
How to pay for Aliexpress. Payment for an aliexpress order. How best to pay for shopping for Aliexpress

How to pay for Aliexpress. Payment for an aliexpress order. How best to pay for shopping for Aliexpress
The popular online store Aliexpress provides various ways to pay for goods.

Aliexpress - Online Markeples, who collected sellers from around the world. There easily and quickly you can find any product you need, make delivery and pay it online. To pay, you can use a credit or debit bank card or various electronic wallets. From this article you will learn how you can pay orders for Aliexpress: The main methods of payment will be covered, their advantages and cons.

How to pay for Aliexpress. How to order goods

For order Aliexpress Requires registration on the site. It does not take more than five minutes and allow you to work with the site more efficiently: for example, save your favorite things in the "My Desires" list or in the "basket".

Registration procedure for Aliexpress

  • When registering, you specify your real name and name and email. Check the correctness of the data - exactly the name you entered, sellers will send your orders. The email address will be important to track the order and restore access to the account on AliexpressIn case you lose your password.
  • To order, you will also need a mailing address - it can be entered both during registration and at any time when using the site. If you do not do this, you will need to enter the address already when making a purchase. It is important to enter the address correctly transliterate on the Latin. Be sure to specify the index - when error in the address, you can get an order in the nearest post office by providing an employee of the departure number and passport.
  • Aliexpress Invite you to introduce your middle name - do not forget to do it. This may be important when receiving a product in the mail. If an error is detected in the address and you will have to receive a passport and departure number, it will be especially important - without instructions, you may not give an order.

Selection of goods on Aliexpress

Clicking on the goods you are interested in, you will see a similar page:


Before ordering goods and proceed to pay, pay attention to the choice of product characteristics.

  • Often, sellers provide several colors to choose from. If you do not click on the icon with the color you need, the seller will make a choice for you, and then, with a great degree of likelihood, you will get at all the option that saw in the picture.
  • Do not forget to specify your size. Pay attention to the dimension series in advance - many sizes may simply not be available.
  • At the price is also worth paying attention. On Aliexpress Many cheap products by stock. For example, on the men's down jacket, presented above, a 67% discount is offered. However, this discount will be valid only the next 18 hours. In order not to put the goods in the basket, and then, deciding to buy, not be surprised that it is twice as expensive, pay attention to the discount and timer.
  • Aliexpress Offers free shipping by mail. If you choose delivery by courier, it will cost from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles, in addition to the cost of goods - the exact amount depending on the sender country and your city Aliexpress Calculate automatically during the order processing.
  • If the goods are presented in the warehouse in China, and in stock in Russia, you will be offered to choose from which warehouse to receive goods. Sending from Russia has several advantages - the item will reach you faster, an additional guarantee will be provided and the ability to return the goods within 14 days from the date of receipt without explanation of the reasons.
  • Not all goods are presented in stock in Russia. Therefore, pay attention to the delivery time - if you choose the mail, the delivery will take up to a month, but for different sellers, these deadlines vary slightly.
  • If you need some identical things, specify it.

Formation of an order for Aliexpress

Making sure that you have chosen the goods in the configuration you need and correctly entered personal data, you can proceed with payment or add the goods to the basket to pay later.

If you want to save the most, before payment it is worth writing the seller and ask at the expense of discounts. Often, sellers go for concessions, especially if you take the last product, take a few products from this seller or the product of the desired color / style in the presence of the presence and you agree to another model for less money.


By adding goods to the basket, you can order each separately - for this, opposite the goods you need to click on this seller. " Despite the fact that all goods have different products, and the site Aliexpress It is only an intermediary, for your convenience, you can pay products from different sellers for one transaction. To do this, click on the "Order" button at the end of the list of goods in the basket.

Methods of payment for goods on Aliexpress

Aliexpress Does not provide cash on delivery, but offers several payment methods online to choose from. Money will be transferred to the seller only after you mark on the site that we received the goods of satisfactory quality, or after the expiration of the consumer protection. Up to that moment Aliexpress Stores your funds as an intermediary.

