
How to recognize the energy vampire - signs, calculation by date of birth. How to protect yourself from a energy vampire - amulets, prayers, amulets, tips

How to recognize the energy vampire - signs, calculation by date of birth. How to protect yourself from a energy vampire - amulets, prayers, amulets, tips
We will analyze how to determine the energy vampire in his environment, in the family. Ways to protect yourself from the energy vampire and get rid of its influence.

Sometimes we notice that from communication with some people we feel depressed and devastated. Even one thought of them spoils the mood and causes discomfort. Why is this happening? You will learn about this from our material.

Energy vampire: Signs

According to many spiritual theories, our universe is an energy system that feeds spiritually a person who is in harmony with himself and the world. The higher the level of spiritual development, the more we have the ability to receive energy from the universe.

And in cases where a person cannot do this, he feeds on the energy of other people.   I must say that almost every of us sometimes consumes someone else's energy. This happens in stressful situations, during the period of illness.  However, some people are in this way on an ongoing basis, gradually losing the ability to replenish it on their own.

It is such personalities that are commonly called energy vampires. Communication with them can cause:

  • weakness and malaise;
  • headaches;
  • a jump in blood pressure;
  • fatigue and loss of performance;
  • insomnia;
  • suppressed mood;
  • a sense of fear or guilt;
  • confusion;
  • irritation.

Energy vampirism happens:

  • a popular, in which the vampire deliberately sucks energy from you (through scandals, threats, complaints);
  • unconscious when a person does not understand what he does (senile or childish moodiness, eccentric in nature).

Energy vampirism can develop:

  • in childhood - if the child suffers from a lack of love from loved ones;
  • in an adult - when a person often experiences anger and irritation, losing control of himself.

As a discharge, he needs a “thunderbar” in the form of others, with which he gives his negative energy, taking the positive one. Esoterics divide people of energy vampires into two types:

1. Sunny, which are distinguished:

  • impudence;
  • selfishness;
  • chatty;
  • aggressiveness;
  • obtaining energy through the spiritual or physical pain of another;
  • from communication with it, pressure may increase and heart pain will appear.

2. Lunar, which are characteristic:

  • boltering;
  • eternal nagging and complaints;
  • resentment;
  • calm and not aggressive selecting energy by calling self -pity;
  • next to such a vampire, weakness occurs and pressure decreases.

It is important to know how to recognize the energy vampire among people. Pay attention to the appearance of a person. As a rule, energy vampires are distinguished by the following features:

  • grown with thick eyebrows;
  • pronounced facial wrinkles that appear already at a young age (transverse on the forehead, nasolabial);
  • a heavy or dedicated look, which is not easy to withstand;
  • lowered corners of the mouth;
  • dull eye color, which can become brighter after the energy “recharge”.

Observation will also help to determine the energy vampire among your friends. Energy predators:

  • are on a visit without a preliminary agreement;
  • they are abused by hospitality (they go the very last or delay for several days, not thinking about what they cause the owners of inconvenience);
  • they take your time with long conversations about anything, simply listing your problems and failures;
  • gossip and detailed stories about disasters, accidents, diseases, quarrels adore. Seeing how you are upset or worried, vampires enjoy the enjoying and energy recovery;
  • turn on the TV or music very loudly;
  • publicly offend or humiliate other people;
  • do not fulfill their obligations (do not repay the debts for a long time, they are late, do not call back);
  • they love physical contacts (move closer, grab hands, pat on the shoulder of even strangers);
  • in the conversation, they constantly interrupt and do not listen to the interlocutor;
  • you are jealous of other friends or friends;
  • do not allow to focus on solving important issues, deliberately creating a noise;
  • adore mass events with a large number of people (rallies, meetings, demonstrations);
  • subject to sharp mood swings.

It is also believed that cats do not like energy vampires, plants in their house are withering, and household appliances often breaks.

Signs of the energy vampire

There is an erroneous opinion that the energy vampire, to get a feed, always scandalide and screams. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes an annoyed and screaming person is actually a donor who, a calm vampire triggered a calm vampire on the release of energy.

