
How to cook the duck in Beijing at home. Step-by-step duck recipes in Peking with photos

How to cook the duck in Beijing at home. Step-by-step duck recipes in Peking with photos
How to cook duck in Beijing at home. Step-by-step recipes with photos of Peking duck at home.

Peking duck is a visiting card of Beijing. In the homeland, this dish is prepared in two ways: either on an open fire in suspended state, or in a closed oven at a high temperature that is constantly decreasing. As a result, the preparation turns out a juicy appetizing duck with an incredibly crispy crust. Today, Peking duck recipe is available for everyone, and therefore prepare it in all corners of the world. How to cook fragrant duck in Peking at home, read in our article.

Peking duck at home: cooking features

Preparation of duck in Beijing at home is a rather laborious process. Nevertheless, the dish deserves to try to try. Following the recipe is sometimes not enough to obtain an ideal result. It is important to know some subtleties of cooking this dish to fry the Beijing duck at home as well as in the best Chinese restaurants. It is worth noting that despite the widespread opinion, the Duck in Peking - a dish is quite inexpensive.

In order for the dish to be perfectly tasty, you need to comply with a special preparation recipe.

  • After a duck will be paid and cleaned of feather residues, the bird should be scolded with steep boiling water. In China, to quit the duck boiling water, the bird hang on the hook and pour with water. At home, it is not necessary to be sophisticated in the home - it's enough to put a duck into a colander, to put a colander in the sink and abundantly to ask the bird with boiling water from all sides. Such manipulation makes meat more susceptible. As a result, the duck quickly absorbs marinade and smell of spices, which at the end of cooking promises an extraordinary aroma and juicy, gentle, delicious meat.

  • Marinade for duck in Beijing is preparing on the basis of honey and spices. Thanks to this combination, it turns out a beautiful crispy crust slightly sweetish taste. We can improvise with spices, however, about the ingredients with a strong specific aroma, for example, like garlic, it is better to forget. Such spices score a delicate taste of meat and will have a repulsive effect.
  • Keep in the marinade duck need as much as possible. It is a well-foam-free bird that is truly tasty. In Motherland, the duck in Beijing is placed in a difference in a day before the start of heat treatment. Our hostesses are ready to wait not so long, and they have noticed that the necessary properties of a duck can "get used" after 12 hours after the start of pickling.
  • It is very important to follow the instructions in the recipe regarding the overwhelming of individual parts of the foil duck. Protection of the bird's skin at certain stages of cooking is very important, in order to meat evenly proceed, and the crispy crust is not charred.
  • In the process of cooking ducks in Beijing, a lot of fat is highlighted. So that the fat does not shine where it fell under the grille, on which the bird will be, you need to install a baking sheet with a small amount of water. Water will not only make the process of peeling the peer easier, but also due to the evaporation of the fluid, it will help to become juicy and soft.

By tradition, Peking duck is served with pancakes, Hoisin sauce and fresh cucumbers. Unlike pancakes and cucumbers, Hoisin sauce makes thinking. It is not easy to find on the shelves of domestic shops. If the original refueling failed to purchase, you can replace Hoisin with ordinary soy sauce or marinade, in which the duck has languished before starting cooking. Marinade cannot be served "raw", before serving it you need to slaughter on a small heat for 7-10 minutes.

Separately, it is worth stopping at the feed. Peking duck is cut into small smooth pieces so that the crispy skin is on every sliced. The chopped meat wrap in a pancake blurred sauce and served along with long slices of cucumber.

Beijing Duck: Photo

How to choose to choose a Beijing duck

Peking duck is a real masterpiece of Chinese cuisine, which is valued worldwide. You can prepare this dish at home. Of course, the technology will differ from the original, but the dish will be almost identical. At the same time, the cooking process is not important, but the right choice of ingredients. It is very important to buy a Beijing duck, corresponding to all the dishes parameters.

Just go to the store and buy the Beijing duck from the first incomplete enough. The choice of correct duck is a whole ritual, which directly depends on the success of cooking.

To begin with, it is worth knowing that the Beijing Duck is a breed of birds with massive and slightly raised torso. For an ideal dish, you need to choose a young one, but there is already a sufficiently stupid duck with a large, fleshy, but low-fat crust. If you buy a bird for a dish in the farm, then ask for a duck to be not older than two months, the ideal "age" 60-75 days. Peking duck's spleen is also suitable for dishes. He needs more time for "ripening", and because the slaughter time is 80-90 days.

Before buying, make sure that the duck is fresh and scored no longer than over the past day. Pay attention to fences, they must be elastic and fleshy. Frozen carcasses are not recommended. They, as a rule, lose the juiciness and softness as a result of thermal processing.

Peking Duck Preparation Recipes

In addition to the traditional duck recipe in Peking, there are still several fairly interesting variations of this dish. To begin with, we advise you to try a traditional recipe, and only then add your favorite ingredients and spices to it.

