
How to build eyebrows. Eyebrow extensions - photos before and after the procedure, reviews

How to build eyebrows. Eyebrow extensions - photos before and after the procedure, reviews
The article reveals the positive and negative sides of such a fashionable procedure as building eyebrows

The word "building" can be found in the names of the services of almost every beauty salon. We all heard about eyelash extensions, hair extensions, nail extension, but few heard about building eyebrows. You can forget about the usual daily means to create a beautiful shape of the eyebrows - pencil, carcass for eyebrows, wax for eyebrows, tinted eyebrow gel, etc. The procedure for building eyebrows, or what is the name of this procedure in a different way-modeling eyebrows, is not so popular. If you still decide to try it on yourself, then finding a suitable master who owns this technique may be quite difficult. In this article, we will try to figure out the technology of the procedure for building eyebrows, its advantages and disadvantages, its necessity.

Eyebrow extensions - wide eyebrows: Birth of a trend

It is enough to look at the cover of almost any glossy magazine to understand that wide eyebrows are a real trend. The eyebrows plucked to a thin thread have long ceased to be popular, and not a single makeup artist, the cosmetologist will advise you such a form. Modern fashionistas are trying by any means to give volume and thickness to their eyebrows. There are girls who are fabulously lucky, because Nature awarded them with beautiful and thick eyebrows. They can only carefully lay them or slightly adjust the shape. Among the most "star" owners of wide eyebrows can be called:

  • Cara Delevingne;
  • Natalia Vodianova;
  • Lily Collins.

These girls are idols of youth and objects of imitation of young girls. But the fashion for natural eyebrows is not a new flow. Remember some famous beauties from the past, which were also icons of style and wore wide eyebrows. For example, Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey Hapburn, Edith Piaf. Who was not lucky enough to be born with wide eyebrows has to look for ways to create them. Modern cosmetics and innovative procedures come to the rescue, which offer beauty salons, cosmetic rooms, etc.

Traditional ways of correction, modeling and building eyebrows

In order to determine whether you should do such a procedure as building eyebrows, study the entire range of traditional techniques and tricks. Some of these methods will be less cost financially. In addition, you can create the effect of beautiful and thick eyebrows at home.

Using shadows for visual eyebrow extension

Almost all large cosmetic companies produce special shadows for eyebrows. This is a dry pressed product that resembles in appearance the shadow for the eyelids. When buying eyebrow shadows, you should pay great attention to the choice of color. Blondes with black eyebrows are not at all fashionable. Exactly like brunettes with too bright eyebrows. Choose a shade that will be as accurately in harmony from the flowers of your hair. Eyebrow shadows are an ideal tool for creating the effect of wide eyebrows. With their help, both the hairs and the skin under them are easily painted.

Using wax for visual eyebrow extensions

If you comb your eyebrows well with a brush and fix them with wax for eyebrows, then the desired form will last all day. An eyebrow with vertically raised hairs at the very base looks especially neat. Eyebrow wax is usually sold in white, which is not visible on the eyebrows. Sometimes you can find eyebrow wax with a shade.

Using a pencil for visual eyebrow extension

Eyebrow pencil is a universal and warmly favorite tool for creating the perfect shape of the eyebrow in many women. This is a simple and proven tool that allows you to “build up” the missing hairs in a matter of seconds, give a clear line and density. Eyebrow pencils are presented in a huge assortment. They differ, of course, in color. Conditionally, all the colors of the eyebrow pencils can be divided into 5 large groups:

  • brown shades (brown, light brown, gray-brown, etc.);
  • light shades (white, pink, beige, ashen, light-brown, etc.);
  • black shades (coal-black, black-brown);
  • gray shades (gray-black, gray-brown, etc.).

Depending on the type of skin, you can choose a pencil with optimal softness. More hard pencils are suitable for owners of oily skin, because They are more stable, do not spread. Owners of dry skin prefer to use eyebrow pencils with a fairly oily and soft texture. Pencils also differ in their consistency:

  • powder pencil for eyebrows. It provides matte appearance with eyebrows, like powder eliminates oily shine, is an ideal option for oily skin;
  • pencil consisting of wax. With the help of such a pencil, you will give not only the desired color and shape of the eyebrows, but also fix them using wax, which is part of the pencil;
  • pencil in the shape of a stick. A similar shape of the eyebrow pencil is suitable for owners of very thin and almost invisible eyebrows. To draw a thin tail, the eyebrow will have to use other types of pencils;
  • eyebrow gel pencil. This consistency of the eyebrow pencil is recommended for girls with dry skin. The pencil will “draw” an eyebrow and moisturize delicate skin;
  • eyebrow pencil with highlighter function. Such pencils are designed to make eyebrow correction. For example, you can mask a scar or other flaw;
  • liquid eyebrow pencil. The pencil resembles a liquid eyeliner. After application, freezes and holds the form well;
  • flamaster's eyebrow pencil. Such pencils allow you to draw bright, with a clear contour of the eyebrow;
  • pencil-color for eyebrows. Allows you to achieve prolonged coloring of the eyebrows for several days;
  • dry ordinary eyebrow pencil. Classical pencil shape. Such pencils are distinguished by hardness and softness.

