
Peeling fish Garra Rufa - features of the procedure, benefit, harm. How to peeling face and body fish. What are the names of the fish that make peeling

Peeling fish Garra Rufa - features of the procedure, benefit, harm. How to peeling face and body fish. What are the names of the fish that make peeling
The most popular peeling can be called peeling fish that will help clean and soften your skin.

Modern girls at their disposal have a large number of ways to support their beauty and extend youth. Cosmetologists offer many different professional procedures for cleansing and refreshing the body of the body, which, in turn, healing it and makes it smooth and elastic. Peeling is one of the most popular and sought-after procedures aimed at caring for skin, which will help get rid of organized cells and make it soft and velvety.

The last new one is peeling with small fish Garra Rufa, which in cosmetology is called masseuses and leaders. These small magicians in a short time eat all patients and chopped skin cells, which makes it gentle and healthy.

In this article, consider the features of peeling fish, tell me how they are called fish that make peelings.

Fish Garra Rufa - Natural Lekari

Piling Garra's fish is a cosmetology procedure, which has recently become highly popular among the client of beauty salons. This is a pretty new procedure, about whose features still do not know. Many may first arise the question of what is for fish and how they clean our skin. In addition, it is important that the question of the safety of the peeling procedure is fish, because in the booklets of beauty salons it is written that they eat all the dead and hardened skin cells.

Garra Rufa Fish is a representative of the carp family who live in warm waters of Central Asia, Turkey, Malaysia, Thailand. Especially this procedure for cleansing the skin by farmers is popular in Turkish spa, where this method has been used for a long time. In fact, there are no reliable information when people learned about the great opportunities of such fish. There is a legend that once for a long time, two brothers lowered their legs into the pond, so that small fish makes them a soft massage. Thus, for some time one of the brothers passed the skin disease. Since then, the miraculous power of peeling fish Garra Ruf has become known worldwide.

The name of the fish was invented in Turkey and translated as "Fish-Doctor". It is in this country for more than two centuries ago, they became massively using fish that make peeling for therapeutic purposes. In the Turkish city of Kangale there is a special resort with thermal waters, where they hold a large number of Garra Rufa fish and use them for the treatment of skin diseases, such as psoriasis.

The fish themselves are small, only 5-12 cm, have a gray shade and a bright red fin. In nature, they live in warm ponds and water bodies, where the temperature regularly holds within 36-43 degrees. This allows you to make procedures in very comfortable conditions. It should also be noted that when conducting a procedure, the fish is distinguished by saliva, which contains enzymes that have a healing effect on the skin.

Features Peeling Fish Garra Ruf

Piling procedure Ruf's fish today spread around the world. Thermal waters where these little doctors live are used in Japan, the United States, Europe. Many modern beauty salons in the list of their services offer customers a peeling body, feet or face fish. On the territory of Russia, this procedure is still quite young, but is already popular with modern beauties and people suffering from skin diseases.

  • In our country, this procedure is carried out in the salons, so it is necessary to carefully choose, since some can use completely other fish, peeling that may be accompanied by painful sensations. While Garra Rufa does not have teeth and skin cleans her lips.
  • Special baths are adapted in beauty salons, which are filled with warm water with a constant temperature of 36-43 degrees. Often instead of ordinary water used mineral, in which the fish are used to being. It provides comfortable conditions for carrying out the peeling procedure - the fish are much easier to clean the coarse skin.
  • With the necessary preparation you will spend peeling fish or peeling fish to face, or the whole body, depending on the needs of the client.
  • The peeling procedure can be carried out simultaneously for foot and hand with the help of special baths - big for legs and two small for hands.
  • The procedure requires compliance with some rules that will make it more secure and high-quality.
  • If you are going to spend the peeling of the whole body, it is necessary to take the shower before the procedure.
  • When cleaning the skin by fish Garra Rufa on her legs or hands, it is important to remove nail polish and not use any creams, as fish are living beings and similar chemical connections can be dangerous for them.
  • When peeling facefish, it is necessary to remove all makeup with the help of a special cosmetics.
  • Usually peeling fish is carried out about half an hour.
  • It is not necessary to worry about the safety of the procedure, the peeling of the fish is not dangerous.

Benefit and harm peeling fish

It is impossible to find a cosmetology procedure that has no negative sides and contraindications. The peeling procedure is also a number of positive and negative parties that need to be considered when desired to try this service.

Peeling fish - benefit:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that the procedure for cleansing the skin is absolutely safe.
  • Garra Rufa fish do not have teeth, so absolutely gently remove dead skin cells, absolutely not damaging healthy fabrics.
  • This procedure will allow to improve blood circulation and normalizes metabolic processes in skin tissues and cells.
  • One of the main advantages of the procedure is complete relaxation during its holding. When Garra Rufa's fish purify the skin, they gently affect their mustaches to the surface, making a relaxing massage that very much resembles the spot. That is why during its holding the patient experiences a sense of strongest relaxation, nerves calm down and all muscles relax.
  • Plus, the peeling fish is the opportunity to clean the skin in a variety of areas of the body, including on legs and hands, and special connoisseurs of such a procedure use the face peeling service to Garra Rufa fish.
  • The positive side of the procedure is considered the complete absence of an allergic reaction and individual intolerance, as well as the impossibility of skin damage.
  • Garra Rufa fish during the procedure is distinguished by saliva, which has antiseptic properties and has a healing effect on the skin, increases its immunity.

