
Delicious pumpkin coupows at home. How to make pumpkin chunks - Simple step-by-step recipes with photos

Delicious pumpkin coupows at home. How to make pumpkin chunks - Simple step-by-step recipes with photos
How to cook delicious pumpkin tsukata at home, photo. Recipes, how to make pumpkin chocks in the oven and multicooker. Cuccats from frozen pumpkins are step by step.

Autumn is undoubtedly considered the richest to the gifts of nature at some year. It was during a gold leaf falling on the beds ripen delicious and healthy vegetables, seasonal fruits and berries in trees. All this can be in large quantities in the latest form, and you can think about the winter cold months with a minimal set of fresh fruits and berries and engage in blanks. The most controversial berry is a pumpkin, which for a long time is used to prepare a wide variety of dishes - from the first to dessert. Of course, lovers try stewed or baked pumpkin there is little, but to taste delicious chunks from pumpkin everyone will want. These candied pieces will become an excellent addition to tea drinking or snacking between meals. In addition, they can successfully replace harmful candies, because the pumpkin is a dietary product. In this article, consider the peculiarities of cooking from pumpkin at home, we give step-by-step recipes of how to make a pumpkin of the pumpkin with the addition of various ingredients.

Features of cooking from pumpkin at home

Cuccats are candied pieces of pulp of fruits and berries or their peel, which is served as dessert. Such a delicacy has a rather long and interesting story, which simply cannot be different, since the birthplace of delicious and fragrant candies is the East - the legislator of the most beloved sweets and spices. It was in eastern countries that first began to prepare the so-called "dry" jam. In this case, overseas fruits and berries were used: oranges, watermelus crust, pineapple, mango, kiwi and other fresh gifts of nature.

To date, the candles are still a popular dessert that can be used as a dish independently. In addition, the pieces of fruits can be safely added to the most different homemade baking on a par with raisins or replacing sugar tuts in tea. Many experienced hostesses use their own cooked citades to decorate cakes and other desserts.

In the modern world of huge hypermarkets, you can find the most variety of cuccats made from a variety of fruits and berries. However, their cost is high enough, and you can argue about such a store product. That is why many hostesses pay their attention to affordable vegetables and fruits, from which you can easily prepare delicious tunica. These vegetables include pumpkin. After all, it grows almost on any garden, it can be found in the market, and the cooking process from pumpkin is so simple that it does not take much time, and the result will certainly please the household.

Features of cooking from pumpkin:

  • Despite the fact that the process of cooking from pumpkin from the beginning to the end takes about 2 days, in fact the personal participation of the hostess will need 10-20 minutes.
  • Tsukata from pumpkins have just a huge amount of advantage, among which the complete absence of allergens. That is why they can be eaten from the smallest age. But this product contains a huge amount of vitamins and useful elements that remain unharmed in the process of gentle heat treatment during the preparation of the candied.
  • If you wish to make chunks from pumpkins quickly, it is first necessary to think about the choice of the main product - pumpkin. From high-quality berries, as a pumpkin is called in various scientific encyclopedias, or vegetable, as usually refers to the pumpkin cook or garden, will envy the final taste of the zucats themselves. Therefore, when choosing a fetal in the store or on the market, pay attention to the fruit - it should be dry. Pumpkin sickness itself should be smooth and bright, without visible dark spots and signs of rotting.
  • An important factor of choosing a pumpkin is its variety, since today it is simply a huge number of pumpkin varieties that have the most different characteristics. It is necessary to give preference with dessert or table varieties, better if it is nutmeg varieties that have a sweet taste and aroma, similar to a pear. Usually pumpkins of such a variety in shape resemble a bottle.
  • For the preparation of chunks from pumpkins, the fruit itself will be needed, as well as sugar and water - all products that can be quickly and without any problems in your home or purchase in the store for a small price.
  • Since part of the candied fruits include quite a lot of sugar, this flavored dessert is contraindicated in people with diabetes or suffering from obesity. In this case, do not despair, because sugar can be easily replaced by honey or fructose.
  • Prepare candied pumpkin is possible not only in the electric dryer, but also using a conventional oven with convection function and even multivarka on mode "multipovar".
  • Pumpkin has a rather special flavor that not everyone likes. To make it more vivid, in the preparation of candied pumpkin to add various additional ingredients: oranges or lemons, honey, cinnamon and other spices.
  • Cutting recommended pumpkin pieces in the same thickness and size to further facilitate the drying process. If the pieces are different, then dry candied be uneven.
  • Candied pumpkin can do for the future. To make this dessert for a long time to please you and your household for its taste and aroma, store golden slices or cubes must be in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid or in a bag made of thick material to prevent the ingress of moisture and insects.

