
How to correctly make a desire for the new year so that it come true. Let's make a desire for New Year's Eve

How to correctly make a desire for the new year so that it come true. Let's make a desire for New Year's Eve
How to make a desire for the new year so that it has come true.

New Year's Eve mysterious and full of miracles. If you carefully prepare for it and make a proper desire under the right circumstances, it will surely come true! But it is impossible to make a desire and sit with folded hands, wait for it by itself. A person must prove that worthy of his exercise and for its part to do everything to achieve the goal.

Be careful with your desires - they have a property come true.

M. A. Bulgakov

Dreams Come True. Sooner or later, anyway.

Max Fry.

How to make a desire for the new year so that it come true

So, most important is the correct promise to the universe, a clear wording that cannot be interpreted incorrectly.

  1. Do not use the past tense, for example: "I want to, so I was happy." This will be interpreted as: "OK, you're happy," and that's it. To wish come true, we must not forget to thank for what you have, adding the wish in the present tense. For example: "I am grateful for the happiness that comes with each passing day."
  2. Never use the phrase "at any cost" and the like. Price desired can really be anything, but whether or not a desired health of loved ones, for example?
  3. I do not wish anyone harm. The laws of the universe are that bad wishes come back to you at a higher level.
  4. Be careful with seemingly meaningless turnover, such as "give a hand to cut off," or "blood from his nose." The universe understands everything literally.
  5. Do not be afraid to ask for what you want to do. Do you want to marry for love, a decent man? So directly and ask. Without "at least for someone." Then life will be sorry, because it can really be anyone.
  6. You have to really want to carry out his wishes, with all my soul, with all your heart. Thoughts are material, do not forget about it.
  7. It is better if the wish will be immaterial. Instead of "I want a million dollars" - "health and happiness to my family," instead of "I want a car / apartment" - "I want a family, kid."
  8. When wishes come true? There is no clear answer to this question is no. The universe runs according to its own laws, the depth of which we can not understand. It is assumed that making a wish for the New Year, it will come to pass during the coming year. Keep this in mind zagadyvaya his desire! It has to be practicable in the course of the year, otherwise it will come true or not, or will come to pass, but much later.

Thus, the New Year's wishes come true, if properly formulated and wish with all my heart for their implementation!


What can make a wish for the New Year

What can make a wish for the New Year? Many people ask similar questions on the eve of New Year holidays. And, then, these people either do not want to do anything, or want so much, it's hard to pick one wish.

In the first case, most likely, no matter what you make come true, this desire is not fulfilled. If there are no ideas, then there's really cherished desires, and we are told that only those true.

In the second version it is good to think about: for sure of something you want a little more? Make a list of your desires and cross out at least those that you yourself are able to implement, even if it takes some time for some time or make you to upset a little. Want a new job? So can it start to start a resume on the relevant site and start walking on interviews? Or, let's say, do you want that guy finally drew attention to you? And try to make a beautiful hairstyle, makeup, wear the best dress, go first, in the end.

So the exclusion method will have one, the most cherished desire. It may be a desire for love, family, child, happiness ... You can not necessarily wish for yourself, especially if there are no cherished desires. Try to make something good for your relatives and loved ones, something they really want. These are the desires, if, of course, they are sincere, the likelihood of their implementation is very strong and great.


How to make a desire for the new year

We figured out what desires should be made up and how to formulate them. Now let's deal with how the New Year's desire to make.

You can do it under the battle of the chimes, talking clearly to myself. And it is possible with a resort to some rituals, the origins of which are already difficult to find, but this does not least detract from their popularity and effectiveness.

  1. Under the battle, you need to write my desire on a piece of paper, burn it and the ashes pour into a glass with champagne, which you have to dry while the clock did not break through 12. It would seem, quite a few actions that are hard to fit in 12 seconds. But, if you prepare in advance, it will not be much difficulty. Paper with handles and lighters are heard in advance, one person keeps champagne at the ready ... in a word, try once, and then adapt.
  2. Write a letter to Santa Claus! Yes, it is not necessary to be a child to do this. Write, put in a beautiful envelope, swipe and put under the tree. When New Year's holidays will stay behind, hide the letter to a secluded place, keep it there until next new year. When the clock again declines 12 in 2018, open your letter and read carefully: you will be pleasantly surprised that everything written has already come true.
  3. Now nobody does not send beautiful greeting relatives and friends by email. And in vain, for sure each of them would have been nice to get something like this. And at the same time write card with sincere wishes for himself! Let her be your dream is displayed, or something close to it. After receiving it by mail, carefully stored, and all wishes will come true.
  4. Wait for battle chimes, exit to the balcony or open a window. Speak aloud what so passionately dream universe necessarily hear you.
  5. Before going to bed, write 12 cherished desires, every - on a separate sheet of paper. 12 sheets need to mix and put it under the pillow. What is a desire in the morning you pull without looking - and then shall come to pass in the coming 2017.

Let's summarize

Now you know how to make a wish for the New Year. If it does not come true, do not be sad. Perhaps not yet time. Perhaps life has prepared you for something much better than what you so passionately desire at the moment. And a few years later, looking back, you thank God that this desire has not come true!

In pursuit of something bigger and better not forget to learn to appreciate what you have now. Life is arranged so that there is always someone to be better, someone worse. Do not forget this! Most poor people - those who are dissatisfied with life forever. But looking back on them at times condescending insight: it is precisely then that I was happy! Learn to appreciate the moments that happen to you here and now. People with whom you are now so close. As it is sad, but maybe in the future fate of your divorce. Perhaps in the future you will be missed because of what you have now.

And with all of that, never stop there! Should always be goals, dreams, desires. The meaning of life in constant motion, constantly striving to achieve something more. Set ambitious goals, and gradually reaching one after the other, you will feel a moral satisfaction, and throughout his life.

Video: " How to make a wish in the New Year "


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