
Delicious color cabbage recipes for the winter in banks. Harvesting with colored cabbage for the winter: Preparation with a photo. Pickled cauliflower for the winter. Color cabbage salads for the winter

Delicious color cabbage recipes for the winter in banks. Harvesting with colored cabbage for the winter: Preparation with a photo. Pickled cauliflower for the winter. Color cabbage salads for the winter
How to cook the most important cauliflower for the winter in banks: pickled, in Korean, assorted. The blanks of cauliflower for the winter - lick your fingers. How to freeze cauliflower for the winter.

Summer and autumn are the hottest pores of the year, when a huge number of different fruits and vegetables ripen in the garden and in the garden. Each hostess, if she has the opportunity, tries to make as much workpieces as possible for the winter, so that during the cold and frosty months you can enjoy useful products. Color cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables that contains much more vitamins than white -haired everyone. Almost everyone is familiar with this vegetable in various modern hot dishes and snacks, but few know that it can be easily marinated or canned for the winter.

The harvesting of cauliflower for the winter is not only a simple lesson, but also very interesting, since in the end you can get very tasty and healthy dishes. In this article, we consider the features of the harvesting of color cabbage, we note the main options for storing this vegetable. We give detailed step -by -step recipes for the most delicious color cabbage for the winter.

Features of the preparation of cauliflower for the winter: selection of vegetables, options for the workpiece

Color cabbage is a very bright and beautiful vegetable, which at the same time with a rich harvest decorates any bed. In addition, dishes prepared from cauliflower will become an excellent addition to the menu even on the festive table. Color cabbage, unlike its relative - white, pleases with a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients that rests in this vegetable and so the human body is needed, especially in the winter.

Color cabbage goes well with almost all vegetables. Canned sunset with this vegetable always look very bright and saturated. Since cauliflower heads cannot be stored fresh for a long time, housewives try to prepare this nutritious and valuable vegetable for the winter using a wide variety of workpieces.

Features of the workpiece of cauliflower for the winter in banks:

  • As already noted above, color cabbage is not completely stored for long. Even for this, it is necessary to adhere to some rules, for example, you need to store this vegetable in a separate container in the refrigerator, where there are no other vegetables. From some proximity, cauliflower can begin to rot.
  • To prepare the most important cauliflower for the winter, you can use a large number of options. First of all, this healthy vegetable can be frozen and used for cooking throughout the winter. In addition, cauliflower can be salted or fermented, which will be an excellent alternative to white cabbage familiar to all. Preservation of cauliflower for the winter is a good solution to preserve all the taste and nutrient qualities of the vegetable. You can close color cabbage for the winter in combination with various vegetables, creating appetizing assortes. The hostesses also make pickled colored cabbage and various salads with its use.
  • Before proceeding with the preparation of blanks with colored cabbage for the winter, you need to do the choice of this vegetable. If your site has beds with cabbage, then you can not think about the safety of the product. In this case, you will definitely know what you are using. The only thing you just need to remove the crop in time until the moment when the inflorescences begin to bloom, since after that the cabbage is unsuitable for food.
  • If you do not have a garden, then cauliflower can be purchased in a store or in the market. In this case, it is necessary to choose very carefully. First of all, it is worth asking what the vegetable was processed. It is better, of course, if the farmer adheres to a policy of growing environmentally friendly products. You also need to carefully examine the cabbage. The head of the head should be dense, the inflorescences should fit tightly at each other. At the same time, there should not be dark spots at the inflorescences - this indicates a poor -quality product.
  • It is worthwhile to worry in advance about the place of storage of future blanks in banks. Color cabbage after sterilization can be stored even at room temperature, so it is not necessary to look for a basement or cellar. You can equally successfully store delicious sunsets under the bed or on the mezzanine.

Color cabbage harvesting for the winter - recipes

There are a large number of ways to prepare color cabbage without the cost of time and effort. In particular, the hostesses use the option of freezing cabbage, salting, drying and pickling. Consider the basic recipes of color cabbage for the winter.

How to freeze cauliflower for the winter

Most often, it is the freezing of cauliflower for the winter that is used by housewives to maximize all the beneficial elements and vitamins contained in this vegetable. Such a workpiece process is considered the simplest and most popular.

