
How to prepare a sea perch in a slow cooker. Dishes from sea perch in a slow cooker Tasty - step-by-step recipes

How to prepare a sea perch in a slow cooker. Dishes from sea perch in a slow cooker Tasty - step-by-step recipes
In the article, tell me how deliciously prepare the sea perch in a slow cooker. Recipes of various dishes with sea perch in a multicooker step by step.

Fish is a valuable product for people of any age. It is believed that in the diet of each person the fish must be at least 2 times a week.

Bought the fish in the supermarket, brought home, and which dish to cook out of the perch - do not know? Start with simple recipes, a slow cooker will help, since this device is simply ideal for cooking fish dishes. Let's make the sea perch in a slow cooker.

How to cook sea perch in a slow cooker

There are still many questions, during the work you will receive answers to everything you are interested in. For example, how long to stew fish, is it possible to cook perch, which spices add, etc. After all, most owners are used to cooking the fish in a traditional way on the stove: Cook your ear or bake in the oven. But in a slow cooker you can cook the same dishes, only they will turn out fragrant and juicy, and also - more useful substances will remain in the finished product.

Briefly about the benefits of the sea perch: there are a lot of protein in this fish (as in any marine and seafood), as well as trace elements. Fat - minimum, neutral taste flesh.

In a multicooker, fish can be prepared in different ways: to sweat, bake in foil, cook delicious soup and even make perch perch.

A classic method of cooking fish in a slow cooker is a fried perch. Quickly, simple, minimal set of products. Just keep in mind that the perch - the fish is not easy, there are many small bones in it, so such a dish baby is better not to give.

We will prepare from such a set of products:

  • okun sea - 1 kg;
  • salt - to taste, but not more than half of the teaspoon;
  • spices: only freshly fine black pepper and nothing else;
  • creamy oil - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. or a little more.

Sea bass. Cooking in a slow cooker:

  1. Rinse fish under running water, clean with a special knife to get rid of scales. Then carefully cut the fins, or you can first remove the intestines, and then cut the fins, and also need to remove your head. Although you can fry fish and with your head, as you like more and how you are used to cooking any fish, do it.
  2. If the perch is large, it is still to cut off the head, and then cut the fish to pieces or cut the fillet.
  3. In a small pile, mix the salt with pepper, this mixture soda fish pieces, leave for a few minutes.
  4. We are engaged in preparatory work: put butter in the device in the bowl, turn on the "frying" program, as soon as the oil starts to melting, add vegetable oil and wait 1 minute.
  5. In the heated oil, lay out pieces of fish, fry on one side for 5 minutes, and possibly more, then turn over the other side and continue cooking for 5-7 minutes.
  6. If you want to immediately cook the pulp, the fillet is placed in a multicooker's bowl - the duration of cooking will be more.
  7. Fit finished fish on a pre-prepared pillow made of folded in several layers of paper towels. Thus, you can get rid of excess oil.
  8. Serve the finished product immediately until the perch is still hot.

How to cook perch in a slow cooker and not only

An introductory recipe you studied and realized that there is nothing difficult if you do everything correctly and adhere to cooking technology. The recipes for the cooking of the sea perch in a slow cooker is very much, but that the time it was spent not in vain, you need to know the secrets of cooking.

What to take into account:

  • okrug - Fish is not simple, there are many bones in it and it is difficult to clean it. Sometimes the preparation of sea fish takes most of the time. In order to get rid of small scales faster, it is necessary to ask the fish just boiling water. But everything should be done as quickly as possible. In the paper, use special devices: scrapers, graters for small fish and fish knives;
  • the sea perch has very rigid fins that interfere with both cooking and in the penetration of fish and then during tasting. Therefore, so as not to tempt your fingers, they must be cut off with scissors or a sharp knife;
  • you can find the sea perch of frozen, fins and all the insides are already deleted, you will only have to defrost a carcass and prepare according to a prescription;
  • in a multicooker, fish is prepared in different programs, depending on which result you need to get. If you want to get more gentle and juicy meat, put instead of the "quenching" mode, the program "Pilaf", then it turns out to be a juicy flesh and slightly ruddy crust;
  • if you cook in the "Steamer" mode, use soy sauce instead of salt - the difference you will see immediately;
  • so that the perch fillet was more juicy and soft, after each piece was enriched with salt with seasonings, sprinkle with olive oil and leave for 5 minutes;
  • the sea perch is combined with vegetables and potatoes, in cooking dishes with perch, spices for fish, black peas, dried herbs, tomatoes and solid cheese are used.

Dishes from sea perch in a slow cooker

Sea perch cooking recipes are a lot, we made a unique selection of the best recipes. Everyone is a small masterpiece, mixing tastes and flavors. This is not just a tasteless perch, it will be very tasty and juicy, fragrant fish!

