
How to leave a review on Aliexpress. Aliexpress Customs Reviews

How to leave a review on Aliexpress. Aliexpress Customs Reviews
Data on goods and sellers received directly from buyers - useful and reliable information that will help to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings of the Internet shopping.

Popular Internet shopping has both positive moments and certain risks. Many customers want to maximize themselves during the transaction. How to do it, especially when the buyer is in another country?

A positive, as well as negative, the experience of making purchases in the store will help future customers to make a good acquisition or vice versa - will save from scammers. Share Impressions about the transaction can be called. Did not exception and the Asian trading platform Aliexpress. If you are a client, you can also tell about your experience shopping in the stores of the Middle Kingdom.

Aliexpress: reviews about transactions and goods

Making a purchase on the site, hurry to share your experience with other buyers, but do not know how to do it? Next we will tell you how to write a review on Aliexpress about the goods received and shops that you sold them.

First of all, you need to go to "My Aliexpress" It is here that information about all your purchases in the store stores is stored. Log in and go to the orders section - "My Orders". After you clicked on this item, information on all transactions opens. Here are orders, which:

  • Were canceled.
  • Waiting for payment.
  • Are at the shipment stage.
  • Sent and wait for the message from the buyer about receipt.

From this list you choose the last item.

Important! Although the ability to leave a review and appears immediately after the parcel was sent to you, do not rush. Leave feedback on products with Aliexpress only after their actual receipt. So your review will be the most truthful and objective.

To confirm the receipt of the parcel, click the "Confirm Product Getting" key. If one or more positions are received, press this button for each of them. If the list of goods is large, put the "tick" on the left side of the header of this list next to the wording "allocate everything", and then "confirm the receipt of the goods". After that, the information window will appear, the text of which will once again remind you that your actions confirm the lack of claims to the store and lead to the closure of the order. If everything is in order, click the "Send" button.


How to leave a review on Aliexpress: instruction

After your deal is complete, you can leave feedback both about the purchase itself and about the store with which you collaborated. Do it either immediately or within the next 30 days. If you can - attach photos of the goods received. Both you and other store clients Aliexpress I appreciate feedback from the photo much higher than just a description of the product or transaction, - the review becomes more informative, useful, his truthfulness is no doubt. How to do it?

Completion of the transaction - review on Aliexpress

After the order is closed and the status has changed to "completed", click the "Leave Feedback" key. The system will redirect you to the next page, where you graduate with each transaction parameter and impressions of the goods received by the number of stars from 1 to 5:

  • Are you satisfied with the description of the goods.
  • Have you been nice to communicate with the seller.
  • Whether the deadlines of sending the parcel or the seller "delayed" this question.

If desired, write your own comment. You can write the latter in any language except Chinese. In order for your message to be accessible to a greater number of readers, it is recommended to leave it in English. additional features are also provided:

  • If you decide to add reviews about things on Aliexpress Photos, pay attention to their size - it should not exceed 2 MB.
  • Those who wish to stay incognito - put a tick next to the inscription "Leave this review anonymously." If you wrote a review "openly" (not anonymous), other users can familiarize themselves with the rest of your reviews.

After all the fields are filled, click the "Publish" key. You have a new window with gratitude to the abandonment and suggestion to write reviews and the other goods received. Reviews about products Aliexpress With video received parcels allow you to get more complete and detailed information about the goods.


Accommodation for Aliexpress for 30 days

If you confirmed the order, and returned to writing a review some time later, again pass the way "My Aliexpress" - "My orders".

  • Next, find the "Operations" tab and choose "Review Management".
  • Make the item "My Feedback" (Orders awaiting my feedback) and among the list of orders choose the one by which you plan to leave a review.
  • You are opening a window with fields for placing stars on a deal and a field for writing a comment.
  • Fill over them and click "Publish".

