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How to determine the size of the gloves

How to determine the size of the gloves
Types of dimensional nets for gloves. How to determine the size of the gloves yourself.

When planning to buy gloves, many people go to the store without thinking about their size. After trying on a few steam, the buyer can choose the most suitable product. Nevertheless, knowledge of its size is useful in many cases-for example, when buying online in online stores. In such cases, the ability to try on gloves, before ordering this product, is simply absent. Thus, it will be very useful to learn how to understand the existing marking in order to compare it with your own parameters and choose the most suitable product if necessary.

How to determine the size of the gloves: the varieties presented on sale

The scope of gloves is quite extensive - they can be used for various needs. Various types of rubber gloves are used in medical, food, chemical, construction and other fields of activity. They act as the necessary means of safety that effectively protect the skin of the hands from external influences.

In addition, traditionally warm gloves from various materials are put on with the onset of cold weather to protect the hands from freezing and weathing. It is difficult to imagine the winter in our latitudes without such a necessary and very useful accessory. As materials for the manufacture of gloves, soft leather or leatherette, suede and knitwear can act.


Currently, such products for every taste and wallet are on sale:

  • leather gloves do not go out of fashion for many decades. Such products are durable and durable, while they can be combined with clothes in various styles. It is easy to distinguish the skin from the substitute - for this it will be necessary to simply apply the hand to the material. Genuine skin quickly heats up under the influence of body heat, the leather reducer remains cool to the touch;
  • natural suede gloves are quite warm and comfortable in sock, nevertheless, in the absence of proper care, they can lose their appearance. They should not be dried close to heating devices, it is optimal for suede gloves to dry at room temperature;
  • bright knitwear and knitted products - differ in quite democratic value and cause associations with childhood. Such gloves look most harmonious in an ensemble with a hat and a scarf of a similar style;
  • at the evening or wedding dress, satin, as well as openwork gloves are selected. Such products can be decorated with handmade embroidery, as well as ribbons.

How to determine the size of the gloves: recommendations

For everyday wear, the gloves should be selected in such a way that they are dressed in their hands, they cause a feeling of maximum comfort and comfort. Information, how to determine the size of the gloves, can be found in this article.

Choosing the appropriate size of this product, it is worth considering the following:

  • if you want gloves not only to warm, but also act as an element of your style, you need to choose a product of a suitable design that sits well on the arm;
  • the glove should not tightly tightly fit the hand like a second skin. Too cramped gloves can be constrained and limited by the movements of the hands, as well as squeeze the palms, acting as a cause of circulatory disorders. It is unlikely that anyone will like discomfort from wearing such products;
  • it is necessary to select gloves in such a way that they can be removed and put on without much effort. With the right selection, they do not constrain the movements of the fingers and hands;
  • if gloves are sitting too freely, they are unlikely to be able to perform their functions of warming. In this case, the wind will blow out under the cuffs, dust will clog, and too spacious gloves can rub the delicate skin of the hands;
  • leather gloves insulated with lining should be selected a quarter of the size larger than ordinary, so that the fit is slightly incomplete. This measure will allow you to keep your hands warm even in severe frosts.

If there is such an opportunity, when buying gloves, you should carefully examine the product, evaluate the quality of the material and lining, as well as the accuracy of the seams.

Thus, gloves should never be selected “by eye”. When selecting a suitable product, it must be taken into account that some materials (for example, lamb skin) have the property of stretching - so if such gloves are slightly crowded, their size will increase slightly over time, and they will subsequently sit properly.

How to determine the size of gloves: Methods of marking

If you want gloves to sit well on your hand before making a purchase, you need to make the necessary measurements. Simple calculations will help you find out which size of gloves is suitable optimally. These products of standard sizes are marked according to the circumference of the hand in centimeters or in inches.

At first glance, it may seem that it is quite difficult to determine the desired size of gloves, because there are several options for marking them. When selecting this accessory, it is necessary to take into account the following information - indeed, there are several types of dimensional nets. For example, European and Asian manufacturers use various sizes, because in accordance with physiological characteristics, in the middle hands of the inhabitants of China, they differ in smaller sizes compared to the Slavs - thus, not carefully choosing the parameters of the usual marking for us, you can make a mistake with the size.

