
How to wear a palatine. How to tie a palatine on the neck, on my head. How beautiful to tie a palatine on a coat, jacket, fur coat

How to wear a palatine. How to tie a palatine on the neck, on my head. How beautiful to tie a palatine on a coat, jacket, fur coat
A selection of the most spectacular methods of tying and using the palatine. The usual accessory of the female wardrobe "creates real miracles."

Palantine is a wide scarf, a variety of colors and textures. An indispensable accessory in the wardrobe of a modern woman, it is worn at any time of the year. If it is a thin, lightweight, flowing fabric, the palatine is used in summer or in spring, and wool and other dense materials will be appropriate in the autumn-winter period.

The versatility of this accessory is the manifold of the methods of its tying and use. This non-standard element of the wardrobe can radically change the image of a woman. He is tied on his head, neck, pounce on a dress, coat or jacket.

How to tie a palatine stylish? How to tie a palatine on my head and neck? How else can you wear a palatine? In this selection of material - answers to all concerns and demonstration of the most popular methods of application of Palantine. After reading the sediments and recommendations set out in the article, any woman can look modern, fashionable and spectacular.

What to choose a palatine?

When choosing a palatine, you should be guided by the main question: what will it wear? Decorate a coat or evening dress, romantic blouse or "rocker crucoul" - the options are a huge set. The main thing is to comply with the basic rules of the combination of clothing, taking into account the features of the figure and face. Naturally, the flower blouse does not fit the palatine with a similar floral print, and on the fine tissue it will be roughly the palatine from a dense and hard material.

Choosing a palatine, pay attention to its color gamut. The shade must "fit" to face, to be combined with things that wearing it is planned. Here are also possible options: it can be an independent bright focus in the guise of a woman or a thin-selected elegant addition to clothing.

So, the larger the wardrobe of the women of such accessories, the easier it is to create any stylish images in clothing.

How to tie a palatine - ways

Consider the most common ways of tapeding palatine, ranging from simple and ending with somewhat intricate.

How to tie a palatine in the way "free ends"

Throwing the palatine on the neck, the free ends throw in advance, through the shoulders. In fact, the scarf is wrapped around the neck, and the ends leave on the chest as a decoration. The ends of the palatine, depending on the length, can simply hang down, but you can tie them with a light knot.

How to tie a palatine method "Long tail"

Throwing the scarf on the neck, one end to throw his back, beautifully arrange the front folds. For better fixation of the palatine, it is possible to fix it from the inside (on the shoulder).

In this, the simplest, variations, beautifully look at both the volumetric and narrow patterns of the palatine.

How to tie a palatine in the way "Peeling"

The width of the width is twice and thrown into the neck. Scarf ends are made in the resulting (when compromised) loop. The degree of tightening of the palatine can be different: dense and clear or loose and air.

Light summer scarves tied with "looping" can additionally decorate a brooch or decorative flower (as in the photo).

How to tie a palatine method "Reverse loop"

Variation to the topic "Peeling". To do the same manipulations as described in the previous method (step No. 1), but in the loop, only one end of the palatine (step No. 2) is first to go, and the second is to go to another loop (step No. 3), the ends slightly tighten (step number 4).

How to tie a palatine method "spin"

By reclaiming the palatine slightly along the canvas, wrap it around the neck, crossing in one place, and neatly tie, tips hide under the bottom.

This method is excellent for wide and long scarves. The narrow palatine after the twist will look too much. Great for women with thin and long necks.

How to tie a palatine method "Hood"

Palantine tweaks around the neck twice, crossing and tolding a small nodule from behind (according to the principle of the previous method). One layer of palatine is slightly pulled out and used as a cap or hood.

It is convenient for the method of its versatility, turning the scarf into the headdress and vice versa. In this form, the palatine resembles a well-known scene.

How to tie the Palatin "Volumetric Arc"

A simple way, when the ends of the palatine are binding, the nodules move under the neck, the scarf is beautifully straightened to the chest. You can also twist it slightly by adding volumetric folds.

How to tie a palatine on the head?

Often, Palantin tie not only on the neck, but also use it instead of a headdress. It will be appropriate in a hot summer heat, instead of hats or Panama, and in the period of cool windy weather. Warm soft palatine on the head, in winter will become an unusual decoration and protection against frosts. Preferring the Palantine trivial cap, a woman will be easier to keep her hair, its volume and shape, even in winter strule.

