
How to eat and clean mango at home

How to eat and clean mango at home
How to choose a ripe mango and how is it right? All methods of cleaning and feeding the fragrant fetus to the table.

Juicy and fragrant mangoexotic the fruit, which the enjoy huge popularity in all world. Powered his call « king fruit», motherland mango counts India, where mangy trees grow everywhere, occupying almost 70% all land. except India, mango grows v Thailand, Pakistan, Mexico, Spain. But the main thing exporter fruit on world market is an India. V ours country this fragrant fetus with saturated flavor already for a long time not counts exotic, mango can buy v anyone supermarket. But, not many know, how right clean and beautiful serve mango to table. Consider self popular methods cleaning mango v homemade conditions.

What useful mango?

Mango not only possessed wonderful flavoring qualities, but and is an useful for health fruit. Fruit rich saharara and fiber, contain vitamins A, groups V, WITH, D., E.. Consuming total 200 gram fruit v day can cover by daily need organism v vitamin A, which the participate v regeneration cells skin, strengthens immunity, promotes improve vision. Polyphenols, which enter v his composition, neutralize impact free radicals on organism and slow down processes aging. Also mango contains minerals. and useful microelements, possessed ability split fat., output slags, it has low calorie, his can use v food, not linding per sleepiness figures.

How to eat and clean mango. How to choose a ripe mango?

  • V nature exists about 300 varieties mango, each from which it has mine definite colour. V selling meet  and yellow, and yellowgreen, and bright orange and even red fruit with small inclinments, therefore colour peel fruitnot index his taste and degree maturity. except togo, on color leather fruit influence climatic conditions, at which grown fruits. The main thing, on what necessary reverse attention at purchasecolour fruit should to be bright and saturated.
  • Skin ripe mango should to be smooth, dense and glossy. Fruit with dRYABLE, wrinkle kinder quicker total old loved fruits, exceptionvariety mango « ATALFA», peculiarity whomsoft and dirry skin. From purchases fruit with visible dents, scratchins, spots and other damage, better refrain. Such fetus quickly right. On touch ripe mangoelastic and little soft, a at pressing his skin should stay elastic and not damage. Too much hard peelsign immaturity fruit.
  • Average the weight mango varied from 200 before 300 grammov, although can meet and more large fruit, the weight which reaching before 1,5 kg. The form mango reminds ball for american football and no way not influences on his maturity. But, if fetus on view flat, then, mango not will enough juicy, so how v nem. contains few meakty.
  • Choosing v store mango, note attention on his sweetish gummy aroma, which the bright total felt v district fruit. If fetus not express aromafront you unwarked mango, which the subsequently will be top tasteless. Sourish smell, outgoing from mango, is talking o volume, what fruit subached wrong storage, and v meakty started process fermentation.
  • Flesh ripe mangobrightorange or yellow colors, it has fiber structure, on taste reminds ripe peach with easy aromat coffee. Flesh unripe fruit little acid on taste, it has more dense texture.
  • If you acquired unwarked mango, not despairleave the fruit on 23 day v warmth place and give his ripen.

How is Mango?

Mango possessed excellent flavor, v basic his use v cheese video, a also used for cooking diverse dishes.

How to eat mango. Region applications mango v cooking

Mangobasic ingredient traditional thai kitchen, his used for cooking salad. V european kitchen the fruit combine with meat dishes, include v sharp or fruit salads., how v fresh, so and v marinated video. For receipt marinated mango, pieces fruit washed out several days v solen solution, while they not lost colour and not become crispy. Also can soak flesh v sweet syrup. Perezrenova flesh mango used for cooking sweets long storage. Flesh weld before state thick masses, that on consistencies reminds jelly. Ripe pieces mango can dish on sun or to freeze, at it is he not loses of their flavoring quality and saves all vitamins and useful substances. Fragrant, sweet the fruit wide applied v cooking, from meakty mango make ice cream, fruit mousses, stuffing for fruit pirogov. Mango with oK used for manufacturing fruit cocktails.