So, for Russia, the following payment methods are possible for Russia: a credit or debit plastic card, Yandexidoney service, cash in the terminal in the Svyaznaya and Euroset salons on a special code, cash in the nearest post office, with the help of a kiwi wallet, webmoney or mobile system Phone. Separately, it is worth considering PayPal - this method of payment is considered for Aliexpress Pretty controversial. You will learn about the pitfalls of each way and what methods of payment will be most beneficial - in particular, the advantages of the Corn card will be covered.

However, the most profitable payment methods vary depending on how much you are planning to buy, how often do you want to use the site Aliexpress And in which country you are. Below we will look at all available payment methods.


How to pay the order card to Aliexpress

Payment using a credit or debit plastic card - perhaps the easiest and most convenient way to pay for the order for Aliexpress. The Commission is not charged.

How to pay for Aliexpress. What is important to know before paying for payment

  • Aliexpress Accepts Visa, MasterCard and Maestro maps.
  • A map of any bank is suitable. If you are using a Sberbank card, the payment will be passed immediately and guaranteed. If you have a map of Alpha Bank, City Bank, VTB24 and others, the payment may not pass if you are not connected to the 3D-Secure service for payments on the Internet. Do not worry: with a failed transaction from your account, nothing is written off. However, to successfully complete the payment using the card, you will need to install 3D-Secure. You can connect this service in a few minutes and completely free, but it will be necessary to appear in any nearest bank that produces your card.
  • It is extremely desirable to use a bank card registered with your name. It will be important if the product is lost, there will be low quality or will come in an incomplete configuration and you will have to apply for a refund. Return will be issued much easier if your full name coincide with the specified name on the map.
  • Before paying, make sure that you have a positive balance, and the amount enough to place the order.

If you have a map in your name, the 3D-Secure service is connected, and the fund is enough, you can proceed. You will be redirected to this page:


How to pay for Aliexpress. How to make a payment

Here you will need to enter the card number - gaps Aliexpress Practices automatically, you can only enter numbers. Specify the timing of the map and the security code, which is located on the back of the map and is a three-digit number. PIN when paying online will not need. Next, enter the name of the card holder. Be careful: often during the transliteration of the name on the Latin, there are discrepancies, for example, "Darya" or "Daria", "Sergey" or "Sergei". You need to enter the name in the same way as written on the map, otherwise your card will not be identified and the payment will not pass.

Aliexpress Automatic puts a tick opposite item "Tail the map to Alipay". This means that this card will be attached to your account, and you do not have to spend the time to fill data. Aliexpress Gives certain security guarantees, but no one can guarantee security in case of unauthorized access to your attacker account. If this is your main card, and the password from the account on the site is not too reliable, you can remove the tick. In case you are going to regularly make purchases using Aliexpress And do not want to enter the data, the best option will be a separate map for payment for Aliexpress or other online shopping with a limited amount of money on this map.

How to pay for Aliexpress. Completion of payment

So, if the data is entered correctly, click "Save and Pay". You will be redirected to the site again, where the status of your order will change to "paid - during the processing process." You will also receive a letter about a successful transaction on an email or a mobile phone - depending on which contact details you left on the site.

Payment by debit card "Corn" on Aliexpress


If you have a Corn Map, then the payment of the order with its help will probably be the most profitable option. This card has an advantage over others. You will receive up to 3% of the amount of the order to the account in the form of bonus points, which in the future can be spent again on purchases.

If you are planning to often use the site AliexpressSuch a proposal must interest you. You can arrange a map in the cabin of the Euroset store chain or Beeline, presenting a passport. The card is issued for free, but you will need to make 100 rubles, which are immediately credited to the account. The entire card design procedure will take no more than ten minutes. You can make this card specifically for payments on the Internet and online shopping, keep a small amount of money on it and tie to your account on Aliexpress.

Payment with this card on Aliexpress It happens in the same way as with the help of other debit cards: you will need to enter the card number, the validity period and the secret code from the reverse side. There is only one nuance, which should be mentioned: Since the Corn Map is not registered, but Aliexpress It will require the name and name of the cardholder, they will need to write arbitrarily. It is better to do this correctly, as in the passport - however, light differenties will not play roles.

If the goods return, the money will be transferred to the same card.

