
What you can give the child for 2 years - the girl and the boy. What toys to give a child for 2 years

What you can give the child for 2 years - the girl and the boy. What toys to give a child for 2 years
The best list of gifts for children for 2 years: ideas and recommendations.

Birthday is a special day in the life of every child. And, of course, surprises and gifts are becoming an integral attribute of this holiday. Two-year culprits of the celebration are looking forward to long-awaited gifts, and adults, sometimes, long "break the head", which is better to give a child for 2 years. In today's selection of material - all about gifts for girls and boys for 2 years.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Features of the development of children 2 years

Before deciding that you can give a child for 2 years, you should familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the development of the kids of this age. After all, a gift must correspond to age-related census, taking into account the cognitive and intellectual development of the child.

  • In 2 years, children begin to distinguish objects in shape, color and magnitude. The ability to relate the configuration of any geometric shape with its image or apply it to the sample. This means that kids are able to lay the liners of different forms into the appropriate holes on the game board.

  • After the show and several training sessions, the two years already know how to collect matryoshki, add pyramids and simple sorters.
  • Children begin to distinguish between colors, learn to call them, choose from the list of the list and try to draw simple figures or doodle.
  • Two-year-old children (with adults) successfully demonstrate the development of plot-display gaming actions. For example, they caught a sacc of water toy fish, feed dolls, build a garage from cubes.
  • Kids learn to put items in a specific configuration and order (turret or line). Many people like to sculpt from plasticine, mive and explore the plastic material.
  • The key feature of this age period is the intensive development of speech. And, even if the two years do not speak independently, they are well understood by those who are said to others.
  • During this period, it is important to draw attention to the development of small motility that stimulates not only brain activity, but also the development of speech. Therefore, toys of this plan (lacing, finger puppet theater, stickers, etc.) are considered particularly useful and necessary children in 2 years.

  • Still, children of 2 years are interested in bright musical toys, especially functional, where you can press or switch something. Of particular interest are toys that can be folded or modified.
  • Children of the 2nd years already have their own preferences in the game and favorite classes, they have favorite toys.

Most children of this age are just beginning to be realized to get acquainted with the concepts of "good" and "bad", "can" and "it is impossible." These little researchers actively know the world, not particularly dealt with the methods or wishes of the parents. They often make everything "in their own way." Therefore, so that the gift does not harm the baby, it is important for parents next to the bluer, show and teach him to play with new toys.

What to give a child for 2 years: useful tips

  • A gift must be chosen thoughtlessly and in advance. Spontaneous purchase "in a hurry" often leads to disappointing results.
  • Gifts for so small children, first of all, should be safe. Details in no case should be small, fragile or sharp. After all, the kids of this age are very often pulling everything in the mouth, which is fraught with dangerous consequences. Also, you should pay attention to the presence of small parts that can easily break down, unscrew or tear off. Similar items are not allowed for games with young children.
  • Toys for girls and boys in 2 years can be both the same and different, according to sexual features and preferences (boys - cars, girls - dolls).
  • Gifts It is important to choose "by age," otherwise the child will quickly lose interest in a presented subject. This applies to both very simple items (rattle) and too complex (small designer).

  • It is important that the gift is high-quality and not harmful, because the children of this age often try to taste new unfamiliar subjects. Quality certificate will be the perfect confirmation of the fitness of the toy for kids. The most acceptable hypoallergenic material is natural (wood, fabric). The color of the toy should also be familiar in calm colors, without excessive "acidity". Sound support of musical or spoken toys should be clear, understandable, not frightening the baby.
  • Buying a gift, it is important to take into account the presence of the area and the dimensions of the gift. Not compliance with these parameters can lead to confusion and an inconvenient situation when, giving a dry pool with balls, parents cannot deliver it anywhere.
  • Before you purchase a birthday gift, it is advisable to consult with the parents of the birthday man so that the presented thing was relevant, necessary and not repeated.
  • A gift to a child for 2 years should be bright, interesting and useful, allowing to comprehensively develop a child. Such toys immediately attract the attention of kids and carries them for a long time.

