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How to remove towels

How to remove towels
Washing kitchen and bath towels. How to bleach towels and remove stains.

The towels are very useful in everyday life, it is simply impossible to do without them. Usually in the house there are bath, kitchen towels, for the face, hands, etc. It is no secret that they are periodically polluted, and they have to be washed - while not always after ordinary washing you can get pristine freshness and purity. Knowledge, how to effectively remove towels, will be useful to any housewife.

How to remove towels: tips on the use of kitchen towels

Due to the specifics of the kitchen room, towels are quickly dirty, spots remain on them, which are not always removed during everyday wash. In order to quickly remove the kitchen towels and save them longer in good condition, it is necessary to limit their use somewhat. Often, dirty hands and table are wiped with a towel, fat frying pans and pots grab - sometimes after that it is not too pleasant to pick up. It is very difficult to remove such a dirty towel. Take a rule and accustom family members to clean the table and slabs to use sponges, fabric or paper napkins, and wipe your hands after washing with a kitchen towel. In this case, spots from vegetable oil or ketchup will not appear on it, and it will be much easier to remove the hand towel.


Dirty fabric is a medium in which bacteria actively multiply - thus, old, difficult to displayed spots may appear on it. In order not to wash very dirty kitchen towels, buy several sets and try to replace them as often as possible. It is not recommended to use fluffy terry towels, as they dry for a long time and can accumulate a significant amount of kitchen pollution.

It is more convenient to use waffle towels in the kitchen, cotton, linen and bamboo - they differ in natural composition, and hygroscopic. In the presence of a reserve and frequent replacement, as well as timely washing of contaminated products, it is not very difficult to remove kitchen towels. Pure kitchen towels are recommended to be ironed with a hot iron so that they get down less.

How to remove towels and derive stains


It is quite convenient to wash-to remove colored towels, choose the temperature regime up to 60 ° C, for white things-90-95 ° C. Do not wash color products with white.

Waping very dirty towels along with the linen is ineffective - there is a possibility of spoiling clothes. White things can be boiled, preliminarily washed them to remove contaminants, otherwise the spots in hot water will simply be hung up. To remove the half, boiling is carried out in a metal (aluminum or enameled) container - pay attention to that there are no rusty spots that can ruin the laundry.

But even washing at high temperatures does not always help get rid of stains. In many cases, a regular stain carrier will help to remove towels qualitatively, although these funds are not always cheap and effective.

After some time, due to frequent washes, colored fabrics can become more faded. It should also be borne in mind that frequent processing with chemical bleaching products gradually destroys the structure of the fabric.


In order to remove terry towels, use detergents that do not contain chlorine. In most cases, you can get rid of many types of spots (from berries, fruits, tea, coffee and wine) with the help of a chemical bleach or a stain coin. Two types are presented on sale - for white and colored fabrics, they can be used to remove the towels of any colors, not fearing that the fabric is pouring. The stain remover is recommended to be applied pointwise to the spots, without affecting the clean fabric. After applying the industrial remedy, according to the instructions, it is necessary to rinse the product in a large amount of water.

How to remove bath towels

According to experienced housewives, it is quite difficult to remove painted terry towels. The structure of this fabric helps to penetrate the pollution deep into the canvas, since the hinges do not fit to each other. After ordinary washing, terry towels often become tough. Chemical whitening agents often also add rigidity to terry towels, making them unpleasant to the touch.


To remove the bath towel and at the same time preserve the softness of the thing, it is recommended to use liquid detergents for washing. When washing with ordinary powder, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse terry things in large amounts of water.   To remove the towels, it is recommended to load the washing machine for no more than a third, as well as use a cycle of additional rinsing. There is an opinion that, under the influence of intensive pressing, terry towels lose their shape and wear out faster - some housewives twist terry towels manually. In order to mitigate the products, modern air conditioners are used.

How to remove towels: folk remedies

There are proven folk remedies that allow you to get rid of stains and remove dirty towels - these include ammonia and ordinary household soap, which, when washing, need to rub the most polluted places (or add it when finging). Boiling with a detergent and ammonia, added at the rate of one tablespoon on a bucket of water, will help to remove towels with various contaminants.


You can use the following trusted folk remedies and techniques to remove the towels:

  • with many types of spots (for example, from coffee and ketchup), table salt is effectively fighting. To better remove kitchen towels, soak them for about 45 minutes in cold water with the addition of salt (as a tablespoon per liter of water), and then wash them with powder in normal mode. This washing method is safe and most economical;
  • to remove white towels, you can apply the following technique - boiling for 20 minutes in water with the addition of a small amount of laundry soap or washing powder, as well as one tablespoon of silicate glue. Such a tool will help to remove the painted towels and return their pristine whiteness to them; 81
  • the following method will help to remove colored kitchen towels-grate them abundantly with laundry soap, fold them in a plastic bag, tie it and leave for 10-12 hours. Using this method, you can remove fat kitchen towels. After time, wash and thoroughly rinse them. In the case of manual washing, you can use the following technique - rinse the towel in cool water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar;
  • to remove white towels and get rid of stains, soak them in a bleaching composition. To do this, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil in 5 liters of boiling water, one and a half tablespoons of the powder bleach, as well as washing powder - 1/2 cup (you can use the machine for machine washing). Sunflower oil here is necessary to soften old spots. To remove the towels, soak them in the prepared solution, leave to soak up until the water cools, and then thoroughly rinse;
  • you can disinfect and remove old white towels using mustard powder-dilute it in hot water to a gruel, apply the mixture to wet towels and soak in a small amount of water for 2-3 hours, wash and carefully rinse. The mustard mixture effectively whitens yellowed towels; 9
  • to remove the towels and get rid of the unpleasant odor, soap them with household soap and lower them into warm water with the addition of potassium permanganate (make a pale pink solution). Soak towels at night, and wash in the morning;
  • highly contaminated towels are pre-soaked for an hour in hot water, with the addition of a grated laundry, 3-4 tablets of hydrogen peroxide and a tablespoon of ammonia. After cooling water, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the towels;
  • in order to remove fat from kitchen towels, soak them before washing in a weak solution of rations for an hour; 38
  • to whiten towels, prepare a soda solution (a third of a glass of soda per bucket of water) and soak them in it for two hours. To get rid of hardly displayed yellow spots, you need to boil the towels in the same solution for 30 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

How to remove towels - video



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