
Therapeutic properties of the intake, benefit and harm. How to take a bee

Therapeutic properties of the intake, benefit and harm. How to take a bee
The bee remotion is a unique drug from many diseases.

Everyone knows about therapeutic properties of honey, but such a product of beekeeping, like a uniform - not everyone familiar. But its effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases is proved by time and positive results. What is the Rasub and what is it useful? How to use the removal? In this selection of material - all about the bee of the intake, its therapeutic properties and contraindications.

Radiant bee, what is it?

The beesink is unique in its composition and properties that bees cover honey cells. Beekeepers call it differently: honey cover, print, plug, bee wax, preservative, honeycomb trimming.

Sealing honeycombs like a cover, the bees in this way "preserve" honey, while maintaining its valuable properties and protecting against possible damage. In addition, such honey is better insistant, becomes fragrant and delicious.

And for the beekens, sealing honeycombs serve as a kind of signal about the fullness of the hundred, complete aging of honey and the occurrence of its pumping.

  • The word "Rasub" literally displays the location of the valuable lids - for the bar frame. Before starting honey, this bee building material is cut off with a special knife, leave the honey stack and then use for therapeutic purposes.
  • The healing properties of the honeycomb drug from trimming hundreds are known since the times of ancient Russia. Already in those long-standing people, people learned about the benefits of the intake and used it as a medicine from many diseases.
  • The battery is of different colors and shades. It depends on weather conditions, plants over which the bee flies, the time of year, the flow rate of cells and other circumstances. The dry remote (without an air layer) has a light, whitish shade, and wet (with air between honey and wax) - is distinguished by darker, brown tones.
  • The taste of this bee product is sweet, honey. After chewing such a mass in the mouth, small tight wax lumps are formed.
  • The unused utility is processed on the wax - the building material of new bees cells.


The composition of the bee sweat

  • Although the honey removal is a close product of cellular honey, it still differs from it (and other beekeeping products) with its unique multifaceted composition. In addition, the Rasub is considered a little allergenic product.
  • The concentration and composition of bee "Lids" varies depending on the location of the apiary, prevailing plants - honeycomb, the type of bees and weather conditions.
  • The composition of the intake includes such valuable biologically active substances as: propolis, wax, honey, the secret of the salivary glands, perga (flower pollen).
  • The unique complex of vitamins (A, B, C, E), essential oils, organic acids, antioxidants, enzymes and other active substances made this product not only useful, but also therapeutic.
  • Carotine, retinol, chitin, lysozyme, ascorbic acid, micro and macroelements - this is not the entire list of valuable and indispensable substances for the human body contained in honey intake.
  • Lizozyme is a powerful natural enzyme that increases the protective functions of the body (immunity).
  • Carotine is a natural antioxidant, provitamin vitamin A, has an immunostimulating and adaptogenic effect on the human body.
  • Retinol - fat-soluble vitamin, promotes the normal exchange of substances, the work of the immune system, the formation of bone tissue, slows down the aging process.
  • Hitin is a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide that has an adsorbing effect.
  • Micro and macroelements (potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese) are involved in many of the most important biochemical processes affect the growth and development of the body.

Raslabo, Medical Properties

  • "Rich" chemical composition of the bee product provides an antiseptic, antimicrobial, biostimulating, anesthetic, regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect. Such a colossal combination of valuables and a wide range of action determined its use in a variety of spheres of traditional medicine.
  • The urgent benefits of the intake for people suffering from diseases of the upper respiratory tract (asthma, ORVI, Larygitis, tracheitis, rhinitis, etc.), the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteomyelitis, rheumatism), gastrointestinal tract and even allergies.
  • The use of bee intrainals normalizes metabolism, improves metabolic processes. Honey medicine is also shown for the prevention and treatment of colds, strengthening cardiovascular and immune systems.
  • The swears of bee is useful for teeth and gums, and also helps those who intend to quit smoking. Sweet product is recommended for eating even overweight people and when observing diets for weight loss.
  • The category of people who are primarily recommended to use the intake, are satisfied with the wide and versatile: children, pregnant women, elderly people suffering from higher illnesses subject to physical and mental loads. That is, a group of the most vulnerable people who need additional support and help. Biologically active substances of bee caps help restore vitality, increase performance and overcome the disease.
  • The benefits of bee intricacies are proven by millions of people who collided with a variety of health problems.