You can find out the energy vampire by the manner of communication. We list, as usual energy vampires behave:

  • they love to cause pity and compassion. At the same time, completely deaf to the advice of others who want to help. Vampires just need to whine and play the role of the victim;
  • they provoke scandals and quarrels, running into conflicts and even fights;
  • they love to configure others against each other, bring discord into someone else's friendship or love;
  • they use the weakness of others, striking the most sore spot. Use a person’s frankness against himself;
  • they manipulate people, try to cause guilt in others, using the phrases “I counted on you”, “you let me down”, “did not expect this”, etc.;
  • they leave the last word for themselves. They always try to win at all costs in everything, as they simply revel in the idea of \u200b\u200btheir own innocence;
  • often they themselves are obsessed with fear that someone wants to take away energy and strength from them;
  • they intentionally create situations that a person, for various reasons depending on them, will wait long and painfully (documents, information, assistance in resolving the issue).

Energy vampire by date of birth and zodiac sign

You can determine a person’s potential tendency to energy vampirism by calculating the energy vampire:

  • write down the full date of the birth of a person (for example, 05/04/1974);
  • submit all numbers (0 + 4 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 \u003d 30);
  • the resulting number also break into the numbers and fold (3 + 0 \u003d 3);
  • if a two -digit number turns out, repeat the addition until you get unambiguous.

Depending on the numbers obtained as a result, people are attributed to different energy types.

1, 2 - an energy vampire who has:

  • a small amount of own energy;
  • acute need to replenish forces at the expense of others.

5, 7 - a donor having:

  • boiling energy;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • health.

3, 6, 8 - neutral, characterized by:

  • not bright -exposed energy;
  • slow recovery;
  • the ability to sometimes "hang out" a little.

9 - a white magician possessing:

  • a huge amount of energy supply;
  • natural protection against vampires;
  • the ability to bestow others with their energy;
  • a tendency to healing and extrasensory perception.

4 - a black magician, which are characteristic:

  • a large amount of own energy;
  • the ability to manage it;
  • the ability to easily take energy without the use of special techniques, but simply being near.

In addition, a tendency to energy vampirism may depend on the zodiac sign under which a person is born.

  • Aries - possessing boiling energy, maybe both a donor and a vampire (especially at the moment of trouble). He selects energy aggressively, provoking conflicts. However, more often he gives.
  • Taurus is a soft but strong donor that can control the amount of energy given. It easily replenishes its spiritual powers, just by visiting alone with yourself. It may not be an aggressive vampire that selects energy through touch.
  • Gemini - and give energy, and take, if necessary. Do this with the help of long conversations or skirmishes in public places.
  • Cancer - can be a very strong donor for loved ones and an equally powerful vampire that parasitizes mainly on households (a man by nit -picking, and a woman with tantrums).
  • Leo - in a good mood, it can give a large amount of energy. But in a bad mood is a typical vampire, consuming energy with a scream or anger.
  • Virgin - as a rule, does not need someone else's energy. In addition, it easily recognizes potential vampires and abruptly breaks the relationship with them, regardless of the degree of kinship or friendship. And in the role of a vampire he achieves his own, making calm malicious remarks, beating at the target.

  • Libra - have a sufficient amount of their own energy, so they rarely take it from others. As a vampire, they are fed by observing the quarrels and wraps of others.
  • Scorpio is the most selfish vampire that can break even a very powerful protection. The main method of recharge is a conflict with a loved one who can bring to real exhaustion.
  • Sagittarius is a self -sufficient sign in the energy plane, so vampires are rare among them. It feeds on other, mainly the categoricality of his judgments and unshakable confidence in his own right, which causes outrage among others and, thereby, the release of energy.
  • Capricorn - his conservative character requires moderation in everything. They are “vampire” when they become authority for someone. This is manifested in excessive moralizing, the desire for dominance and moral suppression.
  • Aquarius-usually acts as a donor because of his ability to quickly restore. And when the vampire is fueled from optimistic people, causing trust and friendly location. However, they can enjoy, and openly humiliating others.
  • Fish - have a small amount of energy, so they often suck it in others. Typical "lunar" vampires that cause sympathy and pity.

Energy vampire in the family

It happens that the energy vampire is a close relative. Households are very not easy, because it is impossible to stop communication with him. It is very important in such cases to choose the correct tactics of behavior in order to protect yourself from the negative impact of a relative - a vampire. Indeed, standard protection methods are not always applicable in relation to family members.