Options to tie a scarf Palantant on the head is also enough: weaving, CHALM, traditionally sketching on his head and throwing free ends by the shoulders or knocked around the neck. Everyone chooses to taste and according to style in clothes. So, how else can you wear a palatine?

How to tie a palatine on your head - Method 1

Palantine is thrown on the head and tie it under the chin on the node (by type of a regular handkerchief). The free ends of the scarf remain in front or dropped behind the back.

How to tie a palatine on the head - Method 2

Variation of the first method, when the ends of the palatine are not tied, but simply drop on the shoulders (either on one shoulder).

How to tie a palatine on the head - Method 3

Palantine is thrown on the head, align the ends (in length), tie the knot from behind, on the back of the head (as a golk). If the length of the paletenage allows, you can (before making a node) wrap the ends of the scarf around the neck again.

How to tie a palatine on your head - Method 4

Palantine is thrown on the head, align the ends (in length), tie on the back of the head (not necessarily) and twist the palatine in the tight harness, which turn around the head. To fix the scarf, in front or side make a decorative knot or bow.

How to tie a palatine on the head - Method 5

Fold the palatin along, wrap it with your head, ends to the back of the head. Collect the ends in soft warehouses, tie a dense volumetric unit. Free ends can be left on the back or wrap around the neck. Fashionable and stylish will look at a brand-wrapped brand or a gulka from the hair.

How to tie a palatine on the head - Method 6

Fold the palatin along, wrap it with your head, ends to the back of the head. Cut the head around the forehead by forming "Chalm". The ends of the scarf are tied on the forehead or lead back, fixing on the back of the head.

The photo shows several options for the formation of "Chalms" from Palaten.

By the way, such a universal way to tie the palatine on the head is convenient not only in the summer, but also in winter. Just choose a warm and soft scarf.

How to tie a palatine on the neck?

Most often, the palatine is tied on the neck. The design variations and the number of decorative nodes are a huge set.

Below, the photo presents several ways, how beautiful to tie the palatine.

How to tie Palatin on the neck - Method 1

The edges of the palatine are twisted behind, forming a bulk loop in front. First, one free end tie up on the side (on the shoulder) into the knot, hide the tip. Then the same manipulation is carried out with the second end. Palantine neatly straighten into the chest.

How to tie a palatine on the neck - Method 2

Make in the chest bulk arc from the palatine. Edges twist from behind and remove forever. Tie free ends on the neck, beautifully hide the ends under the palatine. Scarf straighten.

How to tie Palatin on the neck - Method 3

Palaten put on the neck, tie one node at every end. Locate the nodes asymmetrically, one above the other. Tie free ends, twist the scarf back. Peeing ends hide under the palatine, in a loop of one of the nodes. Beautifully shape folds.

How to tie Palatin on the neck - Method 4

Dress the palatine on the neck, align the edges. Tie the ends of the scarf to the knot. Twist the Palantine and turn the head into the resulting hole. Depending on the length of the web, the scarf can make it easier to make a neck or slightly dropped two tiers on the chest.

How to tie Palatin on the neck - Method 5

Cut the palatin around the neck, as shown in the photo. Free, hanging ends tie. Knot hide under the first scarf tier, straighten the ends.

How to tie a palatine on the neck - Method 6

Cut the palatin around the neck, leaving the hanging ends on the chest. At one end to make a light, loose knot, in which to turn the second free edge of the palatine. The asymmetry of the node is beautiful and effectively looks in any image.

How to wear a palatine with a coat?

Fashionable Palants are indispensable complete with top clothing: coat, fur coat, jacket. Sometimes, the scarf is simple enough and chaotic to sketch on the shoulders or slightly throw one edge behind the back, and the image will be fashionable and creative. Sometimes fashionable tightly spin the scarf around the neck or lock the belt hanging the long ends of the palatine.

Increasingly, the palatine becomes the central element in the girl's dress, such as in the photo. Throwing a spectacular scarf on his shoulders, carefully straighten it and fix the belt on the waist line.

Options - weight. It all depends on my mood, model clothes and directly of the tippet.

To top winter clothes suit warm "cozy" wraps, neck warming on cold days. Coloring "in a cage" - a trend fashion season.

So, to learn a variety of ways to tie tippet, you need only a little patience and practice. Presented phased photo and video workshops make it easy to master the art of tie tippet.

How to wear a stole, photos


Video: "How to tie a scarf tippet"

Video: "Tippet around his neck, the most popular methods of"


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