After you left feedback, the store also writes a review about the results of your cooperation. In most cases, the seller leaves a positive feedback, as it hopes for further cooperation. The results of such assessments are reflected in the client's profile and affect its rating. Product reviews will be placed directly in the product card, they will see them every buyer who was interested in the same position. An opinion about the store will be elsewhere - on the reviews page for Him.


Dates of the publication of the revocation to Aliexpress

Many users often concerns the question - the feedback is written, but it is not visible on the site, how to be? First of all, do not worry and explore the rules for publishing reviews. Your comment on a deal and purchase will appear either after the store's response, or after 30 days from the date of placement.

In the Subsection "Responses" (My Orders Block) at any time you can view the status of all reviews to your purchases. They can be 3 species:

  • "My feedback is expected." - You have not yet written the review of the transaction.
  • "Reviews of sellers are expected." - You have written a comment, and the seller has not left a response.
  • "Published reviews" - Comments available to familiarize yourself with other customers Aliexpress.


Additional review for Aliexpress

Additional review is not an adjustment of the comment already left. We are talking about another review designed to make some refinements or additions. Time to draw up such a review - 150 days from the date of the formation of the main revocation. How to leave additional feedback on Aliexpress And in what cases does it matter in it?

The most common case - buying disappointed during operation. The client receives the order and completely satisfied with its appearance. But after a while, the goods are stripped / lines / breaks / worried, etc. As a result, the use of purchase is difficult or not at all, and the client wants at least to warn potential buyers of this product. To leave such a review, go to "My Orders", opposite the required position click the "Complete Feedback" key and place the text of the message.


Reviews of Aliexpress

All feedback, both positive and negative, will be useful for potential store customers. To protect yourself from an unscrupulous seller, the buyer wants to know the opinion of other clients of this store. If you have any questions regarding the product (its size, quality of execution, compliance with photos in color and appearance) - people will be useful. People who have already acquired this position will be useful.

Feedback to the goods

To find on Aliexpress Reviews of buyers of goods that interest you, do the following:

  • Open the product younger card.
  • Examine its description.
  • At the bottom of the goods card next to the description and guarantees of the seller, find the "Reviews" icon. Next to it, in most cases, the number is the number of reviews for this position.
  • Click on this key and explore the reviews on the goods. If you are not interested in all comments, use filters - by the number of stars, by availability of photos and personal information, separately you can explore the reviews that have been complemented. You can install sorting and read on Aliexpress reviews exclusively buyers in Russia.


Review of the store

If you want to check the conscientiousness of the store, do not rush. Before making purchases on Aliexpress Examine the reviews of people who have already made purchases from this seller. How to do it?

  • Open the goods card that you liked.
  • In the header (immediately under the search string) indicates the name of the store and all information on it is a rating, the percentage of positive feedback, work experience at the Aliexpress site.
  • The name of the store is an active link, by submitting a list with the detail of the seller rating.
  • Click on it and explore the experience of cooperation with this store of other buyers.


How to leave a review on Aliexpress. The buyer has changed his mind

If after comment is posted, the buyer decides to change feedback on AliexpressHe can do it. At the same time, some conditions must be respected.

  • During the review, the opponent received 3 stars and less.
  • From the moment of posting the review, 30 days passed.

If the conditions are met, you will see the active key to "revise the feedback".

In some cases, you will not be able to leave a review about the deal. This happens if:

  • From the moment of buying a purchase, more than 30 days have passed.
  • You have opened the debate, and almost immediately aggravated it (the claim was transferred to).
  • The topic of the dispute was complete compensation of funds and the store satisfied your requirement.

Furthermore, if one of the parties does not evaluate cooperation, while the other exhibits a low score (1, 2, 3), the second party and is not rated. If the evaluation was good (4 or 5 stars), the second party will automatically be rated at 4 stars.


Perform or not shopping at stores in China - a personal choice. Some potential buyers frightening uncertainty and shopping online. Having studied the reviews of the site Aliexpress and the rules of its operation, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of a dispute or unpleasant situations. Be careful, collaborate only with reliable shops and get very high quality product.


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