How to pay yandex money to aliexpress

With the help of the YandexToney service, you can also make a payment without commission. For payment you will be redirected from the site Aliexpress On the page of your YandexClocker:


Payment procedure Aliexpress

Make sure the account is enough to pay for the purchase.

To make a payment using YandexDenga's service, you will need to enter your passport details. You also need to leave the phone number - it will come to it with a confirmation code that will need to be entered to complete the payment.

After a successful transaction, you will be redirected back to Aliexpress And the status of your order will change. You will also receive a notice of a successful payment by email.

How to pay for Aliexpress. What you need to keep in mind

Be sure to introduce real names and passport data. If the information entered will not match the real, you may have problems with the return of the product of inadequate quality.

It is also worth considering that when returning the goods, the money will be returned to the same Yandex skill from which payment was made. Make sure that you will not have any problems with the cashing of these funds - the electronic wallets charge the percentage of the amount when the money is derived. The size of the commission will depend on the method of informing funds.

How to pay for an aliexpress order via kiwi

Another popular payment methods is the use of Kiwi e-wallet.


Order Payment Procedure for Aliexpress

You will need to enter the phone number to which Kiwi electronic wallet is tied. Make sure the wallet is tied to your operating phone number. If your number has changed, first log in to Kiwi and change it to the actual phone number. You need to enter a room without hyphens, brackets and other extraneous signs.

After you enter the phone number to which the wallet is tied, you will be redirected to the Kiwi site. There you will be able to confirm the payment, and see the amount written off from your wallet and the available balance. You will also receive an SMS notice from Kiwi that the transaction was successful. Aliexpress You will send you a similar notification to email, and you will see that the order status has changed.

How to pay for Aliexpress. What to pay attention to

First of all, the specifics of working with Kiwi lies in the fact that only payments in dollars are available. In this regard, the price of Aliexpress In rubles will be translated into dollars. In the upper left corner you will see the amount for payment - check it out again. Sometimes due to changes in currency exchange rates price in dollars can be a little more or less than you expect. Although usually these inaccuracies are minor.

Just as when using a wallet on YandexDenga and any other electronic wallets, keep in mind that in the case of returning a defective product or an order in incomplete configuration, the money will be returned to this wallet. Make sure you have no difficulty with the output of funds.

How to pay for Aliexpress from webman

WebMoney is another option for paying for Aliexpresswithout leaving the computer monitor.


Payment procedure Aliexpress

If you have a wallet on Webmoney, you probably know that the service supports all currencies, and most likely your funds on Webmoney are stored in rubles. However, payment for services in online stores with Webmoney is carried out in dollars, and in the upper left corner you will be invoiced in dollars for your order, as well as when working with Qiwi-Wallet. WebMoney system automatically converts the desired amount into dollars to pay for the order.

To complete the payment, you will be sent to WebMoney website, and then you can return to Aliexpress.

How to pay for Aliexpress. What to pay attention to

Payment from Webmoney wallet is very simple. Just make sure that in the wallet there is a desired amount, taking into account the error when transferring from rubles to dollars. Keep in mind that when returning the goods, the money will be transferred to the same electronic wallet. And, as in the case of the card, it is extremely desirable to pay from an electronic wallet registered in your name. WebMoney service requires a user a lot of personal data to make any transactions with money available there. Most likely, your wallet is tied to the number of your passport, and maybe the bank card. Your names have been introduced for sure. If the customer's phio and the payer name do not coincide, there may be difficulties with the return of funds in the case of buying poor quality goods.

Is it possible to pay an aliexpress with PayPal?


Many wonder how to pay an order for Aliexpress Through PayPal. At one time, Aliexpress refused payments through this system. In essence, this is the most unreliable and unprotected payment method.

Risks are related to the fact that after payment, your funds come directly to the seller, bypassing the Aliexpress site. Exactly Aliexpress With any other payment method, it is an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. Aliexpress keeps your money before receiving the order of the stated quality. If you are using PayPal, the unscrupulous seller who received money may simply stop going into contact - then you will not receive the goods and can not prove anything to return your money.

