
How to fix a bite

How to fix a bite
Small teeth the key to health and success.

A beautiful smile decorates every person. She gives a positive mood not only to its owner, but also to others. However, to spoil a smile, to deliver a lot of problems and uncomfortable sensations, an incorrect bite can. Due to the deformation of the jaw, severe compression of the jaw joints occurs. An incorrect bite appears, which is accompanied by the appearance of headaches, asymmetry of the face. With age, the bite becomes more noticeable, so if this problem is found in your child at a young age, then do not hesitate. It is possible to help fix the wrong bite both with the help of surgical intervention and without it. What methods of treatment are suitable for you, let's analyze in more detail.

How to fix the bite: the main reasons for the appearance of improper bite


Most often, the wrong bite is a consequence of a genetic predisposition. Therefore, if the problem of incorrect bite and curves of teeth occurs in your genetics, it is possible that this problem may also have. In addition to a genetic defect, the wrong bite can be caused by:

  1. The course of pregnancy with complications. It is during this period that the baby begins to form bone tissue. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman during pregnancy to observe the correct diet, to avoid stress in order to minimize the risk of improper location of the jaw.
  2. Feeding a child from early childhood with a bottle milk. If possible, try to feed the baby as much as possible so that the baby’s jaw apparatus is constantly “trained”.
  3. Lack of some teeth. Due to the presence of free space, neighboring teeth are trying to replace the intervals, which can lead to teeth deformation and displacement of the jaw, changing the nature of its close.
  4. It would seem that such a harmless, bad habit as sucking fingers in young children. Which can also cause a curvature of teeth and improper bite.
  5. Chronic runny nose, which can cause a defect in the upper jaw, gradually narrowing it. The tongue ceases to crush on the teeth, flowing constantly down.
  6. Speech disorders (parafunction of the language). In such cases, you should immediately contact an experienced speech therapist.

How to fix the wrong bite in adults

Fix the bite with braces


Braces are considered to be one of the most effective methods for correcting the wrong bite in adults. Brands are a set of small locks and brackets, tightly fixed on the arc. They are attached to the teeth using special dental glue and are not removed until the end of the course of treatment.

Wearing braces contributes to:

  1. Alignment of crooked teeth.
  2. Elimination of wide cracks between the teeth.
  3. Pulling tooths with a difficult teething.

There are 2 types of braces:

  • Vestibular braces are attached from the outside of the teeth, made from different materials. They can be plastic, sapphire, metal and ceramic, differing in color and shape.


  • Metal are the most affordable vestibular braces. The cost of such braces ranges from 3,000 to 6000 rubles + 7000-8000 rubles consolidation. These are the most reliable and durable in design of the braces, however, they can not be called the most aesthetic.


  • Plastic ones are not so brightly striking as metal, but they have a tendency to dull over time, very fragile in design.


  • Ceramic - perhaps the most aesthetic braces, due to their color scheme, which completely imitates the color of tooth enamel, making them almost invisible on the teeth. Such material is not oxidized or painted during wearing. Cost - from 30,000 to 90,000 rubles.
  • Sapphire - braces with artificially created crystals. Since ceramic, they repeat the color of the teeth, however, less durable. Therefore, caution should be observed when wearing. Cost - from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.


  • Self -regulatory - the type of metal braces that do not have ligatures (fasteners). The main advantages of such braces are the lack of the need for a constant visit to the Orthodontologist’s office to change ligatures, relieve cleaning and conducting hygiene procedures of the oral cavity.


  • Linguistic braces - are attached from the inside of the teeth, so they are absolutely invisible to others when wearing. Treatment of bite with lingual braces gives the same result as with vestibular braces. The difference can be seen with a longer course of treatment. It is also recommended to wear such braces to correct a deep bite, which cannot be corrected using vestibular braces. The cost of such braces will cost you over 100,000 rubles.

