
How to learn to sit on the twine at home

How to learn to sit on the twine at home
How quickly learns to sit on the twine at home.

Good stretching of the legs did not harm anyone, but, on the contrary, it was always a sign of an excellent state of the joints, spine and a pledge of health. In addition, the ability to sit on the twine develops not only the plasticity and flexibility of the body, but also improves the strength and elasticity of the muscles. What could be more pleasant to the excellent coordination of movements, smooth gait and exceptional plasticity? You can learn to sit on the twine at any age and it is even very easy to do at home.

Contrary to various opinions, it is possible to quickly learn to sit on a twine at any age and even without specialized assistance.

  1. Elementary home exercises allow you to sit on the twine not only for 1 day, but also help will quickly increase the mobility of the calf muscles, normalize blood circulation in the area of \u200b\u200bhip joint and abdominal cavity, restore the mobility of the sacrum and muscle strength.
  2. Stretching exercises improve the work of the intestine, gradually align posture, contribute to a decrease in fat deposits in the hips and abdomen, and are also a preventive and therapeutic way to get rid of varicose veins.
  3. Classes over improving the body not only emphasize your beauty, but also contribute to the development of additional abilities, for example, dance.
  4. The ability to sit on the transverse twine will make the muscles of the legs more durable, elastic and endless to large loads.

How to sit on the twine


In order to sit on the twine, it is not enough to just know the list of exercises, it is important to perform them correctly and efficiently.

  • pain in the spine must be completely excluded;
  • the vertebra must be migrated to any side without effort and voltage;
  • the position of the joints during the exercise must be accuracy as in the instructions;
  • to quickly sit on the twine, at home the maximum attention should be paid to the exercises for stretching the leg muscles, and then master your back;
  • be prepared for the fact that the slow stretching of the muscles, with a long stay in one position, will become for you the usual exercise;
  • it is perfectly excluded to expose lumbar overvoltage muscles - gradually distribute the load and increase the manipulations with the mobility of the sacrum and the pelvis;
  • during the execution of even half-spa, always keep the spine in the smooth position;
  • each can sit on the twine, regardless of age, sports form and muscle condition.

How to sit on the twine per week


Many girls, and guys, dream to look attractive, be in excellent physical shape and be able to effectively hit friends and the opposite sex with your skills. In addition, the popular area of \u200b\u200byoga classes dictates the need for excellent stretching, as well as flexible, strong and endless muscles. Of course, someone to sit on the twine is enough one day of the exercise, and some will need one week. It's all about physiology and preparation, but even if you never sat down on the twine and do not know how to make an elementary stretching - you just need a little more effort and a little time. Physiological characteristics, such as gender, height and weight do not at all affect the speed of development at home the ability to sit on the twine.

Sit on the twine: where to start


  1. The prerequisite for the preparation of muscles to the twine is graduality and sequence.
  2. Before any exercises, it is important to make a light workout, so to speak, heat the muscles. Ignoring such precautions can lead to muscle injuries and even breaking ligaments. Therefore, do not rush immediately from the room in a quarry, and thoroughly prepare for a protracted throw.
  3. Depending on the level of preparation, the duration of the warm-up varies.
  4. If you have not previously been able to sit on the twine, then workout is better to spend in a day. After increasing your sports level and muscle status, you can go to more frequent classes.
  5. Any stretching exercise should be equally to each of the sides of the body. If you feel that for one muscle group, the stretching is harder - start every workout with them, and also try to give additional loads into less flexible areas.
  6. Do not be afraid of light painful, drawing sensations when you try to sit on the twine. The muscles stretching is impossible without such a kind of victims. Just do not overdo it, too strong pressure, even if you suffer, can lead to unwanted stretching or and worse.
  7. Stretch each muscle with smooth spring movements for 15 seconds, while pulling pain does not subscribe. If the painful sensations do not pass, but they only become stronger, it is worth stopping the load on this group of muscles in the next two workouts.
  8. Do not delay your breath while performing exercises. In some people it happens involuntarily, so control your breath. It should be smooth and deep. Deep breaths fill with oxygen muscles, which contributes to the relaxation of tissues and a more comfortable stretching. So you will quickly take the desired pose.

Sit on the twine: contraindications


The ability to sit on the twine and keep your body in a good physical form business, of course, commendable and necessary, but, as in any case, there are exceptions. People with chronic bone diseases that have suffered severe skeleton injuries, with inflammation of joints, sharp pains in the lower back and increased arterial pressure - physical exertion of such a plan are contraindicated. The essence of training exercises so that in a short time it takes to the twine, consists in a certain pressure and loads on the body. If this body is healthy, it quickly perceives workouts, improves its condition and your feelings. Otherwise, such a zeal leads only to the deplorable results and exacerbation of the state. Age also plays not the last role in sports, so do not force the events, and gradually engage in improving and improving your body.