Husband is an energy vampire

Such a man is not necessarily a tyrant and a despot. Usually he loves his wife, sincerely not understanding what she is unhappy. However, consciously or unconsciously with its actions and words, it energetically devastates it. Husband vampirism can appear in different ways, usually in the form:

  • egoism and confidence in his own superiority-the man believes that his interests are more important only because of belonging to a strong floor. In such a family, the needs of the husband are first satisfied, and only then the wife;
  • unreasonable jealousy is not a manifestation of love, but only a way to keep your victim in constant tension;
  • critics - constantly teaching and making comments, a man reduces the self -esteem of his wife and develops in her self -doubt;
  • manipulation - pursuing his personal goals, the vampire husband creates situations in which his wife constantly experiences guilt and is forced to sacrifice her own interests. Often a vampire threatens to care for him to stay;
  • forbids - often such a spouse does not allow his wife to engage in self -education or creativity out of fear that she will surpass him and achieve great success than he himself. At the same time, a man may not openly ban, but gently dissuade, assuring that his wife will not succeed or she just does not need it;
  • irritation for any reason - such a person simply cannot without conflicts. He deliberately starts a loud quarrel, bringing his wife and other households to tears, thereby achieving the release of energy;
  • complaints - the man is sure that everyone around is stupid, and the world is unfair. He constantly complains and requires his wife moral support and understanding, taking her strength with his pessimism.

Of course, living with her husband is very difficult to live with her husband. But if you do not want to get divorced, use the advice of psychologists and esoterics to preserve the mental balance:

  • as soon as you feel the approach of the “storm”, try to direct your spouse's attention in a different direction: ask to fix the crane, offer to drink tea, ask about his affairs at work if the husband begins to complain and manipulate you, take care of some “urgent” case, occasionally asking for asking for an occasion something;
  • when the spouse clearly provokes you, trying to cause a scandal, go to another room or on the street. Return after you calm down;
  • let him make up for his strength in energy powerful places: in nature, in noisy companies, in the gym;
  • develop creatively and spiritually, increase your self -esteem;
  • give your husband more love and attention, although it sounds strange. Think, maybe you are really insufficiently caring and tender with him.

Child - energy vampire

Signs of vampirism in a child can manifest itself at the age of two, when he literally sucks all the juices from his father and mother with his behavior:

  • lack of interest in something;
  • cruel treatment of animals;
  • consumer attitude;
  • satisfying only their needs;
  • nagging or hysteria;
  • poor study;
  • rudeness.

Parents in such cases experience irritation and anger, as well as guilt for the experienced negative emotions.  Psychologists are sure that children's vampirism is unconscious and reflects the atmosphere where the crumb grows. The baby is trying to cause at least some emotions (albeit negative) instead of indifference with his behavior.

Frequent tantrums are a lack of emotional connection with the mother, and the scandal is a request for help. Gradually, such behavior becomes the norm, and in adolescence, the child turns into a real energy lines, which is rude, cursing and defiantly behaving.

Your task is to help the child with an energy vampire:

  • do not look for ways to get tired of it less, but look for a cause causing negative behavior. As a rule, this is a need for affection and tenderness;
  • remember that he is trying to get your love with hysteria. Teach the baby to attract attention in other ways;
  • surround the child with care, he must be sure that we love;
  • do not be annoyed, do not scold, and even more so do not hit the child with outsiders;
  • give the child more attention, helping to know the world: answer endless questions, read books, draw, spend time actively. Do not bite away from it toys or expensive gadgets.

Esotericists believe that the child’s pure soul stretches to the bright and kind people, and whims appear in the presence of personalities with a severe character. Be honest with yourself. Perhaps you need to change behavior, not your child.

The mother -in -law is an energy vampire

I must say that the relationship between the daughter -in -law and mother -in -law is often negatively painted. However, not every mother -in -law is an energy vampire. A woman can simply be jealous of her son, especially if he was raised alone.

