
How to open a dispute on Aliexpress if the goods have not come. The dispute on Aliexpress is a step -by -step instruction. Is it possible to open a dispute on Aliexpress again

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress if the goods have not come. The dispute on Aliexpress is a step -by -step instruction. Is it possible to open a dispute on Aliexpress again
Time is expired, and your order has not yet arrived - time to think about opening a dispute on Aliexpress.

On-line shopping is not only fascinating, but also profitable. Going on a virtual trip to the pages of stores, you save time, money and effort. Clothes and shoes, home -made goods and various kinds of equipment, equipment - far from a complete list of goods represented by China manufacturers on the pages of the trading platform Aliexpress.

In addition to the undeniable advantages of Internet purchases, one cannot but say about the risks that accompany online shopping. The first fear of the buyer - the money is transferred, and the package never got to the addressee. In addition, the goods may have a marriage, be different from the color or size or order or order or size. AliExpress  He cares about his customers and provides them with certain guarantees of the safety of transactions. One of them is the ability to open a dispute on Aliexpress With a seller store in cases where the buyer is not satisfied with the outcome of the purchase.

Aliexpress - the minimum risks of the buyer

Buying in the Middle Kingdom stores begin with placing an order. Next, the selected goods must be paid. Only after transferring funds, the store will send you a parcel. Payment for order does not directly receive the seller. Until the moment the client received the parcel, the money is on a transit account  AliExpress. Therefore, the store store is no less interested in you in fruitful and positive cooperation.

Dispute on Aliexpress: reasons

No matter how smoothly it seems, there are situations when the result of the buyer’s transaction does not please. What could the client’s discontent be connected with?

  • The agreed term is coming to an end, but the package has not yet come. The decision to open the dispute by Aliexpressin this case, everyone accepts individually. You can either wait for the end of the time allotted for delivery in the hope that the order will nevertheless come or ask the store to extend the delivery time “Request to Extend Delivery Date”. Estimated and guaranteed deadlines during which the purchase should be from its owner are indicated in the product card. It is recommended that the buyer pay attention to them at the stage of placing an order.
  • All deadlines have come out, and the goods have never been received. Attentive tracking of the protection period will allow timely to respond to the situation.
  • The order was received on time, but it is inadequate quality Or does not fit in its parameters. Unfortunately, this can also be. In addition to ordinary marriage or low -grade products, there may be an incorrect description of the characteristics of the goods that will make it unsuitable for the buyer.

The solution to all similar ones is the beginning of a dispute with the seller. How to open a dispute on Aliexpress And what requirements are it advisable to put forward so that your petition is satisfied?


When to open a dispute to Aliexpress: Dates

When can the buyer demand a refund in full or partial volume?

  • Claims to the product. If the package is received, but it does not suit the client, there are 15 days at the disposal of the latter. The countdown begins from the moment the parcel is received. The buyer is obliged to either close the transaction or open the dispute if the received order does not suit him. If this period is not withstanded, the sale will “close” automatically and the buyer cannot be returned to the buyer.
  • The order was not received, the track-number is fictitious. In this case, focus on the period of protection of the purchase. The "counter" begins to work (a button appears to open a dispute) on the 6th day after sending the order and until the guaranteed deadline is expired. If you have not used the “Open Dispute” key (“open the dispute”) during this period, then 2 more weeks remain in the reserve. At this time, the deal is already closed, but you can still challenge it.

Do not rush with the opening of a dispute at Aliexpress, if 5-10 days have passed since the sending, and the provided track number is still “not beating”. The seller can tell you a tracking number almost immediately, but this does not mean that the parcel immediately starts his journey. On the other hand, if the store delays the time of sending and asks for a delay - it is worth thinking about the opening of the dispute already at this stage.

Businessman Pulling a Clock Hand Backwards

Dispute on Aliexpress - open and win

If you are unhappy with the result of the transaction and the deadlines allow you to express your disagreement, open the dispute. The buyer has the right to reimburse both part and the full cost of the order.

Cash compensation

When opening a dispute on Aliexpress, if the goods did not come at all, you insist only in a 100%refund (another option in this case is not provided). If you still received the parcel, but are not happy with it, you also open a dispute. The natural desire of the client is the reimbursement of the entire order of the order. For its part, the store may ask to send unsuitable goods back. It is completely unprofitable to make the buyer because of the high cost of delivery. If the seller still insists on a return of positions, it is advisable to try to agree on partial compensation for funds without a feedback of the purchase.

Business Concept

Dispute on Aliexpress: step -by -step instructions

So, you decided to open a dispute with the seller. Where to start?

  • Go to the page of your orders: my personal account "My AliExpress" -" My orders. "
  • Opposite the positions “in processing” is the “Open Dispute” key. Press her.
  • Next, a falling list appears indicating the possible reasons for opening a dispute. Mark the necessary points, first of all - whether the order has been received.
  • Now go to the section of your proposals by resolving the conflict: do you plan a refund of the parcel (if it was received) and indicate the amount of monetary compensation (the full or partial cost of the order). If the order was not received, compensation is only 100% of the payment amount. In addition, in the comment field you can indicate additional information on the transaction, as well as facts confirming the non -compliance with the store with their obligations. If there is- attach a photo or video confirmation of your position (the “Add Attachments” key).
  • Next, click the “Send” key.
  • From this moment, the dispute is considered open.
  • You expect the seller’s reaction (status - “In anticipation of the approval of the dispute by the seller”).
  • If the circumstances have changed during the dispute - the parcel has been delivered, it suits you - close the dispute if you are mistaken with the initial filling of the form - edit the text of the dispute (button “edit”).