Negative Parties to the procedure:

  • Piling fish Garra Rufa is considered a fairly expensive procedure that not all beauty salons provide. The approximate cost of one session can be from 500 to 1000 rubles, it all depends on the treated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Sometimes several procedures may be needed, especially if it concerns the treatment of skin diseases. And it will be in a decent cost.
  • One of the most important deficiencies of peeling fish Garra Rufa is that in fairly dubious salons you can hugging non-real fish, which are grown in China. These fish purify the skin quite painfully and can damage healthy fabrics. That is why it is necessary to contact the salons and cosmetic rooms with good reviews and proven professionals.
  • It is not necessary to conduct peeling fish if you have a started state of the legs, since in this case the fish is unlikely to cope. First of all, you need to put the nails on the legs and the skin on the feet.
  • It must be borne in mind that the procedure for peeling fish Garra Ruf has its own contraindications that need to consider if desired to clean their skin.

Testimony and contraindications of peeling fish

Like any other procedure for cleansing the skin, peeling fish Garra Ruf has a number of indications and contraindications. In addition to cosmetic use, such small fishes-wizards are used to treat certain skin diseases. In addition, it is important to take into account some contraindications to conduct not to worsen the overall health.

Indications for peeling fish:

  • First of all, these wonderful fish are used in cosmetology for cleansing the skin from dead skin.
  • At the request and recommendations of the doctor, the female procedures are prescribed to patients with psoriasis. Scientists have proven that in the saliva of these fish there is a substance that is similar to the dontranol - a drug that is prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis. Therefore, procedures with Garra Rufa have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect on the affected skin. In various resort complexes in thermal waters in Turkey, for example, after several sessions with fish, the patient had remission for about six months.
  • The Garra Rufa Fish Procedure is shown to people suffering from various eczema.
  • Among the readings also highlights the fungal diseases of the feet, with which the fish are perfectly coping with.
  • Neurodermatitis and vitiligo are also an indication for visiting salons with baths filled with mineral water comfortable temperature with small fish.
  • You can use such treatment with severe acne. This applies to the rash on the face and on the back, as many devotees of such little fish doctors trust them even such delicate places as a face.
  • In trophic lesions of the skin and deprive, it is also recommended to attend procedures with Garra fish.
  • And another indication of such an unusual procedure can be considered a strong nervous state, fatigue, anxiety, since the fish will help you relax with a small soft massage.

Contraindications of peeling fish:

  • The procedure is contraindicated with strong damage to skin cover, for example, with scratches or burns.
  • Red lupus is a strictest contraindication to the peeling of Garra Rufa fish.
  • Oncological diseases and various neoplasms will also be prevented by visiting the beauty salon on a session with fish.
  • Contraindications are available in erythrodermia and thrombophlebitis.
  • With inflammation, it is also impossible to conduct peeling fish.
  • Moles and papillomas can be an obstacle for such a salon procedure.

Conducting the Piling Procedure Fish Garra Ruf

  • Piling procedure Garra Rufa's fish does not take a large amount of time. One session may be needed about 30 minutes.
  • It is important to prepare properly before this session. In a good salon, hygiene is paying close attention. And although fish are not carriers of diseases and infection, but it is possible to infected from another patient if all the rules and norms of staff are not complied.
  • If you are going to take a bathroom with fish, be sure to go to the shower.
  • It is also important to carefully treat the feet so that the fish make it easier to clean your skin.
  • It is recommended about 2 days before the procedure does not use the creams for legs, hands and bodies, as well as make the nails and remove the varnish from them.
  • Before carrying out the peeling of the legs, they are pre-treated with disinfecting napkins.
  • In a good salon, your skin will definitely examine the professional, as some sites may be worth splitting before the session. It is necessary in order to facilitate the work of fish.
  • The main procedure takes place in small aquariums with Garra Rufa fish. You can offer individual aquariums for each leg and hands. As the cleansing and peeling of the skin will be more uniform. For peeling legs and hands, 50 fish is needed, if we are talking about the peeling of the whole body, then approximately 350-500 fish are started into the pool, depends on your parameters.
  • If you are making the peeling of the whole body, you need to pre-dress a dense swimsuit. which will well close the most sensitive parts of the body.
  • Omit hands and legs in the aquariums with fish you need very carefully, so as not to sigh these inhabitants.
  • During the procedure, it is also not recommended to do sharp movements, even if you experience small tank and tingling.
  • After the procedure, especially if you made the peeling legs, it is important to shove your personal slippers to avoid unpleasant consequences.
  • Many salon clients after such a relaxing peeling make additional procedures associated with manicure and pedicure.
  • It is not recommended for two hours to wash your arms, legs or face. Since it is during this period of time that useful enzymes penetrate into the skin.

