
How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment. How can you derive the smell of cat urine in shoes, on the sofa, on the carpet, from the floor. Means to remove the smell of cat urine

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment. How can you derive the smell of cat urine in shoes, on the sofa, on the carpet, from the floor. Means to remove the smell of cat urine
In this article we will tell you how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment. Means and methods to remove and remove the smell of cat urine.

Unfortunately, not all of our four -legged favorites living with us in the apartment quickly accustomed to the tray, and do not shit in wrong places. Some animals “mark the territory” throughout the apartment, and after that there is a specific smell, which is very difficult to get rid of. In this article, we will introduce you all kinds of ways how to get the smell of cat urine with folk and professional methods.

How to remove the smell of cat urine: General recommendations

If you felt, entering the apartment, the smell of cat urine, this means that the problem is already so great that you will have to take very serious measures. Perhaps this problem arose because you have not timely eliminated the very first puddle made by your fluffy favorite.

Why the cat’s urine is so stench. The point is in its composition. It consists of:

  • urea;
  • lesschrom;
  • uric acid.

All of the above substances dissolve only in alkaline compounds, sulfur and glycerin. If you use water or some proportioned agents, then there will be no result. They will remove only urea and lessochrome, but uric acid will remain, and after drying it will begin to publish a very unpleasant odor. And the biggest problem is that it is very difficult for the owner to determine the place where the cat has made his mistake.

We will share with you a reliable way how to do it. Take a black lamp, turn it on at night and walk around the apartment. This lamp will illuminate the place where your favorite put down with yellow.

What to do to remove the smell of cat urine in shoes?

Cats, as a rule, can defecate in men and children's shoes. The fact is that it is from this shoe that the smell always emanates, which seems to animals to be somehow threatening and dangerous. So that the cat does not scare this smell, it just urinates there. There is a terrible smell that I want to get rid of. We will give you some tips to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes:

  1. Just wash your shoes if, of course, it is made of fairly dense fabric. Only preliminarily be sure to place it in a duvetail or pillowcase so as not to damage the drum of the washing machine.
  2. If your shoes are made of soft fabric, then you will first need to pierce it with boiled water, and then just throw it into the wash.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent tool than to wash the smell of cat urine. You just need to moisten cotton wool in it and process the surface of the shoes well and all the seams. Just keep in mind that shoes can brighten from peroxide.
  4. You can process your boots into which the cat put up with citrus juice, the aroma of which these animals cannot tolerate. But we recommend that you still use not juice, but essential oils.
  5. The drug "Formidon" is well killed by the smell of cat urine. Only before using it, protect your hands with gloves and put on a respirator, because the “formidon” contains a toxic substance called formaldehyde.

How to eliminate the smell of cat urine in furniture?

It is very difficult to remove the smell of cat urine on the couch or any other furniture. It’s just that uric acid is very absorbed into the material, and the smell becomes unbearable. To get rid of the smell of cat urine, we recommend that you do the following:

  1. If the puddle is fresh, then it first needs to be wetted with a paper towel, which must be folded 6 times. After that, some fabric must be put in the place of bowel focus, and it must be ironed on top with a hot iron so that the urine evaporates under the influence of hot air. Instead of an iron, you can use a hairdryer, just keep in mind that in this case you need to keep a hair dryer at a distance from a furniture of 10 cm.
  2. If, after you remove the puddle, there is a trace on the surface of the furniture, then you will need to apply a vinegar solution (dilute 100 ml of vinegar in 500 ml of water), which will also need to be dried with a hairdryer.
  3. Instead of vinegar, you can use food soda. Sprinkle the place where the cat put up with it. Prepare a solution based on hydrogen peroxide and detergent for dishes (mix these 2 components in equal proportions). Pour the resulting solution on the couch, for example. You will see that Soda has foamed. After 60 minutes, process the place where the cat put down, with a brush, and then with a wet rag.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the carpet?

A favorite place where cats love to defecate is a carpet. Of course, the carpet can be attributed to dry cleaning so that the professionals clean the carpet, but you can eliminate the smell of cat urine on the carpet yourself using such folk remedies:

  1. If you have a light carpet, then it is better to prepare a vinegar solution.
  2. If you have a dark carpet, then it is better to buy some stain-coir or use soda. It must be applied to the carpet after you moisten the place where your cat is defecated. After the stain dries, sprinkle the carpet and knock it out.
  3. If you have an old carpet, then you will better apply chlorine. First, process the carpet with it, and then sprinkle the place where the cat put down with soda. When the carpet dries, sprinkle it and be sure to ventilate the room in which this carpet lies. To remove the old smell of cat urine, it will be necessary to on the carpet after it dries on the street, to apply any detergent to it, to dry it again, to drop it. Thanks to this process, the carpet will not only get rid of the smell, but will acquire a fresh look.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the floor?

If you are looking for a way to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor, then you need to do the following:

  1. Wash the floors and wipe them dry. In this case, you can use the usual floor rag. Just keep in mind that the rag should be moistened in cold water, and not in hot, so that the smell does not spread, but destroyed.
  2. Process the floor with vinegar from the smell of cat urine or hydrogen peroxide. The funds should be absorbed into the floor to kill the amber, which remains after the cat encourages.

Keep in mind that the smell of cat urine on linoleum is displayed in the same way. Only after you apply peroxide or vinegar to it, treat linoleum with a special tool.

What means to remove the smell of cat urine is better not to use?

There are means that do not save from the smell of cat urine, but rather only exacerbate the situation. They include:

  1. Substances in which there is ammonia is a detergent for glass or tiles. Ammonia only attracts cats, and they are necessarily in the place where they smell it, they will congender.
  2. Fragrant products, such as toilet water, perfumes or antiperspirants. The smell from them will become even worse because it mixes with stench.

Professional universal destroyers of the smell of cat urine

If you are interested in how to repulse the smell of cat urine, but at the same time you do not want to use folk remedies, then buy professional devices specially designed to remove the smell of cat urine, based on natural components that can not harm you or your pets. Among the most effective are:

  1. "Odorgon."
  2. "Zoosan."
  3. "Urinof."
  4. "Deosan."
  5. "Biomi"

Prevention of the smell of cat urine in the apartment

In order not to look for a way than neutralize the smell of cat urine, follow some preventive measures:

  1. Place the tray in the place in which you would like the cat to go to the toilet. It should be a secluded quiet place where it is dark.
  2. Everywhere in all corners, where the cat can put up, spray with a spray that repels the animal.
  3. Put the crusts from citrus fruits into flower pots. You can also put pine cones. The smell will scare away animals.
  4. Constantly wash the cat for a cat, because these animals are clean, they will not go to the toilet to the tray if you have already gone there 2-3 times.
  5. Never beat or shout at the cats, because they are vengeful and touchy.
  6. You can castrate a cat so that it does not throw the territory. But this is a rather cruel way.
  7. Drive your cat to the veterinarian to check if the animal has an infection in the urinary tract. Perhaps he generally has kidney problems.

Love your pet, take care of him and raise, so that later you do not have to eliminate unpleasant problems in your apartment.

Video: "How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?"



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