Sit down on the twine: exercises at home


Exercises for stretching of each muscles group There are many, and every effectively in its own way. Use everything at once to rather sit on the twine, no need. It is enough to determine the most common, simple or just convenient for you.

Exercises for stretching legs in the sitting position


  1. Sustfully sit on the buttock muscle legs forward, the hands are lowering on the hips. Bend one leg and slowly deviate it aside until the feet will be parallel to the inner part of the hip, and the foot is the floor. Now neatly lean and pull the tip of the nose to the foot of the second leg. You will feel easy pulling sensations in the jagged part and the muscles of the bent leg. Now change the position and the same again for the muscles of the second legs and hips.
  2. Sit smoothly, straighten your back, pull your legs in front of yourself, and put your hands on the foot. Spreading his knees with elbows, you will feel the intelligible feelings in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Paho. Train yourself before the extinction of pulling sensations, 3-4 approaches with a break. When the muscles of the groin are stretched so much that you can easily make an angle of 180 degrees - start tilting the body forward, without bending the legs in the knees. Grasing the foot with hands, fix the position by 7 - 10 seconds and straighten up again.
  3. In the sitting position, lift one leg as high as possible. One hand hold her for caviar, the other hold the balance of the body. Hold up to 15 seconds, then change your leg. This exercise you will achieve the stretching of the calf muscles.
  4. In the sitting position, bend one leg so that the heel is a bit under the buttock. Straighten the second leg. Light spring movements, lean to the straightened leg so that your hands touch the heel. Repeat this exercise for another foot is the same number of times.
  5. In this exercise, it is necessary to take a wide pose on the knees, so that the knees are together, and the feet apart. In the floor, touch only socks of legs. Lunch and raise the housing with a smooth back so that the buttocks come to the floor.
  6. A very efficient and fast exercise for stretching the muscles of the twine is the tilts of the torso from the knee poses. To do this, you need to slightly push your legs and lay the foot and legs on one line parallel to each other. Tilt the torso with a flat back as low as possible.
  7. Take the pose sitting, legs straighten forward and maximize on the sides. Bend the spring movements to the heels with elongated hands about 7 - 10 times. Repeat after a break in 3 - 5 seconds. Make 3 approaches.

Exercises for stretching muscles thighs


With the help of stretching exercises for the twine, it is necessary to bring the muscles of the posterior and inner part of the thigh into the necessary shape.

  1. Take the posture standing, move the legs as much as possible. Slowly, all weight sit down alternately on one leg, then another. Serve torso with smooth back in the appropriate side. If possible, how much you can turn the sock to a smooth leg into the inner side. During smooth lifts, you should feel the muscle tension in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin, hips and buttocks. Perform this exercise in order to sit on the twine, 3-4 approaches each leg. Make small minute breaks between squats.
  2. Take a posture sitting on one bent leg, and retain the second leg in the smooth position aside. Begin to deploy the torso around the circumference in such a way as to move the center of gravity to the other side and the leg. At the same time, bend a smooth leg, and bent - straighten. Make an equal amount of turns for each side of the body. Enough 2 - 3 approaches per day for each leg. Newcomers can be slightly maintained their weight with palms while turning.

Yogan exercises for stretching


The flexibility of people engaged in yoga is undoubtedly one of the best. The combination of effective exercises to bring muscles into tone and proper breathing to relax them is a wonderful tandem in order to quickly sit on the twine.

  1. In position, move one leg back and lift in a bent form so that the sock is as soon as possible. Raise the second leg and straighten up with your back. Hands tear down to the sides to keep balance. During the exercise, the whole body, in addition to the tensioned muscles, should be relaxed. The chin and look asked forward, and the breath is even and calm. In such a pose, pull the sock up for 1 to 2 minutes. Repeat for each leg 3 times.
  2. Take the position standing, and the hands linked to the castle, make a head. Gently drive back as far as possible and tighten the stomach. For beginners in such a posture, it is recommended to be up to 30 seconds, and professionals withstand rack at least 1 minute per approach. Making such an exercise is necessary regularly 3 - 5 approaches.
  3. For stretching the muscles of the pelvis, take a posture with a stop on one knee, and straighten the back leg. Keep the back smoothly, the shoulders are omitted, there are hands in the castle on the sacrum, and elbow expode to the sides. With each breath, push the pelvis muscles ahead. The duration of the procedure is 1 minute. Then change your leg and make it too for the other side of the body.
  4. In a vertical position, throw the leg into a slightly bent as the head so that the thigh is on the back. In this position, slowly rotate the pelvis, describing the circle. At the same time, bend and instill the foot trap. During the exercise, try to keep your back straight. Make the same amount of turns in the same way for 1 minute.
  5. In the sitting position, expode the legs. Straighten one leg, and bend the second. Bend to the straightened leg in such a way that the back remains smooth, and the breast concerned the knee. At the same time pull the sock towards yourself, clasping it with his fingers. Hold the position for 1 minute, then change your leg.

How to sit on the twine: video


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