
How to draw Lady Bug and a super cat with a pencil in stages

How to draw Lady Bug and a super cat with a pencil in stages
The step -by -step description of the creation of drawings will help reproduce the images of your favorite characters even to those who do not know how to draw very well.

There is hardly a child who does not have a beloved animated hero. Moreover, adults are also not alien to bright and colorful heroes of cartoon plots.

It is sometimes difficult to transfer their favorite images to paper - not everyone has enough dexterity and the necessary artistic skills. But if you do not rush and approach the embodiment of the images of your beloved heroes in stages, the chances of success are rapidly increasing. The same rule applies to the creation of the images of Lady Bug and Super Cat - the main characters of the same animated series. All you need is a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser and a little patience. A few confident strokes and now Lady Bug and a super cat, drawn in stages, come to life on a paper canvas.

Cartoon "Lady Bag and Super Cat"

The series “Lady Bug and Super Cat” tells of the seemingly ordinary French schoolchildren-senior students-Marinette and Adrian. The boy is growing in a wealthy family, although it can hardly be called happy. A strict father exerts great pressure on him, depriving simple children's joys - communicating with friends, games. Marinette is a charming dreamer who is in love with her classmate Adrian. However, the guys are not entirely simple, as they seem at first glance, because they are the owners of the "stone of miracles." The magical power that stones endowed, gives them super ability and now they are not just children, but brave defenders of the heart of France - Paris. Falisman earrings turn a modest girl into a fearless lady bug, and Adrian’s ring reveals a new hero in a young hero-a daring and decisive super cat Nuir. Partners perfectly complement each other, fight together with the demons and villains that the villain Brailik controls, and do not even know who is hiding under the mask of the opponent.

How to draw Lady Bug

Almost every fan of the series dreams of recreating the image of a beautiful lady bug. Do not know how to learn to draw Lady Bug? Let's draw together the young defender of Paris.

How to draw Lady Bug - Portrait

If you want to pay more attention to the details and emphasize all the features and features of Lady Bug, we advise you to stay on the portrait of the heroine.

  • Picture a circle and outline a couple of additional lines in it - in the future they will help to place the elements of the face. One line is vertical - a small arc shares the circle approximately in half. The second stroke is horizontal. The arc passes slightly below the horizontal line of the middle and determines the level of the ears.
  • Sove the chin of superheroini. To do this, lower the vertical dividing line slightly below the border of the circle. Connect the grooves with a smoothly rounded chin with a area of \u200b\u200bthe ears.
  • Determine the position of the nose and mouth.
  • All the lines that were applied to this moment must be lightened as much as possible, to make it barely noticeable.
  • Go to the formation of the eyes. Above the horizontal line of separation, draw the upper part of the eye sockets. After - symmetrically add the lower part.
  • Adhering to the vertical line, outline your nose and mouth Lady Bug.
  • Select the oval of the face, add your ears, draw the iris of the eye. Higher and below the mouth of the mouth add small strokes.

  • Finish the design of the eyes - draw the girl's eyelashes and pupils, apply a shadow from eyelashes, decorate the rainbow shell.
  • Put the contour of the dressing mask, apply "spots" to it.
  • With careless, but accurate strokes, you form a bang of the heroine.
  • Give her texture and volume - apply the hair direction with jerky strokes.

The portrait of the character is ready. If desired, Lady Bag can draw additional shadows in the picture, giving the image of greater realism.

How to draw a lady bug in a crown stance

The spectacular pose of Superheroini could not pass by your attention. How to draw Lady Bug in full -length? The most important part is the head. How accurately you will succeed, so close to the original will turn out the image.

  • Draw the oval of the face and outline the contours of the hairstyle - first bangs, and then - neat tails.
  • The bangs are thick, so make several strokes emphasizing the volume of curls.
  • Draw a section of the eyes, add the pupils and do not forget about the ear.
  • You plan a mask contour and a small nose.
  • Add your mouth.

Next, proceed to the drawing of the body.

  • Sove the additional lines that will become the frame of the future image, as well as the place of the bend of the limbs.
  • On them, the torso, legs and hands of Lady Bug will be recreated with a pencil. These strokes will need to be deleted in the future, so draw them thin, the pencil is desirable to take soft.
  • Apply smooth lines on paper - bends of the character of the character. Next, finish the legs and arms of the girl. Keep in mind that they are quite elegant.
  • Draw feet and fingers.

The characteristic circles in Lady Bug suit will help to complete the image. Decorate the resulting picture - superheroine is ready!

Lady Bug: How to draw a pencil in the style of "Chibi"

Such an interpretation of the beloved character reveals the fragile, tender and in some way the child’s children's side.

  • Start the drawing by drawing the girl’s crown, decorate the contour of the bangs.
  • After add the outline of the head and a couple of strands that are carelessly knocked on the sides.
  • Now proceed to the bandage - the mask occupies most of the face. Out of its contours with a soft wave.
  • Out your eye sockets. Draw pupils and eyelashes into them.
  • Add a smile.
  • Apply "branded" spots to the mask.

After the head is ready, proceed to the image of the heroine’s body.

  • Draw your neck.
  • Direct from her a little left and right, thus forming Lady Bug shoulders.
  • You plan the general features of the body.
  • Out your feet of the girl, draw your feet.
  • Return to your shoulders and proceed to the design of the hands. The victorious pose of the heroine involves the bent at the elbow and a slightly raised hand, and the emphasis on the side - for the second hand.

Return to the head and add neat ponytails and a little careless “tips” of the ties of the mask. Select 2 parts in a suit, separating them with a oblique line. Apply to the equipment of Lady Bug characteristic “peas”. Highlight the outline and paint your heroine! How to draw an unusual girl is already known, it remains about the cat.

We draw a super cat

Is it possible to imagine the brave heroine of Lady Bug without her faithful partner and friend Super Cat? Of course not. Therefore, let these two friends together be on paper. You already know how to draw Lady Bug, now the line of the Super Cat has come.

  • Building an image of a superhero begins with the formation of the head of the head.
  • Draw a slightly elongated oval. Make 2 light strokes in it - a horizontal guide (in the middle) and a vertical guide - a little shifted to the right. At the base of the oval, it adds 2 more strokes, which form an inverted letter “T”.
  • Make a nuar chin - make the lower part of the oval more sharp.
  • Now proceed to the bangs-the strands are a little randomly, but do not fall below the horizontal line. After add the main shock of the hair next to the bangs. Its length falls almost to the level of the chin.
  • The lines that were “under the hair” are removed.

  • It's time to do your ears. On both sides of the crown, draw 2 small narrow triangles. Add a couple of strokes to them to make voluminous fragments, and you're done.
  • Slightly below the horizontal guide line, draw slightly slanting cat eyes and a narrow barely elongated pupil in them.
  • Stand your nose along the vertical guide.
  • Draw the mouth line (you can add a small neat fang).
  • Start drawing the mask - its upper boundary passes over the eye line, and the lower border crosses the nose.

Remove all additional lines. Next, draw the character’s body - neck, shoulders and unchanged bell. The cat Noir is ready.

Step -by -step algorithms will help to easily draw their favorite heroes not only to adults, but also to children. And if still unclear questions remained, to clarify how to draw Lady Bag, a video plot on this topic will help. Draw, try and never stop there!



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