American glove manufacturers use another table, including not sizes, but Latin letters from S to XL. This is quite convenient, since when choosing a product is not required to remember the numbers, it is enough to determine the letter. Marking gloves of American manufacturers can be deciphered as follows. Women with an indicator of a hand covering less than 16 cm are suitable for the size of the XS gloves (Extra Small-very small), at 16.5-19 cm-S (Small). The size of 19-21.5 cm corresponds to the size of female gloves M (medium-average), 21.5-24 cm-L (Large-large). The size of XL (Extralarge - very large) is suitable for a palm width 24 - 27 cm. For men with an indicator of a hand covering up to 22 cm, the size S is suitable, at 24 cm - M, 26 cm - L. The size of men's gloves XL should choose the owners of the palms with A girth of more than 27 cm.

French producers of gloves traditionally mark their products according to the digital system, expressed in French inches. The most popular European dimensions of female gloves are the numbers from 6 to 8 and a half, for men's products - from 8 to 10 (according to the size of the girth of the palm in French inches). 1 inch is 2.71 cm.

How to determine the size of the gloves: how to find out the size of the hand

Knowing the parameters of your hand, it will not be difficult to purchase the most suitable model.  To find out the size of the gloves, measurements should be carried out on a leading (writing) hand, which, as a rule, is somewhat wider than the second.  At the same time, it is worth taking into account the following information - on the centimeter tape on the one hand, a scale is applied in centimeters, on the other hand - in inches. Nevertheless, it is not worth relying on such measurements in inches, since English inchs are used when marking the tape, and French are used when marking the size of gloves.

How to determine the size of the gloves: measure the girth of the palm

It is not difficult to determine the size of the gloves, focusing on the parameters of the brush - it girth in centimeters in the widest part.

The sequence of actions to measure the width of the palm will look as follows:

  • first you need to conveniently place your hand-for this you need to raise it, relax and straighten your fingers up, as if you are going to wave to someone;
  • in this position, it should be wrapped without pulling tightly, a centimeter tape around the widest part of the palm above the thumb. As a rule, you will need to measure the width of the girth of the place just below the little finger. From below the thumb is not worth making;

  • the result should be recorded. In accordance with this indicator, the size of the gloves should be selected.

For an adult, an indicator of the hand covering is about 20-25 cm on average, for children-up to 15 cm. The sizes of female gloves vary from the 16th to the 30th, male-from the 20th to the 32nd. In addition, according to individual orders, manufacturers practice the manufacture of large gloves-female in the range of 24-30, male-from the 31st to the 38th size.

For children, the appropriate size can be determined in the same way, measuring the width of the palm in centimeters. It is worth considering that a single standard for the size of children's gloves, as well as for adults, does not exist. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to purchase children's gloves without trying on. Most manufacturers of such products offer dimensional grids, in which you can navigate both by the age of the child and in the indicator of the girth of the palm. For example, for a baby aged 1-2 years, size 1-1 is suitable for 2-3-year-old-2nd, for 3-4 years old-3rd, etc.

It is convenient to know your size of gloves in the European System of Standards. It is not difficult to determine it according to this labeling system - to transfer it to inches, you will need to divide the result of measurements of the arm cover in centimeters by 2.71 and round the result with an accuracy of 0.5 - to the whole number. The result will be the desired size.

How to determine the size of the gloves: measure the length of the hand

Less popular to determine the size of the gloves is the measurement of the length of the arm. Such measurements should be made if your brush is distinguished by a non -standard length or width.

To measure the length of the hand, the following actions must be performed:

  • first, you need to raise the brush and straighten your fingers, as if you were going to wave to someone. Relax your hand slightly;
  • next, you can proceed to measurements - for this you need to attach the end of the centimeter tape to the upper end of the middle finger, and then measure the distance to the base of the palm.


The resulting result of the size of the hand for gloves must be recorded. In the case when this indicator exceeds the length of the palm of the palm, to determine the size of the product, you need to be guided by this very figure.

How to determine the size of the gloves: we put on gloves correctly

It should be noted that if you put on the glove incorrectly, there is a risk of stretching it or tear it. In order for it to lie in the hand properly, first you should slightly wrap the cuff and pull the glove on four fingers. After that, when the fingers are conveniently located in it, it remains to go through the thumb inside and straighten it. Next, you will need to carefully smooth the glove on the hand in order to remove the folds.

Size of gloves - photo







How to determine the size of gloves - video



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