In addition, the cause of hostility to the daughter -in -law can serve as a banal envy of youth and beauty. Therefore, first carefully listen to your feelings that you have after communication with your mother -in -law. And if the relevant signs are found, resort to energy protection:

  • if possible, live separately;
  • do not take the words of the mother -in -law close to the heart. Listen to it superficially, without delving into the essence;
  • clearly determine the time of telephone conversations with the mother -in -law. When it ends, say that you are called the second line;
  • turn the support of the husband;
  • smile at the mother -in -law more often and just in her presence;
  • treat her nit -picking ironically and condescendingly;
  • do not think about what she thinks about you. Do not be dependent on her judgments.

Mother Energy vampire

There is an opinion that the mother cannot be an energy vampire regarding her own child, because parents never want evil to their children. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases when mother unconsciously or deliberately takes away energy from her child.

This is especially manifested in elderly age when its own energy runs out. This is usually manifested in the following:

  • jealousy - the mother constantly intervenes in the personal or family life of an adult child, not wanting to let go of herself;
  • constant nit -picking - a whole stream of criticism is falling on a daughter or son. At the same time, the parent is sure that “just telling the truth” and “only wishes good”;
  • control - the mother requires a permanent report where and with whom the child spends time. Often indicates which profession to choose, to whom to marry;
  • resentment and reproaches - she constantly tries to cause everyone to guilt for paying little attention to her, they do not value everything that she did, etc.;
  • excessive care and care - sometimes mothers literally strangle with their love and imposed help, demanding in return a grateful attitude.

But know that usually mothers “vampire” their children when they feel unhappy, even if they themselves affirm the opposite. Therefore, behave with your mother the vampire correctly:

  • try to understand why it is. Perhaps mom feels unnecessary, afraid of loneliness and old age. Talk to her and calm down, assuring that you will always love her and never leave it;
  • try to restrain emotions. Do not be annoyed and do not swear in response. Always keep a friendly tone in a conversation;
  • help mom find new interesting acquaintances or some hobby;
  • if she complains about something, offer help. Ask to specifically indicate the problem, and not just complain;
  • agree with her advice, even if you are sure that you will act in your own way;
  • enjoy attempts to criticize and condemn you. Immediately say that you are unpleasant to listen to this, and if it does not stop, you will leave or hang the phone;
  • talk about yourself as little as possible so as not to give a reason to criticize you. Do not raise the topics that cause disagreements between you;
  • use the radical forgiveness method - accept the fact that fate gave you just such parents. Write down all your grievances against the mother on paper, and then burn the sheet. Mentally thank her for the presented life and all the good that she did for you.

Do not break the relationship with the mother. If you can’t cope with the problem, seek help from a psychologist.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

To build protection against energy vampires, first listen to yourself:

  • Mark, from communication with whom do you lose your energy?
  • Is this the first time or continues on an ongoing basis?
  • A person you suspect of vampirism negatively affects you or other people too?
  • Why does the vampire need your energy?
  • How does he praise you?

Having determined your vulnerable place, you can understand how it is more reliable to protect yourself from energy vampires. The main thing is to understand that they are good when you react to a provocative action (you are offended, justify, cry).   Therefore, try not to give what these people are waiting for:

  • save calm - you can only take energy from a person who has lost their mental balance (the vampire - the whiner do not spare, and ignore the vampire - the aggressor);
  • if the situation allows, step aside and take care of something;
  • a look forward to - it is through eye contact that the vampire takes energy from you;
  • build a mental shield, better mirror, which will reflect the negativity aimed at you;
  • attack the first - this method is quite contradictory, but, according to many esoterics, the most effective;
  • take a protective pose (cross the index and middle fingers, legs or arms on your chest);
  • after communicating with the vampire, take a shower, imagining how the streams of water washed off you negative, and drink sweet tea.

Energy predators can surround us in a work team. Vampires love to occupy high positions. This makes it possible to break into subordinates, refuse, demonstrate its significance.  We will tell you how to protect yourself from the energy vampire at work.

When the vampire-beoss shouts at you, but you cannot answer, do the following:

  • mentally elevate a transparent, but strong wall between you;
  • find a funny line in his appearance and observe her (swollen nostrils moving ears, red face);
  • with deliberate readiness, agree with everything that the boss will say, even with absurd statements;
  • do not look into his eyes. Select the point above his shoulder and focus your eyes there.