Candied pumpkin - Photo

To understand that it is imperative to try to cook a delicious candied pumpkin, one has only to look at the photos from the mouth-watering, golden and useful pieces of candy.

How to prepare candied pumpkin - step by step recipes

On the Internet you can find a lot of different recipes for candied pumpkin, which differ in the way of cooking and the main components. If we stick to the basic features of the preparation of candied given solar berries, which have been described above, in any, even inexperienced hostess, will make a tasty and fragrant sweetness of the pumpkin. Let us consider in more detail the simplest and most popular recipes for candied pumpkin.

The classic recipe for candied pumpkin in the oven

This recipe is its simplicity and the minimum set of products that will be needed in the cooking process. Ideal for people with allergies, as desired, you can not add the lemon, and use only a pumpkin and sugar or a sugar substitute such as fructose.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of pumpkin.
  • 300 grams of sugar.
  • 1 lemon (optional).

Cooking process:

  • First of all, you need to train the pumpkin itself. To do this, you will need a rather acute knife, which will cope with the peel. Gently cut the pumpkin into several parts, then cut the solid peel. Next, completely remove all seeds. You have to stay tight and elastic pumpkin flesh.

  • Next, take a cutting board and cut the purified pumpkin on the cubes. It is important to remember that cubes should be more the same in order to dry evenly.
  • After the main component of the citades is prepared, take a suitable saucepan and place the pumpkin cubes into it. From above on pumpkin, pour sugar. Optionally, you can cut the lemon on the slices and put the layer over sugar. Next, all the saucepan needs to be put in the refrigerator for about 12 hours so that the pumpkin is let the juice.

  • At the next stage, the pot with content must be put on the stove and peel for 5 minutes, after which it is to cool at room temperature for 4 hours at room temperature. Repeat such a procedure 2 times.
  • After the pumpkin is completely cooling, take a sieve and empty suitable container and resolute the contents. Let the drain of the entire fluid.
  • Turn the oven for 100 degrees and prepare a baking sheet that predefined the foil or parchment paper.
  • Put the pieces of pumpkin on the baking sheet and put in the oven for drying for about 4 hours.

  • Disted Cuccats Sprinkle with sugar powder and you can treat. Store such candies are best in a glass jar with a dense lid.

Pumpkin Cooks - Recipe in Multicooker

If you have a useful and necessary device in your kitchen as a multicooker, then you can easily prepare delicious and useful candles, putting a multicooker in the "Cooking Cook" mode.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg of pumpkin.
  • 1 cup of brown sugar.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Half of a glass of honey.

Cooking process:

  • Clean the sweet pumpkin you purchased from the peel before cutting half. After that, remove all seeds.
  • Cut pumpkin pulp into small pavers with dimensions 2 cm for 3 cm.
  • Next, place Pumpkin pieces in a separate container and pour them with sugar. Put in the refrigerator for several hours to the juice allocated.
  • The juice formed must be merged into the pan and add honey to it.
  • Further wash the lemon well and cut into pieces that put in a blender and grind in a puree. Add the lemon mass into the sweet syrup.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and put the fiery syrup, bring to boil and add pumpkin lumps into it.
  • Cooking is necessary until the pieces are soft, and the syrup will not turn into a tight mass.
  • After that, gently get all the pieces of pumpkin and place in a slow cooker for drying. After readiness, the obtained candle can be sprinkled with sugar powder.