Efficiency of Pilling Procedure Fish Garra Rufa

This type of peeling was very widely distributed, since the result of the impact of these little fish is noticeable after one session. And if you come in addition to several more procedures, then the effect of them will be comparable to the action of some modern technological cosmetology procedures for skin cleansing.

  • First of all, after the procedure, skin peelings are eliminated, both small and quite serious. Garra Rufa fish perfectly cope with such a problem and purify your skin from dead skin.
  • After cleansing the skin, the cells may recover again, regenerate, which is a kind of rejuvenation.
  • In those places where the peeling was carried out by Garra Rufa fish, there are signs of skin rejuvenation, it becomes more touched and elastic. This proves the fact that many international cosmetic companies use the saliva of these fish to create various creams for fading skin and to eliminate the first signs of aging.
  • During the cleansing of the skin from deadly cells, the fish simultaneously massage the skin, thereby stimulating it. This allows you to improve natural circulation and metabolic processes that pass in the skin. This procedure also improves the protective function of the skin.
  • After conducting such a pore procedure that is on your skin, is cleaned of various deposits, which could subsequently cause inflammatory processes.

Precautions when peeling fish Garra Rufa

Fish-peeling is although it is one of the safest procedures, but should not trust any dubious clinic. This will help lead to fairly sad consequences. Let us give a list of precautionary measures that must be taken into account if you want to make yourself such a procedure.

  • First of all, pay attention to the salon itself, preparatory activities before the procedure. In a normal salon, you will be able to accept the shower and thoroughly to wash your feet and hands thoroughly. In addition, individual slippers must be issued.
  • It is important to carefully examine the fish, as there are cases of deception when instead of Garra Rufu uses other chin-chin fish, which may cause painful sensations during the peeling, as they do not remove dead fabrics, but quite healthy. Garra Rufu has a gray and bright red fin, oval shape. They resemble leeches something. If you saw in the aquarium of reddish fish, it is not necessary to continue to carry out the procedure.
  • It is also important to pay attention to water in aquariums. In the respected salon, the water changes and cleales regularly. Otherwise, there is a risk of obtaining infection.
  • It is also important that in the aquariums stood UV filters.

Opinions of doctors about peeling fish

Today on the Internet you can find a large number of reviews of doctors about peeling fish, which are not always positive and unambiguous. This is due to the fact that some time it became close attention to the security of this procedure. In many US states, such a type of peeling is prohibited, Fish-salons began to close in Thailand. This is due to the fact. That the use of the same fish may not be safe for health and there is no guarantee that water in the aquariums completely will protect the client from infections. Such salons and in the United Arab Emirates are prohibited, where they explain the possibility of transmitting infections and viruses from a person to man, including HIV virus. According to doctors, such a procedure has not yet been studied to the end, because there is no confidence that the fish do not possess their own flora, which can penetrate the human body in the form of fungal diseases or glitter invasions.

The decision to do or not to do this peeling depends in person personally from your preferences and desires, the main thing is to be attentive and careful and choose only proven salons.

Piling fish - Customer reviews of salons

  • Natalia. I just fell in love with this procedure and in these fish. The conduct itself resembles some kind of ritual for feeding animals. Your legs or hands stick to the aquarium with fish, which immediately rush to your skin and begin to process it with some substance. The first time the sensation is rather unusual and constantly want to laugh. But it is impossible, fish are fell. Definitely I advise everyone, Fish massage makes just wonderful.

  • Kirill. I have problems with the skin - psoriasis from adolescent age. Constantly you have to use ointments and creams, sit on a diet and it does not always help. I decided to try such a procedure as Fish-peeling. For the advice of friends, I found a good salon and ordered myself a whole bath with such fish. He himself did not believe, but through a pair of procedure, the skin acquired a healthier look. Now I go to the fish for about once every six months.

Today there is a huge number of ways and techniques for skin care. If some of them are held with the help of expensive devices, then the latest novelty of cosmetology - Fish-peeling - is done using small fish that help you clean and soften your skin.


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Sophia 01.09.2017 To answer

The article is very interesting. My family and I have been resting in Anapa for 4 years. And go to the sea where you often make it. Before the leg procedure, splashes the chlorhexidine solution from the can. No one picked out anything. Procedure 150 rubles. 10 minutes cost. I like children, and we do not feel sorry for 150 rubles. What is hungry fish is all animals so. My dog \u200b\u200bis ready to be burst. If the fish suffered from hunger strongly, they would die, and this is not profitable for anyone, since the fish is expensive.

Maria Purina 04.09.2017 To answer

I agree with Sofia. If it were dangerous, in our country would have long been closed this type of business. We, too, in the summer we often go south or Turkey. And then, and there at every corner there is a tent with Garra Rufa. If it were not safe, no one would work. And in the water park or in the bath you are not afraid to walk. There, all barefoot go, and permeability 10,000 times higher. Here at least the legs are treated and the equipment constantly filters water. I am in jacuzzi afraid to go. 10 people sits, all bubble. What kind of disease I do not know. At the same time, in the jacuzzi, the whole body. And here is just legs or hands.