  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare cauliflower for frost. To do this, the heads must be carefully divided into inflorescences, and throw the leg.
  • Next, pour water into a bowl and add a little salt to it, and then lower all the inflorescences in this salt solution. Color cabbage must be kept in the solution for about 25-30 minutes, during this time all insects hidden behind the inflorescences should come out.
  • After this, the saline solution is drained, and each inflorescence is thoroughly washed under water.
  • If you want to freeze raw color cabbage inflorescences, then first of all you need to dry well. To do this, put them on paper towels for a while, and when the inflorescences are completely dry, place in separate packages or containers.
  • The inflorescences of cauliflower can be blanched in slightly acidified water. To do this, you need to add 2-3 tsp to the pan with water. citric acid. The solution must be brought to a boil, then lower the inflorescences of cauliflower into it and boil them for 3-5 minutes. Next, throw them in a colander, let the water drain and put them on bags.
  • For freezing colored cabbage, you can use ordinary bags, bags with clasps, containers. In addition, it is convenient to freeze color cabbage inflorescences with other vegetables, thereby harvesting a vegetable mixture.

Sauer color cabbage - recipe

Like ordinary white cabbage, color can also be fermented and then enjoy a delicious and healthy dish in winter. This recipe is quite simple and even in an inexperienced mistress.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1.5-2 kg of cauliflower;
  • 1 beets;
  • 1 carrots;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 7 peas of black pepper;
  • 3 peas of fragrant pepper.

For brine:

  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 100 grams of salt;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to disassemble cauliflower into separate inflorescences, after which they are washed and poured for half an hour with saline.
  • Beets and carrots need to be cleaned, washed and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  • After that, put all the prepared vegetables in the jar and add chopped garlic, pour everything with a hot brine prepared in advance. Add pepper with a pot.
  • A jar with vegetables should be left for about 3-4 days in a warm place for pickling.
  • At the end of this time, close the jar with a kapron lid and put in the refrigerator.

How to prepare salted cauliflower - a detailed description

As an option, you can try to pick up cauliflower, which allows you to get a very tasty vegetable dish in the end.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 3 kg of cauliflower;
  • 500 grams of carrots;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 5 peas of black pepper;
  • leaves of grapes, blackcurrant, dill and celery.

Cooking process:

  • Ripe cauliflower must be thoroughly washed and disassembled into separate inflorescences, after which it is recommended to pour them with saline solution so that all insects come out of the vegetable.
  • Carrots need to be cleaned and cut into circles.
  • Prepare the brine. To do this, mix 50 grams of salt and pepper in water in water, bring everything to a boil.
  • Put the leaves of black currants and grapes on the bottom of the jar, then fill the jar with vegetables and cover them with herbs on top. Pour everything with brine.
  • Cover the jars and tie the twine, put in a cold place.

Color cabbage conservation for the winter - proven recipes

To date, there are simply a huge number of various recipes for pickled or canned colored cabbage. If you collect them all together, a weighty book may turn out enough. Consider the most popular and tasty recipes for the harvesting of this vegetable for the winter.

Pickled cauliflower for the winter with pepper and vegetables

Using such a recipe, you can get tasty, juicy and crispy cauliflower, which is not ashamed to even put on the festive table. Such cabbage is preserved simply using the simplest products.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 kg of cauliflower;
  • 1 carrots;
  • 1 large Bulgarian pepper;
  • 1 red sharp pepper;
  • 1 large bulbs;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • leaves of currants, cherries, dill, horseradish.

For brine:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 clove buds;
  • 5 peas of fragrant pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to gently disassemble the colored cabbage into the inflorescences, after which they need to be washed well and it is advisable to soak for 15-20 minutes in saline.
  • Next, wash and clean the carrots, after which it must be cut into thin circles. Clean the bell pepper from the insides and cut the rings. Red sharp pepper should be washed well, clean and cut into small pieces.
  • Clean the garlic cloves and cut into circles.
  • Rinse greens under running water.
  • At the bottom of the prepared cans, you need to put spices, cut carrots and pepper, add garlic to them. After that, compact the cauliflower, alternating it with greens.
  • Next, you need to do the preparation of the marinade. To do this, pour 1 liter of water into the pan, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Pour sugar, salt into boiling water and add vinegar at the end.
  • Carefully fill the cabbage in jars with hot marinade, then cover with lids and let stand for about 30 minutes.
  • Next, it is imperative to sterilize the banks for 25-30 minutes, then roll the lids and turn the jars over. Be sure to wrap the cans with cabbage until it is completely cooled.

