how to calculate your personal period of menstruation.

What is a menstrual cycle?

Regular changes taking place in the female body, or rather in its
The reproductive system is called a monthly cycle. Drawing schematically
- This is a period of time from the first day of menstruation to the first day
next menstruation. Each individual woman has a duration
The menstrual cycle can be different. But the norm is considered the cycle in
Speech from 21 to 35 days. If this figure is more or less, then
We can talk about violations in the menstrual cycle.

Needless to say that the regular menstrual cycle is an important
Female health indicator. Regularity suggests that your
The ovaries work well.


Causes of menstrual cycle

Speaking about violations of the monthly cycle, it is worth saying that they can also
be both the norm and pathology. For example, menstruation in the middle of the cycle
In gynecological practice, they are considered the norm if they occur 1-2 times
In life. But sometimes this can be a symptom of the disease of reproductive
organs. Decide that it is you who can only a gynecologist based on
On your observations and, of course, on analyzes.

So, what are the reasons for the irregular cycle of menstruation?

  1. The first two years from the beginning of the first menstruation in life (often this
    Tighten to the entire adolescence).
  2. Postpartum period, as well as lactation.
  3. Rehabilitation after abortion.
  4. Farms in a hormonal background.
  5. Estrogen deficiency (this often happens with sharp weight loss).
  6. Excess prolactin.
  7. Long -term intake of various kinds of drugs (in particular
    contraceptive and hormonal tablets).
  8. Inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.
  9. Climate change.
  10. Stress, fatigue, depression.

Some of these problems can be solved independently by eliminating
reason. Well, most still requires the advice of the doctor and further

Why do you need to calculate the cycle of menstruation?


Is it worth calculating your monthly cycle? Definitely, yes! And there is that
Four good reasons.

  1. Firstly, it is convenient. Knowing your cycle, you will be insured from
    uncomfortable moments, that is, the periods will not take you by surprise. To that
    you can read your cycle in advance and plan a vacation on the beach in
    The necessary days.
  2. This is a great way to plan pregnancy. After all, calculating your cycle, you can also calculate when you have ovulation. This will significantly increase your chances of conception if you increase the intensity of your sex life on the right days.
  3. This is also a wonderful way to prevent pregnancy. Knowing the onset of dangerous days, you can additionally be safe for other methods of contraception. Well, safe days will become a natural contraceptive in itself.
  4. Knowing your normal period of menstruation is important for analyzing your female health. That is, having calculated the period of menstruation at least 4-6 months, you can notice significant fluctuations that are a sign of problems in the body. So you will quickly contact a gynecologist and solve the problem faster if it is.

Calendar for calculating the cycle of menstruation


How to calculate the menstrual cycle correctly? There are several
ways. The oldest but most effective way is calendar.
Some women believe that, in principle, remember the time of their
menstruation is very easy, but in fact try to remember what
Your day began monthly 3 months ago. It is unlikely that anyone will call
The exact date. For this, most women in the world make a calendar
monthly cycle.

So, for its compilation you will need: pen/pencil, calendar
or notebook. Further, everything is simple: in the calendar or notebook you celebrate
A circle is precisely the days when you started menstruation. This will be
The first day of the menstruation cycle.

Next every month, do the same: the first day of the cycle -
circle. When there are 3-6 such circles in your calendar
Analyze what your period of menstruation is. That is, you need
Calculate the number of days from the beginning of the month and before the start
the following. The number that you will receive and will be the number of days of your
menstrual cycle.

For example, if the first day of the menstrual cycle came on June 10, and
The next cycle began on July 5, respectively, your cycle will be 26
days. The same calculations must be made every month/cycle.
A normal cycle of monthly can be considered a cycle from 21 to 35 days. IN
Ideal, the error should be a maximum of 2-3 days. But sometimes it happens
And more. It will be good if you periodically conduct an analysis
your condition in one or another period. And if one day in your monthly
the cycle will fail, you must immediately exclude such reasons as
stress or climate change. If no objective reasons for failure
No, perhaps it's time to contact the gynecologist.

By the way, a very important point! Many women are interested in which of the days
consider the first day of the cycle, because often the monthly one is preceded
brownish discharge. Doctors advise considering the first day of the cycle that
The day when you started abundant bleeding. Such calculations in
The future will be the most correct.


How to calculate the menstrual cycle online

The calendar of the menstrual cycle is very simple and useful, in this you
Already convinced. But it’s not always convenient to do it on paper, because
An ordinary piece of paper or cardboard has the ability to get lost. Besides
I want such a calendar to be always at hand. To the aid
The online ladies will come the online calendar of menstruation.

On the Internet you will find a lot of programs and applications that can
Download to your phone, tablet, laptop, etc.
As for the paper method - to celebrate the first days of each new cycle.
As a rule, such applications themselves calculate even the days of ovulation, and
Also safe days in the cycle. There are programs that will calculate, with
What is the degree of probability you get pregnant with a boy or girl.
Some gadgets even signal when they notice any malfunctions in the cycle. This is incredibly convenient for a modern busy woman.

How to calculate the dangerous and safe days of menstruation


Speaking about the cycle of menstruation, one cannot but say about its phases. So, monthly
The cycle consists of three main phases. This is the beginning of the cycle (as we are already
They said that the cycle begins with the first day of menstruation, so the beginning is
this is directly menstruation + a few days after it), the middle
(ovulation and several days before and after it) and the end (time from the end
ovulation until the first day of the next cycle).

In turn, these phases can be called "safe" and "dangerous" days.
Dangerous are the days when there is a high probability of getting pregnant.
Safe, on the contrary, to avoid pregnancy. As a rule, women
It is precisely the question of how to calculate these days.
First you must say that of all three phases, safe are
the first and last phases, well, and the second is dangerous, of course, the second is time

The first method of calculating menstruation

So, now we will begin to calculate. Here elementary
knowledge of mathematics. First of all, you need to calculate your monthly cycle
At least in half a year (preferably in a year). Then you need to take the number of itself
short cycle and subtract 18. It will be the day of the so -called "dangerous"
period. Then you need to take the number of the longest cycle and subtract 11 -
It will be the end of the end of the "dangerous" time.

Example. We take the number of six menstrual cycles: January - 27, February -
29, March - 28, April - 27, May - 29, June - 28.
The shortest of them is 27. We subtract 18 from it, it turns out 9. Next.
The longest cycle is 29. We subtract 11 from it. 18.

That is, if January 1 is the first day of the cycle, then the days will be safe
From January 1 to 9 and from 19 to January 28. Dangerous from 10 to 18 January.
This method is considered very effective for planning
pregnancy, and for its prevention. But it is worth noting that
these calculations are suitable only for women with relatively regular
Cycle of menstruation.

The second method of calculating menstruation

There is another way to calculate the dangerous and safe days of the cycle. Take
The arithmetic average of your monthly cycles in 6-12 months.
Divide this number by 2. So you will find the date of your ovulation, that is
The most dangerous period. From this number, count in both directions for 5
days. It will also be dangerous days. The rest of the days can be considered

Example. We take the number of six menstrual cycles: January - 27, February -
29, March - 28, April - 27, May - 29, June - 28.
27+29+28+27+29+28 \u003d 168. Next, 168 we divide by 6 (that is, by the amount
months for which the calculation is carried out). It turns out 28. That is, the average cycle
is 28 days. Divide it by 2, we get 14. That is, every 14 day
the cycle can be considered the day of ovulation, as well as 5 days before and after

So, if January 1 is the first day of the cycle, then the days from 1 will be safe
to January 9 and from 19 to 28 January. Dangerous from 10 to 18 January.

How to calculate your menstruation. Video



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