  • Do not buy similar functionality and target toy. It is better instead of the next 55th cars, acquire a developing game or children's easel.
  • Not always the best gift - dear. Purchase toys within our financial position. Sometimes, bright soap bubbles and an interesting book with large pictures give the baby more joy than, for example, dear children's bed or electric vehicle.
  • And do not forget that the best gift is a gift, handed over with love and sincere wishes.

What toys to give a child for 2 years

Children at this age are active, they are unreasonable and strive to know as much as possible. Changing the world, kids are unable to deal with one thing, especially monotonous. Twitage years with pleasure change classes, quickly switching their attention from one type of activity to another.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the temperament and individual features of the crumbs, because the "fidgets" are unlikely to play for a long time with developing cubes, then such an occupation will have to be "to taste." But active children are better to choose a sports equipment or children's transport.

So, consider the most successful and acceptable gifts for boys and girls 2 years old:

What you can give a child for 2 years. Insert manuals, books, coloring for the smallest

  • The subject of developing literature must be selected by age respectively: animals, transport, fairy tales, etc.
  • Literature should be bright, with large colorful pictures, preferably solid (cardboard) or soft (fabric) pages so that they do not swear and did not rush. Books can be the most different: musical, unfolding harmonic, volumetric, etc. The main thing is that the books are good, without monsters or monsters. The rapid psyche of the child is not yet ready for the perception of such negative. A series of small fairy tales is interesting - a moment for reading children before bedtime. In any case, reading books is an important stage in the development of kids, expanding their horizons and vaccinating love for books.

  • Frames-liners stimulate the development of logical thinking, causal relationships. So that the baby quickly did not lose interest in the liners, it is better to purchase several small materials of different subjects than one large allowance.
  • It is necessary to figure out the coloring together with adults, as the two-year kids still learn to draw and hold a pencil in hand. It is better to pick up coloring with bright stickers, familiar characters from fairy tales or cartoons. Decrade, sticking pictures, discussion of plots helps the development of creative abilities of kids, teaches accuracy and concentration. Together with the coloring it will be appropriate to give pencils, markers or paints.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Educational gifts

Separately, you can select a block of educational and inexpensive gifts for children for 2 years. So, what kind of developing toy can you give a child for 2 years?

  • A set of plasticine or dough for smearing fingers kneading, developing a shallow motorcy and fantasy.
  • Large size puzzles can be soft or wooden, and a picture is bright and funny.
  • Magnetic board or easels for drawing very much like babies, because they are easy to draw and wash "masterpieces".

  • Finger paints effectively develop a shallow motorcy, learn to fantasize and not be afraid of experiments.
  • Music bright gaming centers with a mass of buttons, melodies, training functions are perfectly developing hearing, we are talking, serve as a reliable assistant in the individual development of the child. Similar toys are very familiar with children, they can play for a long time, experiment with them.
  • Educational toys are very important and useful at that age, they develop small motility and creative abilities, teach gains, soothing the nervous system.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Sports gifts

  • The physical development of children of 2 years requires an appropriate inventory and sports orientation items. Kids love to run, jump, ride, actively splashing energy into the world around.
  • Support and stimulate active lifestyle helps sports gifts: ball, swing, sports complex (for example, Swedish wall), trampoline, basketball ring, football gate, horse-wheelchair, dry pool with balls, etc.
  • Such gifts will be very useful for the development of toddler health, and not one year will be useful.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Transport

Scooter, tricycle, drowning, Tolokar, electric car - this is the main list of your favorite children's transport.

  • You can choose transportation depending on the financial capabilities and desire of the birthday parents. So, some adults are categorically opposed, it would seem that elegant electric vehicles. After all, except for high costs and a delightful appearance, such a toy practically does not contribute to the physical development of a two-year-old child. He does not need to apply special efforts: to twist or push, just press the pedal or sit (in the case of the control panel).
  • Other types of transport, on the contrary, contribute to the development of equilibrium, strengthen muscles, teach coordinate movements and orient.
  • Scooter or defeated it is better to buy with a removable parent pen and sidushka, as the kids are still difficult to keep the balance independently, and they are quickly tired.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Designer, cubes, sorters

  • Designers are the most different: for boys, for girls, regardless of gender, outdoor, desktop, etc. For children of 2 years, the details of the designer must be large enough so that the baby can be comfortably connected to the elements and blocks.