Sea bass with vegetables in a slow cooker

This dish can be safely attributed to the category "festive", because it is suitable for a family dinner and for a festive feast.

What products are needed:

  • perch - 1 kg;
  • bulb - 2 large;
  • carrot - 1 (but it can be without it);
  • tomato paste, Ketchup is not acute or sauce - 2 tbsp.;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • sweet Bulgarian pepper - 2 medium sizes;
  • spicy pepper "Chile" - a small piece;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt, seasoning for fish or just ground black pepper - to taste;
  • solid cheese - 300 g.;
  • a bit of vegetable oil.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Fish we blow with boiling water and immediately proceed to cleaning, pre-cutting the fins. We separate on pieces, remove the ridge and large bones. We will prepare the marine perch fillet in a slow cooker, so it is better to immediately choose a bigger fish in the store.
  2. A spoon of vegetable oil into a multicooker bowl, turn on the device by activating the "frying" program.
  3. While the oil is heated, you need to have time to clean the onions and carrots, crushed. Fry these vegetables before changing the color of the bow, and then add tomatoes, sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes and sweet peppers. After roasting vegetables, the mode needs to be changed to "quenching". Attach the tomato paste, ketchup or sauce - what is in the refrigerator.
  4. Vegetables prepare for 10 minutes. This part of the preparatory work can be made in a slow cooker or separately on the stove. But immediately after the preparation of refueling, you will have to shift it into a bowl, and wash the multicooker's bowl, wipe dry, to go fish further.
  5. Lubricate the bottom of the device with vegetable oil, put the perch fillet tightly to each other, and lay the prepared vegetables from above.
  6. The third layer is two spoons of sour cream any fat, distribute evenly.
  7. A piece of cheese should be grate on medium grater and trigger all with grated cheese. The program "Baking", put a timer for 40 minutes, we wait and slowly cover on the table.
  8. Such a fish is obtained juicy and tasty, suitable as an independent dish, perfectly combined with simple handbricks: boiled rice, potatoes, puree, light vegetable dishes.
  9. You can change this recipe slightly, if you slightly fry the perch from two sides and leave to be baked under a vegetable pillow.

Sea bass stewed in a slow cooker

This dietary dish will enjoy both kids and adults. Preparing literally in one breath.

We proceed to work, preparing the following:

  • perch marine - 2 pcs.;
  • the bulb is medium in size and carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • dry spices: Basil and dill - 2 tsp;
  • salt and black pepper ground - to taste;
  • juniper berry - 3 pcs.;
  • creamy butter - 2 tbsp.

How to prepare the sea perch:

  1. Juniper berries - preferably, but not necessarily. They neutralize the characteristic fish smell well.
  2. Fish carcasses need to be cleaned, remove the insides and separate the fins.
  3. Mix salt with pepper, add dried herbs - to grasp the perch of this mixture.
  4. Onions and carrots need to be cleaned and crushed, fry in oil for 5 minutes first onions, then attach the carrot, continue the roast until the program is completed. "Frying" mode, automatic timer activation for 15 minutes.
  5. Do not remove vegetables from a slow cooker, just carefully push the spatula of half to put the perch and cover with a blanket from stewed vegetables.
  6. Top to put the berries of the juniper, you can a few berries of the fragrant go of the black pepper and slightly pour the GCH oil (if left). If instead of creamy oil use vegetable, then there is no need to water.
  7. Add a third piece of glass of water and prepare perch in the "quenching" mode.

Marine bass in sour cream: how to cook cutlets in a slow cooker

Fish cutlets - for many owners, a real feat, because it is long and troublesome. But, everything can be done faster with a slow cooker. You just need to search in the shops of the perch carcasses, so as not to mess with cleaning and penetrating the fish.

List of all necessary:

  • fish fillet - 600 g;
  • lukovitsa large;
  • semolina cereals - 2 tbsp.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • garlic - teeth;
  • oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • salt, pepper black ground, turmeric - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. The perch fillet needs to be chopped into pieces, a bulb - clean and smash everything on a meat grinder or in a bowl of the blender.
  2. To put this mass: semolina, salt, spices, mix, leave a quarter of an hour.
  3. Then shape round cutlets, cut into flour. Only all do not prepare immediately, it is better consistently so that the flour does not have time to do.
  4. Multivarka pour oil into the bowl, turn on the "frying" program, after a few minutes you can lay out the formed cutlets. Fry on both sides to 5-7 minutes.
  5. Garlic - grind the knife, add to already ready-made cutlets when feeding. You can fold all the roasted cutlets back to the slow cooker, put a chopped garlic, omit the lid to disappear fish cutlets during the pair of minutes in the heated mode.
  6. You still need to make sauce from sour cream and turmeric. Enter the spice in the sour cream, mix, add an incomplete glass of water, mix again and pour this mixture into a multicooker bowl, switch the device into "extinguishing" mode, leave for 15 minutes.
  7. Serve a ready-made dish hot, just be careful to deliver cutlets so that they do not break apart. By the way, you can do without sauce, it can replace ordinary water.