  • The natural bee tool helps to eliminate the bleeding of the gums, has a disinfecting and healing effect in the diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontalosis), refreshes breathing.
  • Raslaub - a real assistant dentists, strengthens the gums and teeth. Natural gum massage with chewing intake is combined with the cleansing of a dental plaque and stone.
  • Natural chewing gum suppresses the development of pathogenic microbes during caries and other inflammatory oral cavity processes.
  • To solve such problems, the Rabbar must be chewed 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes, after eating. With periodontal and caries, a mixture of intake and permed is particularly effective.


Rezub for the gastrointestinal tract

  • In case of chewing honey "caps", enhanced saliva is released, the activity of the entire gastrointestinal intestinal tract is normalized, the intestinal microflora is saturated, metabolic processes are optimized.
  • Finding into the stomach, the active substances of the intake begin to work as absorbents, absorbing all harmful and toxic substances.
  • Regular use of the intake minimizes such problems such as constipation, gastritis, dysbacteriosis, colitis.
  • The Rasub is useful and when treating pancreatitis. The honey product removes spasms during pain attacks, envelops the mucous membrane and minimizes inflammatory processes.

Rezub for the musculoskeletal system

  • The bee unbalance is used as an additional local treatment of the problems of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, radiculitis, osteomyelitis, joint pain.
  • Honey helps to remove or reduce pain, prevents acute development of inflammatory processes and the transition of the disease in chronic form.
  • With such problems, the Rasload is used in the form of compresses or ointments.


Remain for the prevention and treatment of colds

  • The use of the intake is shown to people susceptible to frequent colds, with reduced immunity.
  • Honey antibacterial agent eliminates nasal congestion, throat pain, prevents the development of viral infections. Effectively use of the intake of the abine, swivel, ritin, pharyngitis, trachete, tonsillitis, sinusitis and other nasopharynx diseases and upper respiratory tract.
  • To stop the runny nose in a timely manner, cough or sore throat, recommend chewing on the first day of the disease for 1 tsp. Zavrusa every hour; The next day, doses reduce. As a rule, 2-3 days of such intensive therapy helps to get rid of the disease that began. With a long-dry dry cough, chewing balls are combined with frequent reception of warm tea with a competitor.

  • Folk healers call the Raslaub with a natural antibiotic and a natural immunostimulating agent. To restore immunity, it shows the 3-time use of the intake of 1 tsp. in a day.
  • It is especially useful to give it to small children, after 3 years (subject to the absence of allergies) in order to better improve the rapid organism.
  • Often the use of the intake serves as a preventive measure of colds in the autumn-winter period. For these purposes, tasty medicine chew once a day (1 tbsp.) For a month.
  • Pregnant women, in the absence of contraindications, chewing daily 2-3 ppm The intake, protect their body and the body of the child from all sorts of viral infections, flu and colds.


Raslabo for those who quit smoking

  • Many smokers respond positively about the honeymoon during the period of refusing this harmful habit.
  • The chewing of the bee product reduces the craving for smoking, contributes to the purification of the bronchi and the lungs from the accumulated mucus and toxins.
  • For this, the raub is chewed several times a day, 1 tsp. For a long period.

Remain for the nervous system

  • Beeswax has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, having a sedative effect with severe overexcusion.
  • The chewing of the intake helps to cope with depression and neurasthenic manifestations. The use of the intake and in insomnia is shown.

Solution for leather

  • Like any other bee product, the Rasload has a positive impact on the human skin, being not only therapeutic, but also an effective cosmetic agent.
  • Effective antiseptic, the Rasub, irreplaceable in the treatment of burns, wounds, boils, dermatitis and other skin problems. In this case, the components of the intake are anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
  • In cosmetology, the bee tool is used to make masks, scrubies, balms, shampoos and ointments. Biologically active substances moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Problem areas (with acne, acne), after applying cosmetics based on the basis of the intake, become much clearer, lighter and healthier.


Remain with allergies

  • The product of beekeeping, the Rabub, is also used in the treatment of allergies on floral pollen. This is explained by the fact that the Rasub, in contrast to honey and other derivatives, is considered a low allergenic product. Of course, it should also begin to take a bit low, with small doses, gradually increasing and observing the reaction of the body.
  • In case of intolerance to a person, pollen plants, the Rasload begins to eat 2 weeks before the start of active flowering and 2 weeks after. Dosage of honey caps - 1 tbsp. 3 times a day after meals.
  • You can use the Rasub and as a prophylactic agent for bronchial asthma, but only before the occurrence of the acute period of the disease. In the period of broncho-pulmonary spasms, only medications should be reed.