To avoid such a situation, it is better to use other electronic wallets, about which there was a speech above. Transaction via PayPal can be beneficial to you in the only case: if you have already dealt with this seller many times and are absolutely sure of his reliability, with payment through PayPal, he will probably be able to offer you a product at a lower price, because from this order Seller will not have to pay the commission site Aliexpress. About such a payment method, as well as a discount size, you can negotiate with the seller directly in private messages. However, in cases where you are not fully confident in the conscientiousness of the seller, we recommend choosing a more reliable option.

How to pay for aliexpress via phone

This is a simple and convenient way, especially for inexpensive orders.


Payment procedure

If you choose a mobile payment for ordering, you will need to select an operator from the list and enter your mobile phone number. Once again, note that the number is introduced without hyphens, spaces, brackets, or any other extraneous signs.

To make sure the phone number is really yours, you will be sent to an SMS message with further instructions. The SMS message will be a personal code to be entered for payment. After that, you will come another message that informs that the payment has passed successfully and the money is written off. Your order status on Aliexpress Change.


The service of payment for goods from the account of a mobile phone is available only in Russia. If you wonder how to pay for Aliexpress From Ukraine or Belarus - you can choose any other payment method.

When paying from a mobile account from Russia, there are also its limitations. Aliexpress It works only with the four largest operators: Beeline, MTS, MegaFon and Tele-2. If your number is registered with the new Yota operator, you will have to choose another payment method - to make a mobile payment will not work.

In the event of a return of poor quality goods, the money will be transferred to you at the expense of a mobile phone. Therefore, this payment method is hardly suitable for expensive purchases.

How to pay for an order to aliexpress in cash

Aliexpress Does not provide cash on delivery upon receipt. The reason for this is that in this case you can change and not to take the goods from the post office, and, therefore, not to pay - and this is unprofitable to the sellers. This is especially unprofitable if you choose delivery by the courier and decide not to receive an order - then the seller has to pay for the delivery of the delivery that is often very impressive.

However, cash on delivery is definitely very convenient for the buyer, and possibly with time Aliexpress will be able to offer this method of payment. And now, if you pay online for some reason you are uncomfortable, you can do it in the nearest post office of Russia, the salons of the network of stores "Svyaznoy" or "Euroset".


Payment procedure

You need to enter a mobile phone number, after which the specified number will receive an SMS message with the payment code. It will be needed for payment. You can come to the nearest post office and give this code to the mail employee. If you choose the salons of the "connected" or "Euroset", payment will be made through the terminal. There you will need to choose payment of orders from online stores, enter the code and insert bills. The interface can differ slightly in different terminals - if you are not sure how to make a payment, you can always contact the store employee for help.


Whatever the method of payment of cash you choose - through the terminal or with the help of mail employees, be sure to keep checks. Usually the payment comes safely for 15 minutes, but in case there is some error, you will need a check in proof of your payment. Also watch that we correctly enter the code when using the terminal. When paying by mail, after receiving the check, immediately check the correctness of the entered code and if the mail officer made a mistake, tell us immediately.

Remember that until the moment of payment, your order is not yet considered to be decorated: Timer on Aliexpress, counting the promised delivery time, will start working only after the completion of the order is completed. After you pay for the order, try in the near future to check its status on Aliexpress - usually money comes in half an hour. If payment has not reached, it is too early to worry, but after the day it is worth contacting operators Aliexpress With this problem.

When returning a low-quality product paid by cash settlement, funds will be listed on the details that you specify after opening the dispute.

After paying the order to Aliexpress

  • The seller will need, on average, about a day to confirm the order. This time is necessary to verify that all the necessary goods are available, are in good condition, correspond to the color / style you choose and ready for shipment.
  • Sending will take up to three days, but this time interval varies from different sellers. Some send goods almost immediately, some more convenient to do this once a few days to save time.
  • Before the seller will send the goods, you have the right to cancel your order with the return of funds in full.
  • After the seller serves the goods, you will get the tracking number for which you can track the movement of goods.
  • When the goods are delivered, you will see this in the "Tracking of Mailings" section on the Russian Post website, as well as in your mailbox there will be notice. With this notification and passport you need to come to the mail.
  • If you incorrectly filled the address, the order will most likely come with a large delay.
  • If the goods turned out to be unsatisfactory quality, open the dispute on Aliexpress. After successful return, the funds will be returned to you on a bank card / electronic wallet / mobile phone account - depending on the selected payment method.


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