You do not know how to close the dispute on Aliexpress? The dispute can be closed automatically if the store agrees with your requirements either did not respond to the allotted time, or by pressing one of 2 keys-“accept” and “cancel the dispute”.


How to dispute at Aliexpress

The dispute is open, but how successful it will be cannot be said in advance. The result of correspondence depends not only on perseverance, but also on the attentiveness of the buyer. Many buyers are worried about the issue of the language in which correspondence will be conducted. For convenience, it is recommended to communicate in English, but try not to use Google Translate, since the phrase obtained by automatically translating the phrase can distort the meaning of your wishes. It is better to write short and simple sentences. If desired, these templates can be found on the Internet.

Dispute time for aliexpress

The duration of the dispute depends on both sides - both on the client and the seller. After the discovery of the dispute, the store receives 5 days to describe its view of the situation (consent or making proposals). If after this time the seller does not get in touch, the conflict is automatically resolved in favor of the customer of the store. The reaction of the supplier can be this:

  • Acceptance of the buyer's offer. In this case, the dispute is closed and a refund is made.
  • Making a counter proposal. Here, the buyer will need the maximum of attention, especially with regards to the amount of compensation, since the store can indicate 0.00 in this field with other supposedly loyal conditions. The customer of the store receives 14 days to the answer to the seller and can either “edit” the offer, or “accept” it - if all conditions are satisfied, or “cancel the dispute” - close the dispute on the conditions proposed by the store.

The duration of such a correspondence can be large. If communication between the parties does not bring the desired effect or the seller completely rejected the dispute, the buyer can “aggravate the dispute” - transfer him to the category of claims. Do not despair if there is no button to aggravate the dispute on AliexpressPerhaps the seller is still in thought and is looking for a possible compromise.



In most cases, as soon as the store sent the oncoming offer for your discontent, the “Wall the dispute” key appears. If you do not want or do not see the point of communicating with the store more, but insist on your position, you can open a claim. Do not know how to aggravate the dispute on Aliexpress? Press the button with the corresponding message. In this case, the resource administration is already engaged in the consideration of the conflict - it analyzes the arguments of both parties and makes a decision at its discretion. The duration of such a consideration can reach 60 days. Before transferring the dispute to the claim, be sure to check the amount for reimbursement. Can the result be in favor of the store? Yes. In most cases, this happens in such situations:

  • The client makes claims relative to the wrong size - the thing is large or small, poorly “sits”, accessories for gadgets are not suitable, etc. If the size of the resulting thing coincides with the product indicated in the order or in the description of the goods, then this is the buyer's mistake. The store provided you with what you chose yourself.
  • Read carefully about the availability of accessories. In most cases, payment is made only for the product itself. Everything that you see in the picture is not indicated in the Card Card will not be included in the kit.


Re -open a dispute on Aliexpress

Many customers are worried about whether it is possible to open a dispute Aliexpressrepeated? This situation most often arises in cases where a person pressed the “abolition dispute” key and the dispute moved to the closed category. After some time, the buyer does not agree with the decision of the conflict or the store does not fulfill the conditions agreed and wants to change the situation.

The re -opening of the dispute is possible, but not in all cases. While the counter of the purchase protection period is “ticking”, you can again open the dispute. If during the period of resolution of the conflict time has come out, then at the time of the abolition of the dispute the order is closed. It is impossible to resume the dispute in this case. A similar situation can be avoided. You see that the deadline expires, but at the same time leaning to the cancellation of the dispute - draw up a request to extend the protection time. If the store turns out to be unscrupulous and does not fulfill its promise, you can open the dispute again.


Refund based on the results of the dispute to Aliexpress

The conflict has been exhausted and you want to get your funds faster. How and in what time periods when deciding disputes on Aliexpressis there a refund? The reverse transfer of funds occurs on the same details from which payment was made. Dates can vary from 1 to 10 working days (most often 7 - 10). Order status and payment processing are visible in the section “Disputes and Return” (“My AliExpress" -" operations " -" disputes and return ").


Dispute on Aliexpress. So that it was not too late ...

The order was paid, the seller sent the parcel, what's next? Now the buyer remains to wait for his purchase and track it by the track number, which can be seen at the link “View Detail”. After sending the order below the purchased positions, the new key becomes active - “Confirm Order Receved” (“Confirm the receipt of goods”). This is the button for approval of the transaction and until the package is in your hands to press this key. Thus, you will transfer the order from the status of “awaiting confirmation” to “executed”. Before the final closure of the transaction and transfer of money to the store Aliexpress Provides the buyer with the next 15 days. Further, in the event of any complaints, there will be no one to present them. A similar situation with the term of protection of the purchase. After 2 weeks after its expiration, the buyer will also not be able to return the money, even if he did not receive an order at all.


A definite recipe for how to win a dispute on Aliexpress, No. First of all, do not overstate the requirements and objectively assess the situation, critically approaching not only the actions of the store, but also your own choice. Try to make purchases in stores with a high rating and positive reviews about work, carefully monitor the delivery time of the parcel and the conditions for returning the goods, study the completion of the goods and then the probability of disputed situations will strive for zero.

But do not silently agree if you are not satisfied with the result of the transaction - correctly defend your rights if you decide to open the dispute by Aliexpress-Follow the instructions and let the Internet shop bring only positive emotions!



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