
Fortune telling for the New Year. Fortune telling in the old New Year. How to guess in the new year

Fortune telling for the New Year. Fortune telling in the old New Year. How to guess in the new year
A review of the most interesting and truthful fortune -telling on New Year's Eve.

Here the summer swept with lightning speed and entered into its own autumn. It rainy, dank, I want to wrap myself in a blanket, snuggle up to my beloved, take a mug of hot aromatic tea and do nothing at all, do not go anywhere ... Autumn depression will be completely interrupted in a sunny woman, and there is not far from the first snow, and before the harsh frosts . Hurry New Year! When the snow creaks underfoot, New Year's songs sound everywhere, everything around shines, sparkles, there is a big Christmas tree in the square! Congratulations, fun, gifts, and, of course, fortune telling! Yes, it is not necessary to wait for Christmas, because already starting on December 25, you can slightly raise the curtain of the mysterious future.  What are they, simple fortune -telling in the New Year?

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

To begin with, each fortune -telling is the greatest probability of predicting the truth if it is seriously treated. Fortune -telling love silence and complete immersion. Therefore, if your New Year's Eve is held in the company of a noisy company, put them on Christmas, for example. Or the old New Year. It is also believed that the presence of a cat increases the likelihood that the predictions will be true. The main thing is to believe, then everything will work out.

But here it is important at the same time not to go too far. If the result does not suit you, do not believe in fortune telling, and that's it. Then you should treat him as fun. By the way, even professional fortunetellers (if such phrases are appropriate here) sometimes admit that today cards (or otherworldly forces) do not want to talk to us. They don’t want to - and that’s it.

If you suddenly find the ability to really look into the future, if your predictions begin to come true ... Stop! They say that an excessive hobby of this kind of things is fraught with the fact that the future can be lost ... In other words, maybe it was the way you saw if you constantly did not interfere in it. That is why do not get involved in campaigns to different fortunetellers and astrologers.

There are some fortune -telling that we deliberately did not describe in this article, because they could not seriously scare the faint of heart, but for what? For example, when two mirrors are placed opposite each other, a mirror corridor is formed, all this is completely loneliness, silence and darkness under the dim light of a candle. A normal person can even move if he will peer into this corridor for a long time, and what can we say about the faint of heart? So any fortune -telling should not be harmful!

And the last. During the New Year holidays, any fortune -telling that you personally know is suitable. This can be fortune -telling on maps or using various items - it does not matter. The bottom line is that this period is considered open to otherworldly forces, and they are ready to tell us about the future future.

There are many ways to guess, you should even pay attention to what dream you will have a dream on New Year's Eve. It is believed that he will determine your future for the coming year.

  1. Very simple and affordable fortune telling. Melt a little wax and quickly pour it into a cup of cold water. Look carefully at the figure that you got: it is she who will determine your future for the next year. It can be standard figures: the heart - for love, the ring - for the wedding, the dog is a new friend. Or maybe you will see a figure there that matters only for you? Then the interpretation will be individual! The main thing is to show imagination and imagination.
  2. In the darkness, you need to light a candle, take a dish, turned upside down with the bottom, put a piece of paper on it and set it on fire with a candle. The piece of paper should burn to the ground. Then you take the dish carefully so that the outlines of the ash do not change, bring it to the wall so that the light from the candle falls on it and discards the shadow. What you will see in this shadow will happen to you in the coming year. And again, boundless fantasy to help you!
  3. In the age of technology, you can easily use these very technologies for fortune -telling! For example, looking at your phone, concentrate and ask the question that excites you so that you can answer “yes” or “no” to it. Pay attention to who will call first after that. If a man, then the answer to your question “yes”, if a woman, then “no”. It remains to be hoped that in our age of technology it will not be any automatic call with a report on the arrival of a taxi, for example. Although here you can turn on the imagination: albeit a voice recorded, but it also belongs to a man or a woman!


Fortune telling on the night for the New Year for the fulfillment of desires

They say that the most cherished dreams and desires come true. The main thing is to make it right! It should be something bright, not material and with all my heart desired.