How to eat mango. Is it worth cleaning mango from the peel?

Front thread, how eat fragrant and useful mango or serve the fruit to table, many set question, necessary li clean mango from peel, how right his there is and what make with bone?

V peel mango contains many not less useful for oUR organism substances, how v juicy meakty, but v food her use not recommended, yes and on taste she not all have to. Peel fruit possessed more bright I.pronounced aromat, how flesh. Important remember, what v difference from juicy soul meakty, skin mango maybe become cause allergic reactions. Allergies better refrain from her use, a fetus clean from peel only v rubber gloves.

Does mango bone eating?

Inside fruit located big bone, that not possessed special flavoring qualities, although and counts full edible. But, her can find more worthy application and put v floral pot, to grow mangy drug at home.

How to clean mango

There are several ways to make mango on the table.

Method First: Cleaning from the peel with a glass

This method is suitable for a very juicy fetus, the flesh of which will be used for the preparation of mousse, smoothie, sauce or grinding to a puree state in a blender.

  • Take a ripe mango, put it on the surface of a cutting board and make an incision along, a little away from the center where the bone is located. Try to make an incision as close as possible to the bone.

  • Repeat this manipulation on the other halves of the fruit.
  • We take the glass and the received halves spend on its walls, trying to "scrape" the flesh into a glass, the peel should remain outside. Purified flesh, along with juice gets into a glass.

How to clean mango: mango hedgehog

To process a juicy fruit with an elastic pulp, you will need a sharp knife and plate, since the method of cleaning the mango will be highlighted a large amount of juice.

  • Make cuts on fruit, as described above, removing a large bone.
  • Take one half of the mango and make cuts inside the pulp in the form of a lattice using a small and sharp knife. Make cuts smooth and neat.
  • Now you need to turn inside out of mango half, you will have a mango hedgehog from pieces. All the pieces obtained neatly cut down from the skin to the plate.
  • Spend the same manipulation with the second half.
  • From the bones cut the remaining flesh.

How to clean mango with a spoon

If the mango is very soft and juicy, it can be eaten straight from the peel using a teaspoon.

  • Take a knife and insert it into the middle of the fetus, until the bones. Cut the mango on the "equator" and neatly divide the fruit into two parts. Using a small sharp knife, remove the bone from mango.
  • Now you are ready to eat the flesh of a teaspoon straight from the peel. In the same way the spoon can scrape pulp and shift the plate. In this method purification emits large amounts of fruit juice, it can be assembled in a plate and eat together with pulp.

How to peel a mango: Cut slices

If you bought a ripe, but not juicy, but rather harsh mango, it can apply to the table, cutting the flesh into slices.

  • Take a sharp knife or potato peeler and remove the peel from the fruit.
  • Then a knife make cuts in the form of slices, the entire length of venturing to the bone. The obtained elastic segments separate from the bone and beautifully arrange on a platter.

How to peel a mango: mango pulp for juices and smoothies

Clear ripe mango peel can be a conventional potato peeler. This method allows you to quickly prepare a mango juice, without wasting time cuts into cubes. The flesh is simply cut with a knife in a blender or food processor bowl. Adding to the pulp of the lime juice, you get a refreshing vitamin cocktail. Also, from the pulp of mango can make the sauce for desserts or yoghurt.

How to clean the mango: to eat a peach

it classical way eating fruit. Enough clean mango from leather, that easily withdrawn sO ripe fruit, and eat his without table devices. Main flaw of this methodgreat selection juice from juicy fruit, necessary to be ready to that, what will smudged clothes.

How to store mango

Ripe mango can keep before 5 days at room temperature. For more long storage fruit use freeze, so mango maybe stored before two months. Cut fetus, using way cleaning fruit cubes, remove stone and freeze pieces. Cut fetus is stored only v refrigerator not more 12 sOUTON, a better eat the fruit straightaway after cleaning. Unripe fetus matures v warmth place v flow 35 days.

How to clean the mango: Video


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