
How to draw a child to a frog phased by a pencil. How to draw a princess frog

How to draw a child to a frog phased by a pencil. How to draw a princess frog
How to draw a frog in different ways. Step-by-step master classes and recommendations.

Drawing is a real chopping wand for parents who want to have a fidget kids at least half an hour. A child with great enthusiasm refers to the image of houses, men and animals, especially if in this interesting venture, Mom participates with him. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the drawing of the beast. So it seems until you take a pencil into the hands. In order for the drawing to be beautiful and realistic, you need to transfer all the characteristic features of the appearance of your character. In this article we will tell you how to easily draw a frog pencil and share these skills with your young artist.

Before proceeding directly to drawing, you need to submit some interesting facts from the life of the animal. In our case, this is a frog or a gown. So your classes of visual art will be not only entertaining, but also educational. The kid, having acquainted with this representative of the wildlife closer, will be happy to help you draw it. What, for example, can I say about the frog?

  1. Under the name "Frog" combined many different species of animals of this family.
  2. Frogs - amphibians living mainly where heat and raw: in swamps overgrown with ponds, lakes.
  3. Frogs are of different colors and sizes.
  4. Frogs sleep with open eyes.
  5. Some frogs reminiscent of the delicate sounds of the flute or the ringing of the bell.

Of course, for a true artist, this information is not primary information. But in our case, expand the horizons of the child and introduce it to the world of wildlife will be very useful. Moreover, drawing with children at home allows us to not chase the right shapes and vitality, depicting animals in the "cartoon" image. We offer you a selection of funny pictures of drawn frog for inspiration:

How to draw a frog pencil in stages: the first way

Offer the child to list the most obvious features of the amphibian animal. What comes to mind first? If the kid is confused, tell him: it is predominantly green, funny boxes, moves with the help of jumps, she has round scorched eyes. Eye and become the starting point in creating our picture.

  1. Draw in the center of the sheet two the same mug in size. Inside each of them, we draw another circumference and painting them with a pencil.
  2. On top of each eye, we paint the arch and connect them slightly concave jumper.
  3. Move on. Under the eyes, draw a long arcuate line, the ends of which are omitted down.
  4. Now we will spend the vertical slightly curved lines from the eyes, slightly expanding their book, like a trapezium.
  5. Below denote the frog's tummy - we will carry out an arcuate line with raised upwards.
  6. Go to the image of the front paws: Draw spreading fingers and spend from them in a pair of curved lines up.
  7. Finally, we denote the nose on the muzzle with two clips, and just do the chin. See what an important and round creature we succeed! What color it will be to solve it exclusively.

How to draw a frog gradually for children: the method of the second

Draw a frog for a child in different ways. We offer you another simple variant of the image of a cheerful packet of Kvakshi.

To begin with, perform the sketch of the future picture. A little higher than the central part of the sheet draw from the hand. Wire a geometric shape into 4 parts as shown by the example. This is a frame of our drawing.

To oval, draw a large arc, watching the vertical frame line shakes this figure to two the same part in size. Finished work will certainly please you if you do not forget about symmetry. At the same stage, just below the arc dance small circles - the basis for the paws.

Now we will make the sketch of the paws: combine the circumference with the torso with several lines. Please note: the lower lines are smooth, and the upper - is shifted at an acute angle in one place. Do not forget that it is still a draft, so it's not worth putting hard to put on a pencil.

In Oval, which will later become a frog head, draw two circles so that they go beyond its borders. For convenience, take the horizontal line as the basis, which we spent at the very beginning of our work.

In the center of each mug, make two fatty black dots - we are ready for your eyes! Now connect them slightly concave down the line, and then hover the bottom of the oval to get a head. Inside oval, you will depict a figure similar to the orange slice. We got a cheerful froggy muzzle.

In continuation of the topic, how to draw a frog in stages, it is logical to go to the body and the legs of our muse. Let's start with the forelimbs: along the smooth lines connecting the lower circumference with the torso, spend two arcuate lines. Then, from each mug, spend 3 short "sticks" and make each of them with a circle. Falangi and "suction cups" are ready.

Go to the image of the rear legs. Taking into account the broken lines, spend on them two smooth curved curves. If you are all done correctly, your drawing will look just like a sample. It is not necessary to follow our recommendations exactly in exactly, you can bring something to this drawing. But remember that the image should be organic, despite the fact that we work in a cartoon style.

Armed with an eraser, carefully wipe all the sketches that we did at the beginning of work. We will no longer need us - our character is ready and waits for him to paint! The lesson where you learned how to draw a frog, completed, the child is handing pencils or paints and provide him with full freedom of action.

How to draw a "real" frog: the method of the third

And this step-by-step master class will appreciate people who have initial drawing skills and wanting to catch their skills further. Now we will tell you how to portray the frog as realistic. Follow the step-by-step instructions, and the result will pleasantly surprise you:

  • so, let's start drawing our character from the face and eyes. Draw a nasal part of the head and convex a surprise arc. Press the pencil not much;

  • now two smoothly curved lines make the back sketch, throat and anterior limb;

  • we turn to the paws: on the first front paw, Dorisuham Falangi with membrane, in the distant plan, will be depicting the second front paw with your fingers. I draw the back leg in that position, as if the frog is going to push off and jump;

  • at this stage, Dorisuy the stomach and missing fingers on the legs;

  • draw a round eye and a surplus arc on the other side. Pictures on the body of the frog bend curve line.

Painting the drawing, use different shades of green and brown. Mixing paints to get shadows, and adding small parts (for example, "pimples" on the back), you can make a frog as realistic as possible.

How to draw a fabulous princess frog

Restrained to draw simple frogs, you can move to a more complex occupation - the image of fabulous characters. What are the cartoons with the participation of frogs come to your mind? Your child will most likely immediately name a couple of heroes that he remembered. And we suggest you to draw a stages of the princess-frog. See how enchanted princess in the performance of different authors looks like:

Let's take paper, a simple pencil, ruler, eraser and proceed to work:

  1. In the center of the sheet, drew two perpendicularly intersecting lines that will serve us the basis of the picture. In the upper part of the vertical line, drew oval, placing it in such a way that directly divided it into two equal halves.
  2. Now we will deal with the body. Take an arcuate-tailed figure with an arcuate figure, superior to the head sketch in size.
  3. The main pride of the amphibian creature is long and strong rear paws, thanks to which the frog can perform jumps on quite long distances. Our fabulous princess draws a sitting, so the hind limbs will be depicted in the form of two lines bent into a long arc.
  4. Now draw your fingers to the rear legs, similar to the flippers. Auxiliary lines carefully remove with an elasty - they are no longer needed.
  5. Go to the most interesting part of the work: Draw big round eyes with eyelids and pupils, nose and mouth point, stretched in a smile. In general, the face of the printed frogs should turn out to be fun and friendly.
  6. With the help of smooth curves of lines, paint the character's front paws with floatful fingers.
  7. Well, now "handing" by our cake attributes, thanks to which it is known as the princess is not one generation of the children: an elegant crown and a long arrow.
  8. Finally, do all the contours more clearly and diligently draw parts. Our fabulous princess is ready. Optionally, you can "sit down" to a large leaf of a swamp pit.

But another way to draw a princess frog from a fairy tale:

  • we draw a saucer's eyes, a cute face and immediately reinvent the improvised crown;

  • now - a small caller and long rear paws with sharp fingers;

  • and, of course, I will show an arrow for which the frogs tightly grabbed the front paws;

  • we will put our fabulous princess on a large flower and decorate her neck long thread bead;

  • let's admire the finished image.

How to draw a frog traveler. Video


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