
What to do if the floor creaks

What to do if the floor creaks
Selects gender: causes and methods of elimination.

Squeaky floor does not cause positive emotions from the residents. Such an inconvenience is annoying, and frankly nervates, moreover, the creaking of the floor delivers a lot of trouble. Below will look at the causes of the violep of sexual coatings and their elimination.

Selects gender: causes


"Musical" floors are often found in the houses of old buildings. The exit from this situation could be the holistic replacement of old boards to new, but it is not always convenient, from the point of view of global repair, and it will not cost cheaply. Therefore, it is worthwhile for several options for eliminating this problem without replacing the floor covering. In addition, it will be much more economical. To begin with, we will understand for the reasons that provoke the creaking of the genital boards in the house. Why will the floor creaks and how to cope with it?

  1. The most common causes of the grade of the floor are the old age of the floor covering or violation of the technical rules when placing the coating.
  2. Basically, the boards make a creak after a while after installation, even if it was conducted qualitatively and for all the rules. This can be associated with the fact that the humidity of the air in the apartment is constantly changing. In winter and summer it is rather low, and in the spring and autumn - on the contrary. All this can lead to the fact that natural boards will eventually disappear, the gaps will appear and this will cause a symbol.
  3. Thus, one of the main reasons for the occurrence of floors is poor-quality material or non-compliance with the basic requirements, which are presented when laying the floor.
  4. If you stopped on a wooden floor covering, then you must choose boards and good quality lags. Immaculately fitted floorboards will never create an unpleasant violin.
  5. Lags are wooden bars, which are arranged horizontally and are the basis for the Half. They are designed to create between concrete and the floor of some space, which is necessary for the coating to be ventilated.
  6. Lags should be sized from 4 cm to 10 cm. The distance between the lags should not be more than 60 cm. Otherwise, floor boards will be fed under the weight of your weight, and this, in turn, will lead to a screen.
  7. In addition, lagows should be well dried and withstand required. If the material is raw, then the planks will begin immediately under the floor. This will lead to deformation, coating curvature and as a result, a unpleasant center of the floor.
  8. Due to the fact that the floorboards are attached to lagas by ordinary nails, this can also be the cause of the symbol. This is due to the fact that over time, nails can break out.
  9. It is important to take into account the fact that laying the floor in the walls must be left for some interval, and the boards themselves thoroughly pull out not only to each other, but also to lags. All these nuances will help prevent the emergence of extraneous noise and creaks when walking.
  10. The floor coating itself should have a thickness of at least 4 cm. Sometimes to cover the floor to use Phaneur, but it must be quite thick - at least 2 cm.

How to prevent the appearance of the screens


If you adhere to some uncomplicated rules, you can make it so that the floor has not creaked at all, that is, to prevent the occurrence of this problem in advance.

  1. It is necessary to choose only high-quality and durable material for the floor. In Europe, floors of pine or spruce are very common. They are durable, durable, moreover, they allocate special bactericidal enzymes. In our regions, it is necessary to repel from the fact that floorboards should absorb moisture as low as possible. Wood should be durable in its structure. This may be, for example, oak, maple or ash.
  2. Be sure to use intermediate gasket when laying the floor. It can be special substrates, insulation, or waterproofing material.
  3. The flooring is necessary necessary to label, leaving the gaps between the floorboards are not wider than 1 mm. This will not affect the quality of the final coating of the floor, but will retain the ideal position of the flooring, even given their partial drying or swelling.
  4. Sometimes the Fiberboard is first put on the lags, and already on it - the floorboard. At first, you will not hear any screens. But DVP - the material is continuing and short-lived. Over time, he is amenable to deformation. This, in turn, leads to the displacement of the boards, which entails the occurrence of a screen.

How to eliminate the creak


  1. What if the floor creaks and how to get rid of it, we will try to explain and provide practical assistance. You can solve this problem in two ways:
  • cardinal replacement of the entire floor covering in the house;
  • if you crush the floors, without viewing them, you can also cope with such a problem by point detecting the source of the syringe and eliminate it.
  1. The first option is quite expensive, the second - on the contrary, practical and budget. It is produced in various ways. It all depends on the complexity of the problem, from the type of your gender and many other factors. Consider step by step several of the simplest and most common methods to eliminate the screen in the floor.
  2. To begin with, it is necessary to determine which tools may need to troubleshoot the screenshot problem:
  • lobzik;
  • the hammer is ordinary and wooden;
  • manual screwdriver or mechanical drill;
  • several screws;
  • nail-holder;
  • wood sawdust;
  • mounting foam;
  • putty;
  • cement.

Wooden floor creaking


Most often wooden floors are found in country houses. There are several reasons for which such a massive wooden floor can begin to creak. First you need to determine the reason why the floors in the apartment creak and solve it with the help of the following simple tips.