Eyebrow extensions. How to do it

If you have tried all the well-known traditional methods of correction of eyebrows, but the result is still not satisfied with you, then building eyebrow can solve this problem. Using such a modern procedure, you will receive the desired width of the eyebrows. But do not choose the shape of eyebrows from a photo from a fashion magazine. You must focus on the shape of your face. After all, such fashionable wide and thick eyebrows may simply not come up. Such eyebrows are suitable for those whose faces are quite large. Thin and small facial features in combination with large eyebrows will have a sullen and gloomy appearance. If it is difficult for you to choose the perfect eyebrow shape for you, then you can resort to the help of a wizard-brush.

Choosing the shape of eyebrows for building

The correctly selected shape of the eyebrows will literally change your face. You can walk with a completely inappropriate form for a long time and not understand what you do not like in your own image. But it is worth seeing yourself once with perfect eyebrows and you will understand what was the matter. There are many options for decorating eyebrows.

A qualified master will always begin the choice of the correct shape of the eyebrow by determining the shape of your face. Faces are oval, round, square, triangular, rhomboid, heart -shaped, elongated forms.

  • Oval form. This type of face is considered one of the most advantageous. It is important not to overload the correct and classic features. The ideal option of eyebrows is a slightly curved eyebrows that are removed from the nose to the temples from each other.
  • Round shape. Ground girls should avoid round eyebrow shape. So they risk turning their face into a ball. The best option would be a neat eyebrow with a break, a favorably emphasizing the shape of the eyes. The triangular eyebrow will visually lengthen the face, making it slimmer. The eyebrows should also not be too low or too high, because This will give an absurdity to facial expression.
  • Square face. The main task of the wizard master is to bring the square shape to the oval as possible, visually smooth the corners. The eyebrows should be quite raised, with a high, smooth break and long.
  • The heart -shaped face. The owners of this shape of the face are a narrowed chin and a wide forehead. The lines are not as sharp as that of a triangular face. Eyebrows can be raised and almost direct shape.
  • Elongated form. In order for a long face to acquire a more beautiful look, the eyebrows should be as horizontal as possible with a thin tip.

Eyebrow building technology

After the shape of the eyebrows is chosen, you can proceed to the building procedure itself. In a simpler language, then this is not an extension, but a simple gluing of small hairs to the skin or to natural hairs in eyebrows. What will be needed for this procedure? The minimum set should include:

  • waterproof latex glue for gluing hairs;
  • alcohol degreaser for the skin around the eyebrows;
  • tweezers with a convenient capture for hairs;
  • hair lock, which will press them for gluing;
  • artificial hairs for gluing.

The sequence of actions when building eyebrows should be as follows:

  • the skin area around the eyebrow and the eyebrow itself must be thoroughly degreased;
  • using a pencil for eyebrows, you need to draw a contour of the desired shape;
  • each artificial hair is captured by tweezers. Then a small amount of glue is applied to the tip of the hair, and the hair is pressed using the latch to the desired place. The hairs can be glued to both the skin and at the point of growth of natural hair. To ensure the effect of naturalness, the length of artificial and natural hairs in the eyebrows should be the same.

Eyebrow building is an absolutely painless procedure that allows you to get beautiful eyebrows that cannot be distinguished from the present.

Eyebrow care after building extension procedure

Freeded eyebrows require a special relationship if you want to go with such beauty as much time as possible. Try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • try not to touch the eyebrows with your hands;
  • if your favorite sleep pose is to face the pillow, then you will have to change your habit for a while. Otherwise, the extended eyebrows will not withstand such a test, and in the morning you will find them on the pillow;
  • do not smear the eyebrow area with any creams. Especially fat creams can significantly reduce the term of wearing artificial eyebrows;
  • for a while, forget about the habit of wiping your face with a cotton pad with a tonic, micellar water of the region around the eyebrows and eyebrows during evening and morning care;
  • it is also for a while to forget about the habit of scratching your eyebrows, you will get used to that your face is quite a fragile imitation of eyebrows, which eventually begins to thin and crumble;
  • it is worth refraining from visiting places such as a pool, a bathhouse, a sauna.

The first time it may seem that the period of wearing extended eyebrows is accompanied by incredible difficulties and restrictions. Of course, there is some truth in this. But, as you know, beauty requires victims. Those girls who were already familiar with the procedures for hair or eyelashes will be able to adapt especially quickly to the extended eyebrows.