  1. There is such a method: you need to stock up in advance with a pen, a piece of paper, a lighter, a saucer (which is not a pity), a glass for champagne, and, accordingly, with champagne itself. When the president’s speech ends, one person should already be ready to instantly open champagne and fill the glasses. Everyone writes a desire on a piece of paper (consider the wording in advance - briefly and clearly!), Burn it and pours it into its glass and drinks champagne. All these actions must be done while chimes are beaten up 12 times. New Year's Eve is full of miracles, and a lot of the made -up will necessarily be embodied in reality.
  2. It is necessary to pour a handful of rice or any other cereal on the table and make a desire. Put the wet palm on rice and press tightly. Gently raise your hand and turn it over - calculate how many grains stuck to it - an even number will mean that the desire will definitely be fulfilled.
  3. It is necessary to take two glasses, one of which is filled with water to the edges. Make a desire and very quickly pour water from one glass to another. This can only be done once, without any preliminary training. Spilled a whole puddle? So, the desire to come true is not destined. But if only a little shed by, no more than three drops, then very soon it will be fulfilled!
  4. Pour into a large bowl of water, run the leaves with your desires into it. A hot candle is placed in the middle of the bowl, which sooner or later set fire to one of the pieces of paper - the desire written on it will certainly come true in the coming year.


Love fortune -telling in the New Year

Well, which girl would not want to look in the face of her narrowed, at least one eye? So why not try to look, especially since doing it is so simple! We present several ways at once, choose any - and go!

  1. You can take a few pieces of paper and write male names on each of them. Put the pieces of paper under the pillow and the next morning to pull out one of them at random. So you can find out the name of your narrowed.
  2. Each unmarried girl takes a thread, all of them should be the same length among themselves. The threads are at the same time set on fire, whose will burn faster - that will be the first happy bride.
  3. You need to take a box with matches, stick on a match on its sides and set them on fire. When they burn out, look if they were inclined or, on the contrary, turned away from each other. So you are with your loved one: either you will be together, or the separation ahead.
  4. To find out the name of your future second half, you just need to go outside and at the first person oncoming person to ask what his name is. Feel free, this is New Year's Eve, the time of smiles and congratulations!


Fortune -telling on a narrowed new year

If you did not have time to guess for the New Year, it doesn’t matter: the old New Year is ahead, but they say that it was on the night of January 13 to 14 the most faithful fortune -telling. Fortune telling on the old New Year can be the same as on New Year's Eve. Almost all fortune -telling on the narrowed one consists in the fact that certain objects are placed under the pillow, or certain actions are performed so that the only and unique, sometimes actions are accompanied by certain words:

  1. If you suddenly have a broom, do not rush to throw it out! At least until the new 2017. Break off a few twigs from it and put a bridge out of them, put under the pillow and say before going to bed: "My narrowed, mummers, transfer me over the bridge."
  2. You can just put bread and scissors under the pillow. But be careful, do not get old in a dream!

In all cases, a future spouse should come in a dream. And if it does not come, do not despair, let the surprise be better! He will not go anywhere from you!


New Year's fortune -telling for the future

Guessing for the future on the New Year is easier. And who is not interested in that fate has prepared in the near year? Will there be happiness, success and recognition, or are troubles, financial difficulties and a break?  Will they offer a new job, and maybe they will offer to get a family? Or is a long road shining to the sea? Here are two simplest ways for those who are interested in these and many other issues.

  1. It is necessary to take three opaque glasses, and fill them with half with water, pour a pinch of salt into one, in the other - sugar, into the third, break bread. The fortuneteller with closed eyes selects one of the glasses (of course, before these they need to be confused with each other), salt means tears, sugar - happiness, bread crumbs - financial well -being. You can add a fourth glass with a wedding ring - it will mean a engagement or wedding.
  2. Fortune -telling is suitable for those who have developed imagination. Take medium sizes a mirror and pour it well with water. While the clock beats twelve, take it to the balcony (or on the street, if you have a private house - the bottom line is to have a strong frost) and leave there for a while. When the patterns appear, you need to bring the mirror into the house and carefully study them. You will see circles, so the next year promises you wealth, a spruce branch - you will work without turning hands, triangles - success and luck will accompany in all matters, but the squares promise difficulties in life. Of course, with such changes in the weather, which in the latter occur in our lane, it may well be rained for the new 2017, but let's hope that nevertheless snow and frost will come hand in hand as expected.


We will summarize

Now you know that in addition to all kinds of games, contests and festivities, you can occupy yourself with fortune -telling for the New Year, because on the New Year everything that we so passionately wish for!

We have made out many ways to fortune -telling for the New Year, both for love and the future and to fulfill the most cherished desires. This is a great pastime, interesting and alluring. Until 2017, you are far away, so you have time to study all kinds of fortune -telling methods and choose somewhat most suitable for you.

To guess for the future on the New Year is the most popular among young girls who are still unclear how life will develop and what certain relations will lead to. And so I would like to know! But let's agree: we only believe in good, and we do not pay any attention to bad results! Still, do not take fortune-telling for the guide to action. The fact that we ourselves want will come true, because thoughts are material, and, therefore, we must only think about the good!

Video " How to make a desire for the New Year? "



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