Marine baking baked in a slow cooker

Here it is - the most unusual preparation recipe based on a gentle sauce of solid cheese and sour cream. Some spices will complement the taste of this dish.

We will need:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbass - 2 pcs.;
  • solid cheese - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • half of lemon;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp.;
  • rosemary dried - teaspoon;
  • red and black pepper - slightly;
  • salt to taste;
  • olive oil - a large spoon.

Cooking a delicious fish dish:

  1. Perch carcasses need to be cleaned and get rid of the internships, cut off the head. Each fish should be gratened with a mixture of salt with pepper (both types).
  2. Cut into thin lonsters lemon, make small cuts in the sides with a sharp knife to insert slices in them.
  3. Eggs need to be easily whipped by a fork, add a hard cheese on a grater, put sour cream. Add salt and rosemary to this mixture, mix.
  4. The multicooker's bowl needs to lubricate the oil, put on the bottom first fish, then add the sauce so that it is completely covered with perch. We prepare this dish in the "Baking" mode of about 45 minutes, readiness control after 40 minutes, you may have to leave perch for 1 hour, focus on the size of the carcasses and the multicooker power.

Sea bass in a multicooker in foil

For the preparation of dishes on this recipe, you will need an agon of sea red, we will prepare in a slow cooker.

Grocery list:

  • perch - 1 pc.;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and seasonings - to taste;
  • spoon of vegetable oil.

Still prepare a piece of foil and you can start cooking:

  1. Fish does not clean, but cut off the fins and remove the insides, we dry.
  2. The piece of foil is lubricated with oil, put the fish, we rush it with a mixture of salt and spices, sprinkle with vegetable oil from above.
  3. Lemon cut thin circles and divide in half. Insert lemon in the middle, then from above that remains.
  4. Watch the fish so that there are no holes and all the juice during cooking remained inside.
  5. Gently put a carcass in a bowl of a multicooker, pour a little cloth. We are preparing in the "quenching" mode 25-30 minutes.

Sea Outdoor A pair in Multicooker

If you cook the fish on this recipe, the dish will turn out to be dietary, suitable for those who hold the post or adheres to the diet. So that the multicooker in vain does not work, load to the maximum, so we will prepare the perch with vegetables.

List of all necessary:

  • fish fillet - 500 g;
  • bulbs and carrots - 1 pcs;
  • tomatoes are small - 4 pieces;
  • young potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • zucchini young - 1 pc.;
  • broccoli - several inflorescences;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • salt and black pepper ground - to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. A whole carcass of fish must be prepared: clean, it is not necessary to delete everything, separate the ridge and large bones.
  2. Perch grade a salt with pepper with pepper on a grid for cooking dishes in a slow cooker.
  3. Onions, tomatoes and other vegetables - prepare, cut and fold on top right on the fish.
  4. Onions, carrots and tomatoes - folded the layers on top of the perch. First onions, then tomatoes and carrot pieces. On the edge of the larock shape, put potatoes sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles. Cabbage - lay out arbitrarily. All vegetables can be slightly triggered by spices with the addition of salt.
  5. Multicooker needs to pour water, install the "Cooking for a pair" program, time to set 20 minutes. See the readiness of all ingredients, potatoes are preparing longer, so it is possible that the program will have to extend.

Sea perch soup in a slow cooker

Delicious fish soup is one of the proper nutrition recipes. In this case, the dish is prepared very quickly from simple products. It turns out such a soup is very nutritious, fragrant and tasty.

Take the following:

  • perch - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - a couple of teeth;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp.;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp.;
  • cream any percentage of fatty - 150 ml;
  • dill, dried spices and salt - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Perch preparation is standard, if possible, remove large bones and ridges.
  2. Fold your head into a slow cooker (only the gills need to be removed), vertebrae, fins - weld the broth in the "soup" mode, for 40 minutes.
  3. Ready broth must be strain and pour back to the slow cooker.
  4. Onions - clean, crush, add to broth.
  5. Fish cut into pieces, put in broth, add spices and salt. Try the broth, if something does not suit, you can add more spices.
  6. Tomato Take one, but large, it is necessary to cut into cubes, fry on vegetable oil (on the plate), swipe under the closed lid for about 10 minutes. Then add chopped garlic, mix.
  7. Add to refueling tomato paste, cream, slight salt, bring to a boil, reduce fire and tomorrow on slow fire for 5 minutes.
  8. You need to pour the finished refueling into a slow cooker, mix, extend the Soup program for 15 minutes.
  9. At the end, before serving the finished dish, add fresh crushed dill, mix and can be immediately served to the table.

Sea bass with mushrooms in a slow cooker. Video


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