  • The material from which kits are usually represented by wood or plastic. Metal designers are older children. Playing together with adults, children are fond of the design and modeling process, inventing all new and new projects each time. A similar gift will not lose its relevance for several years, moreover, you can buy similar (or the same) set and increase the scale of "construction". The game with the details of the designer is very useful for the development of logical and figurative thinking of children.
  • Cubes, sorters or transformers are also considered popular toys for children 2 and older years. Especially known for the developing logic of Cubes Nikitin, Zaitseva or Chaplygin.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Practical gifts

Sometimes parents prefer to "order" guests gifts, based on a practical point of view or in the case when toys are already a lot of toy.

  • You can attribute to practical gifts: clothes and shoes, dishes for a child, kids bedding kits, furniture, lamp in a children's room, umbrella, backpack, gift certificates, etc.
  • From the furniture in the nursery, you can give a stools with a table, a soft chair (including a chair-bag) or a sofa, a bed of unusual, animal subject.
  • If the child is afraid to sleep in the dark, the lamp is a relevant gift - the projector (for example, the starry sky) or the clock with backlight.
  • By purchasing similar practical gifts you need to be prepared for the fact that not everyone will like a surprise. Children 2 years are still indifferent to clothes, furniture objects, and even more so, money. Their amazing world of toys entails!

What you can give a child for 2 years. Memorable gifts

Memory gifts are more often preparing close relatives, grandparents, godparents.

  • It can be a silver cup with a birthday engraving, a portrait of a child on canvas, a photo book or scrapbooking with photos and stories from the life of a kid, a registered pillow, etc.

  • If you want to prepare a non-standard gift, you can order to make a book - a fairy tale or cartoon, where the chief hero will be a birthday party.
  • A photo session is also a wonderful memorable gift for parents and a birthday party.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Stuffed Toys

Soft toys - the classic of the genre, are considered a cute and pleasant gift. Especially the children love when a pleasant to the touch "Soft Miracle" is also a favorite fabulous or cartoon hero.

  • Another practical soft toy will be a teddy backpack or handbag in the form of a favorite hero. Children are happy to make their own "values" and toys.
  • Also interesting are soft interactive toys performing any actions. They can sing, talk, repeat, dance, etc.
  • It is not necessary to acquire soft toys of large sizes: they settle dust on them, which can cause allergies; In addition, they are uncomfortable for crumb games.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Musical gifts

Musical toys - one of the favorite objects of the kids games, they develop the rumor and the feeling of rhythm, cheerful and please the kids.

  • Children's xylophone, dull, toy piano, drum, microphone, music phone - the choice is rich and far from complete.
  • When choosing musical toys, it is important that the sounds are not too sharp, loud and the baby was not frightened.
  • Buying children's musical instruments is better to preliminarily consult with parents. After all, not every adult is able to withstand, for example, the "round-the-clock drum fraction" or piercing sounds of the twin in the early morning.

What you can give a child for 2 years. Gifts for games on the street

  • A table for sands with sand or water, sandbox - also useful and unusual gifts, if you can set them in the courtyard of a private house or giving. Any child loves to play in sand and water, launch the planting frogs and sculpt the "oak".
  • The pool is also a useful gift, because children love to swim and splash in the water. You can give the relevant inventory to the pool: baby soap, water toys, etc.
  • An interesting gift can be a folding tent or a street gaming house. Children with their friends will gladly play them.

What to give a child for 2 years: boy

In 2 years, the sexual separation of children is already felt, and therefore boys and girls demonstrate different preferences and interests, incl. and to toys.

In addition to the above gifts, you can separately allocate "boyish" toys. Little men often imitate dad or grandfather in the game: they are repaired something, build or go in the car.

What you can give a child to the boy for 2 years. Typewriters, aircraft and other equipment

  • Toys of different types of transport are of a wide variety of sizes, modifications and models. Some machines are characterized by high functionality (doors open there, the trunk, the crane rises, etc.), others are simply colorful or inertial.
  • The choice of modern children's machines and other equipment allows you to choose a gift to a boy for every taste or financial capabilities of adults.
  • Interesting options for parking or garages, which can be purchased along with a toy car.
  • A useful gift will be, for example, a children's dump truck, which can be treated on the rope and ship sand or pebbles into it. But the typewriter on the radio button while buying early, the baby at this age will not yet understand the principle of its work.