Sometimes a vampire can be a colleague or a subordinate who pretends not to understand the tasks, asks to explain the same thing several times or to do the work for him at all. At the same time, you are annoyed, and the vampire receives recharge and satisfaction.   Do this with such personalities:

  • if possible, do not sit opposite each other, your chest cells should be directed in different directions;
  • limit communication with him as much as possible;
  • know how to refuse and do not allow you to sit on your neck. Do not succumb to the words “only you can do this”, “you can handle better than me”, etc.;
  • do not take responsibility for other people's mistakes. His mistakes are not your problem;
  • you can parody a very impudent colleague, repeating his gestures and words.

How to resist an energy vampire?

There are several effective ways to deal with energy vampires:

  • if you start to complain, feel free to interrupt and start talking about your problems. The vampire will feel that you yourself decided to profit from it with energy, and quickly retreat;
  • with vampire-scandalists, always remain calm, talk emphasized politely and quietly;
  • at the slightest attempt to manipulate you, break the conversation with the words: “I'm not going to make excuses”, “I'm not interested in listening to it”, “I have no time”;
  • when they try to draw you into a meaningless telephone conversation, say that you do not have time and disconnect;
  • be firm in your actions. Your "no" should be clear and decisive;
  • try to exclude vampire people from your circle. If this is not possible, limit the communication with them to a minimum;
  • mentally pronounce prayer or mantras;
  • work on your vulnerable places, learn to get rid of fear and obsessive thoughts;
  • communicate more, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. After all, if you rarely communicate with people, then every person who wants to talk to you will be perceived by your consciousness as a vampire;
  • do not tell anyone about your weaknesses so as not to become vulnerable;
  • remember that sometimes people inspire themselves that they became a victim of an energy attack, and give the actions of others an exaggerated meaning. As a result, they become a victim of not a vampire, but their own mind.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that you can completely get rid of energy vampires surrounded. Develop at the physical, spiritual and emotional levels, and they will not be able to negatively affect you. And even if you do not believe in energy vampirism, the above methods will help you avoid stressful situations.

Amulets from energy vampires

Protective amulets will help protect against energy attacks. The most effective and effective amulets from energy vampires have long been considered the following:

  • clover is the strongest amulet. You can put a dried plant in a wallet or wear a decoration in the form of a clover (preferably from silver, since this metal itself has protective properties);
  • english pin - tease it to the wrong side of the clothing;
  • cat eye or blue Turkish eye - in the form of brooches, rings, pendants. It must be worn so that he is visible to others;
  • the symbol of the sun is on clothes or in the form of jewelry;
  • turquoise - such a stone can be worn simply in a purse;
  • the red thread on the wrist - this bondage symbol reliably protects a person;
  • quartz crystal - first it must be washed under running water and dried in the air;
  • a small mirror - wear in a breast pocket. It will reflect the negativity aimed at you.

And from home energy forces they will help:

  • “Fire Rings” - two rings embroidered with red thread on towels, napkins, tablecloths;
  • hung ligaments of garlic in the kitchen or sprigs of rosemary in the rooms;
  • plants that absorb negative energy - geranium, myrtle, azalea, ficus;
  • a pet is best a cat.

You can make a powerful amulet from energy vampires yourself. Carry the ritual on the full moon:

  • prepare a meter red silk thread, coral, wax candle, essential oils of wormwood, lemon and myrtle;
  • light a candle;
  • mix essential oils;
  • apply them to the thread along the entire length;
  • put on coral on the thread;
  • tie two knots on both sides of the suspension, while pronouncing protective words or prayers;
  • tie the thread to wear on the neck (coral should be located at the level of the solar plexus);
  • cut the ends and burn the candles in the fire;
  • let her burn out;
  • take out the ogarik.

In addition to amulets, prayer from energy vampires will also help. To this end, read:

  • “Our Father” is a universal amulet that helps from many troubles;
  • appeal to your guardian angel;

  • prayer - a request to the archangels;

You can also read the conspiracy from the energy vampire.

  • on the boss;

  • on a relative;


  • leaving the house;

Do not be afraid of energy vampires. We hope that thanks to our advice, they will never overcome you.

Video: Energy vampire: How to protect yourself?



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