Pickled cauliflower for the winter with beets

Color cabbage, prepared according to this recipe, acquires a beautiful pink tint, which makes such a dish truly festive. Consider a detailed description of the preparation.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 head of cauliflower weighing about 700-800 grams;
  • 1 medium -sized beet;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 pinch of coriander in grains;
  • 5 peas of fragrant and black pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar 9%;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. salt.

Cooking process:

  • The cauliflower should be washed well under running water, and then disassemble to inflorescences. Further, many experienced hostesses recommend soaking inflorescences for some time in salted water to remove all insects.
  • Beets need to be cleaned from the peel and grate on a coarse grater. You can also cut the beets into thin strips or grate for Korean carrots.
  • In pre -prepared sterile banks, it is necessary to lay beets and cauliflower in layers, while the first layer and the latter should be beets.
  • After that, you need to cook marinade. To do this, pour water into the pan and put it on the stove. Boiling field add sugar, salt, spices, bay leaf to the water. Boil a little and pour in vinegar.
  • Carefully pour the jars with a hot marinade, cover with lids and let stand for about 30 minutes.
  • Next, sterilize cans with cabbage and roll up.
  • Turn the cans upside down, wrap well and leave to cool.

Color cabbage with tomatoes for the winter

Using such a recipe, you can get a tasty and aromatic blank of colored cabbage for the winter. Consider the cooking process in stages.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 kg of cauliflower;
  • 800 grams of tomatoes;
  • 20 grams of salt;
  • 5 peas of fragrant pepper;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of the coriander.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to engage in the preparation of cauliflower. To do this, the heads must be divided into separate inflorescences and rinse well under running water. Further for 15-20 minutes it is recommended to place inflorescences in salted water.
  • Ready-made inflorescences are blocked in acidified water for about 3-5 minutes. To do this, you need to add 2-3 tsp to the water. citric acid.
  • Immediately from boiling water, the inflorescence must be placed in cold water.
  • Put colored cabbage in a colander, let the fluids drain, then put the inflorescences into prepared banks.
  • Next, you can start preparing a tomato filling. Bring the tomatoes to a hot state and rub through a sieve.
  • Pour the resulting juice into a separate container, put on the stove and, adding all spices, bring to a boil.
  • Pour hot marinade into sterilized jars, completely covering cauliflower.
  • Sustain the sunset for 15-20 minutes, then roll up the banks.
  • Turn the blanks upside down, wrap well and let it cool completely.

Color cabbage for the winter without sterilization

Sterilization is a rather complicated process that is often accompanied by the risk of cracks on banks. Therefore, many housewives do not risk using recipes where it is necessary to sterilize banks in hot water. In this case, you can use a simpler recipe for preparing blanks made of colored cabbage for the winter.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 2 kg of cauliflower;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • pod of acute pepper;
  • bay leaf and umbrella of dill - one pcs. for each jar.

For brine:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. salt.

Cooking process:

  • Previously, you need to wash all the vegetables well. Divide the colored cabbage into separate inflorescences and pour them for a while salted water.
  • Peel the carrots and cut into circles.
  • It is also necessary to wash and sterilize the banks well. This can be done over steam or in the oven.
  • Next, in each jar at the bottom, put a dill umbrella, bay leaf and a piece of spicy pepper, as well as a cut cloth of garlic.
  • Put the inflorescences of cauliflower in jars tightly, lay the circles of carrots on top. Pour the vegetables with boiling water for about 20 minutes.
  • Next, the water is merged into a container and all ingredients for the marinade are added to it. The brine boils, vinegar is added at the end.
  • Hot marinade needs to pour cans, order them and wrap them well.

Color cabbage for Korean for the winter - a recipe with a description

Color cabbage in Korean for the winter is a very original and piquant workpiece, which will certainly like the whole household. Consider the features of the preparation.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 kg of cauliflower;
  • 3 large carrots;
  • 1 large head of garlic;
  • red burning pepper and coriander.

For brine:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • half a glass of vinegar 9%;
  • a quarter of a glass of sunflower oil;
  • 2 tbsp. salts;
  • 1 glass of sugar.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the head of cauliflower well, then divide it into separate inflorescences. Soak for 30 minutes of inflorescences in a saline solution to remove insects. Dry.
  • Rinse and clean the carrots, grate for Korean carrots.
  • In the pan, boil water, add citric acid and lower the inflorescences into it. Boil them for about 3-5 minutes, throw them in a colander.
  • Mix inflorescences with carrots and put it into banks.
  • In a separate container, mix water with sugar and salt, add spices and put on the stove. After a boil, pour in vinegar and sunflower oil, pour the banks with marinade.
  • Roll the banks, turn them over and cover them well until it cools down.