How long extended eyebrows last

How much you can pass with glued hairs in eyebrows depends on a number of factors:

  • firstly, from the quality of the materials used. It’s too early to talk about some rating of such materials. The eyebrow build -up procedure is only gaining popularity. The diversity of firms that are engaged in the production of such goods, even very few as such;
  • secondly, the duration of the period of wearing extended eyebrows depends on the quality of the procedure itself. It is better to deal exclusively with qualified craftsmen who have already had experience in such a procedure;
  • thirdly, from the type of skin. Artificial eyebrows, although glued on a special waterproof latex glue, they hold out much less on too fat skin. On dry skin, respectively, extended eyebrows can last a little longer. But this is not necessarily;
  • fourthly, from compliance with all the rules for leaving the extended eyebrows. And the care consists in almost one thing - the exclusion of all contact of hands, cosmetics with eyebrows.

What problems can the eyebrow build -up procedure solve

The eyebrow hair extension procedure is addressed in different cases. Sometimes fashionistas simply want to diversify their usual methods to create a beautiful shape of eyebrows with such an innovative technique. Men who did not satisfy the shape of the eyebrows began to contact the salons more and more often. Eyebrow extensions can be the best solution to problems such as:

  • the unequal size of the eyebrows. This can be an individual feature of a person who can cause discomfort;
  • eyebrow loss after undergoing treatment of cancer;
  • complete or partial destruction of hair follicles after excessive tweezing with tweezers. After such intensive correction, eyebrows can stop growing in some places;
  • filling out the "proplesh" on the site of the scar on the eyebrows.

Materials for eyebrow building

  • A set of materials for carrying out an eyebrow correction procedure and building from Brow Perfect consists of glue, a degreasing lotion with an extract of rose, a liquid for removing artificial eyebrows, powder for fixing eyebrows, several pigment options for painting eyebrows, artificial hairs on a thin tape of 4-7 mm long , marker, professional line, several tweezers, scissors, rings for glue. The country of the manufacturer is the UK.

  • Set for 3D modeling and building eyebrows Ibrow Kit. The starting set contains: artificial hairs of black, brown, dark brown colors 4-8 mm long, transparent glue, primer, a special system for correcting eyebrows with threads, eyebrow paint 3 shades, an oxidizer for paint, a capacity for stirring a composition, 2 tweezers, scissors, brush, comb.

Such large sets are sold usually in professional stores for makeup artists, hairdressers. The price of such branded sets is quite high. But you can always find a more budget option. For example, on the Chinese site Aliexpress You can buy good sets of artificial hairs for building eyebrows at a fairly attractive price. This option is suitable for those who are going to master the technique of building eyebrows at home.

The most famous brands that are engaged in the creation of materials for extensing eyelashes and eyebrows are:

  • Lash Perfect. One of the very first companies that began to produce materials for eyelash extensions. The homeland of the brand is the UK. Now products for extensing eyelashes and eyebrows from Lash Perfect are known all over the world. They are engaged in the creation of both artificial and natural cilia and eyebrows.
  • Novel Brow Perfect. You can purchase incredibly diverse sets with the logo of this brand not only for building eyebrows, but also for their correction, creating a form.
  • I -Beauty. The brand from South Korea has gained popularity with its democratic prices for materials for eyebrow and eyelashes.

Eyebrow extensions. Pros and cons

In order to understand whether you need such a procedure or not, you must clearly represent all the positive and negative aspects of eyebrow building. Some need such a procedure for quite objective reasons: the lack of hair growth in eyebrows, severe diseases, scars, etc. Some are looking for such procedures in the price list of services of various fashionable salons simply in order to make their usual eyebrows “unusual”, wide, fashionable, etc. Among the advantages of eyebrow building can be called:

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • instant result;
  • achieving the desired shape of the eyebrows as a result;
  • the almost complete absence of contraindications to eyebrow buildings (exception is an allergic reaction to glue or other materials).

Among the negative points of eyebrow building, you can list:

  • in the eyebrow building procedure, the price can often be too high, because requires a long and painstaking work of the master;
  • short result;
  • not an aesthetic look of eyebrows at the time of "falling off" hairs. Eyebrows look with spaces, inaccurate;
  • too many restrictions on lifestyle after eyebrow extension;
  • the rare prevalence of the procedure in the salons of beauty and masters with the experience of such work.

Eyebrow extensions. Reviews

Eyebrow extensions. Photo before and after

Eyebrow extensions. Video

Brovy extension by transplantation

Eyebrow transplantation is a rather radical procedure that allows you to achieve perfect hair growth in eyebrows once and for all. Such a service is provided by specialized clinics. Eyebrow transplantation has a rather painful and long rehabilitation process and that is why it is not so popular. The meaning of this procedure is that microscopic areas from the scalp with 1-2 hairs are implanted into small incisions in the eyebrows. The method of implanting whole strips from the scalp (most often from the temple) along with surface veins is also used.

Now you know everything about the modern method of building eyebrows. Photos of the results of this procedure are simply stunned. Every girl dreams of getting such a natural appearance of beautiful and thick eyebrows. Do not be afraid to improve!



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