  1. Any tree over time exposed deformation, dries or swells. Since the installation boards are attached to lags with nails, it means that some of them can break out and start creating noise. To begin, it is necessary to find out which fastests came into disrepair and remove them with a nail. Self-tapping screws need to be melted next to those holes in which they were nails. And they can be used more than it was nails before that.
  2. Usually, the lags should be at a short distance from each other, not more than 60 cm. If it turned out that the distance in the outdoor coverage of your home is more, and the floorboards themselves are thinner, then the boards can be fed and create creak. Such complexity is eliminated by installing additional lag. For this, it is inevitably necessary to remove all the floorboards and lay the missing partitions between the main. Then the entire flooring is fastened again, but already with the help of screws.
  3. If boards were used for flooring thinner than it is supposed, then the entire upper flooring is removed, and to strengthen the bases directly on the lags the plywood or chipboard are stacked. Materials must be high quality and, most importantly, moisture resistant. The floor covering is mounted directly to the reinforced intermediate flooring using a small diameter screws and sufficient length.
  4. If the boards were briefly prepared, then over time they will inevitably sneeze. This will lead to the formation of seats in the floor covering. In order to eliminate this problem in the slit, it is recommended to float the graphite powder or talc. Also in cracks you can drive away small wooden blades, and then sharpen unsightly places with putty, mixed with wooden sawdresses, or close them with a selected material for floor covering.
  5. If the apartment is quite high humidity, then the boards can simply dance and begin to creak. Most likely, when laying such sex, the rules of waterproofing were violated. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to sick the whole floor of the flooring and put rubberoid sheets on the lags. When they are assembled, it is important to make a small launch on the walls. If the boards did not rotten from the bottom of them, they need to be treated with an antiseptic and mounted on top of the runneroid.
  6. If you have noticed an outgoing unpleasant sound from one or two canopies, it is possible to eliminate it using a mounting foam. You should drill a hole in the midst of the board that breaksled and squeeze the mounting foam there. After that, try not to step on this board until complete drying.
  7. If the flooring crepts due to the friction of the material, then such a defect can be eliminated by additional strengthening to lags by self-draws or nails. It should be made of boards with each other, screwing it at an angle. Such a solution will be perfectly if the boards used in the coating are quite thick.
  8. If you have all done when laying the coating, and nevertheless, the floor creaks, it is possible that the base and lags are made of wood breeds that have different properties. In this case, the only solution is to dismantle the external coating and the installation between the floor and lags of an additional tissue gasket. This can reduce the creaking, and then it will completely eliminate it.

Saw parquet flooring


If you have noticed that the parquet floor in your home began to rush, then the problem must be addressed immediately. Most likely, the installation rules were violated when laying parquet, and this led to the appearance of a defect. There are 3 ways to solve a screenshot problem.

Full Outcast

It is characterized by considerable material and physical costs.

Partial marker adjustment

  1. In this case, it is necessary to determine and designate the places on the floor where the creak is heard. They are sometimes clearly visible even with a naked eye - parquet in such places raised.
  2. After the problem is found, in several boards with a drill, it is necessary to make through holes, in which then screw the screws, with a diameter of at least 7 mm. In the process of screwing, it is important to feel when the touch of concrete coating reaches and immediately stop, otherwise the floor will rise even higher.
  3. Hats of selflessness is important not to cut immediately. After a few days you must re-pull them. Thus, you will create backups that will eliminate the script at all or significantly reduce it.

Skin squirrel

  1. Cyclovka or climbing the armed slots of a special mass mixed with sawdusts will help get rid of the soft sounds of parquet and boards.
  2. One of the effective ways to eliminate the fields of floors in the seeding parquet board is nothing but to make a hole in it not more than 8 mm diameter and attach.
  3. The construction mixture or cement solution must be made of liquid consistency and with the help of a syringe to press its contents in the well-done hole.
  4. Filling is made until the emptiness is completely disappeared under the floor board. Before hardening cement on the floor, you can not steply come.
  5. After drying, the hole is masked by a special putty.

Creak floors from chipboard


  1. If the floor is made of chipboard leaves, their creak can be caused by incorrect laying or insufficient thickness of the materials used.
  2. When laying floors from chipboard, it is necessary to leave small gaps between the sheets themselves, as well as along the walls. If such security distances are not left, then over time, DSP sheets will begin to expand and deform. Functions may appear in some places.
  3. Especially actively chipboard will deform if you have high humidity in your house.
  4. In this case, it is necessary to make gaps between the walls and the plates themselves a little wider using the disk saw. It is necessary to act gently, to follow, so that the soles and nails do not meet on the path of the saw.
  5. If the creak is caused by an insufficient material thickness, then it is necessary to put another number of chipboard or deliver plywood sheets. It is especially important in this case that the lags are located close to each other.
  6. If only one sheet of chipboard creaks, then the problem of the noise of the floor can be eliminated, without disassembled it. To do this, it is necessary to remove the floor covering from the damaged area with the help of electric saw and the jigsaw cut the square from the particle size of 60 cm by 60 cm.
  7. Further, under the sheet of chipboard, it is necessary to put the bars so that they are tightly pressed to it, and then the carved piece of the sheet is attached to the place and strengthen with self-draws. The seam is important to handle with putty, and then just put the floor covering again.

What to do if the floor creaks: video

The simplest and most common methods of eliminating such an unpleasant problem, like scripting floors, will help the owners in its resolution. If you have a selection of sex, the video provided in this article will help to clearly understand the process of dismantling and replacing the screenshots.


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fedya 20.08.2017 To answer

Foam often does not help, the most effective way is stretching by self-reserved material to lags and the subsequent attraction of the lag to the concrete base. Read more here