Elastic rings are also capable of helping the problem of crooked teeth and adjust their correct location. They are attached with special hooks on the teeth of the upper and lower jaw.

Will the brackets will fully fix the bite? This question is interested in many. To fully eliminate the bite, braces will need from 6-8 months to 2.5-3 years.   It all depends on the complexity of the problem. According to the instructions of an orthodontist, you will need to visit him several times to carry out correction and change of ligatures.

With a distal bite, the upper jaw is highly advanced, and a gap forms on the lower.  Brets on such a bite are placed on the teeth of the lower and upper row. When correcting the mesial bite, when the lower jaw extends forward, and the upper jaw is behind it, the braces are put only on the teeth of the lower jaw.

It is recommended to put braces to correct the bite to correct the bite, starting from 10-12 years old, when all the teeth have already been fully formed. For an earlier age, incomplete “4 × 2” bracket systems can be recommended, which are installed on indigenous incisors and the first molars.

How to fix a bite with a cap


Dental caps are used to eliminate the wrong bite only for adults, since children still continue to grow tooths, and bone tissue has not been completely formed.

The cap is selected individually for each patient. To do this, the dentist makes several gypsum blinds of your teeth throughout this course of treatment, choosing the capacity of the desired size at each stage of correction. After the selection, the cap is corrected at home, you can independently change them every 2 weeks as the bite is corrected. The total duration of wearing a cap until the full elimination of the bite is about 2 years.

Advantages of correcting the wrong bite of kaps:

  1. During wearing a person, a person does not have any uncomfortable sensations, thanks to the material from which they are made (polyurethane, silicone).
  2. They are invisible to others.
  3. During eating and brushing the teeth, the caps can be easily removed.
  4. Caps do not spoil tooth enamel.
  5. Do not require special care. It is enough to regularly rinse them with cold water and store in a special case.

How to fix the wrong bite in a child without braces

How to fix a bite with a nipple-dummy and labial bumper

To correct the early bite (up to 1.5-2 years) to babies, experts recommend nipples-dummy. Thanks to a special native, such nipples contribute to the proper formation of the child’s jaw, adjust the position of the tongue in the oral cavity.

Propper bumpers are metal arcs that are placed between the lips, teeth and cheeks of the child, forming pressure on the dentition.   With the help of labial bumpers, you can adjust the bite to children under 7 years of age. They are able to change the improper slope of the front molars, enhance the activity of the jaw muscles, lengthen the tooth arc.

How to fix a bite with a plate


Wearing records is the safest and most effective method of correcting improper bite in children under 13 years of age. They are made from special polymeric materials that do not cause allergies.

The plates for children are presented in a large assortment of different colors. In some cases, colorful drawings are even applied to them so that the wearing of the leveling records does not upset the child, but bring him joy.

Such plates are attached with special wires, which are very easily removed, so your child can independently remove the plates during the brushing of the teeth.

Tooth alignment is facilitated by the effects of built -in springs, loops and wires.

If you need to increase the distance between the teeth or expand the jaw, special screws are added to the plates, which, due to twisting, contribute to the alignment of the teeth. The plates are also an ideal option for eliminating a deep bite in children.

Fix the bite with trainers


Trainer is an orthodontic apparatus made of hypoallergenic material - polyurethane, silicone. It is recommended to be worn to eliminate the wrong bite to children, in some cases adults. At the age of 6 to 8 years, children are used by soft trains, and from 8 to 12 years - hard.

The trainer needs to be worn for 2-4 hours every day, while the child does not talk during the wearing of the trainer. Such a device stimulates the correct functioning of the jaw muscles, evens out crooked teeth.

The result largely depends on the accuracy of the use of the trainer. You need to avoid the drop in the traineer to the floor, do not bite it and not chew it. You should also tell your child about proper care and handling a trainer.

The average cost of the traineer ranges from 2500 to 4000 rubles. The device is an excellent alternative to quality and price policy along with adult braces.

How to fix the wrong bite. Video



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