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Thrush treatment in women

Thrush treatment in women
The causes of the occurrence, symptoms and treatment of thrush.

A fairly unpleasant phenomenon, popularly called a thrush (medical term - vaginal candidiasis), develops as a result of the pathological reproduction of Candida microorganisms - yeast -like mushrooms, which are normally present in the human body in some quantities, and often under the influence of stressful situations, taking medical prescriptions, lowering the immunity Their uncontrolled reproduction, manifested by the symptoms of thrush.

Many women came across in their lives with such a phenomenon and asked the question of how to get rid of thrush. The characteristic features of thrush are often confused with the symptoms of many diseases transmitted in sexual intercourse. Thrush can cause tangible problems and violate the usual course of everyday life.

Curricular discharge, itching and irritation in the genital area that accompany vaginal candidiasis can worsen well -being and prevent participation in planned events. You can quickly remove the symptoms of thrush for some time by taking a short -term action that do not remove the direct cause of the disease, as a result of which, after a while, relapses will again follow. In order to cure thrush, a systematic approach is required.

The reasons for the development of thrush


A disease such as thrush can develop due to:

  • changes in the microflora of the body under the influence of antibiotics, corticosteroids;
  • decreased local, as well as general immunity;
  • changes in the hormonal background due to taking hormonal contraceptives, pregnancy - especially in the last trimester;
  • non-implementation of the rules of intimate hygiene, violation of heat and air exchange when wearing synthetic linen and the use of daily gaskets;
  • infection with yeast fungi in sexual contacts;
  • metabolic disorders (with diabetes, as well as obesity).

Signs of thrush 


In women, the following symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are observed:

  • the thick curdled discharge of white color that appears on the mucous membranes of the genitals - in the absence of treatment of thrush, they become plentiful;
  • unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, irritation, redness, as well as the appearance of microcracks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe external genitalia, as well as the vagina;
  • painful sensations during intercourse, as well as urination.

With an exacerbation of the disease to these symptoms of thrush in women, swelling of the mucous membrane of the labia is added, irritation can also spread towards the anus.

In a man, this disease can develop asymptomatic (but at the same time it is still a carrier of candidiasis) or the following symptoms of thrush can be observed:

  • a rash on the head of the penis and foreskin, as well as itching and redness;
  • irritation and pain during urination, as well as sexual intercourse.

It is advisable to treat thrush in women simultaneously with its sexual partner, even if he has no symptoms of the disease - in order to avoid the risk of re -infection.

Diagnosis of thrush


If you suspect vaginal candidiasis, you should not self -medicate, since other diseases can be disguised as its symptoms (among them - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis).

A preliminary diagnosis can make a doctor after a gynecological examination based on a clinical picture. Normally, a certain amount of yeast -like Candida fungi may be present in the mouth, vagina and rectum, thrush in women causes pathological reproduction of these microorganisms. Their quantitative composition can be determined using tests, a smear on the flora or bacterial sowing (with it, the type of mushroom colony is specified, as well as their sensitivity to various drugs).

How to treat thrush


The propagation of the mushrooms of the candidate occurs exponentially, and if the thrush is not treated, then it causes microcracks of the mucous membranes of the genitals, and also spreads in the small intestine, causing its perforation and falling into the general blood flow, infecting the entire body and also causing thrush in the mouth. Microorganisms of the genus are nourished with simple sugars, therefore, in order to get rid of thrush, it is recommended that the diet accompanying drug treatment should be minimized or excluded in their diet, products containing refined sugar or yeast that overwhelmed and predisposed to fermentation products.

The doctor prescribes medicines for thrush, based on the results of the tests. Treatment should be complex - including measures, the purpose of which is:

  • normalization of the work of the immune system as a whole, as well as local immunity;
  • correction of the diet;
  • local and systemic treatment of vaginal candidiasis, as well as other inflammatory diseases if necessary.

There are a large number of drugs for thrush - they are divided into two subspecies:

  1. Local means - in the form of candles from thrush, ointments, creams with active substances. Modern drugs of this type are quite effective against thrush.
  2. Systemic action (capsules, thrush tablets):
  • antibiotics of nystatin (Polyzhimax, Terzhinan) and Natamycin (Pimafucin);
  • fluconazole antifungal drugs (mycosystem, diplucan), ketoconazole (mycoseral, nizoral), as well as itraconazole (candyral, rumicosis).

Fluconazole with thrush in the case of a mild course of the disease is prescribed inside 150 mg once - it is possible to use it instead of local treatment.

Many people wonder if you can have sex with thrush. Experts recommend refraining from contacts during an exacerbation due to the risk of further spread of infection and infection of the urinary tract.

Folk remedies from thrush


There are effective recipes for removing the inflammatory process and reducing the symptoms of thrush with folk remedies.

In order to treat thrush at home, the following methods are used:

  1. To normalize the microflora in the vagina at night, place a gauze swab, saturated with a biokefir, in the morning to extract it and carry out abundant douching with the infusion of chamomile of medicinal. 2-3 Such procedures effectively relieve unpleasant sensations-itching and irritation.
  2. Pour a liter of warm boiled water into a basin, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. Calcinated soda and 1 tsp. iodine. In this disinfecting fluid they sit for a quarter of an hour. It is necessary to carry out procedures for several days once a day.
  3. A natural honey is effective from thrush - due to its wound healing and softening effect, it relieves itching, irritation and swelling. To do this, dilute the honey into a 1:10 proportion with boiled water and periodically lubricate the affected places. In the absence of allergies to honey, you can also use this prescription of the folk treatment of thrush: a cotton swab saturated with liquid honey is placed for half an hour in the vagina and left for exposure for half an hour.
  4. If the thrush has appeared in a newborn, baths with a weak solution of soda are used.

Thrush during pregnancy


Pregnancy is accompanied by hormonal changes in the body, a change in the acidic environment in the vagina occurs and local immunity decreases - as a result, vaginal candidiasis often develops. This disease can complicate the course of pregnancy, with abundant candidiasis there is a danger of postpartum inflammatory processes. In addition, in more than 70% of cases, in case of inconsistent thrush, there is a danger of infection of the fetus during childbirth. The decision on how to treat thrush during pregnancy is taken by the observant doctor. In these cases, the use of many potent means is contraindicated due to the danger of toxic effects on the fetus and possible subsequent malformations. Traditionally, in the case of the development of thrush during pregnancy, local treatment (candles, creams, ointments) is prescribed, if it turned out to be insufficiently effective, then directly a few days before the birth, the use of systemic drugs - potent antifungal agents is shown.

Thrush: photo




How to treat thrush - video



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