What you can give a child to the boy for 2 years. Tool kits

  • Modern tools sets include a variety of keys, hammers, pliers, drills and other "adults" tools.
  • Role-playing with tools develop figuratively creative thinking and fantasy of a small man.
  • Knight's accessories (mild sword, helmet) will also please the boy, especially if the dad will teach the comic manner to "fight".

But weapons (pistols, automata) Children should not buy such an early age (except for a water gun). Psychologists believe that the faster psyche of babies can cause the development of aggression or hostility.

If the boy is interested in the "Girls" toys, there is nothing terrible or pathological. Boys simply imitate the actions of mom, sister or grandmother: they gladly play baby dishes or dolls. With age, the interests will change and boys will forget about the former "frivolous" fun.

What to give a child for 2 years: girl

In addition to gifts, designed both boys and girls, there are purely "Girls" toys.

What you can give a child to the girl for 2 years. Dolls

  • In no way infringement of gender equality between the strong and weak floor, the choice of dolls for girls is as huge and diverse, as well as the choice of machines for boys. Dolls - Pups, Barbie dolls, small and large, interactive, with a mass of outfits and related attributes (strollers, pots, pacifiers, diapers, etc.) will be for any girl with a welcome gift.
  • For girls 2 years, it is better to stop their choice on the hubbles or dolls - babies, Barbie dolls will be interesting at an older age.
  • You can also find whole puppet houses with a lot of toy elements of different topics (furniture, dishes, clothing).

What you can give a child to the girl for 2 years. Kitchenware, household appliances

  • Future hostesses are happy to copy mom or grandmother, play with their own miniature dishes and kitchen set. Girls are preparing to eat, cover the table, imitate the behavior of adults, learn to model role situations. It is appropriate with the dishes to give a basket of artificial vegetables, fruits or finished dishes.
  • Girls love to imitate the behavior of mom, so they will be interested to play with children's home appliances: iron, washing machine, kitchen stove, etc. Moreover, such toys will be useful not yet one year.

Top - list of the best gifts to the child for 2 years

Summing up, we present a brief list of possible gifts to a child for 2 years.

  • Doll, puppet house, furniture and clothes for dolls.
  • Stroller for dolls.
  • Machine, other technique (military, construction, etc.).
  • Designer, construction cubes.
  • Book, liner benefits.
  • Coloring, album for drawing.
  • Feltolsters, pencils, crayons, paints.
  • Molbert for drawing, magnetic board.
  • Handbag, backpack.
  • Musical toy tools.
  • Musical toys.
  • Kitchen sets (dishes), toy household appliances (stove, washing machine).
  • A set of tools for repair.
  • Soft toy.
  • Inflatable pool, bathing toys.
  • House tent.
  • Bike, scooter, tolocar, electric car.
  • Sets for creativity (paints, plasticine, coloring, finger paints).
  • Educational sets and toys (finger theater, lacing, labyrinths, puzzles, pyramids, sorters, music centers, etc.).
  • Sandbox, sets for the game (buckets, blades, molds, etc.).
  • Children's furniture (table, chair).
  • Clothing, accessories in the children's room (clock, lamp, pocket for pajamas on the crib, etc.).
  • Sports wall.
  • Dry pool with balls.
  • Photo session, book about the birthday room.
  • Driver set.
  • Water drawing mat.

Of course, this is not the entire list of possible gifts for a child for 2 years, it can be continued and completed for a long time.

Thus, the choice of a surprise for the second day of the baby's birth must comply with certain criteria. Gifts for 2 years should be primarily:

  • Useful.
  • High quality.
  • Safe.
  • Developing.
  • Interesting.

In addition, picking up a gift, you need to hand it with a baby with love, warm gentle words and sincere feelings. Every child will gladly take such a surprise, and a fun atmosphere and a festive cake will make a holiday unforgettable.

What to give a child for 2 years, photo


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