Cucumbers with cauliflower for the winter

To prepare this workpiece, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • 6-8 large inflorescences of cauliflower;
  • 8 middle -sized cucumbers;
  • 4-6 pieces of fresh tomatoes;
  • 3 pieces of sweet pepper;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • dill, horseradish - one thing.

For marinade:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. salts;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1-2 tbsp. vinegar 9%.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all the vegetables, and then clean. Disassemble the colored cabbage into inflorescences, cut the bell pepper into half rings, and leave the cucumbers and tomatoes whole.
  • On the bottom of sterilized cans, lay the umbrella of dill, horseradish leaf, clove of garlic. Bottom set up the cucumbers vertically, put the tomatoes on them on top of the pepper, and then tightly lay out the inflorescences of cauliflower.
  • Pour the vegetables with boiling water, after which they should stand for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Water from cans must be drained into a separate container and pour all the ingredients for the marinade into it. Put the pan on the stove and cook until the boil, then add vinegar and pour cans.
  • Roll the jars and turn them upside down, wrap well and leave it until it cools completely.

Color cabbage salads for the winter - proven recipes

From colored cabbage and other vegetables, you can make very tasty and healthy salads that can easily act a full dish. It is enough to put a jar of such a salad on a plate, and the dish for dinner or for the festive table is ready. Consider a detailed description of salad recipes with cauliflower.

Assorted salad with cauliflower for the winter

Necessary ingredients:

  • 1 kg of cauliflower;
  • 1 kg of broccoli;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 1 kg of sweet red or yellow peppers;
  • 2 large garlic heads;
  • 5 buds of cloves;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salts;
  • 1 cup of vinegar 9%;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • green.

Cooking process:

  • Rinse the vegetables thoroughly. Divide color cabbage and broccoli into separate inflorescences, clean and cut into thin straws, it is best to cut on the bow with half rings, tomatoes and cucumbers with large slices, and carrots with circles.
  • At the bottom of each sterilized jar, put spices and slices of garlic, then beautifully put all the vegetables.
  • Pour water into a separate pan and dissolve sugar, salt and all spices in it. Bring to a boil and pour in vinegar.
  • Pour all banks with a hot marinade and roll up.

Salad from zucchini and colored cabbage for the winter - step -by -step description

Necessary ingredients:

  • 2 kg of cauliflower;
  • 1 kg of multi -colored bell pepper;
  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 2 average zucchini;
  • 1 large head of garlic;
  • half a pod of acute pepper;
  • 1 liter of tomato juice;
  • 3 tbsp. salts;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, it is necessary to rinse all vegetables and banks well under running water.
  • Next, divide the colored cabbage into separate inflorescences, carrots and bell pepper, cut into strips, peel the zucchini and also cut into strips. Garlic can be finely chopped or passed through the press.
  • All except vinegar and garlic must be placed in a saucepan or in a pan and put on the stove. Bring to a boil and cook for about 20-25 minutes over low heat.
  • Add vinegar and garlic and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • Lay the finished salad for prepared banks and roll up.

Color cabbage salad in tomato for the winter

Necessary ingredients:

  • 5 kg of cauliflower;
  • 2 kg of carrots;
  • 1 kg of onion;
  • 1 kg of sweet pepper;
  • 2 pods of acute pepper;
  • 4 large heads of garlic.

Tomato fill:

  • 3 liters of tomato juice (it is better to use home);
  • 1 cup of vinegar 9%;
  • 1 glass of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of vegetable oil;
  • 5 tbsp. salts;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking process:

  • First of all, rinse all the vegetables thoroughly. Discharged cauliflower to inflorescences, carrots and sweet pepper with small straws, onions with half rings.
  • Boil tomato juice in the container, pour the carrots and boil for about 5 minutes.
  • After that, add pepper, cauliflower and onions, boil for 15 minutes.
  • Next, add garlic and bitter pepper to the salad and cook for another 5 minutes.
  • At the end, add vinegar and sunflower oil, bring to a boil.
  • Put the salad in prepared sterilized banks, roll up.

Color cabbage for the winter - photo

Color cabbage is a very healthy and tasty vegetable, from which appetizing and aromatic blanks for the winter are obtained.

Any housewife always wants to prepare more vegetables for the winter, including concerns caused cauliflower. You can close it in the shortest time with a minimum cost of energy and time, but in the end you will get delicious and full -fledged dishes for every day.



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