Raslabo in dietology

  • No matter how paradoxically, people suffering from excess weight are not contraindicated by the use of this unique honey product. On the contrary, sweet delicacy reduces appetite and can be used during a diet when weight loss.
  • Quickly saturated with the body with energy and nutrients, the Rabbar is able to replace the need for high-calorie sweets.
  • When chewing accelerates digestion and assimilation of fats, there is an intense outflow of the bile and removal of toxins. Chew wax balls should be regularly.


To feel the effect after applying the intake, it is important to use it not one-time, but a regular course. If there are no significant health problems - quite sometimes, in preventive purposes, chew wax caps, getting additional vitamins and useful substances. Harm from such a "chewing" will not be.

Naturally, the bee excruption is not a panacea for treating all the above-mentioned diseases. Individual intolerance and major drug treatment are the main "stumbling blocks" of the use of honey medicine.

Harm harruse

  • In order for the uncontrolled use of the intake did not damage the body, allergic to the products of beekeeping can be contraindicated to its use, age up to 3 years, gastritis disease with increased acidity.
  • The rich qualitative composition of the intake can lead to manifestations of hypervitaminosis. Therefore, you do not need to use the honey product in uncontrolled dosages. You need to start with the smallest doses, gradually increasing them to the recommended portions.
  • Pregnant women and young children with extreme caution should be treated by the use of bee intake.
  • In any case, the treatment with any folk remedies, even natural and proven other people, requires an individual approach and prior consultation with the doctor.

Raspar, application in practice

After reviewing a number of medical properties and the benefit of a healing honey product, it remains to answer one of the most important issues: "How to take a remotion?" It turns out that everything is trite simply: "He needs to chew."

  • Cheese "trimming" of cells about 15 minutes, while the mouth will not remain tight lumps, which are then spoiled.
  • Checkling a bees Radiant is better after eating, given its properties to lower appetite.
  • For an adult, the average norm of the honey product used as a prophylactic agent is 1 tablespoon that can be divided into several methods. For therapeutic purposes, the dosage is increased by 2-3 times.

  • If the Rasload enters the stomach or intestines, there is nothing terrible in this. On the contrary, in this embodiment, honey components will begin to adsorb unnecessary substances from the intestine, while improving its peristaltics.
  • The valuable quality of the intake is the fact that during its long-term use, microflora does not accept the pathogens.
  • In addition to the healing properties, the product of the processing of bee "seals" is a honeycomb or vodka from the intake. It is prepared from sweet honey water, after washing the intake when preparing it for flipping on wax. There are several recipes for the preparation of an alcoholic beverage from the intake, characterized by the sequence of technology and additional components.

Radru, Storage Rules

  • Store the remotion in hermetically packaged tank (glass jar), in a dark place. Thus, it is possible to maintain all the beneficial substances for a long time (1-2 years).
  • You can store the bee product in the refrigerator or at room temperature. If the motor is left in the room, a dry steamed jar, filled with honeycomb trimming, pour from above honey. Dry Radial (without honey) needs to be stored in the refrigerator.


Remain where to buy

If there is no possibility to purchase a zavlabo with familiar beekeepers, you need to contact the buttings trading in specialized stores, at exhibitions and sales or markets. It is better to buy a remotion from proven sellers to be confident as a honey product.

Buy the Radru in online stores Better after having studied all customer reviews and checking the ranking of this outlet.

The price of the Rasload is practically no different from the cost of honey itself. This is quite justified, taking into account the storehouse of vitamins and the beneficial substances of the honey drug.


So, any experienced beekeeper knows that the best, high-quality and useful honey is the one that bees was mothballed by the wax film - a competitor. Its often called it - honey Raspar. The fragrant, tasty and valuable product has a positive and healing effect on the human body. His healing properties cannot be overestimated.

Honey "Lids" - a very pleasant medicine: sweet, tasty and nutritious. The easily friendly product, the Rasload is chewed as a conventional chewing gum, both adults and children.

Treatment by the Union has been proven by many positive reviews of people who call the honey product are not otherwise like a "health elixir" or "miraculous means."

The main advantage of the bee therapeutic product is naturalness, hypoallergenicity, availability and almost complete absence of contraindications.

Raslabo, photo


Video: "Raslabo and his healing properties"


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