Peking duck in the oven: basic recipe

This oriental dish is not deprived of abundant an auxiliary ingredients. According to the Chinese, the main thing in Peking's duck is a good marinade. And indeed, poorly pickled meat is radically different in taste from the original dish. Do not skimp on the products and time and in the end you will have an unsurpassed kushan, which will explode a thousand taste eggs in your mouth.

For the preparation of the Beijing duck need such ingredients:

  • duck - 2-2.5 kg;
  • ginger powder - 25 gr;
  • flour - 250 gr;
  • honey - 85 ml;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml + 40 ml;
  • chicken Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • milk - 200 ml;
  • cucumbers - 400 grams;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • green onion feathers - a small beam;
  • red dry wine - 100 ml
  • salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook duck in Peking:

  1. Stop the duck, remove the feathers and well wash the bird both outside and inside the belly.
  2. Place the duck into a colander.
  3. Cap water.
  4. Boiling water eggs from all sides.
  5. Put the duck on the jar, put on the plate and place the bird in the refrigerator for 12 hours. This process is necessary in order to the duck out of all the extra juice.
  6. Melt 2 tbsp. l honey. Deliver a carcass with liquid honey and again put the duck into the refrigerator of the clock at 12.
  7. Duck Stit salt and wrap in foil.
  8. Place the duck on the lattice in the oven.
  9. In a deep bastard, pour water, place the container under the grille with the duck.
  10. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and tomit duck at this temperature for 1 hour.
  11. In a separate plate, mix the ginger powder, 80 ml of soy sauce and pepper.
  12. Remove the duck out of the oven and dear bird marinade from soy sauce.
  13. Wrap in foil wings and bird feet.
  14. Return the duck in the oven, pre-warmed it up to 250 degrees.
  15. Melt the remaining honey. Mix honey and remaining soy sauce.
  16. After half an hour, remove the duck out of the oven, remove the foil. His honey mixture with soy sauce.
  17. Turn off the oven and put the duck into it for 15 minutes.
  18. Cut the sharp knife to the duck into small pieces, necessarily capturing the skirt.
  19. Rinse onions. Cut it with a sharp knife on small pieces.
  20. In a separate container, mix water and milk.
  21. Wear eggs and gently enter them into diluted milk.
  22. Add sainted flour to the mixture of ingredients. Mix the dough.
  23. Add 2 tbsp into the pancake dough. L vegetable oil and onions.
  24. Forex pancakes on a dry pan.
  25. Wash the cucumbers, cut them with long bars and put on a plate.
  26. Painting Peking Duck in Pancakes and serve on the table together with cucumbers.

It is worth noting that pancakes and duck should be served on one dish, and cucumbers on the other. Also remember to put the sauce on the table. Suitable as original Hoisin and the usual soy.

Beijing duck in orange sauce

Of course, traveling around the world, the recipe for Ducks in Beijing was improved and changed. One of the most delicious variations of Peking duck is a dish based on orange sauce. This ingredient gives meat freshness and slightly dilutes the fatty taste of ducks. Try and you will definitely like it.

List of ingredients that will be required to prepare Ducks in Beijing in orange sauce:

  • peking duck - 2 kg;
  • honey - 65 ml;
  • orange zest - 40 gr;
  • cognac - 40 ml;
  • orange juice - 200 ml;
  • soy sauce - 65 ml;
  • ginger powder - 5 gr;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Step-by-step duck recipe in Peking:

  1. Stop duck, remove feather residues on the bird.
  2. Duck well wash both inside and outside.
  3. Place the bird carcass in the colander.
  4. Boil water and hide the duck with boiling water from all sides.
  5. Put the duck on the jar and put the "design" in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  6. Zestra Orange Suitoriate on a shallow grater.
  7. Melt honey, mix it with an orange zest.
  8. Duck the duck salt.
  9. Sattail a honey-orange marinade duck.
  10. Place the bird for another 8 hours in the refrigerator.
  11. Wrap the duck in Foil and place the oven grille.
  12. Under the grill with a duck put a baking sheet with a small amount of water.
  13. Set the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  14. After 40 minutes, turn the duck, without turning foil.
  15. Tomit duck at 200 degrees for another 30 minutes.
  16. In a separate container, drain fatted fat from duck.
  17. Fat mix with soy sauce, ginger powder, pepper and orange juice.
  18. Fait marinade duck.
  19. Take the foil wings and duck legs.
  20. Return the duck into the oven, after setting the temperature of 250 degrees.
  21. Prepare the duck at a high temperature of 30 minutes.
  22. Cooking, cut the duck in Beijing into small pieces so that the skin is on each of them.

Serve such a duck is also needed with pancakes, sauce and cucumbers. It is permissible to replace pancakes with thin pita, gramed finely chopped green onions.

Peking duck. Video


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