Pumpkin Cups - Step-by-Step Recipe With Oranges

As noted above, not everyone loves the natural taste of pumpkins, so many hostess go on tricks and add various ingredients during the preparation of the Cucatians, which change the fragrance and make dessert more delicious. Citrus, namely orange, are considered the most popular ingredient. Consider a detailed recipe for cooking from pumpkin with oranges.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of oranges (if desired, can be replaced with lemons).
  • 2 kg of sugar.
  • 1.5 kg of pumpkins of a sweet variety.

The cooking process with orange:

  • Carefully divide the pumpkin into several parts so that it is easier to clean it, then remove the peel with a knife.
  • Cut inside the seeds, and put the remaining pulp on small cubes or thin strips.

  • Next, well wash the oranges and finely cut the peel, then cut the flesh of the orange into small pieces.
  • Take a separate container, for example, a saucepan and place the pumpkin cubes in it and pieces of orange.
  • Spend the raw sugar and put in the refrigerator to highlight the juice. You can do it in the evening and leave pieces of pumpkin at night so that a sufficient amount of juice has seen.

  • Next, it is necessary to mix well sugar with the resulting juice and pieces of pumpkin and put the container on the slab, bring the liquid to a boil and retain to the side so that everything is cold.
  • When the liquid is slightly cool, it is necessary to put the tank on the stove again and cook for 5 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Let cool. Repeat the procedure until the syrup becomes drumming.
  • Take a sieve or colander and put the cooked raw materials into it, give all the fluid to drain.
  • You can dry at room temperature, but you can use the oven. The tray at the same time is pre-covered with parchment or foil.
  • Spread the candied on it and dry in the oven at 40 degrees until the sugar crystals appear on the surface of pieces.
  • After the candied fruit is dried, they are cleaned with the battle, roll in the sugar powder and allow to cool.

Pumpkin Cucats with Honey

To make this oriental sweetness more fragrant and tasty, you can add a little honey in the cooking process.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 kg pulp pumpkin.
  • 200 grams of sugar.
  • 100 grams of liquid honey.
  • 1 lemon or orange.
  • Sugar powder for sprinkles.

Cooking process:

  • Take the pumpkin and clean the skin, then remove all seeds and cut the remaining pulp on smooth and same cubes with a facet of about 3-4 cm.
  • Next, place the pumpkin pieces into the appropriate container and pour them with sugar. Put the raw materials in the refrigerator for several hours, you can at night.
  • At the next stage, you need to see the selection of juice in a separate pan, add honey to it, as well as pre-washed and crushed along with the leather on a blender orange or lemon. Mix all thoroughly and put on the stove.
  • Bring the resulting syrup to a boil and tapping for another 2-3 minutes. After that, straighten the hot honey syrup into a container with pieces of pumpkin and put a pan on the stove.
  • Next, it is necessary to cook future candle in syrup before it thickening for about 1.5 hours.
  • Virtually ready-made sweetness needs to be strained through the sieve and lay out on a baking sheet, covered with foil or parchment.
  • You can dry in the oven or in the electric grid.
  • Before you have to be cautious, they must be cut in the sugar powder.

Pumpkin Cuccats in Chocolate Glazes - Recipe with a step-by-step description

Conventional pumpkin tsukata can be made of a bright and unusual dessert, which can be served for a festive table. For this, enough pieces of dried pumpkin to cooked chocolate glaze - all guests and relatives will certainly appreciate such a delicacy.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 medium pumpkin.
  • 1300 grams of sugar.
  • 500 ml of water.
  • 20 grams of cocoa.
  • 100 grams of cream oil.
  • 60 ml of milk.
  • 1 tsp liquid honey.

Cooking process:

  • Pumpkin needs to be cleaned from the peel and remove all seeds out of it, then cut the flesh to pieces, and it is necessary to take into account that in the process of cooking and drying these pieces will decrease by about 3 times.
  • In the appropriate pan, pour 1 kg of sugar and put on the stove, boil until sugar is melted.
  • After that, in sugar syrup, you need to pour pieces of pumpkin and continue to boost for about 15 minutes.
  • Next, you need to leave the pumpkin in the syrup by 6-7 hours in a cool place, after which the raw materials are again. So need to repeat 4 times.
  • In total, this brearment process takes 28 hours.
  • After the last cooking, when the pumpkin cools a little, the pieces must be placed in the sieve and leave them there for about 1 hour, so that we can drag all the liquid.
  • During this time, prepare a baking sheet that needs to be caught in parchment or foil.
  • Put on it pieces of pumpkins and put in a preheated oven for 5 minutes.

  • Give the candied a little cool, and during this time make the glaze. Mix all the ingredients, put on the stove and boil about 7 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Each candle on the one hand, dip in the glaze and put on a silicone rug or parchment to frozen.

Tsukata from Pumpkin with Apple and Cinnamon - Step-by-Step Description of Cooking

Cooking the chunks from pumpkin at home can be with other ingredients that will give the main product a more rich fragrance and taste.

Required ingredients:

  • It is necessary to clean the pumpkin peel with a knife and cut into the pulp with cubes with a facet of about 2 cm for 2 cm. It is not necessary to do too small, since as a result, the candied fruit.

  • Next you need to wash the lemon, carefully removing the wax layer. After that, for a few minutes, the lemon must be put in boiling water in order to borrow with the peel.
  • Cut the lemon on the slices and, together with the pumpkin, place in the appropriate container.
  • Wash the apples and remove the peel from it, because in this recipe you need the skin. This is due to the fact that there will be a large amount of pectin in it - a special gelling agent. Place the peel to pieces of pumpkin and lemon slices.

  • Next, we fall asleep everything with sugar and put the capacity of the refrigerator overnight. During this time, pumpkin will let juice, sugar melts and gets syrup.
  • After that, we felt some water so that the raw material was completely covered and put on the stove. I bring a mixture to a boil and cook another 5 minutes. Then the saucepan needs to be removed from the stove and leave cool for 3-4 hours. If this is not done, then you will succeed, and not the candied.
  • When the syrup is completely cooled, we will put a saucepan on the stove again and boil the contents, and then let it be completely cooled. Such a procedure must be repeated about 3-4 times.

  • Let's get carefully all the candies and shift them into a sieve or colander, we leave so about 1-2 hours to completely the glass all the liquid.
  • Ship the baking sheet with parchment and put the pumpkin pieces on it. You can dry by any way: at room temperature, in the oven or in the dryer.
  • When the candied fruit, they can be applied in the sugar powder.

Frozen pumpkin

If you have a juicy pumpkin in the freezer and you do not know where to give it, you can also prepare delicious and fragrant candies.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 grams of frozen pumpkin.
  • 400 grams of conventional white sugar.
  • 300 ml of water.
  • Cinnamon, vanilla and sugar powder for sprinkles of ready-made pumpkin candy.

Cooking process:

  • Take a separate container and connect sugar, water and all spices in it, and then place it on the stove and weld a thick concentrated syrup.
  • After that, in the boiling syrup, it is necessary to shift the pieces of frozen pumpkins, no need to defrost the product.
  • Bring the mixture to boil and negotiate for another 20 minutes, completely cool the syrup and put on fire again. Wegan another 10 minutes and completely cool the future candles.
  • Put slices of candied scenes on a sieve and give excess syrup completely dragging - usually it takes about 1-2 hours.
  • After that, it remains to dry the citades in any way convenient for you. If you dry in the oven, then it will be needed 3-4 hours, when dried in room temperature or in the sun can take up to 2 days.

Cougates are a useful and delicious delicacy that can be prepared without unnecessary costs on their own at home using the well-known pumpkin. As a result of the addition of various natural ingredients, it is possible to obtain the original and fragrant dessert - Cuccats from the pumpkin, which will certainly like to all relatives and friends.


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